Primary 6 – w/e 25th October 2019

This week we have been learning about multiples and factors in maths. Hopefully this will help us when we look at fractions next week!!

In PE we have started to look at badminton. We learned about the V or basic grip and had a go at trying to hit the shuttlecocks.

In storywriting, we began to write a story about Rosie the Raindrop and her journey from source to sea. We will finish this next week.

In Science we discovered that there is a fungus that can hypnotise bugs and then grow fungi out of them.

In music we recorded our river song and we tried to edit it!!

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Primary 6 and Mrs Kerr

Powerpoints in P4B

Another hectic week in P4B. We have been finishing our powerpoints on Comparisons of Indian/Scottish life and then presenting them. We all spoke very clearly and did some very good presentations. Some of us need to add more detail and that needs remembering for next time. Hope to include some photos of some of us doing our presentations.

We have continued with diary writing this week. We pretended we were Jonah from our class novel – “Lucky Button” and wrote some brilliant descriptions of our day. Well done P4B and we are getting to grips with doing Peer, Self and Teacher assessments. We have worked on a comprehension exercise, answering questions on information about India and revised the punctuation we have covered this term. Just need to see regular evidence of this now!

In Numeracy we have continued with addition and adding doubles and near doubles. Also we have been describing the properties of 3D shapes and are using straws and flat shapes to construct these.

So the end of a busy term. Enjoy your holidays and look forward to seeing you on 22/10/19.

With love from P4B and Mrs.Burton
Sorry no photos.

Hawaii and Hot Chocolate in P3A

I actually took some photographs of maths this week! We are getting really good at using the text books and writing our sums neatly in our jotters.  We are continuing with addition, looking at what happens to the 10s number when adding a 2 digit number to a 1 digit number e.g. 4 + 3 = 7, 14 +3 = 17, 34 + 3 = 37.  Some children were also doing some addition word problems.

In outer maths on Thursday we were organising data using tally  marks and reading the information.  We did a group task and then carried out our own survey’s on our favourite sports – recording the answers in tally marks.  We then used our data to answer questions about it, e.g, which was the most popular sport? How many more people liked football than tennis? We enjoyed doing a survey and we’ll be doing more data handling after the October break.

As we continue our study of Hawaii, we have been learning the names of the islands.  We also compared the weather in Hawaii this week to the weather in Scotland.  We noticed that the temperatures in Hawaii are much higher than scotland and the UV is higher too, however, Hawaii still gets a lot of rain and thunderstorms.  We made our own weather maps and presented a Hawaiian weather report to the class.  We all worked really hard on our maps, writing the names of the islands, temperatures and weather symbols. We also all showed a lot of confidence when presenting in front of the class.

We have been learning about Hawaiian Tikis, these are found in many places in Hawaii, including wooden masks hung on walls and even on jewellery.  Each mask has a different facial expression and has a different purpose. A Tiki mask in a home might be thought to protect people from danger, while another mask might bring good luck.  We had great fun making scary masks to ward off danger or nicer expressions for good luck.

On Friday we had our ‘Be Excited About Reading’ event.  We had a great time reading our books and sharing them with our friends.  The hot chocolate and marshmallows were tasty too!  After the holiday we will begin to increase our reading skills further as we become ‘reflective readers’ through lessons targeting reading comprehension.

What a quick first term!  P3A have worked extremely hard and always give 100%, it is lovely to be teaching such enthusiastic and eager to learn children 🙂

Have a lovely break, see you on 22nd October.

P3A and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 5/6 week ending 11.10.19

This week we have been investigating hydro power in science. We made a water wheel turn and it generated enough power to light an Led bulb. We are using a solar panel after the holidays and looking at how Scotland is meeting its targets for renewable energy.

Primary 6 were finding out about polio as they are going to be running Rotakids and will be organising a dress down day fpr purple4polio.

Primary 5 have been working in their groups for their social enterprise work. They have been deciding on the causes and events they want to carry out.

We completed our 3d shape work and will be looking at 2d shape next term.


We painted pictures of animals that live in and around the Ama                                                          

by Daniel and Finlay


Primary 6 – w/e 11th October 2019

Our final week of Term 1.

This week we have more mental maths, exploring addition through number talks and mental addition of bigger numbers.

We finished our block of basketball lessons, with some shooting and mini games, practising all the skills we have learned this term.

In Short Read this week our activity was a Blankety Blank. Ask us what we did for this.

In music we wrote and recorded our song about rivers.

We wrote an imaginative story about our mythical creatures.

Have a lovely holiday.

Kind regards

Primary 6 and Mrs Kerr

PPrimary 4B – The Diary Writers

In Primary 4B we have been writing diary entries. We watched a video clip of a girl called Nisha who lived in an Indian village. She told us about her day and we discussed how different it was to a typical day in our life. We then pretended we were Nisha and wrote about her day. We remembered to use “I”, keep the events in sequence and use time connectives. Some brilliant diary entries. Well done everybody. Also in Literacy, we have been learning where to use exclamation marks in sentences. We now know when to use a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark at the end of a sentence.
In Numeracy we are continuing our work with higher numbers and have been looking at adding doubles and near doubles. We have also been working out how many vertices, edges and surfaces 3D shapes have. This was also explored in our work with some of the P7’s when we went outside and made 3D shapes out of twigs. Some of them stayed together!! We also used straws to make 3D shapes – some more successful than others.
We have continued our research on our chosen subjects and will do our presentations next week. Really looking forward to seeing and hearing them!
Sorry there’s no photos this week but we took them on the school ipad and as I wasn’t in yesterday couldn’t get them. Lovely to see you all again this week.
Live from P4B and Mes. Burton

Sea Turtles and Sharks in P3A

Following on from our beautiful artwork last week, we have been doing more research on the green sea turtle.  On Monday we did some ‘reading for information’ where we read a passage about green sea turtles and wrote notes on what they look like, where they live and what they eat.  We then used netbooks to find some other interesting facts and took notes on these too.  On Tuesday we used our notes to write fact files about green sea turtles.  We worked hard on our research skills, reading for information is quite new to us and we had to read carefully to find the information we needed.  At the end of the week we did a reading comprehension on sharks.  A lot of us are really interested in sharks and enjoyed finding out more about them.  Again, we had to look closely for words and clues to help us answer the questions. Good work P3A!

In numeracy, we are continuing to learn addition facts to 20.  We have also been reading word problems and translating them into written sums in our jotters.  We have begun doing short ‘Number Talks’ most days, these are mental maths exercises to improve our number sense and to help us  to solve calculations quickly.  We each try to solve the problem in our heads, then we talk with others in the class, explaining our thinking and sharing strategies. There are a few hand signals that we use during number talks sessions and we have enjoyed putting these into practise.

Number Talks Hand Signals in English and Spanish

In French, we continued to practise greetings.  We have been learning:

  • salut – hi
  • bonjour – hello
  • ça va? – how are you
  • ça va mal – I’m not so good
  • ça va bien – I’m good
  • pas mal – not bad
  • bonsoir – good evening
  • bonne nuit – goodnight
  • au revoir – goodbye

We played pairs and snap, matching the phrases to pictures.  It was good fun and it made us say the words a lot 🙂

Our House Captains led the assembly on Friday and they taught us a little about each of our houses – Binns, Ochiltree, Hopetoun and Champfleurie.  It was interesting finding out about the real houses.  They also launched a competition for us to draw pictures of the houses, the winners will have their picture displayed in the school corridor.  We will do our pictures in class after the October break.

Have a good weekend everyone, from P3A and Mrs Kennedy


Welcome to p5/6 4.10.19




In science we were learning about different types of energy and now we are going to  find out about how electricity is made. We are learning about rebewable and non renewable sources. Find out more next week!


In maths we were rounding  to the nearest tens and hundreds and  we were estimating  in maths . For number talks we were estimating from guesses how many prisms were in a glass.


iN 3d shape we were investigating nets for cube. Our challenge was to find as many different nets as possible. We found 10!

In literacy we were doing comprehension and going back into Roald Dahl’s child hood.  We were also doing an information slip on the Amazon River .

In music we were doing Saturday night song with Ms Bain. This week we were adding lots of different musical instruments for the song. We recorded it for the class .

In PE Mrs Mc Vay tired  us out when we played “exhaustion.

Have a good weekend .


Friendly dragon writing in P1B

Thank you for attending parents’ evening – it was lovely to meet you all!

The sounds we learned this week are:

e – lift off the top and scoop out the egg

h – down the head to the horse’s hooves and over his back

Here is our super writing on whiteboards – we’re working hard to form the letters correctly and sit them on the line:

We need to remember to make the h tall or else it looks like a n! Here’s the website we use to practise this:

In Literacy we did our first ever piece of writing – we wrote a description of the friendly dragon. Mrs Bell was so impressed with us!

In Numeracy we worked on ordering numbers to 10 forwards and backwards. Here’s a game we played in class:

Free play fun:

Admin for next week:

  • No new sounds next week as we will be revising the sounds we have learned so far
  • On Wednesday we will be making a beanstalk for Jack – if you have any spare green material  that we could use to make the leaves that would be a big help.

Have a lovely weekend,

Love P1B and Mrs Bell x

Primary 6 – w/e 4th October 2019

Another busy week here in Primary 6.

It was lovely to chat with you all and to share your child’s progress.

In maths we have been exploring place value, looking at addition and subtraction of numbers and also exploring methods of how to find a number half way between two other numbers.

In writing, we created cinquain poems about autumn. Ask us the rules for creating one of these poems.

In PE we have had the opportunity to play some mini games of basketball, putting into practise all the skills we have been learning this term.

In music we have started to create a song about rivers.

In science we were learning about energy, playing a loop game to help us remember different energy sources.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Primary 6 and Mrs Kerr

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