P1B Alphabet, Engines and Scots!

Hello, an eclectic mix this week!  In literacy we have been focusing on alphabetical order and handwriting.  We are getting very good at alphabetical order, singing the alphabet song really helps.  We’ve tried lots of different activities as we practise.

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We have also been working on our handwriting, concentrating on forming each letter correctly – no lazy letters!  Again, we tried lots of different methods to perfect our skills.

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In maths, we have been working on some vocabulary – smaller, larger, smallest and largest when comparing quantities and numbers.  We have also been looking at patterns – P1B are very good at making patterns.  We made some patterns with people – see if you can guess the patterns we were making in these pictures:




We also worked in teams to make repeating patterns with coloured card. We worked well together, discussing with each other how to lay it out to make a pattern.  We also made more complicated patterns with shapes and will continue to work on this next week.  We’ll also be looking at odd and even numbers.

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We have been looking at steam trains this week and make train pictures, printing using shapes.

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At assembly in Friday, P6 put on an amazing performance of Scots songs and poems, we really liked the funny one called ‘If You will Marry Me’, they had some very funny actions too.034

Each class then told the assembly a little of what they have been working on in class, we showed some of our paintings and sang a song.  it was very exciting performing in front of a big audience – we loved it!

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What a super end to the week!  Looking forward to what next week brings.

Have a lovely weekend, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Happy Chinese New Year!

Primary 4A led us through a colourful Chinese New Year celebration last Friday, of acting, singing and dancing. The children have spent weeks making props including a magical Chinese dragon and learning words and songs in Mandarin. Did you know that 2017 is the year of the Rooster? Well done to Mrs Newton, Mrs Hutton and everyone else involved. Xinnian Kuaile!  Happy Chinese New Year from all of us here at Springfield!

Miss Baillie x

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P2/3 Outdoor Learning

Winter Art and Science activities- Ice Art and Lanterns.


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Creating number squares.

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A Winter walk to find berries, seeds and blossom.

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More Ice Art and Lanterns.

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Working on a timeline.



Bioblitz with the RSPB.

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Our Christmas Singalongs

In December we managed to learn lots of new songs for our Singalongs. We enjoyed performing in front of an audience and by the final performance our confidence had certainly grown. We showed that we could talk confidently and clearly into a microphone, sing lots of songs in front of an audience and play instruments in time to the music.

We also had great fun at our parties where we were able to dance expressively and play lots of games. We certainly enjoyed the food on offer at our parties.

In our construction area in December we built a sleigh and took on the roles of elves, Santa and reindeer. We were extremely busy. We had lots of letters to read to make sure we had all the correct presents for the children.

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P7a Weekly update

Another jam packed week in P7a.
This week we started our Christmas preparations. In RME we talked about the Christian story of Christmas and the children discussed some tricky questions such as “what would have happened if Joseph did not stand by Mary?”, “what gifts would we bring such a special baby today?” and “would you follow a star?”. Interesting discussions indeed.
Within democracy our parties are in the midst of recording their broadcasts ready for our election on Tuesday. The manifestos and campaigns are complete, who will win the vote of the school?
Thursday saw the last of our skiing lessons. What a fabulous opportunity for us all, with everyone overcoming fears and pushing themselves out of their comfort zone (especially Mrs Gordon ). As the children got braver, Mrs Gordon became more afraid!
Lots of singing this week too, with our preparations for our Carol Concert on Tuesday and Scottish Opera. The Tale O’ Tam O’ Shanter is coming along well for our performance on the 23rd January 2017.
Mrs Gordon and P7a

P1B Christmas Excitement

P1B have been absolute troopers this week, they are very tired at this stage in the term but are still full of life and are working very hard.  Their excitement is contagious and I don’t think there is a nicer place to be in the run up to Christmas.

On Monday we played party games during PE in preparation for our party next week.  It was really good fun, we were very good sports and were showing some fantastic dance moves!

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We have been doing some lovely art work this week – related to our new sounds j and v.  We made jellyfish and jingle bells for j and vases and volcanoes for v.

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We made snowmen with  Mrs Begarnie on Tuesday as part of our study on forms of water.

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Rev. Cheryl McKellar-Young from St Michael’s visited on Wednesday, she told a very good story at milk time.

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We are continuing addition in maths, this week we looked at all the ways of adding to 8 and 9.

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On Thursday we had an afternoon looking closely at Stick Man by Julia Donalsdon, we read the story and watched the short film, then had a carousel of activities: re-telling the story using puppets, send a postcard home to the Stick family, sequence the story by creating a comic strip and draw your favourite part of the story.  It was a great afternoon, the children really got into the story, thinking about the events in detail and how the Stick Man and his family might be feeling.  They really liked the part where Santa saved the day!  Looking at them working during this lesson made showed just how far they’ve come this term.  The writing was excellent and I could see and hear lots of children sounding out as they attempted to write words and sentences. The puppet shows were good too, there are some good organisers in P1B. Good job guys!

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On Friday morning we read our reading books to a friend.  We like the Biff, Chip and Kipper stories and often notice extra things going on by looking closely at the pictures.  We read really well  – again, lovely to see the new skills they are picking up.

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Phew! Another busy week.  Christmas party and church service to look forward to next week, along with lots of Christmas activities.  Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Kennedy and P1B x

P6B Carol Singing

Well done to the P6B singers who performed their Christmas songs to the rest of the school this morning. Beautiful singing!

P4 Posties!


Thank you to all of our lovely P4 children who have organised our Christmas post in School. Children from all classes are enjoying using the post box to post their Christmas cards which are then sorted and delivered to each class by P4. Miss Hutton and I had a little smile yesterday when Anna in P4 told us that she was enjoying being the post van! Good on you Anna and great work P4!  You are all truly amazing!

Miss Baillie xx

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Nativity Success!

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Well done to all of our Primary 1 and Primary 2 children who sang and acted their hearts out during their Nativity performance this week. The Innkeeper’s Breakfast was such a comical way to tell this important story and Finlay played the lead role with gusto. We know that you were a bit poorly this week Finlay,  but you rose to the challenge and performed brilliantly as did all of our other Stars! Thank you so much to our P6 ‘technical gurus’, Adam and James,  for ensuring that the sound and lighting was perfect. Thank you to all parents who came into school to paint props and especially to the teachers: Miss Harrison, Mrs Kennedy, Miss Mudd and Mrs Burton for their hard work! What a super show everyone! Roll on Christmas!

Miss Baillie x

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