P6 Camp Dounans Day 1

Despite the rain and the midges P6 are having a FANTASTIC first day at camp and  are doing Springfield proud. Activities have included crate climb, tree climb and orienteering. Here are a few photos from today:

The wifi is quite slow – it has taken about 45 minutes to upload these photos so we will share most of the photos when we get back to school.

We’re off for hot chocolates now 🙂

Night night,

Love P6 and staff x



P7 Camping Stars!

Just a wee post to say thank you so much to our amazing P7 children, Mr Logan, Mrs Gordon and Mrs Hogg for being such amazing company at Dukeshouse Wood this past week. We had a fantastic time we had and I am so proud of everyone! What a fabulous school we are! All children were an absolute joy to care for and were a credit to their parents. You are all sparkling stars!


Miss Baillie Xx

Our Local Community – P1B

Hello, what a full week this has been! We began the week with a visit from three Police Officers – Heather, Leo and Liam. They gave a very informative talk and we asked them lots of questions. They even let us go into their Police van and press the siren, what a great way to start the week.

We have a new yoga resource and Mrs Kennedy has been on a course to help her to teach yoga to children. We tried it out during PE this week and we had good fun trying the proper yoga positions. It was quite tricky and we had to use lots of muscles, it was also relaxing and we had nice music on and practised being calm and breathing deeply.

In maths, we have been looking at capacity and symmetry.  We had fun playing in the water with measuring equipment and using cubes to fill objects around the classroom.  We were also learning how to estimate before we investigated.

Looking at our butterflies inspired our symmetry lessons.

Our topic ‘Our Local Community’ really stepped up a gear this week.  We had a meeting to decide what we would like to learn about our community, then worked in groups to write our plans. Lots of children want to learn more about local services – the Leisure Centre, shops and landmarks, and people who work locally – police, firefighters, vets, nurses.


We also discussed what we could turn our role play area into.  After a vote it was decided that we would make it into the Leisure Centre. We have worked hard making signs and gathering resources.  So far we’ve had great fun playing in it.  There are lots of swimming lessons taking place and they are very efficient at asking for people with a certain colour of band to leave the pool when their time is up.

It is lovely to see how eager and confident the children are at talking in front of an audience.  So far, they have all loved talking to the class about what Tess got up to at their house.  Three more excellent talks this week.

On Friday, we released the butterflies.  It has been nice having them in the classroom but it was also good to release them into their natural habitat.  We will be keeping an eye out for them flying around Springfield.

We hope you have a good weekend, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Daniel’s Chess Success!

We are very proud of Daniel Lane in P2/3. Daniel is only in P2 yet his chess skills are exceptional for his age! We are so lucky to have you as part of our school Daniel and we can’t wait to see how your chess progresses as you get older! Here is a photo of Daniel with his recent trophy! Our school is full of superstars! Please don’t hesitate to send your child along to see me with their achievements.

Miss Baillie x


P1B Superstars!

Thank you so much to Mrs Kennedy and her lovely P1B children for their beautiful Assembly about ‘growing’ yesterday. The butterfly song was my favourite part as well as the recount of the Hungry Caterpillar story. Well done especially to Noah! What a great caterpillar you were!

We have so much enjoyed welcoming Mr Wells this week and we are so excited to be working with you! Go Team Springfield!


I hope that you have all been enjoying the sunny weather! Have a fabulous weekend!

Miss Baillie xx


P1B – Assembly Superstars!

Thank you again to those who came to our assembly.  We are lucky to have such supportive parents. The children are, quite rightly, very pleased with themselves for putting on two fantastic shows this morning. I am very proud of them too, they have indeed grown a huge amount this year, in every sense of the word 🙂

We have had three more very good talks about what Tess has been up to on her adventures.  All the children have been very confident and have spoken well.  I’m afraid to say, the snoring is persisting.  We’re looking forward to hearing what she gets up to next week.

We have been seeking shade the past couple of days, yesterday we went into the outdoor classroom to get some fresh air.

Our caterpillars are all in their cocoons and I think the warm weather may speed up their hatching.  They have now been transferred to the butterfly net with leaves and oranges in case they hatch over the weekend.

Have a lovely weekend.  From P1B and Mrs Kennedy


Nursery news


Our buddies sent us all a letter to tell us a little about them. During the week we then met our buddies and they played with us in nursery. We were able to share with our buddies some of the things we have been learning in nursery. We can’t wait to meet them again this week.






Our caterpillars

Our caterpillars have really grown and have now formed a chrysalis. We have now transferred them to the butterfly pavilion. We wonder how long it will take before they are butterflies. We can’t wait.


Farewell Mrs Malcolm and Thank you!

We said a sad farewell to Mrs Malcolm, our acting HT today, after helping to lead us for the past eight months.  We are pleased that Mrs Malcolm can now go and enjoy her well deserved retirement but we will all really miss working with her around school. Thank you so much Mrs Malcolm for all that you have done!  We have all loved working with you!

Next week we have the pleasure of welcoming out new HT, Mr Wells, into our school.  We are so much looking forward  to working with him and taking the next step on our ‘learning journey’  at Springfield and Bonnytoun…

Miss Baillie xxx


Caterpillars and Capital Letters in P1B

Hello, this week we have been watching closely as our caterpillars grow, right before our eyes it seems! They are very active and are certainly getting very big, I won’t be surprised if they are in their cocoons when we return on Monday.


We have been looking at capital letters this week, learning to recognise and write capital letters and when to use them.  We had a lot of fun as we explored their different shapes, we have been painting, drawing in sand,  writing capital letter graffiti, playing snap and pairs, magnetic letters, driving cars around capital letter race tracks, using lego bricks and pegs as we match the capital letter to the lowercase letter,  and lots more.


We have also been looking at different genres of writing, trying instructions and persuasive writing this week.  We wrote instructions on how to wash your hands and we made anti-litters posters for a competition run by Burgh Beautiful.  This tied in well with our Local Community focus as we discussed all the nice places in Linlithgow and what happens when people leave litter. The winning entries will be displayed on the High Street. The children really thought about their designs and followed the instructions to keep them simple and bright with a clear message.  These are just a very small sample (due to photo no. restrictions) but they were all very good 🙂

In maths, we have been using subtraction to work out ‘how many more?’ when comparing amounts.  At the end of the week we did some weighing, using balance scales. We weighed objects around the classroom, including Noah’s shoe, and counted to see how many cubes it would take to balance the scales.  The shoe took 75 cubes!  We have also been looking at kitchen scales, practising how to weigh by reading the dial and seeing how many grams they weigh.  We were so busy I forgot to take any pictures, sorry.

Tess, our traveling ted has visited Imogen and Lauren’s houses this week, she had had a great time, however, we have discovered that she snores!  The girls did a super job of telling us what she has been up to.

We are continuing to look after the tubs outside, making sure they get lots of water in this warm weather.

We have also been busy with our assembly preparations, continuing to make props and practise our words and songs.  We’re all really looking forward to seeing you next Friday.  Have a good weekend.

Primary 1B and Mrs Kennedy x

P5 Brass Day!

Thank you so much to Mrs Bisson, our brass instructor, for taking two of our talented P5 children to play at the West Lothian Schools’ Brass Day. This event was held at Strathbrock Centre in Broxburn and Millie Haokip and Joanna Begarnie in P5A both attended.  Both girls loved the experience and had a wonderful day!

Miss Baillie x

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