‘Well Done!’ From Miss Baillie…

Well done to the following children for their achievements over the last new weeks…

Jack Stapleton in P2 for gaining a new belt in Judo! Super effort Jack!

Eilidh Candlish in P2/3 for her wonderful work in gymnastics! What a star that you are Eilidh!

Cori Outram in P2/3 and Mairi Dowens in P2 for taking part in a Duathalon! How amazing for two little girls!

 Lily-Rose Graham and  Nicci Matheson in P5A for their super Marie Curie fundraising effort!

Heather Whittington in P6B for winning First Prize with her brilliant decorated bike in the Marches! Go Heather!

And last but not least…Andrew Wolsey for his wonderful achievements in football and skiing!

We really are so proud of you all!

Miss Baillie xxx

Springfield’s Got Talent

A huge thanks to everyone who supported us with Springfield’s Got Talent. We certainly enjoyed watching our talented children perform.

We had a wonderful day and managed to raise £257.35 with our dress down money.

This money will be used by the Pupil Council to buy some outdoor equipment, this was based on pupil feedback earlier this year.

Our P4-P7 winners were Dayna Roy-Sweeney and Julia Calabrese. Well done girls.


Gardening Club

The Gardening Club have been busy planting bedding plants in the tubs at the front of the school and now need to remember to water them as we seem to have a little less rain. If anyone feels like helping in the Summer holidays that would be great. Just let us know.

Primary 2

Another busy week in Primary 2. We had a great time with Mr.Stewart who showed us some great warm up games and then how to improve our skills with a racquet and a ball. We will put the skills we have learnt into practise in our next P.E lessons.

We’re really enjoying our Tourist Information Centre and if you visit it, the children are very helpful and can give you good advice.

The children all enjoyed Marches Day and talked about what they had done on Wednesday. In Literacy we have watched a video of the “Nightime Zoo” and are now making up our own characters and settings to create a story.

In Maths we are doing some revision of the 4 basic concepts – addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Today we really enjoyed Mac a Story which was 2 men telling stories from around the world with lots of action. Some of Primary 2 participated which they loved.

Next week the children need to be thinking about Springfield’s got talent but in the meantime have a great weekend and enjoy the Gala Day.



Round Table Fun Day Success!

Congratulations to some of our pupils who took part, with their athletics team, in the Round Table Assault Course at the Fun Day. They came Second and won £50 for their athletics club. Well done kids!

Miss Baillie x


SSPCA Assembly

Lauren from the SSPCA came to talk to us all about her work at Assembly yesterday. We are a school of animal lovers and we work hard to promote the message that animals should be treated with kindness. Thank you Lauren for your support!

Miss Baillie x

P1B Fractions, Time and Animals

Hello.  Unfortunately, due to the weather we didn’t make it along to the rugby club for the book festival on Monday, instead, we have been authors this week, making preparations to write our own books by creating a character and a setting. We can also use very good describing words to write about them. We have also drawn pictures to plan our story outline and next week we will write our books and design the front cover. We have really used our imaginations and the characters we have created are very interesting with some good storylines. I’m really looking forward to reading the finished books.

Here we are working with a partner to identifying the setting in some of our reading books, drawing and writing about our characters and settings and taking part in describing word activities:

In numeracy, we began the week learning about fractions. Mrs Kennedy had a packet of sweeties and she had to keep sharing them out as more people visited her house! We were very good at halving them, then quartering them. We are also very good at doing this with pizza and cake too!

We had a really good PE session on Monday with Mr Stewart. We did Better Movers and Thinkers, we had to move and think at the same time, this really helps us with our movement as well as our thinking skills as we really had to focus on what we had to do, filtering out what was going on around us as we concentrated hard. We all had a great time and Mr Stewart is coming back next week to do more of this with us, we’re really looking forward to it.




Later in the week we started to learn about time, learning o’clock and half past on analogue and digital clocks. We also looked at how time affects our lives, why it is important to be able to tell the time and what we do at certain times in the day. We have had good fun playing with clocks and we went outside on Friday to make a human clock. We were very good at finding out where the hands should go. We also had Abby from P6 with us, she was a great help too!

Again, three excellent class talks about Tess’ adventures. She even got some birthday cake this week!  Well done to Clara, Daniel and Noah.

Finally, we have also had visits from the Dogs Trust and Scottish SPCA.  Rachel from The Dogs Trust brought Ben the dog with her and we learned how to look after him and what to do if we meet dogs in our community.

We hope you have a good weekend. From P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Day 2 at Dounans

Beautiful weather today! Some of our activities have included a burn scramble, hiking to a waterfall and the night line – a very muddy experience!


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