P7b Weekly Blog

This Week

Our mini IDL learning theme is Cake Fest, and in our groups we have continued preparations this week. Mrs. Gordon brought in a huge supply of apples from her garden and these were used to do some practical cooking skills. We made apple crumble which was delicious, whilst developing our knowledge of the importance of food hygiene and risks associated with this. With Mr. Logan, we focused on the design aspect for our cakes, producing annotated diagrams and using ICT to create a Lego representation of our chosen structures. Next week we look forward to finalising our designs (the most important criterion is feasibility)  before Mr. Logan and Mrs. Gordon will decide which group will go forward to make their building out of cake.

We have been doing some assessment work for numeracy, spelling and writing this week. In numeracy, our Second Level baseline will be used to see where our strengths lie and also the areas in which we will be working hard to extend our knowledge this year. We will redo the assessment at the end of this year to see how much progress we have all made. On Thursday we met Mr. Ritchie who will be in class with us one day a week. He provided us with a picture stimulus and music before challenging us to write a creative piece about what lay behind the secret door. Once this writing has been marked, we will discuss our targets with Mr. Logan to ensure our writing continues to improve.

Mr. Logan and Mrs. Gordon swap classes on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon to allow for some skill sharing. With Mrs. Gordon we brushed up on some of previous learning in French and look forward to also learning some Spanish with her in the coming weeks. Mr. Logan is responsible for our P.E, and our first block will focus on Extreme Dodgeball. Last year’s P7s thoroughly enjoyed this activity and we began by gaining an insight into the basic rules and playing some competitive small-sided games. Next week we will develop different ways of throwing the dodgeball, aim to improve our accuracy and play some adaptations of the basic game.

Finally, we have continued our buddying duties this week but allowed our P1s to become increasingly independent. On Friday we were Digital Leaders when teaching our buddies how to turn on/off the laptops, log on, access the internet and play some games safely online. Mr. Logan has been impressed throughout the week with the mature and responsible approach we’ve taken to carrying out this role in school. All of us are determined and motivated to lead by example this year as the senior pupils within school.

Have a look at some photos from this week. Is Charlie reading a big book, or has Charlie shrunk? Who knows.


Coming Up in P7b

  • Next Monday – Duncan Slater (student from Edinburgh University) commences 5 week teaching placement in P7b
  • Orienteering sessions in P7
  • Meet The Teacher event – Thursday 7th September at 6pm
  • P7b Class Assembly – Friday 15th September at 10am
  • Holiday – Monday 18th September
  • Risk Factory trip – Thursday 21st September at 9.30am, EE2 forms to be sent out and parental help required
  • Parents’ Evenings  – Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th October
  • October holidays – Monday 16th to Monday 23rd October
  • Poppy Factory trip – Thursday 26th October at 12.30pm
  • Skiing block (4 weeks) – commences Thursday 30th November until Thursday 21st December

Have a great weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

P7b and Mr. Logan

Primary 2B’s Week

Class Blog Week beginning 28/08/17

All children are getting the opportunity to become class monitors for the week. There are a variety of jobs to do and all seemed keen to get a job. Ask your child what monitor jobs there are.

The children have done their first piece of writing in their jotters about their weekend news. They all did very well.

We have created a class charter which will go up on the wall.

The children have really enjoyed the story of “The Giraffe, The Pelly and Me” and have worked on one of our Thinking Reader skills – visualisation. They have also created their own “Grubber” shops and posters for the window cleaning company.

We have also read “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch” and done some work on the setting of this story.

The Maths assessments have been completed and next week we will begin working on numbers to 100.

So another busy week in Primary 2B.  Look forward to meeting you all next Thursday at the “Meet the Teacher” evening.

P1B – Ships, Shapes and Numbers

Hello,  the end of another very busy week!  On Monday we had a lot of cardboard (packaging from our new easel).  The children decided to turn it into a pirate ship – complete with a plank!  I was very impressed with their ideas and at how well they worked together on it.

We have been doing some work on number formation this week, beginning with 0, 1 and 2.  The children have tried forming the numbers through different activities. This has also been very good practise for working independently.


Gregor and Roslyn had a great chat about which ‘2’ Gregor had written best, it was a lovely conversation and Roslyn was very encouraging and positive 🙂

For the time being we will concentrate on number work from Monday to Wednesday and on Thursdays we will look at ‘outer maths’ – shape, measure, data handling, etc.  This week we explored 3D shape, beginning to learn their names and their properties – corners, edges, faces.  Can they roll? Why? Why not? As well as working out how best to fit them together.  We also looked at these shapes in our environment, identifying many as common objects – balls, oranges, tin food cans, cereal boxes, etc.

We have also been doing a lot of listening this week, identifying sounds in the environment and then sequences of these sounds as we prepare to learn the sounds of the alphabet and begin to make simple words. We have also had music with Mrs Bain and PE with Mrs Kennedy in the hall.  At the moment we are just changing shoes and taking jumpers off as we build up to changing into our complete PE kit!  Yesterday we created a list of rules for our classroom.  We thought about why rules are important, what it might be like with no rules and what rules would be best to help our class to be a nice place and to help us to learn.  We had lots of good suggestions.

As always, we have a lot of play in the different areas around the classroom and outside.  These are set up with specific learning intentions in mind.  This helps greatly with social skills, problem solving, decision making and many other important areas of development.

Matthew was helping me to work out how to fix the shelf that keeps falling down.  He had some great suggestions and was exactly right in working out what we needed to do to stop it happening again.  Thank you!

I’m looking forward to seeing many of you at the curriculum evening on Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend.  P1B and Mrs Kennedy

P2/3 go wild!

What a super week we’ve had in Primary 2/3! All the children have settled in well and are enjoying their learning.

On Monday our P6 pals taught us how to switch the laptops on and off. We had great fun making our wild self. If you’d like to have a go at home this is the website:  http://www.buildyourwildself.com/

In Maths we have been working on number sequences, counting on and back to 100.

In Literacy this week we have been listening to Fantastic Mr Fox. We wrote character descriptions using WOW words.

In Art we learned how to draw our self portraits, we used mirrors to identify our features.

Our Star of the Week is Liam for his beautiful drawing. Well done Liam!

Have a lovely weekend,

Love Miss Prince and P2/3 x



Sports Dress Down Day

P7b will be delivering their class assembly on Sport at Springfield, and in conjunction with this we would like to ask pupils from all classes to dress down in sports clothing (no football colours). All children are asked to bring in £1 with them and all funds raised will be put towards new equipment for the P.E cupboard and our after school programme. This will take place on Friday 15th September.

Mr. Logan


First week in Primary 2B

The children have been great this week and have settled in really well. We have been doing some “Getting to Know you” work and portraits of each other. We have also been doing some revision of addition and subtraction to 20.  Assessments are also happening and will continue next week. The children dressing up and we have had “Snow White, Belle ” and many other characters waltzing around the class. Hope that you enjoy the photos.

Welcome to Primary 2/3

Hello and welcome to our first blog post of the term!

We have been very busy settling into our new classroom and getting to know Miss Prince.


We learned about our rights and responsibilities. We made a beautiful display to help us to remember to be kind, be sensible and to listen the first time.

In music we learned how to read music notes called crotchets and quavers. We enjoyed playing the chime bars.







Callum was our Star of the Week for a super first week in Primary 2/3. Well done, Callum!

Have a lovely weekend!

Love from Primary 2/3 and Miss Prince

Well Done Sophie!

A massive congratulations to Sophie Hemmings in P6B for winning the West Lothian Young Writer of The Year Award for her brilliant story about Marmalade the cat! We read her story out at a special assembly today and we were delighted that a child from our school could produce such outstanding work.

Keep up the excellence in Literacy Sophie!  You are a true star!


Miss Baillie x

The Quickest Year Ever! P1B

They say time flies when you’re having fun, that has certainly been true for the 2016/17 school year.   I’m unbelievably proud of every one of the children, they have all worked extremely hard and played hard too! They’ve been kind to each other and have supported each other throughout.  They have also made me laugh every day! I’ve had such a fun year.  Thank you too to their supportive parents, they are a credit to you.

Here are some photos of what we’ve been up to in the last few days of the year:

‘Springfield’s Got Talent’

Last few pictures from our Tess’ Diary talks.


Sports Day.

Teddy Bear’s picnic with our buddies.

Sharing the books we wrote with our friends in P1A and P1/2.

Games in our room during the party.  We then went to P1/2 for a cartoon and snack and P1A for some dancing!

Final class photo 🙂

Have a wonderful holiday everyone.  See you in August.

Love Mrs Kennedy X

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