P1B – Shapes, Sounds and Winning the Peg Challenge!

In literacy this week we have been learning the letters ‘p’ and ‘n’.  On Monday we began by sorting items in a ‘feely’ bag – does the item begin with ‘p’?  We had a ‘yes’ hoop and a ‘no’ hoop, listening to initial sounds as well as developing some data handling skills.  We did it together as a class just to see how to do it, then had a go in small groups.

Here we are practising the sounds ‘p’ and ‘n’:

The ‘n’ song and action are about an aeroplane, we have enjoyed flying around the room.

In numeracy we have been working with numbers 4 and 5.  We have been singing number songs, counting objects and working on number formation.  5 is quite tricky so we had two days of lots of different activities out to allow us to practise.


We have been reading some stories about being kind to each other and how we can help each other.  We looked at lots of pictures of different behaviours and decided if behaving in a particular way is a ‘green’ choice or a ‘red’ choice.  We were very good at deciding where each picture should go and we worked really well together to make these posters for our classroom.

On Thursday we were learning about 2D shape.  We were remembering the names of the shapes we already knew as well as learning some new ones – pentagon, hexagon and octagon.  We have been describing the shapes using their properties, discussing how many sides and corners they have, we also used lots of good maths describing words like, curved, straight, edge, point.  We played with the shapes to create pictures in many different ways, looking at the shapes and working out hpw they can be put together.

We were delighted on Friday when we were told that we were the winners of the ‘peg challenge’ – ask your child to tell you all about it!  Mrs Kennedy is very proud of us and we got to go outside to play early for break time today and we had the playground to ourselves for a while.

As we had our sports clothes on already we went to the hall for some Zumba with our buddies.  We have also done some yogo in the classroom this week, using the ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’ story and doing some yoga poses to go along with it.  Mrs Kennedy did it too so she wasn’t able to take pictures!

Have a lovely relaxing long weekend.  Love P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 2B

We’ve had a very busy and active week this week. It was Maths week in Scotland so we had a Maths challenge on Wednesday. We worked in groups and there were certain rules which hopefully the children will be able to tell you about. Each group had a rope with the ends tied together and they had to make various shapes, both 2D and  3D. They managed very well with the 2D shapes but we all struggled with the 3D shapes so had to call on the assistance of 2 Primary 7 pupils to help us. Thank you boys you were great with the P2’s.

We have also being busy doing other activities involving 3D shape, as well as continuing with ordering and sequencing in Number.

Mrs.Begarnie has been working on Energy in Science with Primary 2 as well as Hinduism in R.M.E.

In Phonics we’ve had fun with the sounds “ou” and “ow” in my group and Miss. Mudd’s group have been working on “ai” and “ay”. In writing we have been working on descriptions of landscapes, in preparation for writing postcards next week and the following week.

We have started looking at the Features of the Seaside and what is natural and what is man made.  Wwe have also discussed what we hear, see, smell etc at the Seaside.

As it was Roald Dahl day on Wednesday we watched the live Puffin programme on the author and worked alongside the illustrator Quentin Blake to create our own monsters. Some brilliant creations. Well done P2B!!

We’ve used the netbooks this week but didn’t have our P6 Pals to help us this time.

So a busy week and now we can all enjoy a well earned rest over the long weekend. Have fun.

Creative week in P3/4

Blog P3 4 15.9.17

Dear All

This week we painted models of a boy and a girl to show that we are all friends.

We made big sized school clothes to put on them.  We put them on the wall. We also made cactuses.

In Literacy we researched books to find out about deserts. In High Five French we learned how to say our names in French.


In Numeracy we learned about symmetry. We did formal subtraction in our jotters.

In health and wellbeing we did aerobics to keep healthy. We have been doing Banana Banana Meatball on Just Dance.

Hope you have a good weekend!


P2/3 are full of facts!

This week we did some whole class reading about the Pacific Islands and the Great Barrier Reef. We had a go at answering questions about the text in full sentences.

In Writing we looked at the features of a fact file and decided our Maui fact files needed to have:

  • A heading
  • Sub headings
  • Bullet Points
  • Images

We used information we gathered last week to write our fact files. Here are some of our finished Maui fact files:

Did you know… there is a volcano on Maui called Haleakala.

In IDL this week we compared the Scotland flag to the Maui flag. The Maui flag was very intricate so we decided to make the Hawaii flag instead. We noticed that the Hawaii flag has the Union Jack in the corner. We chose to use collage to make the flags, they look fab!

In Maths this week we have been identifying 2D shapes. We learned about pentagons, hexagons and octagons.

We collected twigs from the field and made 2D shape posters to remind ourselves of the properties of each of the shapes.

We are really enjoying sharing our Golden Time with Primary 3, we especially love arts and crafts! Here are some photos from today:

Star of the Week is Scott for his fantastic work on 2D shape. Well done, Scott!

No homework next week due to the shorter week.

Last bit of news… we won Class of the Week! Woo hoo!!

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x

P2A Fighting Fit!

Miss Mudd noticed we were being a little noisy in class so to try and help us use our quiet voices she downloaded a new app for our computer. The bouncy balls on the screen show the volume in the classroom and the more they bounce…..the noisier it is. It then tells us when we are being too noisy. We got much quieter throughout the week so hopefully we can keep it up!


We were writing our weekend news and practising using full stops correctly. We had our red, amber and green targets and had to ‘go for green!’ After writing, we used our traffic light cups to self-assess our work and show Miss Mudd what we think we had achieved. We talked about our next steps and came up with some targets to help us improve further.

On Wednesday it was Roald Dahl day so we tuned in to the live feed along with thousands of other children to hear more about his life. We did a quiz to see which character we are like. Emma T came out as Matilda, Campbell was George (George’s Marvellous Medicine) and Charlie was Charlie Bucket. Quentin Blake showed us how to create some wonderful illustrations and we loved seeing how his ideas were brought to life.

In writing we continued to do some work on description and learnt how to describe different landscapes. Miss Mudd wrote some descriptions of different places and we had to read them and match them to the correct picture. We picked out the wow words and went on to write our own descriptions. They were fabulous!



We were learning about the features of a seaside. We talked about key features such as lighthouses, caves, cliffs, shops, rock pools, boats etc. We labelled a photograph of a seaside and played ISpy to look for the different features. We then sorted them into natural and man-made.

Our buddies came down to help us on the computers. We used google maps to find our houses and looked at some of our local beaches.


In Maths we started to learn about place value. We were given a large amount of objects and had to sort them into groups of 10 to help us count efficiently. We then counted up in our tens and units. Miss Mudd introduced us to the base ten blocks and we practised making up different numbers and talking about the amount of tens and units.

We continued our work on 2D and 3D shape. We had to use ropes and work in teams to create different 2D shapes. Then we had to convince the class that we had made that shape by talking about its properties. We then used straws, cotton buds, tooth picks and sticks to build 3D shapes. It was very challenging but we used our growth mind set attitudes to help us persevere. Most of us were able to keep trying and didn’t give up when things got tough. Miss Mudd was so proud of our work on shapes and our enthusiasm towards our learning.

We also had a new challenge in our Maths area. We had 7 pots with different materials in. We called it the estimation station. We had to estimate how many were in each tub then check our answers.

Extra bits and bobs

Jacob and Euan brought in their achievements to show us. Euan had done the Pedal for Scotland event and cycled a very long way! We are very proud of him. Jacob had won a trophy for his hard work at Taekwondo.

In Science on Monday, the children learned that the sun is our main source of energy. Without the sun no plants would grow and we would have no food. We planted seeds with sunshine labels to remind us how important the sun is in providing us with energy.

Miss Mudd dug out her old PE kit and joined in with a fitness session for children’s fitness week. Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) streamed his workouts live every day at 10am so we thought we would give one a go. It was tough and we were sweaty but all felt great after we had finished. In PE we played Hungry Hippos and worked on our reaction times and speed.


A huge well done to P7 for their fabulous cake! We were amazed at the detail that they had created. What a talented bunch. Thank for you sharing it with us.

Hope you all have a wonderful long weekend.

Miss Mudd and P2A x


P7a’s “Bake Off” Week

What a busy week we all had in P7a. In French we played a game where you had to find someone who had done certain activities during the holidays eg  “tu as fait du camping? ” (did you go camping?). The winner was the first to find 12 different people for each of the activities. The focus was on asking and answering questions.

In numeracy we did 3 inspirational maths lessons from Professor Jo Boaler at Stanford University. The focus of these is on growth mindset and starting with good principles of teamwork. One of the tasks involved the children working in groups to complete the four 4’s (they had to find numbers from 0-20 only using four 4’s), not as easy as it sounds…As next week is maths week we will continue to challenge ourselves with some of these problem solving activities.

As part of the Cake Fest project we made Victoria Sponge Cake this week. The focus was on using the all in one sponge method and on making buttercream icing. Weight and measurement was important again as was:  oven temperatures and timing during baking and consistency for the sponge and icing. Every child took part and then ate their end product. 100% of the class agreed that our sponges tasted better than shop bought !

In PE we continued extreme dodge ball with Mr Logan and started a 2 week mini orienteering course.

In literacy and expressive arts our main focus was on creating and performing our “Great Springfield Bake Off Assembly”. Thank you all for coming along and leaving such positive feedback ! Mrs Gordon was very proud of the final performance and everyone worked really hard to learn their words and speak loudly and clearly. Each group created their own mini act to help everyone find out more about baking and food hygiene, along with a few fun acts to showcase our skill-set in comedy and ICT.

Have a great weekend from Mrs Gordon and P7a.

P7b Weekly Blog


From our baseline assessments in Numeracy, we could see that we needed to strengthen our knowledge and understanding of Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. This week, we consolidated on previous learning by identifying basic fractions and reminded ourselves of how to use a fraction wall to find equivalence. We were able to remind Mr. Logan that the top number of a fraction is called the numerator and the bottom number is the denominator. We found out that the middle line in a mathematical calculation is called the vinculum, but is more commonly known as the division or fraction bar. Our targets have been set for Numeracy and Mathematics in Term 1 and we will revisit these before the October holidays to evaluate on our progress and identify our next steps in learning.

On Thursday, we enjoyed carrying out some mental maths and problem solving activities with Mr. Ritchie and Mr. Slater. Next week we will continue to extend our knowledge of equivalence before finding quantities of a set and adding/subtracting fractions. Soon, we will be able to establish the link from fractions to decimals and percentages.


We are continuing to enjoy reading our class novel, Grandpa’s Great Escape. Will Jack be able to prevent his Grandpa from being banished to Twilight Towers? Will he ever realise his dream of flying the legendary Spitfire aircraft? And, will Miss Verity’s romance with the gorilla-like security guard from the Imperial War Museum continue to blossom? We shall find out next week…

In writing we have been working hard in attempting to up-level our own, and others’ work. This is when you take a piece of written work and make it more interesting and exciting for the read. We learnt that this could take the form of using ambitious examples of vocabulary (WOW words), connectives to extend and vary the length of sentences, openers to maintain the reader’s interest or the use of correct punctuation to ensure our writing makes sense. This will be one of our main focuses in writing this year, along with developing the ability to proofread and Spellcheck our work independently, using ICT to word process and edit and extending the length of our written work.

Next week we can expect to be given our new group novels which we will be studying during this term and some spelling homework. We will also have some lines to learn in preparation for our class assembly next Friday 15th September. Hope to see you all there! Remember it is also Sports Dress Down Day, so bring £1 with you to help fund some new sports equipment for school.


Next Week

  • Assembly preparations
  • Cake Fest design presentations and baking
  • P.E on Monday, no P.E on Tuesday
  • Orienteering sessions in P7
  • Sports Dress Down Day on Friday, bring £1 to fund new sport equipment

Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend, see you all Monday.

P7b and Mr. Logan

New Sounds, Library and PE

On Monday morning some of us made new play dough.  We followed the recipe, using cups and a table spoons to measure the ingredients. We put lavender from Mrs Kennedy’s garden in it to make it smell nice and it worked! We have had lovely squashy, nice smelling dough all week.  I wonder what other smells we could try?

We began the week learning the ‘a’ sound.  We are very good at the ‘Ants on my Arm’ song and action.  I’m sure we could sing it if you ask us.  We practised writing ‘a’ in lots of different multi-sensory ways.

On Wednesday we introduced the ‘t’ sound and started using magnetic letters to help us to build and read words.  We made ‘at’ by listening for the sounds, counting how many sounds we needed and then finding the right letters.  We also practised reading the word, sounding out and then blending the sounds together.

On Tuesday we had PE in the hall.  We have been learning how to move around the hall safely, sharing the space and making sure our ‘bubbles’ don’t pop if we go too close to another person.  We traveled in lots of different ways – walking, running, hopping, skipping and galloping.  We also practised  basic moves too – throwing bean bags and balls, balancing on a beam and jumping over hurdles.

We have been working with number 3 this week, singing number songs to begin to think about counting  up and down and one more, one less. 3 is quite a tricky number to write so we have been practising in lots of different ways and went outside to write 3s all over the playground with chalk.

On Friday we had our first visit to the library.  Mrs Manlove gave us a very warm welcome and we enjoyed choosing and reading our books.  We are looking forward to visiting each week.

As always we have been busing playing this week. Here are a selection of pictures of what we have been up to:


Enjoy your weekend.

From Mrs Kennedy and P1B x

Primary 2B

We have had our first reading books in Primary 2B and all the class are doing very well with their reading. We have been revising some of our Phonics sounds  before we start on our new ones. This will be spread over the next 4 weeks. Next week sees the start of homework and all children will have a homework jotter with their sounds to learn. There will be a suggestions sheet with ideas for the children to practise their sounds, as well as a sheet with suggestions for Maths activities. I have also enclosed a sheet of ideas to use when questioning children on their reading. Hope this helps.

We have continued to work on sequencing numbers to 100,  as well as identifying and naming 3D shapes.

We have begun our topic on the Seashore and talked about what we already know and what we want to know.

Maybe the highlight of the week was when our P6 pals came to join us and help us with logging in on the netbooks and doing our first piece of research – finding out which is the nearest seaside resort to Linlithgow.  I think the general consensus was Aberdour. We also played some Maths games.

We started to learn how to write postcards by working on descriptive sentences.

Today we enjoyed Primary 7A’s Assembly on Food. So another busy week at Springfield and I enjoyed meeting all the Parents who attended the” Meet the Teacher” last night.

P2/3 and Marvellous Maui

This week Primary 2/3 have been learning about where in the world Maui is. We found out that it is a tiny island many thousands of miles away. It takes 14 hours on a plane to get there! We carried out research about Maui and made mind maps to present our findings. We learned about the animals that live in Maui – we thought the monk seal looked very cute!

In Maths this week we have been looking at 1, 2 and 10 more/less. We drew beautiful number gardens using our knowledge of more and less.

We had lots of fun at the phonic stations this week! We liked pasta words and sound fishing the best.

Daniel very kindly brought in plums from his garden for us to try. They were delicious!

In PE with Mrs Reid we are learning how to play benchball. We have been practising our ball skills with Miss Prince.

Sam the champion horse rider brought in his medal to show us. Well done, Sam!

Our Star of the Week was Ruth for working so hard across all of her learning. Super star!

Wee reminder that homework will start on Monday.

Have a great weekend,

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x

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