Internet Safety at SPS

Just a little post to tell you all about our commitment to working with West Lothian Council and other agencies to keep your child safe online. As you will be aware , our school blog is our main avenue for sharing your child’s learning with you. We take the safety of our pupils very seriously online and as a result of this we shall try not to post a child’s image with their name beside it. This policy is in line with both West Lothian Council and the NSPCC guidelines. Where we do post a child’s name, there will be no image of the child within the vicinity.

We continue to teach our children about staying safe and being a responsible user online through our on-going classroom work, assemblies and in our Internet Safety week which runs in Term 4. All children signed a ‘Safe User’ policy which was sent home last session to ensure that they understood rules around the use of the Internet.

Digital technologies continue to play a massive part of all of our lives and will be increasingly important in the lives of our children. We will continue to work with you and all of our partners to ensure that our children can make the best use of technologies whilst being protected online.

Please let us know of any queries or concerns around our use of the Internet or ICT.

We do want to get it right for everyone!

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie x

Primary 2B

So our first term in 2B has come to an end. The children have settled very well into their new class and all worked very hard. We have had a good term and I have really enjoyed working with them. It was lovely to meet you all at Parents’ Evening. This week the children had a session of “Enjoyaball” which they loved. We also did “Cosmic Yoga” Harry Potter style which was great fun.

We have practised our Harvest songs which we sang in the Harvest Festival this morning.

The children wrote acrostic poems on Autumn which were fantastic. They hadn’t done acrostic poems before and very quickly understood what they had to do and produced some brilliant work.

We have finished “James and the Giant Peach” – our class novel, which we have all really enjoyed. The children did some visualisation work on when the peach was coming into New York. Some fantastic, detailed pictures have been produced. Our new book for after half term will be “The Christmasaurus” by Tom Fletcher.

We have started some work on Handling Data this week and looked at Bar Charts to begin with.

I hope that you all have a happy and healthy half term and all these horrible sickness bugs go away.


We are delighted to announce that our P7 boys team won the West Lothian Cross Country Team Championships at Dechmont Law. They participated last Wednesday and have been patiently waiting since to hear the news. They individually played a huge part in this success by each beating their personal best times recorded during practise sessions at school. Everyone here at Springfield is incredibly proud of their achievements and they will receive their gold medals at tomorrow’s assembly.

Congratulations Sam, Ross Wi, James, Struan, Nathan, Ross D, Robbie and Hayden! We’re incredibly proud of you all and you are a credit to our school.

“Endurance is not just the ability to do the hard work, it is the ability to turn the hard work into glory.”


Owl Babies and Pattern in P1B

Hello,  We have been learning the sounds ‘m’ and ‘r’ this week, ask your child to show you the action for each of these.  We have been using our magnetic boards a few times this week and we are getting good at working together to sound out and word build some CVC words.  Our letter formation is really coming on too and Mrs Kennedy can see a big difference in our writing books.

A couple of weeks ago Miss Baillie took an ‘Owl Babies’ assembly where she set us the challenge of decorating an owl baby to be entered into a competition. She will choose the best three from P1 to P3 to receive a prize. All of ours are excellent 🙂  We chose from a variety of art materials – paint, cotton wool, tissue paper, crepe paper, crayons and pens and decorated them in the way we wanted.  Our pictures are very good, they will come home soon for you to see.

In maths we have now covered all the numbers to 10, we have practised formation and counting objects accurately.  We will be moving onto ordering forwards and backwards and missing numbers.  In outer maths this week we have been exploring pattern.  We have created our own patterns, continued patterns already started and identified patterns.  We have been listening for patterns too as we use our voices, e.g., “red, yellow, green, red, yellow, green…” hearing the pattern as we say the words.  We will continue to look at more complex patterns next week.

Have a good weekend, if you are out and about and see any signs of Autumn, conkers, leaves, berries, etc, feel free to send them in to school.  We have an ‘investigation area’ in the corridor with magnifying glasses and a drawing area and any interesting objects are very welcome. Thank you.


P2/3 blog

Welcome to this week’s blog. If you haven’t already seen it, check out the link to our performance of ‘How Far I’ll Go’ from Moana. We are stars!

On Monday we worked with P3 to make game boards to test our knowledge of Maui and Scotland. We are looking forward to finishing and playing the games next week.

We loved making our leaf collage owls, thank you to all those of you who collected leaves and thank you to Mrs Bain for helping us! Miss Prince was very impressed with our owl storyboards, you will get to see these and our finished owls on parent night next week 🙂

In Phonics this week we wrote our sounds in moondust, with magnetic letters, with fancy pens and play doh.

Our Star of the Week is Daniel for fantastic effort in Writing. We loved his story about Plop the owl and Santa. Well done Daniel!

Children will get their Sumdog usernames and passwords on Monday. This is a fantastic online resource that we will be using in class and as a home learning task.

Have a great weekend!

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x

Ingenious Inventors

This week we were learning all about the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’.

We have been working with P2B to create a lovely corridor display to show off all the work we have been doing.  Mrs Miller has been helping us make seagulls and build our very own lighthouse.


We were applying our work on adjectives to create a character profile for Mr Grinling and Mrs Grinling. Here are some of Miss Mudd’s favourite describing words we used:

  • Intelligent
  • Encouraging
  • Caring
  • Hard-working
  • Jolly

Miss Mudd also set us a design challenge to design a new basket to keep the pesky seagulls out! We had some AMAZING ideas! Some of the baskets were full of sleeping gas to send the seagulls to sleep, some gave out electric shocks, some had scary faces and noises to scare the seagulls away. We wrote sentences to explain how it worked.


We also had a go at weaving our own paper baskets. We had to listen carefully to instructions and follow the steps to create our baskets. It was very fiddly and we had to be patient but it was good fun!

In PE we were developing our team work skills. We were split into teams and had to work out how we were going to get from one side of the hall to the other to deliver Mr Grinling’s lunch on time!! We were only given a mat and a bench. It took a while to come up with some ideas but we communicated well and worked together to solve this tricky problem!

We finished our PE session with some relaxing yoga. Miss Mudd taught us some positions to help us stretch our muscles. We loved the animal names.


In Numeracy we have been finishing our work on place value. We have been using the Numicon to build numbers and we have been partitioning numbers.


We played games to speed up our mental recall. We have also been learning how to add/subtract in multiples of ten – starting with the concrete materials and by the end of the week we were doing it mentally!

As our warm ups this week we have been using the shape fans to consolidate our learning on 2D shape.


We hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Miss Mudd and P2A x

Primary 2B

Yet another week has flown by and Primary 2B have been just as busy. New phonics sounds and reading books. Counting on and back in 10’s and identifying 2 D shapes. We’ve been looking at “The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch” and designing a new lunch for him along with a shopping list as to what they would need. We’ve also done book reviews on the book.

Our P6 Pals helped us to log into Sumdog this week and we did watercolour paintings of seascapes. We played our first team games this week, which we really enjoyed and got very excited.

West Lothian Cross Country Championships

Today saw 8 of our P7 boys take part in the West Lothian Cross Country Team Championship final; Sam Featherstone, Struan Scotland, Ross Williamson, Hayden Robertson, Robbie Mills, James Hammond, Nathan Penman and Ross Donald. In adverse weather conditions and on a hilly course, our boys ran brilliantly to all finish highly in the overall standings. Sam Featherstone managed to finish in 3rd place after a strong run. The team results will be announced over the next couple of days, but we are hopeful of a medal place with 5 of our runners finishing inside the top 20. More to follow, keep your fingers crossed for them. We’re incredibly proud of their efforts, well done boys!


Cheerleading News ✨

Here are some pictures of our new school cheerleading troop! We have only been working together for 3 weeks now and look how well we are already doing! We have learned some cheer-pom dance routines, cheers and a simple roll and lift. Our troop is called the ‘Springles’ and we are getting ready to take on the cheerleading world! Thank you to all children who are taking part in this club for their hard word and enthusiasm.

Love Miss Baillie x💖



European Day Of Languages Assembly…

A huge thank you to Mrs Gordon and her lovely helpers who put on an excellent assembly to celebrate modern languages last Friday. We had lots of children sharing their home languages with our school. Did you know that we have children in school who speak Russian, Italian, Polish, Arabic  and Mandarin as well other languages? What a talented bunch we are!

Miss Baillie even managed to announce the assembly in Spanish (with Mrs Gordon’s help), and there was a lovely performance in Scots by  some of the Linties Choir.

We continue to promote and celebrate all forms of diversity at Springfield and Bonnytoun and we always treat each other with kindness and love.

Miss Baillie x ❤️

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