‘Being Healthy, Being Active’ Assembly

We had an assembly today to remind us all how to stay active and healthy and the different ways that we can achieve this. We learned about The Eatwell Plate and how every food can be eaten in moderation as part of a balanced diet.  We also talked about different sports and ways to stay active.  Springfield Primary provides all children with two hours of quality PE each week in addition to Walk a Mile and a range of sports after-school clubs. We are also very lucky to have the wonderful Jessie and her kitchen crew who cook our children delicious and nutritious meals! We truly are a healthy school!

Happy weekend!

Miss Baillie x


Primary 2B – Week beginning 23/10/17

short and quick week in Primary 2B and fortunately the weather has been kind to us, as we have been doing some outdoor work this week. We are doing  a short study of Woodland Creatures in line with our Outdoor Learning area of the curriculum.

We had a visit to the Peel on Tuesday afternoon. We were met by 2 of the Rangers and played various games which helped us to learn about some of the Woodland Creatures who live in and around Linlithgow. We had lots of fun but also learnt some new facts.

We have been out in the school grounds and collected various foliage, sticks etc which we used to design our woodland creatures. There are some brilliant ones where you can easily identify which creature it is. Well done P2B.

We have continued with our work on Data Handling as well as sequencing numbers to 100. Next week we will start on addition.

We did some writing on our class novel “James and the Giant Peach” – trying to create a different adventure using the “Little Green Things”. We have now started our new class novel “Christmasaurus” which I’m sure the children will really enjoy.

The children have started to practice the songs for the Nativity so this will be ongoing up until their performance.

We have finished our Music block with Ms.Bain and have now started a P.E block with Mrs.Reid, focussing on Gymnastics. She was very impressed that the whole class could do a forward roll.

Have a good weekend and so dark nights begin!

Rugby Club

There will be no after school Rugby for the next 2 weeks due to other commitments.

We will be back training on Tuesday 14th November.



Miss Mudd x

Outdoor Adventures

This week has been out ‘Outdoor Learning’ week. Miss Mudd organised a trip to the Loch for us and we had a workshop with the Rangers. We played lots of fun games and learnt about animals that hibernate. We also made bug hotels to put in our gardens. Thank you to the lovely parent helpers who came with us. We can’t do these trips without you!

We also went on an Autumn hunt on our school playing field. We collected leaves and made leaf collages of different animals. It was a nice relaxing atmosphere in P2A as we listened to Vivaldi and ‘The 4 Seasons’ as we worked this week. We learnt all about hibernation and even wrote some hibernation diaries where we pretended to be a hibernating animal.



We were getting in the Halloween spirit this week and watched the story ‘Room on the Broom’. Miss Mudd set up a potions lab for us and gave us some recipes to make potions for other classes. We made Brain Juice, Flying Potion, Handwriting Helper and Make Your Teacher Crazy Juice! We loved measuring out the different potions and delivered them around the school. Miss Mudd had even collected some Troll Snot so we could play in it…….gross!! It was slimy.

This week we also started to learn the songs for our Nativity! How exciting. It is top secret so we can’t say more than that.

We are very proud of Mairi and Chloe for completing their fun run in Aviemore. Well done girls! What an achievement.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend

Miss Mudd and P2A x

P1B Sounds, Size and Halloween Fun!

Hello, welcome back after the October break.  P1B have settled in well again and have had another busy week.  In numeracy we have been learning ‘one more’ and ‘one less.’  We were using number lines and objects like cubes and camels to work out the answers.

On Thursday, we began some measuring.  We had a chat about when and why we would measure.  The children came up with super reasons – to make sure we get the right size of clothes and shoes and to make sure the tables are the right size for our classroom.  We discussed words that we use to describe size.  We used our bodies as we showed our understanding of wide, narrow, tall, short, thick and thin.  Then we went outside and found sticks and leaves, using our size words to describe them.

In literacy we have been consolidating all the sounds we have learned so far – a, t, i, s, p, n, m, e, h, r.  We have been practising word building and sounding out CVC words to read and write them.

We have had a few Halloween activites around the classroom.  We have been making potions in the green sparkly water, drawing and painting Halloween pictures and reading spooky books in our library.





We’ve also had cardboard boxes to play with and we had a lot of fun with them – making spaceships and pirate boats.  Euan and Matthew drew monster pictures on pieces of cardboard but they wanted their pictures to stand up so they worked hard to find out how they could do this – they stuck boxes to the back of their cardboard to allow it to stand up – good problem solving boys!


Euan won the Enjoy-a-ball trophy at his class this week.  His teacher was really pleased with how he was dribbling the football.  Well done Euan.

We’re all really looking forward to the Halloween Hop on Monday afternoon.  Have a good weekend.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy


P3 Blog – week beginning 24th October

On Thursday P3 were revising colours in French. We played a game that involved the children running for the correct colour of paper when the name was called out in French. They did a great job remember all the colours!

We have also enjoyed listening to the story The Witches by Roald Dahl. Mrs McVay loves the children’s enthusiasm for reading and identifying good WOW words in our story.

On Friday we were doing our BIG Maths Challenge against the clock. We then did some Halloween themed art by making table decorations to take home.

Mr Ritchie & Mrs McVay

Spooky Symmetry in P2/3

Welcome back everybody! What an exciting term we have planned!

P2 have already started practising their Nativity songs and P3 will be starting their topic on Lari Don and the Kelpies very soon.

This week we have been learning about symmetry and completing spooky symmetrical patterns. Take a look at our symmetrical pumpkins:

In Phonics this week we have been working on a-e and nk. We made the words using our tinker tray objects and our new magnetic writing boards. We also practised our pencil control, super work, Oliver!

Our outdoor learning focus  is seeds, berries and blossom. We learnt about the lifecycle of an oak tree. The cycle is acorn – seedling – sapling – oak tree. Did you know an oak tree does not produce acorns until it is 20 years old!

Here are some photos of our outdoor learning afternoon with P3, we made fairy dens, built bird nests and made our initials out of natural resources.

We won class of the week for always working calmly and sensibly. What a lovely day to get extra playtime!

Have a lovely, sunny weekend!

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x

Skills for Learning, Life and Work

Last session we successfully launched our Skills for Learning, Life and Work Programme in P7 and welcomed over 25 working professionals into class to deliver talks and presentations. Over the remainder of this academic session, both P7 classes will be developing their enterprising, pre-vocational, personal and employability skills in a practical context. An important aspect of this, is to make the link between the classroom and the workplace in order for the children to see the value of their learning and how they can contribute to their school, community and wider economy.

We would like to invite any parents or carers who would be willing to deliver a short talk about their occupation or line of work. It would be hugely beneficial for the P7 pupils to learn about a diverse range of careers and roles. We hope to build their knowledge and understanding of the workplace, and give them an insight into what employers may expect of them and what they should expect from employment. Our work this year will culminate in the organisation of a P7 Careers Fayre and a ‘Take Your Child to Work Day’.

If anyone is willing to give up some of their time, or any of last year’s volunteers would be willing to visit us again, could you please email me (ewan.logan@westlothian.org.uk) with a note of interest and your line of work. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards

Mr. Logan

Harvest Assembly 🍂

A heartfelt thanks from all of us here at Springfield and Bonnytoun for the generous food donations that you all provided for our Harvest Assembly. These items have now been handed over to the West Lothian Foodbank and will be distributed within our community. We had a lovely assembly with Stuart, the minister from St Michael’s Church, kindly coming along to join us.

Children were in fine voice as they sang their Harvest songs and we listened to some Autumn poems written by pupils in P4-7.

Have a lovely October break everyone!

Love Miss Baillie xx 🍂


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