
Last week, we were very busy practising for our assembly and making props! For Halloween, we made Frankenstein and Mummy styled egg boxes.  We created dangly monsters.  We did a Big Maths Beat that Challenge. We worked on alliteration for Halloween words.

This week, we have completed a bird survey outside in the school grounds. We designed a bird feeder.  We worked with a partner to create bird leaflets/fact files on the netbooks.

P5 have made rockets with Mrs Tulloch. P5b have tested their rockets. Lewis’ rocket went the furthest- from the P1 door onto the pitch! P5a are going to do their investigation next week.

We took up the challenge of the Sumdog competition. We had Finlay complete all his questions- Fabulous! We have been finding out about 3D shapes in and around school. P5a have made some 3D shapes from resources outside in the environment. We have looked the nets of 3D shapes.

We have continued working on alliteration and did some work on The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark linking in with Bonfire night. We welcomed our parents into our class to see our writing.

P5 organised the collection of the shoe boxes. We had several  parents help us to sort them out. On Thursday, 125 boxes were sent on their way! A BIG THANK YOU to everyone!

P5 🙂


P7b Achievements

I am delighted to share two P7b sporting achievements today. Firstly, Danielle recently competed in an ice skating competition at Murrayfield Ice Rink and managed to come in 3rd place winning bronze. Well done Danielle, what a fantastic achievement. Keep practising and I’m sure there will be some silvers and golds on the way!

Danielle with her bronze trophy

Secondly, a huge well done to Sam who last night was selected to be ball boy at Andy Murray’s Live Event at the SSE Hydro in Glasgow. Sam was positioned at the net during Murray’s match versus Roger Federer and was lucky enough to get both of their autographs at the end. You’ll also see from the picture below that Sam is wearing Federer’s headband that he wore for the match. If you want to watch the highlights from this and see him in action, you can find them here:


Sam with his signed tennis ball and headband worn by Roger Federer

Mr. Logan

Infant Halloween Hop!

Thank you so much to the PTA who organised our recent P4-7 disco and Halloween Hop for our children. We all appreciate your support to enable us to give our children special memories of their time at Springfield! Great fun was had by all!

Miss Baillie x


Welcome to Pupil Council 2017/18

We had a very productive day in Pupil Council today during our committee time. We elected our new Chair and Vice, as well as other key roles. Then we had to plan our first fundraising event of the year…Children in Need 2017.

Springfield’s Pupil Council will plan and host a “Spotacular” for Children in Need 2017. Our event will be held on Friday 17th November 2017 where all children will be asked to dress down and wear something spotty whilst bringing in a pound.

In addition we will have a “Bake Sale” where we would like everyone to bring in some home baking, and some money to buy some treats ! Please remember no nuts or kiwi in your baking, and we would appreciate the inclusion of any allergen free baking (clearly labelled).

Happy baking, from Mrs Gordon and the Pupil Council.

Party Time! P1B

It was a busy, busy week again in P1B.  We began the week by welcoming Mrs Marshall, our lovely new student, she will be in one day a week for the next three weeks.  She was in at the deep end helping us to make some orange dough for our Halloween themed play activities.  It is fantastic and has been well used.

On Monday afternoon we had the Halloween Hop, organised by the PTA, it was great fun! We looked amazing in our costumes and loved the disco with dancing and games and then making our own Halloween masks.  A big thank you to the PTA, parent helpers and P7 chidren who helped to make it run so smoothly.

In literacy we were learning ‘d’ and ‘o’ and we were writing some three letter words – sounding them out to hear which sounds we should write down.

We searched through lentils, spiders and ghosts to find sounds and CVC words.

We tried a challenge task – reading words to match them with the correct picture.

Play dough and writing in lentils.

We’ve been doing lots of maths this week, we started with addition – looking at two and then three sets of numbers and counting to see how many there were altogether.  We tried adding in lots of different ways – putting counting kids on buses, counters on Mickey Mouse ears, frogs in ponds, sponges and people in hoops.  We also have new maths books and we have been practising writing our numbers as we write our answers.



In outer maths we have been learning more about measure – using non-standard units to measure things around us.  We measured each other, then went outside and had fun measuring out there too.


On Friday we played with lots of different measuring tools, including metre sticks and rulers, we really enjoyed using these and I think we’ll have some very practical handymen and handywomen in the future.  In other activities we used cubes and counting kids to measure with.

In our exploration area we have a wooden marble run which has lots of small parts that require a lot of thinking and trial and error to fit the parts together to allow the marble to run along it.  Matthew and Kiernan worked very hard to make this run, they were a great team and didn’t give up until they had managed it.  Well done boys!


Some children worked on a Lego challenge this week with Mrs Woolsey our parent helper.  They worked really well together to make a tall tower and then build houses, they each had very clear ideas on how their house should be – fantastic designs 🙂

Enjoy your weekend and have a safe bonfire night.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 6b

This week, we have continued to explore 3D shape, sorting and identifying their properties.

We also had a trip down to the Loch to create environmental art with the Historic Scotland Rangers. Take a look at the artwork we created.

Primary 2B


The children really enjoyed their Halloween party organised by the P.T.A.  Lots of scary outfits and dooking for apples. Thank you to the P.T.A for organizing it. Photos to follow.

We had fun making paper flowers for our phonics blends. The children are working hard on addition to 20 and doing really well.

The children have enjoyed learning about the animals that hibernate at this time of year and writing a little diary for their chosen animal. In writing we have started a Big Writing Adventure and the children enjoyed the first mission.

We’re getting really good at our Nativity songs. So lots to look forward to!

Enjoy Bonfire Night and be safe.

Happy Halloween

This week we had the Halloween Hop! A big thank you to all of the parents who organised and ran the event. The children all had a wonderful time. They danced the afternoon away in the Disco room and got crafty making scary masks.

In Numeracy we have been learning about addition. We have revised our addition to 10 facts and enjoyed practising our strategies at the different stations. We have been using ten frames to develop our understanding of number and used this to support our learning at our desks.

We have started our new class novel ‘The BFG’. In the first chapter we were introduced to the ‘Witching Hour’. We practised our cutting skills to create a window frame with the BFG inside it. We pretended to be Sophie looking out into the night sky.

We were making tricky word towers. We had to pick a Jenga brick, read the word then build the tower.

Miss Mudd had put out some new resources in the Finger Gym and Maths Challenge area. We have to practise threading beads onto sticks and make different patterns. We practised weighing different Autumn objects and tried to see if we could make them balance.

This week we started our Big Writing Adventure. We were introduced to Fizz who is our P2 Writing Agent. He set us challenges and sends us messages with tasks to complete. This week we were looking at nocturnal animals and used some fabulous adjectives to write some descriptive sentences.


Have a lovely weekend!


Miss Mudd and P2A x

Fun, fireworks and fitness (P2/3)

We got the week off to a great start with the Halloween Hop, take a look at our spooky costumes! We enjoyed dooking for apples, making Halloween masks and playing Mrs Gordon’s party games. Thank you to the parents for organising this for us.

In Maths this week we have been adding 3 single digit numbers. We used strategies to help us do this quickly such as looking for number bonds to 10 and starting with the biggest number.

In Literacy we started our Big Writing Adventure on descriptive writing, we look forward to sharing this with parents next Tuesday morning. We also worked on sequencing a story about Bonfire Night in the correct order, this was a good way of practising our reading skills.

In Art, Miss Prince challenged us to a ‘no paint brush’ challenge, we used card, cotton buds and straws to create fantastic Linlithgow Palace firework paintings. We’re really pleased with how they turned out!

In PE, we are working on our fitness and setting ourselves personal goals each lesson. We enjoyed completing our fitness circuit activities outside in the sunshine on Thursday.

Nativity Practices are in full swing for the P2s and the P3s have started learning about the legend of the Kelpies. We can’t wait for our trip to the Kelpies on Tuesday 14th November!

Enjoy the fireworks this weekend and stay safe.

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince

Pupil Achievements for this week…

Here are some of our achievements from this week…

Well done to B in P5 for achieving success in swimming and for being able to move up a level! Great effort B!

Congratulations to C in P5 for his birthday this week and for receiving an amazing toy called ‘Mr Speck’ which he brought along to show me!

Well done to two lovely P2 girls: C for her massive effort in Writing and to M for taking part in a fun run with some of her Springfield friends!

A final mention goes to S and E from Miss Mudd’s lovely P2 class. These girls took part in an amazing, science-based play opportunity this week to make a potion to turn their teacher crazy. I can tell you that I drank their potion and it certainly worked on me! My goodness! 😝

We do have lots of fun at Springfield and we certainly are a happy school full of happy children!

Love Miss Baillie x💖

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