P5a Blog

We’ve been busy this week in P5a…

Numeracy and Mathematics

  • Learning about compass points, giving directions and using coordinates
  • Drawn our own treasure maps using squared paper and will be giving a partner some written instructions next week to attempt to find the hidden treasure
  • We have extended our knowledge of angles and rotations using degrees, e.g 90 degrees is the same as a quarter turn, 180 degrees is a half turn and 360 degrees is a full rotation
  • Times table practice using a ‘Multiplication Mash-Up’
  • On Thursday, Mr. Logan set us a team challenge on Sumdog to consolidate our learning from the week, Team 3 were the winners and Arran was our individual winner

Literacy and English

  • We’ve continued with our group novel studies and have been using detail to draw Lewis and Gregory from our The Day the World Went Loki book, we then wrote a description of these characters
  • We have been using alliteration when creating adverts for our bird feeders and also presented our designs to the rest of the class focusing on using appropriate voice, tone, clarity and pace

Learning Across the Curriculum

  • In science with Mrs. Tulloch we have been learning about friction and the effect this has on aerodynamics and air resistance
  • We will be making parachutes in the coming weeks to apply this learning
  • We had some outdoor play with Mr. Logan on Thursday on the trim trail and back playground, it was very cold!
  • With Mrs. Begarnie we entered discussions and debates, talking about what makes us individual and unique and some questions that didn’t necessarily have a correct answer
  • In Art and Design we finished making our bird feeders, our designs were brilliant and we presented the different features of these confidently

    Have a nice weekend


“Dreams is full of mystery and magic . . . . Do not try to understand them.”


In phonics we have had a consolidation week. We have been revising all of the digraphs we have learnt and practised using them in our writing. Miss Mudd put up some pictures and we had to write interesting sentences using our sounds.

This week we were talking about different types of dreams. We looked at examples of dreams in our BFG book. Miss Mudd even made her own dream jar and told us all about her dream of being a superhero and saving the world with her sidekick Scrabble. We used our imagination to create our own dreams. We drew detailed pictures and discussed our ideas before we started to write. We worked with a writing partner to check each other’s work. Some of the children then went home and created their own dream jars. We loved looking at them in class. What a talented bunch! We made dream catchers out of paper plates and wool. The threading really helped us develop our fine motor skills.

We also created our own giants! We came up with some wonderful ideas then wrote descriptive sentences about our scary giants. We worked in partners to highlight the adjectives we had used and gave feedback to our partner about their work. We were very supportive and showed respect to each other.



This week we have been looking at the numbers 13, 14 and 15. We created number rainbows to show all of the number facts for that number. We also used our new whiteboards to write fact families for these numbers. We were linking our knowledge of addition and subtraction.


A big well done to Jacob for coming second in his Taekwondo competition. Nico also brought in her swimming certificate to show us. She talked about the skills she had been working on and we are very proud of her for moving to the next level. The JRSO came to visit this week to talk to us about keeping safe when crossing the road. Thank you for looking after us!

Have a lovely weekend


Miss Mudd and P2A x

Image result for bfg quote about dreams

Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

We have had another busy week at Springfield and Bonnytoun…

We ended the week with a great assembly to raise awareness about bullying led by P6B. We have a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to bullying in school. We believe that promoting kindness and having a clear understanding of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour helps our children to treat one and other with respect.  All children know that if they have a problem then the adults will listen to them and ensure that the situation is sorted. Please always let school know if your child reports any issues with friendships or people being unkind to them.  Thank you to Mrs Kerr for her hard work in putting this assembly together-it is much appreciated!

Friday was also our annual ‘Children in Need’ fundraiser. Here is a photo of some  of our little ‘Pudsey Bears’ and ‘ spotty’ children in our infants. Thanks so much to the Pupil Council and Mrs Gordon for organising a successful Bake Sale with all profits going to Children in Need.

We have now introduced a ‘birthday slot’ to our infant assembly and here are some of our P1 children who have all turned five years old in the past week! Congratulations to you all!

Here is E in P3 with an achievement for this week. E did a walk for charity and we are very proud of her! Well done E!

Our nursery children have been busy having a special ‘nursery rhymes’ week and have come to nursery dressed up as characters from different nursery rhymes. They have all looked very cute!

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖




1B Capacity and Cupcakes

We began the week thinking about kindness.  We had a lovely assembly from P5 last Friday all about kindness and we have been thinking of ways in which we are kind already and what things we could do to be really kind to each other.  We practised our detailed drawing as we drew pictures to show how we can be kind,  F did a fantastic drawing of him helping his dad with the washing.  It is very clear from his picture what they are doing, they both have very big smiles too 🙂 for this reason, F is our ‘star writer’ this week.

In literacy, we have been learning the sounds ‘u’ and ‘b’.  We came up with lots and lots of ‘b’ words with our chatty partners!  Some of us have been writing words, sounding out the letters.

In maths, we have been doing more addition and have begun to learn addition facts so that we can recall answers without having to count objects.  We have been learning all the ways of adding to 2 and 3.  We will continue this with numbers 4 and 5 next week.

We also began learning about capacity.  We investigated with water and different sized containers – how many cups of water will it take to fill it up?  We also used cubes to measure capacity too. We looked at measuring jugs and used the numbers on the side to measure amounts.  We have been using the words ‘most’, ‘least’, ‘full’, ’empty’ and ‘half full’.

We are continuing our book study of ‘Wee Granny’s Tartan Bag.’  If you haven’t heard about it yet, ask your child to tell you the story.  As Wee Granny has a tartan bag and skirt we have been looking closely at tartan patterns and designing our own.  They are on display in our home corner and have really brightened it up.  In the story Granny, Emily and Harry bake cupcakes for a bake sale.  We have been busy making cakes of our own this too, using lots of weird and wonderful ingredients found around the classroom!

It was lovely to see everyone dressed in their spotty clothes on Friday.  It was great fun going to the bake sale and spending our own money.  Thank you to everyone who baked and handed in donation money – it was a huge success and I’m sure we will find out soon how much we raised for this excellent cause.

Some photographs from this week:


Springfield’s Children in Need Spotacular 2017

Well done to everyone who supported the Pupil Council’s first fundraising event, “Children in Need’s Spotacular”. It was lovely to see so many children and teachers dressed in spots.

Our Pupil Council lead by Melissa and Emily did a fantastic job, it really was a team effort.

We still need to finalise the total raised, but it is looking around £670, which is incredible.

Here are a few photos of our Bake Sale.

Mrs Gordon and the Pupil Council.



P2/3 at The Kelpies

In Literacy this week we wrote a recount of our day at The Kelpies, we all remembered to sequence our writing in the correct order and we included time connectives such as First, Next and Finally.

Here is D.O’s recount of our day:

On Tuesday 14th November we went to The Kelpies on our school trip. First we went to the visitor centre and we saw a gigantic Lego Kelpie and a video of how the Kelpies were made. Next a man called Andy took us to the canal and he told us that the Kelpies were not real it was meant to tell you to stay away from water because it is dangerous. After that we got a whiteboard and pen to draw The Kelpies then Andy said that we could go inside the Kelpie. The door opened by itself and I said we’ve been eaten by the Kelpies! Inside I saw a rusty horseshoe. Finally, we went to the park and played. My favourite part was going inside the Kelpies.

In Maths we have been working on addition (2 digit + a single digit), we used numicon and number lines to help us. Next week we will be working on subtraction. In mental maths we are getting really good at recalling the 3 times tables, we love the 3 times tables song!

Miss Prince made our reading corner into an underwater Kelpie Cave, we had lots of fun playing in there today 🙂

Have a lovely weekend,

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x


Primary 2B

We are looking at the stories about Katie Morag for our Scottish Book Focus week. We have drawn a big map of the Isle of Struay as well as individual ones. We are in the process of using materials to create collages of the different characters who feature in the stories. The children really enjoyed this and were very quiet whilst working on these. We will finish them next week and this is what they were doing in the photos.

We are continuing to enjoy our class novel – “The Christmasaurus” and have now discovered the horrible, unkind girl in the story who we all dislike.

We are continuing to work on addition and enjoy using the Numicon to help us.

Nativity practice continues and the children know their positions hopefully and when to come on and off the stage.

Have a lovely weekend.

Class of the week!


In Phonics we have been learning about the au/aw sound. We wrote our own stories and tried to use as many ‘aw’ words as we could. We were using alphabet stampers to write words and revised some of our sounds using our new board games.

We continued our work on Katie Morag and learnt how to summarise a story. We read Katie Morag and the New Pier together. We then talked about the most important events and picked out 5 key events to write about. In our groups we all wrote a sentence and joined them together to make a summary chain. Mrs Miller also helped us create a life size Katie Morag picture for our classroom. We drew around Emma Turton and painted our picture of Katie.

We are really enjoying our class novel ‘The BFG’. We did a visualising task based on the description of the BFG. We look at adjectives to describe what he looks like and thought about what kind of person he was. Miss Mudd challenged us to give examples from the story to support our ideas.


We have been busy making patterns on our peg boards. We talked about our patterns being symmetrical and looked at how they repeat over and over again. We have continued our work on addition and looked at the story of 11 and 12. We used number bond rainbows to show the pairs that add together to make 11 and 12. We continued to practise our doubles and we are now super speedy with our recall.



On Friday it was Children in Need and we all dressed up in spotty clothes to raise some money for charity. A big thank you to the Pupil Council and Mrs Gordon for organising the bake sale. We loved eating all of our goodies.

Well done to all of P2A for being class of the week AND winning the peg challenge. What stars! Hard work certainly pays off.

Have a lovely weekend


Miss Mudd and P2A x

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