P2/3’s Crafty Christmas Creations

Well done to our Primary 2 Nativity super stars, what a fabulous show they put on!

Primary 3 have been busy making Kelpies out of clay, they are looking fantastic.

In Literacy this week we looked at the features of a poster. We made posters for our Christmas Stall, our success criteria was to:

  • include important information
  • use big, bold writing
  • use bright, eye catching colours
  • Include pictures of the product

In Maths we continued our work on addition and subtraction, looking at strategies to solve missing number sums. We are making the link between addition and subtraction to help us to do this. For example:

? + 10 = 15         15- 10 =

In Art we learnt about blending using chalks. We studied the Northern Lights and created beautiful pictures showing the Northern Lights over the Arctic. Then we followed step by step instructions on how to draw an arctic fox. We’re very proud of our pictures!

Here are some photos of our crafty Christmas creations:

Have a great weekend!

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince 🙂


Snowflakes and Sheep in P1B

We are gearing up for the nativity live shows and have been practising really hard this week.  You’re in for a treat – P1 make a lovely choir.  We’re very excited to have a real audience.

We have also begun to think a bit more about winter and Christmas. In art on Monday we made snowflakes by folding paper circles and cutting out shapes and then opening them up – we loved the results and were very surprised at how they looked when they were opened.  We were also able to practise the properties of 2D shapes again as we discussed and decided how to cut our paper.  This was such a big hit that a number of the children have been making snowflakes whenever they can!

We also made some decorations for the walls in the hall.  P1 made sheep, we all drew a sheep and 2 were chosen to be enlarged using a clever trick with a camera and the smartboard projector.  Then groups of children painted them and stuck cotton wool on their bodies.  Make sure you have a look for them at the nativity.

We finally learned curly ‘c’ this week – a few the children have been waiting for this day since the beginning of the school year!  We also learned all about ‘l’. We have been sounding out and writing a lot more words too.

In numeracy, we have been adding to 5 and 6 – learning recall of all the sums that make these numbers.  In outer maths we continued with time, looking again at ‘oclock on analogue and digital clocks.

As always, there has been some really good learning through play going on in P1.  We have some very inventive children who love to make models out of junk or sticklebricks, some like to draw or write, practising their sounds and motor skills, they are also very sociable at the writing table too – lots of chat going on! They have also been enjoying playing with the dolls house where they act out little bits of their own lives and make up stories.  Sometimes they also like to have some quite time with a book.

We’re looking forward to seeing many of you at the nativity.  P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Road Safety in Springfield

Well done to the JRSO committe for rasing awareness of Road Safety at Assembly. They also went around all the classes to talk about Road Safety and provided materials to help everyone to think about being safe.

Scottish Book Week in P2A


We have been learning how to give feedback to each other and how to peer assess each other’s work. We were working on using different sentence openers and used a highlighter to identify the openers our partner had used. We then coloured in the smiley face that we thought they had achieved. We said what we thought was good about their work and gave them a next step.

It was Scottish Book Week this week so we were reading some of the Katie Morag books. We read ‘Katie Morag and the 2 grandmothers’ then compared the characters in the story. We had to find words in the book to support our answers. We read a different Katie Morag story each day and talked about the different characters that we met. We also created a giant Katie for our topic corner. We thought of words that described her and added them to our display.

We finished our BFG story this week and we have loved every second of it! We used the story as a stimulus to talk about bullying and being kind to each other. The Giants are not kind to the BFG and it makes him sad so we talked about what we could do in that situation. We made posters to help people remember what to do if someone is being unkind to them.


In numeracy we were using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help us recall the bonds to 20. We noticed a pattern! We used a rhyme to help us remember the number facts. We made number socks to show the pairs that made 20. We worked with a partner to make our socks symmetrical. We are going to hang them on our washing line.



It was our last week of rehearsals for the Nativity. We are all very excited to perform to a proper audience. We have been very busy sorting costumes and props. Well done to Harrison for winning the Enjoyaball trophy. We are very proud of your achievement. Well done to Zara for moving up a level in swimming. So nice to hear about everyone working hard outside of school.

We have also been busy doing Christmas crafts this week. We have made ribbon wreaths for the Christmas Fair. We also made paper plate angels to hang on the Christmas tree. It was very sparkly with an explosion of glitter in P2A!

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Mudd and P2A


Pupil Achievements…

Well done you A in P4 for taking her Brownie Promise! She has been practising her lines for weeks and we are very proud of her!

Another congratulations to J in P2 for continuing to win medals and trophies in Tae Kwon Do! A super effort once again!

Miss Baillie x🌟


Road Safety Week

As part our our GIRFEC  ‘Safe’ Wellbeing Indicator, we learned about keeping safe on roads this week.  Thank you to Mrs McAlpine and her Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) for sharing this year’s campaign, ‘Slow Down, Save Lives’ with us. Children have been  learning  about the dangers of speeding drivers and are asked to remind their adult to slow down when driving to help prevent deaths on the road. An important message delivered well. Thank you to all involved.

Miss Baillie x


Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

In Assembly this week, Mr Wells shared our new Vision, Values and Aims. We are really excited with what we have created and are grateful to all parents, pupils and staff who contributed. Watch out for our Vison, Values and Aims in all of our publications and around school in the next few weeks and months ahead.  Mr Wells and I have even created actions to go with each value so that the children remember them! We plan to make our Vision and our Values alive and at the heart of our school.

We also launched our new achievement certificates, linked into our Vison and Values and these will be presented regularly at assembly. Here are the first group of infant children to get an award:


We also had a number of birthdays in our infant school this week… congratulations and ‘happy birthday’ to you all!

Our Primary 7 children revived their new school ties two weeks ago and this week their ‘Friday hoodies’ arrived. They all look very smart in their new uniforms and stand out from the rest of the children in the school as young leaders. What a great bunch they all are!

Our nursery children have now finished creating their turnip patch with an Enomous Turnip included! Thank you to all parents for handing in a turnip! The children have enjoyed investigating the different sizes, shapes and tones as part of their Literacy and Numeracy skills development.

I hope that you had a happy weekend everyone. Remember that next Friday, 1st December, is ‘dress down’ and ‘bring a chocolate item to school’ for the PTA tombolla at the Xmas Fayre.

Miss Baillie x


P1B Vowels, Baubles and Time

We have been learning vowel sounds and names this week.  We have been singing vowel songs, practicing the vowels in lots of different ways, identifying vowels in written words and listening for vowels in CVC words as we write them.

In numeracy, we have been learning number bonds for 4 and 5.  We played number bond games on the smartboard and used cubes, counting kids and playdough to layout our addition sums.  We also write our sums on whiteboards and in our maths books.

On Thursday we were learning about time.  We sang two songs about days of the week – we really liked the one to the ‘Adam’s Family’ theme tune 🙂  We were reading o’clock times on digital and analogue clocks.  We were really good at it and picked it up really well.  We will continue with time next Thursday.

We have been working hard decorated Christmas baubles for a display in Tesco window.  We drew our favourite Christmas things on the bauble and coloured them brightly.  They are now on display so have a look if you are in.  There is a small picture below.

G brought in his Enjoy-a-Ball trophy to show us.  He told us that he was throwing a ball and Paul Pizza said he wasn’t doing it the right way and showed him a better way to do it, then G worked really hard to get it right – great resilience!  Well done G!

On Friday, at assembly, we learned that we had won the ‘peg challenge’ the week, collecting the most pegs for walking quietly as we move around the school.  We will have an extra 5 minutes breaktime on Monday as a reward.

Have a lovely weekend, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

P2/3 Class of the Week

We are super stars! Miss Baillie and Mr Wells were so impressed with how hard working, kind and sensible we are that we won class of the week! Miss Prince is very proud of us.

In Literacy this week we have been retelling the story ‘The Secret of the Kelpie’, we picked out the main points in the story and ordered them in the correct sequence. We also worked on punctuation – full stops, question marks and exclamation mark. This was tricky but we learnt that we use exclamation marks if the sentence is exciting, surprising or if the person is shouting.

In Maths we have been working on subtraction – 2 digit take away a single digit. We enjoyed solving subtraction sums on robot function machines. We used number lines to help us and remembered to jump back in 5s and 10s to solve subtraction sums quicker.

In Art we learnt how to draw a Kelpie. We also painted a Scottish landscape for our Kelpie to live in. We found that mixing green with blue created a realistic colour for the loch. We’re really pleased with how our pictures have turned out:

Have a great weekend,

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x





A week in Primary 2B


n Science we had great fun experimenting with sound – very noisy but we learnt a lot.

In P.E we have continued with Gymnastics and Mrs.Reid says we’re doing really well.

We have started adding 3 digits together in Maths and have talked about strategies to use. The children are really good at explaining how they worked out the answer.

In Literacy, we have been learning how to write an informal letter and used the stimulus of our class novel “Christmasaurus” to write a letter to the bully to ask her to stop.

We learnt the colours in French with our P6 pals.

  • The children have been finishing their Collages of characters from Katie Morag and have made a brilliant job. Very impressive.
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