Travelling by Tuba and P2/3

Travelling by Tuba came to visit us today, it was a musical success!

In the morning we enjoyed watching Chris and Stewart perform, listening and responding to the music.

In the afternoon we took part in a workshop, where we got to try the instruments and play along to music. We even put on a wee show for the Primary 1-3 children at the end of the day. Miss Prince was very impressed by our sense of rhythm!

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince

Primary 6

We had a visit from Mr Hogg and Miss Saigle during science. They spoke to us about renewable energy sources and sustainability.

In maths we have explored rules of divisibility. For example if a number is even it can be divided by 2. Ask your child about the other rules we have explored.

In literacy we have begun to look at the story of Edward Tulane and will follow his journey throughout the term

Our IDL covered the changing states of water and the scientific language associated with this. Again, the children should be able to give you some of the language we discovered.


Primary 6B

Primary 2B

Cosmic Yoga     Wow words in Phonics

Happy New Year to everyone and hope that you all had a good Christmas.

We’ve settled back in quickly although I wouldn’t say quietly!!

This week we’ve been talking about our school values and have been concentrating on kindness. Each week I plan to work with the children on one of them. Your children should be able to tell you what each one is. We’ve talked about what kind acts we could do this year, both in and out of school.

We have completed our block on subtraction and will be moving onto money.

Our Scottish focus is on famous Scottish artists, namely Jolomo and Steven Brown. This week we’ve looked at Jolomo and the chidren have done some brilliant paintings.

Miss.Baillie read the children a story called “The Polar Bear Son” and they have been  discussing and retelling the story.

We did Cosmic Yoga with P2A and really enjoyed it.

Welcome Back!

Happy new year everyone! We hope you all had a lovely and relaxing Christmas break! It was great to see the pupil’s huge smiles and enthusiasm for starting back on Tuesday morning. The class loved sharing their favourite parts of the holiday which they then used to write a Christmas Holiday report.

We reflected on the year that is now past and discussed all the things we are looking forward to in 2018. This was a great starting point for evaluating our learning in Primary 3 and deciding what we would like to work on going into the new term. The class created their own Learning Zone that helped them visualise what we feel really confident doing in class to what we feel we need to work on.

Throughout the next few weeks our focus in class will be on Scotland and looking at all things Scottish. We hope to learn some Scottish poems in time for Rabbie Burns Day and have set up stations in the classroom that include designing our own tartan and paper weaving.

On Friday we welcomed Mrs Birkett to the class and she will be working with us over the next few Mondays and Fridays.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs McVay and Primary 3

Welcome Back!

Happy New Year from P2A. We celebrated the new year by singing Auld Lang Syne and looking at different ways people celebrate.

We also set ourselves a very special homework task. We had another visit from the Kindness Fairy as she wanted to check we were still following our kindness promise. We talked about acts of kindness and we each picked a kind thing that we are going to do this week. On Friday we all shared the kind acts we have been doing. Miss Mudd was incredibly proud and even awarded us with a kindness award! Being kind is one of our school values so it is important for us to show kindness all the time.

We started using our traffic light cups more in class. We can use them to show Miss Mudd if we are stuck and we were using them to self-assess our writing.

This week we were talking about what makes a good learner. We drew around one of our bodies and filled it with our ideas. Here are some to share with you:

  • Listening skills
  • Concentrate
  • Ask questions
  • Keep trying your best
  • Show resilience
  • Be confident
  • Be positive
  • See mistakes as good things
  • Share your ideas


We then thought of examples of when we have shown some of these qualities. We realised that we can all be great learners!

We also started turning our classroom into the Isle of Struay. We turned our reading corner into Grannie Island’s house, we added a Post Office to our role play area and we built the Redburn bridge.

On Thursday we joined P2B for some Cosmic Yoga. We had to follow instructions and listen carefully. We stretched our bodies and developed our balance.

We have also changed our Dojo skills this term. Miss Mudd has linked them to our school values so we can earn dojo’s for showing our values.

Hope you all had a lovely break. It is nice to be back and we have an exciting term ahead!


Miss Mudd and P2A x

Springing forward in learning in 2018!

Happy New Year and welcome to our first blog post of 2018!

In Literacy we are learning how to write a report. We wrote reports on our Christmas holidays and included lots of detail about people we visited, foods we ate and the gifts we gave and received.

In Maths we are learning how to tell the time – o’clock, half past and quarter to/past. We enjoyed playing games, making our own analogue clocks and recording the time on our Maths wall. We are learning a song about how to tell the time – here’s the link if you’d like to practise at home:

We start our Scottish focus next week, we are going to be looking at Scottish arts and crafts. If any of you have any areas of expertise (knitting, weaving, etc) please get in touch, we’d love to have some experts in to show us how it’s done!

Homework and reading books will go home on Monday.

PE is on Wednesdays and Thursdays this term.

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince

Merry Christmas from P1B

A very short final blog of the year.

Here are a couple of pictures from today.  Our buddies surprised us with story books that they wrote and illustrated.  They read us the stories and gave them to us as a Christmas gift.  We love them!  Thank you very much P7 🙂

We are saying “Merry Christmas” (very loudly!) in this photo, taken just before our Christmas party.

Enjoy the festivities, have a happy and peaceful time.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 6B

What a lovely week we have had in Primary 6B.

We finished reading Wonder and were then able to enjoy the film during our trip to Cineworld on Thursday. The children were stars and their behaviour was exemplary. They enjoyed the film and were keen to compare the differences between the two media.

We shared our learning in Science with our Primary 2’s this week, allowing them to play the board games that we made with Mrs Tulloch.

We also now have a fantastic display of our toucans in the style of Henri Rousseau.

The children also enjoyed creating their sock snowmen.

Wishing you all a lovely break and a prosperous New Year.

Mrs Kerr

Merry Christmas from P2A

This week we finished our snow globe stories. We used our plans to write the middle and ending of the story. We all used some lovely describing words and came up with some very imaginative ideas.

We were also helping Miss Mudd with some of the corridor displays. We used cotton wool to make clouds for outside our classroom. We made flowers to go around our door and made a banner saying ‘We Grow Together’.

On Tuesday we went to P6 to play some of the board games they had made. We had a great time testing them out and we even gave our feedback to them when we had finished. We then played Sumdog with our buddies and practised logging on independently.

On Wednesday we learnt the ’Twelve days of Christmas’ song. We looked at the names of the numbers in the song. We worked in groups to solve some word problems that Miss Mudd had made up to try and stretch our brains! In the afternoon we did a lesson linked to our Christmasaurus story. In the story some of the characters talk about how they feel different and don’t fit in. We did some discussion based on being unique and special. We then completed sentences to show how special we really are. We wanted to celebrate our differences!

On Thursday we had our Christmas Disco. We danced the afternoon away and Miss Mudd was pretty impressed with our creative dance moves. We also wrote some elf rhymes based on the story of the Christmasaurus. In the book, the elves all speak in rhyme. We played a game of ‘pass the rhyme’ then worked in groups to pick a subject card and write our own mini rhymes.

On Friday we joined P2B for a Christmas craft morning and made Christmas tree cards.

What a busy term it has been! Thank you all so much for your support and help. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Be safe!


Miss Mudd and P2A

News From This Week…

We are now just one sleep away from the end of an extremely busy two terms at Springfield and Bonnytoun.  As children get ready for their visit from Santa, here are the happenings of the last week or so in school and nursery…

Our nursery cherubs were amazing as they performed their ‘Easy Cheesy Nativity’ last week. All children sat beautifully through the performance, joining in the songs and actions and they were a credit to the staff and their parents. Thank you to Mrs T and all of the nursery team who continue to do a brilliant job.

We held a very successful Learning Showcase last Wednesday with many parents enjoying a coffee with us and a wander around the classrooms in school to view the different learning. Some parents even managed to catch some Scottish dancing in the gym hall!

Here are some pictures from our last assembly and the pupils who received our new Vison, Values and Aims awards. Well done to you all!

Thank so much to everyone who came to our church service on Tuesday night of this week. It was a beautiful service and our school choir , instrumentalists and all of the children who read aloud did us proud. Thank you to Mrs Hogg, Miss Prince, Miss Craenor and Mrs Begarnie for helping with this service.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and we shall see you all back in school and nursery on Tuesday 9th January 2018.

Thank you so much for your support. It continues to be a pleasure to work with you all.

Love Miss Baillie xx⛄️🌟🎄💖




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