Just a quick note to let everyone know that there will be NO rugby after school club this term. I will start the club up again after Easter when the weather improves and we are able to get back outside.
Miss Mudd x
Springfield Primary School and Bonnytoun Nursery School
Spring Forward in Learning and Life – Becoming. Belonging. Believing.
Just a quick note to let everyone know that there will be NO rugby after school club this term. I will start the club up again after Easter when the weather improves and we are able to get back outside.
Miss Mudd x
We have been reading ‘The Great Pet Sale’ as we have been learning about money. In P2A we had our very own pet sale. We brought in our favourite pets and created a poster to try and sell them. We then worked in pairs to create a shopping list to show what we wanted to buy. We were given £4 to spend at the sale.
CA and MK worked behind the till and had to calculate the change needed…..a very tricky job!
Primary 2A have been learning about punctuation. We went on a punctuation hunt around the school and outdoor environment. Look at how many we found! We looked at full stops and realised they are just dots. We went on a dot hunt. The primary 2 students even room control of the photography and used our new class iPad to photograph our evidence.
We found a question mark….
And an exclamation mark….
We the practised walking out sentences and dropped our beanbag where we thought the full stop should go. We worked in partners to practise this.
We even started using connectives in our sentences!
It is great to get outside to do our learning
Miss Mudd and P2A x
On Monday the Primary 7 netball girls took part in their first ever cluster netball tournament. For their first tournament , the girls played well together as a team and showed a lot of potential. They managed to win one game out of the three that they played. They are currently third in the league, with a few more tournaments to go, the girls still have plenty of time to shine!
Mrs Matos and Miss Harrison could not have been more proud of the girls’, positive attitude and team work. All the netball girls played with enthusiasm and commitment. Well done girls!!
Watch this space…. Netball stars in training!!
Mrs Matos and Miss Harrison.
Another busy week has been and gone at Springfield and Bonnytoun, ending with our Scottish assembly last Friday. During assembly, we talked about what we think of when we say the word “Scotland” and what it means to be Scottish. We then sang some Scottish songs such as ‘Yeh cannae shove yer granny aff a bus’ and ‘Three Craws.’
Our Primary Seven children all received certificates for their achievements over the past while in skiing. It has been a pleasure to take these children to Hillend and watch their confidence grow on the slopes.
We sang our birthday song to Lucy in P3 and presented our Values certificates to a host of children.
Here is A in P5 with her cheerleading achievement from this week…
Next week most classes will begin their Social Subjects, interdisciplinary learning focus which has a historical context. I wonder what your child’s class will choose to learn about? We continue to work hard to let all children make choices in and lead the direction of their learning . I hope too, that you have now received your child’s ‘Sharing the Learning’ sheet from their class teacher to keep you up-to-date with planned learning.
Speak to you all next week. Have a good one!
Love Miss Baillie xx💖
P1B have had a busy couple of weeks! Our transport topic is well underway, we started by investigating trains. All of the children have really been enjoying it. We have made a train and created a train station and cafe in our classroom. We have also got a train set in the class which has proved to be very popular too.
Some excellent writing on our train information board.
Some bridge building as part of our trains topic. We also worked in pairs to make bridges using junk, plastic cups, lollypop sticks, glue and selotape. The children had to plan with their partner and they worked well together. Almost all of the bridges met the criteria – a train must be able to go along the top and a boat must fit underneath. It was so busy that I didn’t get a chance to take one photo!
Here are some bridges built during play using wooden blocks.
Train oil pastel pictures.
When I asked the children what they would like to learn about trains, many of them said they want to know more about how they move, we began looking into this by looking at forces, rolling and friction to investigate wheels and the best surfaces for a train to run on. We tried our train on different surfaces and found that a smooth flat one was best and that tracks were even better.
We also investigated rolling and tried to roll different shapes and sizes of objects.
We have also looked at the history of trains and will be looking more closely at steam engines next week.
In maths we have begun to look at numbers to 20 and beyond. We have been counting objects up to 20, ordering the numbers forwards and backwards and filling in the missing numbers.
We used Numicon to learn about place value – using the parts to see that ‘teen’ numbers are 10 plus some units.
In outer maths we have been data handling. this week we were sorting objects, making up our own criteria to get them into categories. This was a big hit and the children have sorted lots of things around the classroom! They did a great job.
Finally, some lovely photos of the children playing in the snow last week 🙂 It was great fun!
F won the ‘Golden Boot’ for his excellent football skills – Well done!
Enjoy your weekend, P1B and Mrs Kennedy
Just to recap on last week – the highlight being the visit from. “TravellingTuba” – a musical pair who introduced the children to musical instruments from other countries as well as demonstrating them. The children then did a workshop with them and performed in front of the other infants. It was a fantastic experience for them and one which they really enjoyed.
In Maths we were working on money and identifying coins up to £1, as well as adding them.
We looked at the work of Scottish artist Steven Brown and produced our own Crazy Giraffes.
The children have really enjoyed reading”Into the Forest” by Anthony Browne and w e have begun to some work from it.
This week we have had visitors in the school and they have been very impressed with our children at Springfield.
We have continued our work on “Into the Forest”” and written diary entries pretending we were the little boy in the story. Some brilliant writing and we have also done some collage work connected to the story.
We have continued our work on money and have started doing some budgeting. Very impressive and super communication in their group work.
The children worked on constructing bridges and discussed what made a strong bridge. We talked about what made a fair test.
We have begun learning footballing skills in “Futsal” which the children are really enjoying.
Have a good weekend everyone and may this lovely sunshine continue.
This week we have been stretching our brains even more! Miss Mudd has set us lots of different challenges to apply our skills to different contexts.
In phonics we have been learning our consonant blends. We had lots of different stations set out to help us to read, say, write and make words using these blends.
In Maths we have been learning about money. It was Grannie Island’s birthday this week so we had to work in groups to plan a surprise birthday party for her. We had to make decisions about what we wanted to buy. We worked together to add up what we had spent and we had to stay within a certain budget. We then went on to design party invitations for Grannie Island. We developed so many skills through this task. We learnt how to budget, make decisions, calculate change, add up coins.
There was also a disaster on the island this week. The Redburn bridge had collapsed which meant Katie Morag could not deliver the post. We conducted a paper experiment to investigate how to make a structure stronger. By changing the shape of the paper, we learnt that it got stronger and could hold more cubes. We then used this learning to help us design a new Redburn Bridge. We worked in pairs to design and evaluate our bridges. We talked about what went well and what was tricky. We thought about how an engineer would design a bridge and how they would have to keep changing and adapting their ideas. During our free play time, Miss Mudd set out different materials and we had a go at making more bridges. We showed great resilience when things got hard and didn’t quite go to plan!
In PE we were working on balance. We practised different types of balances, using different parts of our bodies. Our muscles worked hard to stay strong and still.
Miss Mudd and P2A x
Happy New Year and Happy New Term everyone! We have had a busy couple of weeks as we settle the children into term 3 of this session. Where does the time go!
You will notice that we have had some staff absence of late and Mr Wells and I continue to work hard to make decisions that will ensure that your child continues to make progress in their learning, despite staff being off. We understand that staff absence is difficult for everyone but please bear with us… we promise you that we continue to look after and prioritise the need of your children.
We have had two lovely assemblies recently where we have continued to work on our Vision, Values and Aims. Our Nursery children can all perform our ‘values actions’ and a special song to help them to remember the values.
Here are out latest certificates winners from assembly…
And our birthday stars including one of our sets of twins!
We also had a great visit by a musical group called Travelling By Tuba this week. The children across the school loved hearing different brass instruments and a piano being played as they were taken on a musical trip around the world. We value the Expressive Arts in our Curriculum and recognise the importance of promoting a love of Music, Art, Dance and Drama in our children.
Our children have loved playing in the snowy weather this week and if you come into our school office, please take time to view some ‘snowy photos’ of your children playing in the playground, which we have displayed in our main entrance-way. Thank you to Mrs Hutton for her help with this.
Finally here is the very sweet R in P2 with her Highland dancing achievement! Well done R! You are always smiling and we love you for it!
Have a great Sunday everyone and stay warm! ❄️⛄️
Love Miss Baillie xxx💖
This was the week the snow came! We couldn’t resist going out and having some fun together. We stacked, rolled, squashed and squeezed.
In Maths we started a new mini topic on Money. We were learning how to recognise and identify different coins. We were also adding coins up to 50p and £1. We linked this to our work on place value and could identify the tens and ones. We practised our skills by playing lots of Money games.
Miss Mudd set up a new Finger Gym activity this week. We had to use the coins to make up different totals. We then had to use the giant tweezers to put the coins in the right cake cases.
In Literacy we have been learning how to give feedback to our friends. We wrote a sentence then went round the circle and listened to the feedback given. We then had to write the sentence out again and make improvements. We enjoyed doing this because we could see our sentences improving every time!
On Monday Miss Baillie set us a challenge to research Polar Bears and create a fact file to give other people information. We watched videos, analysed pictures and shared our own knowledge to come up with some key facts.
This week we also started our block of Futsal. A big thank you to Neil for teaching us new skills. It was hard work!
The Isle of Struay role play area was finally open for business. We have loved playing in the Post Office and have been practising paying for items and giving change.
For Scottish week we learnt about the artist Steven Brown. We loved how he used bright colours and long wavy lines to create his pictures. We had a go too!
On Thursday we had a very special visit from Travelling by Tuba. We participated in a workshop and learnt to play music from around the world. We had to stay in time to the beat and experimented with different instruments.
At the end of each day Miss Mudd has set out our P2A learning log. We roll out the piece of wallpaper and write down all of the things we have learnt that day. It is important for us to be able to identify what we have learnt so we can reflect on it. As you can see, we have learnt a lot this week!
Miss Mudd and P2A x