Our Week at Springfield and Bonnytoun.

This week we held our very successful upper-school careers’ fayre. A host of professions and businesses were represented to inspire our young people towards different career options. Thank you to all businesses and individuals who took time to come along and make this possible. We’ve worked ready hard on our Skills for Learning, Life and Work programme over the past two sessions and this event showcased the culmination of our efforts. Thank you to Mr Logan for his help with this.

Primary 1A and Miss Harrison held a great assembly about the history of transport yesterday. We saw lots of images of old fashioned methods of transport including the Penny Farthing bicycle. Well done to our little primary one children who all spoke, sang and danced so confidently.

Here are some achievements from this week:

Well done to EC in Primary 2 for bringing along her wonderful model of Charlie and the Chocolate factory with the help of her classmate E. Great work! I liked the sweeties! 😉

Also, well done to C in P5 for his swimming award!

Here is N who is representing her class to hold Peggy Bear. P3 got the most pegs this week for walking around school quietly and hence, received Peggy.

Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend everyone in the lovely sunshine. See you all next week for a short week in school and nursery!

Take care.

Miss Baillie xx🌞💖




Primary 2B’s Indian Adventure

This week we’ve had a whirlwind trip to India. We’ve found out about  the Indian flag, map of India, capital city of India, food, clothes, famous landmarks, rangoli patterns, mehndi designs and clay pots to put candles in. The children have really enjoyed it.

We also had a visit from Mrs.Martin who talked about her home country of Russia. It was lively with lots of photos and artefacts. Thank you very much Mrs.Martin. St.Petersburg looks fantastic.

In Numeracy, we have started to work on multiplication. We’ve talked about groups of items and repeated addition and are progressing on to the 2x table. Any practice at home would be appreciated. Some of the children are confusing the x symbol with the + symbol. We will continue with this next week.

The children have produced some brilliant leaflets on Linlithgow and the surrounding area, as well as posters.

Photos to follow. Have a lovely long weekend.

Mrs.Burton and P2B

P1B Create a Garden Centre and Work Hard to be Global Citizens

This week we continued our life cycle topic.  As we have caterpillars in the classroom we looked at the lifecycle of a butterfly.  The children were very good at showing their understanding on their whiteboards, they also talked to a ‘chatty partner’ about the stages of the life cycle that they had drawn.  Then we made paper chain caterpillars like the one in ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ story.

We have also been thinking about being ‘Global Citizens’ this week.  We decided that it is up to all of us to do our bit to look after our lovely planet.  Mrs Kennedy put lots of different objects into a recycling bag and we used it as a ‘Talking Bag’ this is when we use the objects to help our discussion, we touch, explore and look at them to help us to begin our conversations and get some ideas.  We also had the story ‘George Saves the World by Lunchtime.’  In the book George helps his Grandad to save the world using the 4 R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle and repair.  We then wrote down our own messages to others on how they can help to look after the environment.

On Friday, we began to turn our role play area into a garden centre.  There were six committees and they all worked hard doing different jobs. You can see the committees below. There was a Sign Making Committee too but there doesn’t seem to be a photograph of them, they did an excellent job and Mrs Kennedy is about to set it up using all the work that the children produced.

We have had quite a few children with successes outside of school this week.  G got a certificate from Crazy Golf, K was in a rugby tournament and F won the Golden Boot at his football training.  C was also awarded this large trophy in her Judo class.  Well done to all of you!

Have a lovely long weekend, see you all on Wednesday, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

4.5.18 Primary 5A

This week in P5A, we have started our literacy circle activities. We were well prepared and able to take on the different roles. The directors made very good teachers, leading the groups. To help with our reading and research we focused on identifying the main idea.  At writing, having looked at different samples of text we were able to workout where the new paragraphs come. This will help when writing stories.

In number we have continued  to find fractions of amounts and use real life examples. This makes much more sense to us now.  We have been finding perimeters of shapes with Mrs Gordon and doing more number talks. She loves our strategies.

As part of our expressive arts and IDL we are comparing a classical artist, Edwin Landseer’s ” The Monarch of the Glen”  (1851), with modern Scottish artist, Scott Naismith’s different beach scenes.

We painted our own version of Scottish mountains from photographs and then positioned a stag in the foreground. Next week we will use pastels to create beach scenes.


At science we discussed light and shadows and whether materials were translucent, opaque or transparent. We took part in different activities which involved making shadows smaller, larger and from different angles. We revisited how a solar eclipse occurs from our Space topic in term 1.

For IDL we studied the different landscapes in Scotland and also studied map symbols. We looked at the  universal colour code and then designed our own ordnance  survey symbols.

What great matches we had at basketball this week. The passing was super and there was great dribbling and shooting. Mr Logan said the class worked really well during his football lesson.

Joined up success in P2/3

After all the excitement of our class assembly last week we have had a calm and settled week in P2/3.

We decided to recycle our Blue Attenborough boat and create a boat trip role play area, we have a ticket office where you can buy your boat tickets, and a desert island to land on!

In Maths we have been using our knowledge of the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables to solve word problems. We are  very good at taking our time to read the questions and try out different strategies. We are resilient! We love playing buzz to practise our time tables.

In handwriting this term we are learning how to do joined up writing. We absolutely love the challenge of learning a new join and trying it out in our sentence writing.

Our IDL this term is Making Our Community Greener. We already have prior knowledge of the devastating effect plastic is having on the oceans, now we are going to dig deeper and look at how we can reduce, reuse, recycle in Linlithgow. Fun fact, did you know it can take up to 5 years for a banana skin to decompose?!

Class talk information sheets were handed out yesterday, every child has been given a date for their class talk, any questions drop me a dojo.

Have a great long weekend,

Love P2/3 and Miss Prince x



Interesting India


We were learning all about the ‘Chocolate Room’ in our novel. We read through the description together and picked out all of the key words. We made a list of all of the items that were described. We then created a picture of what we thought it would look like. We had a great discussion about the difference between films and books. We felt that with a book, you had to create the pictures yourself using your imagination. We showed our pictures to the class and identified any similarities and differences between our drawings. We then watched a clip of the film version of the story to see how they had created the setting.

We started our new Big Writing Adventure this week. Max and Ant were at the beach so we had some great discussion about the seaside. We then practised writing postcards to say what we had been doing and what we had seen. We were learning how to use exclamation marks in our sentences.

We have also started our new writing genre for this term: Fantasy stories. We looked at lots of examples of Fantasy stories and picked out key themes. They were often set in magical worlds and often had a magical object to transport them. Some of them were about a journey or a quest. We look at stories like Harry Potter, The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Next week we will begin to create our own magical settings for our story.


In Numeracy we were introduced to multiplication. We practised making groups with the cubes and Numicon. We then progressed to using repeated addition for multiplication. We used the story of Noah’s Ark to help us with the 2 times table. We looked at how to jump up using a number line. We also learnt about arrays and looked at lots of examples of arrays in our every day life.



In our computer time we practised our typing skills. We went on Microsoft Word and wrote some sentences about the countries we had been learning about. We learnt how to use the space bar and back space.

In IDL we were looking at India this week. We compared photographs of cities and villages in India. We talked about the similarities and differences with Linlithgow. We had 4 stations to work around: Rangoli patters, Henna hands, Indian flags with the peg boards and making clay pots. We talked about the Taj Mahal, traditional foods and farming methods and traditional clothes.


A big thank you to Emma’s mum for coming in to talk to the P2 classes about Russia. She showed us some wonderful photographs of the buildings, traditional clothes and food. We learnt how to write our names in Russian and compared the Russian alphabet to the English alphabet. We asked so many great questions!


A big WELL DONE to EC who made a fantastic model at home of the Wonka chocolate factory. It is absolutely incredible and we have been showing it off around the school all week. Also well done to ZC who has also been busy at home making a sweetie river! So much hard work happening at home which is great to see.


We also had some special visitors to school. We loved going to see the sheep and hens.



We hope you all have a great long weekend.

See you all on Wednesday!

Miss Mudd and P2A x

Spring, Subtraction and Seeds in P1B

We have been finding out more about seasons this week.  We went on a ‘Signs of Spring’ walk around the school grounds and found lots of signs – buds, catkins, bees, and blossom to name a few.  We brought some inside with us to have a closer look with magnifying glasses.  Ms Banach has been helping us to plant beans.  We have each planted 2 different types of bean and we will look after them in the coming weeks and monitor their growth.  We then went outside and played ‘The Bean game’, we know it’s healthy to be active and we all really enjoyed it.  We also have caterpillars in our class.  We are going to look after them too and watch carefully as they begin metamorphosis.

We also began to investigate how to subtract – we sometimes call it ‘take away’ or ‘minus.’  We have been practising in lots of different ways, especially how to use objects to help us find the correct answers for our sums.  We will continue with subtraction for the next few weeks.  We have  been continuing our work on coin recognition, we’re getting very good and Mrs Kennedy was very impressed when we were working in small groups with her, she can see we’re really getting it now 🙂

We have been learning the digraphs ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ and have been writing words with these sounds in them, as well as trying to spot them in words as we read.  We liked the story on the Oxford Owl website called ‘Silver Foil Rocket’ and we spotted lots of our new digraphs in words.  You can sign up to this website at home, let me know if you’d like to know more about it.  In writing we were writing special invitations to you (Spoiler!)  You will get more information on this in the next couple of days.  We are working hard to write sentences independently – starting with a capital letter, sounding out words, remembering how to write our common words, leaving finger spaces and putting a full stop at the end.  Some of us are using ‘joining words’ to make our sentences longer and more interesting too.

We enjoy music sessions in the classroom most weeks, using the National Youth Choir of Scotland (NYCoS) resources.  Recently we have been learning rhythm, pitch and tempo.  We sing songs, play games and use our voices and instruments.  It is really good fun and busy so there is usually very little time to take photos, here is one from this week.

Thank you for reading our blog, P1B and Mrs Kennedy


News from this week…

Our week has been taken up showcasing our learning in Expressive Arts. From our Lion King performances to the little P2/3 children who sang and danced their way through a superb assembly, our pupils continue to amaze us with their talents.

Miss Prince and her P2/3 class held their wonderful assembly yesterday which taught us all about how to save our oceans and seas from plastic contamination. We are going to be working with  volunteers from the Linlithgow Transition project in the following weeks to try to use less plastic and packaging in our food products in school. Let’s all think about out plastic usage and how this impacts on our environment!


We have now purchased two new teddy bears, Peg and Peggy who will be awarded to classes who collect the most pegs each week. We hand out pegs for walking quietly in the corridors around school. Our nursery children have been busy working hard to keep the nursery floor tidy and have been earning ‘pegs’ as a result. They were delighted to be the first group of children to receive Peggy this week as were P7B who received Peg. This is a great incentive for positive behaviour and is motivating our children to continue to be responsible.

Pictured below are the ‘birthday’ children in our infant department this week,  plus Peggy the teddy, who R in P1A is proudly holding. Well done to P1A for winning Peggy this week!

Keep an eye out for our monthly nursery and school newsletters which will be coming out in the next week or so. This is such a busy term for us with lots of exciting things happening. We are now in full swing with our enhanced transition programme as well as our P7-S1 transition and nursery-P1 transition.

Look out for our P6-7 Career’s Fayre which we are holding next week (1st May) for our upper school children. This is a new initiative for us and builds on our skills for learning, life and work programme that we established last session.

As always, we welcome your feedback and you can do this by dropping into school, emailing our mail box or giving Mr Wells and I a call.

Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend!

Miss Baillie x💖

Outstanding Lion King Performances…

We are immensely proud of every single one of our P6-7 children and all staff involved for the outstanding Lion King performances which were held this week. Well done and  thank you to each and every one of you! What a team!

Every single child was a credit to their parents whether singing, dancing and acting their hearts out on stage or part of our technical and backstage teams.  What stars you all are! ⭐

The production was professionally executed from start to finish and a huge ‘thank you’ must go to all of the parents for their help in making the fabulous costumes, supporting staff backstage and running the front of house stalls.  We could not have done it without you!

Enjoy the pictures below as we now reminisce on an amazing show…

Miss Baillie xx

27.4.18 5A Blog

We started our literacy circle this week and everybody was very pleased with their choice of book. There was lots of discussion about the cover, illustrations and our initial feelings about the story line and characters. Mrs Tulloch had a job trying to get us to stop talking. Everyone has a role for next week and we look forward to listening to how everyone in the group manages their literacy circle task.

We were using dictionaries to help when up leveling our writing. For comprehension, we focused on reading for information and this should help us prepare for our class talks.

In maths, we focused on equivalent fractions and simplifying fractions. This was quite tricky and  we need to practise the method we have been using in class. Next week we will be finding fractions of an amount.  Mrs Gordon was pleased with our work on area and we will continue with perimeter.

We started our new IDL geography trail about Scotland and used a map to show: what we know, what we would like to find out and how we are going to do it.

At PE, we practiced our drills at basketball and had some very fast games. Lots of double dribbles though!

Mrs Bain gave us instruments and we were practicing keeping different rhythms.

Mr Logan continued with our internet safety and we completed our posters.

We continued with Scratch and have been showing our work, cartoon and movies to  rest of the class. They are fab.

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