P7b Weekly Blog

Numeracy and Mathematics

This week we have continued to consolidate our learning of the four operations by using written methodology for long division. The children have been using two standard written methods for this, showing their working at all times to evidencing their thinking and strategies used. Following on from this, Mrs. Doran introduced us to the order of operations on Thursday using the BODMAS acronym (brackets, of, divide, multiply, add, subtract) where we were able to apply our previous learning to solve problems.

Literacy and English

The atmosphere was tense in class on Wednesday as we came to the end of our class novel, ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’. We were both shocked and saddened by the way in which the story concluded, and strongly agreed that no other human being should ever be discriminated against for their race, religion or skin colour. At Springfield, we try to promote our core value of respect and celebrate the diverse world that we live in. In grammar last week, we consolidated our learning of using a thesaurus to find synonyms and up-level pieces of written text. Most groups have come to the end of their group novel and have now selected a text of their choice to study between now and the end of term. The children can read this at their own pace, and will be posing literal, inferential and evaluative questions based on these using our Yammer discussion groups. Please ensure they take some time at home to read this each week, with the target being to complete it by the end of term. Class talks start next week, and I am greatly looking forward to the children’s presentations on an aspect of World War II.

World War II

I am hugely impressed with the level of creativity shown in making P7b’s Anderson and Morrison shelters over the last three weeks for homework. These are now proudly displayed in our classroom for everyone to see, showcasing the children’s hard work to present such wonderful, and realistic models. Please have a look at them in the photos below, I’m sure you’ll agree that they’re fantastic! We also extended our knowledge of rationing this week; taking brief notes in our own words as we watched some archive footage from the Imperial War Museum and organised this information to identify key points for a ‘Rationing Fact File’.

Health and Wellbeing

Our taster sessions for rugby and golf continued this week as we further develop our skills in both activities. We have two more weeks of golf lessons to follow and one week of rugby. Thank you to our coaches Ross and Dougie from Linlithgow Rugby Club, and Jane and Stewart from the SG Foundation for providing this opportunity. In P.E, we carried out our fitness circuits and have been enjoying playing rounders now that the better weather has arrived. Here’s hoping for some more fun in the sun next week. On Thursday we heard from Aileen who visited us from Stramash to deliver a presentation about our residential visit to Oban in a couple of weeks. We can’t wait to go now! Finally, a huge well done to both our footballers and cheerleaders who represented the school magnificently today at the George Allan tournament at Linlithgow Rose’s ground. What a talented group of children we have in P7b, you fill me with pride boys and girls.

Have a great weekend!

P7b and Mr. Logan

George Allan Winners!

What a fantastic show for Springfield at the George Allan event this morning. We are so proud of each and every child who played football to their highest ability and also to our Springles cheerleaders who turned out this morning to add some sparkle to the proceedings. Thank you so much to Mr Logan and Gail Rankine for coaching our footballers to success.

Well done to everyone and thank you to all parents, family and friends who came out to cheer us along. Springfield shone!

Miss Baillie xx ⚽ ⭐️💫💖

Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

This week started with a special visit for P4-7 from the Deacons Court of Linlithgow and an introduction to our new Provost. We were happy to meet our Provost and on behalf of our school, we wish him all the very best for his first Marches Day next month. Some of our children and Mr Wells even got to dress up as Baillies!

We also talked about the Decorated Bicycle competition on Marches Day  which two of our lovely pupils won last year. We’d love it if lots of our pupils could enter this year with the help of some talented Mums and Dads! 😉

Our assembly today was an important one led by the NSPCC. All children were reminded of how to keep safe and how to speak up and use their voices if something in their lives isn’t right. We also reminded ourselves of the Childline number in case we needed to speak to a safe grown up about a problem. The NSPCC will be back in school next eeek to run workshops for our P6-7 classes to follow-up on the issues mentioned in assembly. It is our job at Springfield to safeguard all children and protect children’s rights.

We have had a number of pupil achievements this week. Here are our latest successes:

-To I, E and A congratulations for taking part in the Sunny Stars show! I especially loved E playing the part of Princess Jasmine as I’d quite like to be her myself! I loved the costume too! 😊

-C in P2 ran a a fun run recently and deserves a ‘well done’ for doing very well.

– A in P5 has completed the recent Race for Life with her Mum and we are proud of her.

-F in P3 has been very busy gaining some more Girls Brigade badges. Super work F!

-E in P5 got a brilliant silver medal in a recent gymnastics competition. Well done E!

-H in P5 continues to do brilliantly in rugby. You superstar H!

Finally a very ‘Happy Birthday’ to three of our infant children including M and one of our gorgeous sets of twins!

Good luck to our school football team and our Springles cheerleaders who will perform at the George Allan match on Sunday. You will do us proud, of that we are sure!

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!


Miss Baillie xx💖🌞




Sunny Days in P1B

We have taken advantage of the sunny weather this week.  We have been doing ‘Walk a Mile’ most days and we had maths outside on Wednesday.  It made a nice change and we think the fresh air helps our learning.  We have been subtracting using number lines and we made a large one using round mats that we could jump along to find our answers and use our bodies to understand how to take away on a number line.  We also used a large ten frame to find our answers and did lots of other fun subtraction games.

We are continuing our outer maths topic ‘money’.  The children visited ‘Kennedy’s Fruit and Veg’ shop and they had to help Mrs Kennedy to work out the change they needed as Mrs Kennedy wasn’t very good at it!  We have been playing with money in our Garden Centre and playing money games with our friends.

We have been looking at transient art with natural resources over the past couple of weeks.  We learned about Andy Goldsworthy – a very talented outdoor artist.  We tried our own art outside and have been playing with natural resources to create pictures indoors too.

When we arrived into school on Monday, we discovered that the warm weather had encouraged our butterflies to hatch, a little earlier than expected.  We have really enjoyed watching them closely this week and looking after them.  We agreed they really would like to be outside with lots of space to fly.  We released them on Thursday and they certainly seemed happy to be outdoors – a lovely ending to our Life Cycle topic.

On Friday we watched Newsround, we really enjoyed watching the news and we learned a lot about the Royal Wedding happening this weekend.  Then we enjoyed designing dresses, cakes and/or football strips (Two big football matches this weekend too).  We even had some visitors from P3 who quite fancied joining us to design dresses!

Have a lovely weekend.  From P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Dr Bike Health Check-up and Cycle Recycle

Dear Parents/Carers

Dr Bike Health Check-up

We are members of the Junior Road Safety Committee at Springfield Primary School. Springfield Primary School has been successful in a funding bid to help promote active travel at the school – walking, cycling and scooting to school where possible (and also Park and Stride). The project has been devised by the school’s Junior Road Safety Officer (JRSO) Pupil Committee.

Part of this project is a Dr Bike day coming up on 14th June. The West Lothian Bike Library (www.wlbikelibrary.co.uk) is a Community Interest company based in Livingston and will be at the school with two trained Velotech bike mechanics on the 14th. They will offer quick health check-ups of pupil bikes brought to school on that day. This will be a 20min check-up and cover basics like tyre pressure, oil, tightening of components and cables etc. They have capacity for a max of 30 bikes on the day – if demand is higher than this, don’t worry, we will arrange another session in the future. A tag will be placed on each bike after the health check-up with details of any more significant work needing done to the bike e.g. new tyres, new brake pads etc. If you are interested in this session, please bring your child’s bike to the school for 08.30 on the 14th to the main front playground – someone will be on hand to show you where to take it. Bikes can be picked up as normal from the bike cycle racks in the school playground at 15.15. The bikes will get a check-up to make sure they are completely safe for cycling with.

Another part of our project is Cycle recycling. Do you have an old child’s bike at home that you no longer use and you would be willing to donate to the school?


Cycle Recycle

We are also asking pupils and teachers if they could donate any used bikes. A £10 voucher for use at the West Lothian Bike Library will be offered to the first 10 bikes brought in on 11th or 12th June. You can use this to get any other bikes you own repaired or serviced at the Bike Library and even to buy one of their stock of refurbished second hand bikes which start from £30, to replace the one that has been donated to the school.”

Please only bring bikes that are no longer in use. The bikes will be used for a rent a bike scheme. This will be at an affordable price for everyone because we think everyone should have the chance to ride a bike. Please bring in any old bikes to the school on either Monday 11th June or Tuesday 12th June. The West Lothian Bike Library will take these bikes away, assess their suitability for refurbishment / repair, and then return any repaired bikes to the school for future use by the school. Any bikes that cannot be repaired will be stripped for parts and used in the Bike Library’s general work.

Thank you for reading this letter

Yours Faithfully

Louise and Sophie

Junior Road Safety Officers

Primary 2B

Sorry for the delay. Short week last week. We continued with our Indian adventure and had a parent in from Primary 2A, who comes from India. She talked about her country and did a PowerPoint. The children really enjoyed asking questions and looking at various artefacts. We have made  our own Diwali candle holders which we finish painting this week.

We started to plan our fantasy stories which we will continue with this week. Can’t wait to read them! We also worked on a comprehension exercise and did some peer assessment on it.

It’s been the 5x tables and will continue with this during the  week.



Big Pedal Success

Well done to everyone that took part in the Big Pedal! Another successful year with lots of children, parents, carers and younger siblings taking part.

Congratulations to the overall winners who had the most participants who cycled, scooted or walked to school:

P4 and P5A

Thank you to the JRSO committee for organising and collating results.


Our Short Week at SPS and Bonnytoun

Our short week has flown by in school and nursery. We ended the week with a ‘teacher swap’ in school which was organised by our Pupil Council. Pupils enjoyed working with a different teacher for part of the morning and fun was had by all.

Here are some achievements from this week…

Well done to F in P3 for further success in football. Did you know that F also plays for Heart’s boys team?

A number of children in school received skiing certificates this week for taking part in after-school skiing at Polmont Ski School.  Congratulations to you all!

Well done to N in P2 for taking part in a charity run.

E in P2 made a super model of an aeroplane which she brought along to show me today. Great effort E!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖

Afterschool netball.

We’ve had a good netball season this year. We competed  in the Linlithgow cluster tournament and came 3rd overall – Well done girls for all your hard work, dedication and commitment.

This week on Wednesday we invited some primary 6’s who would be interested to come along to a netball taster session. It was great to see so many who were interested. We spent some time discussing the rules and purpose of the game. We had a look and discussed the different positions which are played and where they are able to play on the court.

After all the rules, positions and general introduction we played a few games of netball. We all had a lot of fun, and enjoyed demonstrating the skills and play of netball. The Primary6 boys and girls who came along to the taster session, had a great time and all agreed to come along next week to play some more netball.

Mrs Matos and Miss Harrison.


Football Superstar!

We are delighted to announce that one of our lovely P7 pupils, RW has been granted a place at Broughton Football Academy in Edinburgh for the duration of his secondary school education. R would like to be a professional footballer when he grows up and this school is an idea starting ground to give him the best chance of fulfilling his dreams.

We are so proud of you R and look forward to hearing about your progress. Score some goals for us!


Miss Baillie x

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