Mapping Mad in P1B!

We began a topic on Our Local Community this week.  We started by looking at Springfield School and where it is in our community.  We learned about mapping and drew our own maps of the classroom.  We had to pretend that we were birds flying around the ceiling, looking down, to allow us to get an aerial view. Our maps were really detailed and we spent a long time looking around the room to make sure we put everything in the right place.  We shared our maps with a learning partner too, discussing what we had done.  We really enjoyed being Cartographers, although it is a tricky word for us to remember!

Later in the week, Mrs Kennedy used her map of the classroom to plan a treasure hunt for us so we could practise reading maps too.  Each team had different coloured tokens to find using their map.  We then swapped our tokens for a reward.

Following on from this, lots of children have been choosing to draw their own maps during free play.  The detail and discussion has been excellent and Mrs Kennedy is very impressed.

We have had three incredible helpers in P1B this week – A, A and A!  They are  P7s and they have been so helpful to all of the children and Mrs Kennedy.  They even planned and carried out 2 lessons – PE and Maths.  They did everything on their own, they were given learning outcomes to cover and then they researched and planned activities and wrote up detailed plans.  They had thought of everything including organisation of resources and behaviour management.   The children loved the lessons and I can’t believe how professional they were = A+ from me!  You can come back anytime.

We had more achievements this week.  C did really well in his Bambino race last weekend and came away with a medal and a trophy – fantastic driving C!

G got the Enjoy-a-ball trophy for trying very hard when playing tennis, he told he didn’t give up because he wanted to be resilient.

Another very successful week, we are looking forward to health week next week.

Have a good weekend, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 2B

The children in Primary 2 now know the numbers to 10 in Japanese. We had a visit today from a friend of mine who has lived and worked in Tokyo. She taught them numbers amongst other things and they have all brought home 1 yen! Ask them to tell you how much 1000 yen is worth in our money. This is all because we have been finding out about Japan this week. The children have researched information on the netbooks about Tokyo, they have done pastel  drawings of cherry blossom and some have used tissue paper and frogs using origami.

We have had fun doing capacity this week – lots of water and activities. Also we have started to look at position and direction and the children have drawn their own treasure islands with directions for their partners to find the treasure.

Also Japanese wise we have made up our own Haiku poems about summer – 3 lines – 5 syllables,7 syllables and 5 syllables. We had fun composing them.

Practised for sports day and learnt colours in French with Mrs.Newton. So a busy week and looking forward to our Fitness week next week. Have a good weekend.

Week ending 8.6.18 5A

This week we have tried to get outdoors to work as much as possible. It was great doing literacy circle and comprehension outside in the shade. Long may it continue. Some groups have finished their novels this week and have loved the endings.

We are about to write up our Big Adventure Hero stories . We have devised our own superheroes and their capabilities and we wrote some diary extracts about what they got up to. I’m looking forward to reading about their adventures.

After discussing the eatwell guide it has led us into a discussion about making healthy food choices and this will continue into health week on Monday.

In science, we investigated how sound travels and the mediums it moves through. We made different pitches with wood, rubber bands and cardboard, working out how to make note higher and lower. We will review this next week and plan out how to make a tuned guitar as our final STEM project.

In maths, we continued sorting information and making digital graphs online. We then looked at temperatures for October on a database and did the whole process from start to finish. We completed it by asking relevant questions.

We will be measuring outside next week.

We practised our French vocabulary about La Famille and we exchanged Spanish greetings.



Marvellous Maps

In Literacy this week we have been revising magic ‘e’. We made magic wands and turned our vowels from short sounds into long sounds. We played magic e board games, became magic e detectives and played magic e bingo.

We finished our class novel ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’. We were looking back at the description of the different rooms in the factory. We created a map of the factory and labelled it then we invented our own room. Here are a few of our ideas…..

  • The Invisible Chocolate Coin room – when you eat the coins you turn invisible.
  • The Gold Chocolate Bunny room – there is a field of edible grass with gold chocolate bunnies that you can eat.
  • The Bouncy Bubble room –
  • The Chocolate Mine room – you go in here to mine for chocolate with a pick axe. There are chunks of fudge in the walls too. The chocolate all gets sent to a furnace and melted down into the chocolate river.


Well done to N and Z for making a treasure hunt for the whole class last Friday. They showed our value of kindness by hiding little presents for all of the class. The class loved trying to find them and were very grateful. They even made us some maps to help us find the hidden treasure.

Well done to E and K for their achievements out of school. E ran a beach race and brought his medal in to show us. K won a trophy at football.

In IDL we were learning all about maps this week. We practised drawing objects from an aerial (bird’s eye view). We discussed the reasons we use maps and looked at all different types of map. We then went outside and drew sketch maps of the school grounds. We had to try and label the different classrooms which was very tricky. We then used our computer time to explore Google Maps. We tried to find our houses and took a little tour of Linlithgow. We also started to learn about Japan. We made some Japanese fans and had a go at origami. We also learnt how to count to 10 in Japanese.


In Maths we finished up our work on division. We started to learn about measure. We practised using rulers and meter sticks. We used measuring tapes to measure our bodies and even used a trundle wheel to measure our playground. We started to learn about converting cm to m.


It is Fitness Week next week so we are looking forward to getting our sports clothes on and getting active. There is a fitness week homework grid with some suggested activities you may like to try at home.

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss Mudd and P2A x

JRSO Cycle Recycle / Dr Bike Clinic Mon 11-Thurs 14 June


As previously communicated the JRSO have organised events for next week.

Cycle Recycle and Dr Bike Booking Form (email version – please click link to download))

Cycle Recycle Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th June 2018


Do you have a bike at home that you no longer use and would be willing to donate to the school?

A £10 voucher for use at the West Lothian Bike Library will be offered to the first 10 bikes brought in between 8.30 and 8.45am on Monday 11th or Tuesday 12th June. You can use this to get any other bikes you own repaired or serviced at the Bike Library or to buy one of their refurbished bikes which start from £30, to replace the one that has been donated to the school.  The bikes will be used for a rent a bike scheme. This will be at an affordable price for everyone because we think everyone should have the chance to ride a bike. The West Lothian Bike Library will take these bikes away, assess their suitability for refurbishment / repair, and then return any repaired bikes to the school for future use by the school. Any bikes that cannot be repaired will be stripped for parts and used in the Bike Library’s general work.


(staff use)

Childs Name Class Parent/Carer Email Mobile Bike Description Comments Voucher given? (staff use)

Please book in by completing the details above (email copy attached ) and emailing Mrs McApine at or completing on the day with the JRSO committee in the front playground


Health check-ups of pupil bikes brought to school on that day. This will be a 20min check-up and cover basics like tyre pressure, oil, tightening of components and cables etc. A tag will be placed on each bike after the health check-up with details of any more significant work needing done to the bike e.g. new tyres, new brake pads etc. If you are interested in this session, please bring your bike to the school between 8.30am and 8.45am on the 14th to the main front playground – someone will be on hand to show you where to take it. Bikes can be picked up as normal from the bike cycle racks in the school playground at 15.15pm.

Childs Name Class Parent/Carer Email Mobile Description of Bike Adjustments required if known Comments

Please book in by completing the details above (email copy attached) and emailing Mrs McApine at or completing on the day with the JRSO committee in the front playground

Maps and muscles

Maps and muscles


This week’s riddle: This is four, never five, sometimes nine.


This week we have been learning about maps and how to read them so on Wednesday, Mr. Paton (Grace Paton’s dad) came in to talk to us. We took notes and then did a review on his visit. We’ve chosen one review which was Evie Melvin’s: Mr. Paton came into class on Wednesday. He spoke to both P6B and P6A about his job. We found out that his job was designing and developing maps. He told us that maps are used everywhere, including Minecraft, road crashes, Hurricane Shelters, google earth and games. Many people use maps too. Like architects, coders, scientists and many more. We learnt a lot and would like to say a big thank you to Mr. Paton. Well done to Evie for that brilliant piece of work.


On Thursday we were so lucky to have M&M productions come to our school to perform The Secret Garden. They had great acting and singing skills and we thank them for coming with such short notice.


For class reading this week we have continued to read ‘The Fox Girl and the White Gazelle’ by Victoria Williamson and have really enjoyed reading the book so far and can’t wait to continue reading and to see her at the Book Festival on Tuesday 12th June. We are looking forward to it and also that day having a tour of St Michael’s Church to look at some beautiful stained glass windows that will inspire some artwork. Please can the EE2s be returned as soon as possible and let us know if anyone is available to be a parent helper that day.


In Maths we are continuing with our learning about fractions and are also making detailed measurements of the playground prior to drawing accurate maps.


In Science, we researched information about our muscles and made models to show how our biceps and triceps work together as we move our arms.


We are enjoying getting to know our buddies more and are preparing to write letters to our buddies to welcome them into P1.


Again we have been outside as much as possible – walking and reading outside.


Answer to the riddle: There are four letters in This, five letters in Never and nine letters in Sometimes.





A Hugely Successful Week All Round!

What a week we have had here at Springfield and Bonnytoun! Our nursery has recently been visited by the Care Inspectorate and we have had extremely positive feedback. The report and more information will follow shortly but we are delighted with our feedback and really excited to share our news when it comes!  In school we have had a quality improvement visit this week from  fellow headteachers and our Education Officer and they were delighted with the progress that the school has made in all areas. We are so grateful for the hard work of all staff and the  support of all parents, carers and friends who make up the whole Springfield community. We couldn’t have achieved what we have without you all! Thank you!

Mrs Kennedy and P1B held a lovely assembly today about keeping healthy. The children all spoke confidently and looked so sweet as they sang and danced in their sports clothes.

Here are the achievements for this week:

-Well done to Mrs McAlpine and the Junior Road Safety Commitee for helping Springfield to achieve the ‘cycle friendly school’ award. Great news!

– Congratulations to a number of our infants for success in swimming! Here they are below with their certificates…

-Well done to I and A in P1 for continuing to make progress in gymnastics! Great effort girls!

– Finally, congratulations to R in P2 for her work at Girls Brigade! Super news R!


Another great week at Springfield and Bonnytoun!

Enjoy the weekend!

Miss Baillie xx⭐️💖





Week ending 1.6.18 5A

We have completed our class talks and what a pleasure it has been listening to our them. They have truly been entertaining and I am amazed how much I learn about the pupils and their lives outwith school. My goodness, can we ask questions!

Well done everyone.

Literacy circle is getting to the exciting stage and we are  predicting how our books are going to end. There are many imaginative ideas.

We are continuing with our Big Writing Adventure as superheroes. We have written our hero descriptions and 3 diary entries about what they have got up to.  A local newspaper now want us to write up an article for the next edition.

Our class novel is Ruby McCraken, Tragic without Magic by Elizabeth Ezra. We will be meeting the author 12th June at the Rugby Club and so far we are enjoying the early chapters.

In maths, we are starting to look at information handling and how to ask questions about the data we collect. Next week we will construct graphs and interpret them.

In science we have begun sound as a form of energy. We had a very lively carousel session investigating musical instruments, voice and tuning forks.

Next week we will look at pitch and vibrations.

Please ask your child how they made water jump!

We submitted our posters to Transition Linlithgow,  “we support  Linlithgow’s last straw” campaign. The were really detailed and gave  a powerful message.

I would like to say a big thank you to all our pupils for their hard work on Wednesday when we had a follow up visit from our visitors who came in  January . They were so delighted with how well we are all doing. We even got 22 pegs this week, amazing!

Let’s hope this great weather continues. Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Tulloch



We are Confident and Resilient in P1B!

So proud of everyone in P1B today!  You all did a fantastic job during our assembly , it is not easy standing up in front of such a large audience and Mrs Kennedy was very impressed with how well we did and how confident we were 🙂

As well as practising our school value of ‘confidence’ during our assembly, we have also been practising another important school value – ‘resilience.’  We had some tricky tasks to do and we had to think about how resilient we were when we did them – did we keep trying although it was hard?  Did we try again when it didn’t work the first or second time?  We had a tick sheet to mark down how we thought we got on in each task.   We also liked the story of ‘Jack and the Flum Flum Tree’ where Jack’s motto is ‘Don’t get your knickers in a twist!’  when is faced with a problem, he just tries to look for a solution.

In maths this week we have been looking at quite a tricky concept – linking addition and subtraction facts.  We used the large ten frame and looked at the spots to make sums.  In these pictures we were writing all the addition and subtraction sums for 2 and 3:  2+3=5, 3+2=5, 5-3=2 and 5-2=3.  We tried it for other numbers too.  In our workbooks we were doing addition and subtraction sums on the same page and had to be careful to look at the sign to see if it was ‘+’ or ‘-‘.

T and E brought in a wasps nest this week that they found at their house.  They told us all about it and the children were very interested, asking lots of questions.

A and her big sister, R, both got swimming certificates this week.  Well done girls, you are both excellent swimmers.

It was lovely to see you all at assembly.  Enjoy the weekend.  P1B and Mrs Kennedy


Primary 2B

A hectic week in Primary 2B. We finished designing our posters for “Linlithgow’s Last Straw” – ask your children to explain what they’re for! Hopefully they’ll remember!

To finish off our block on division we made function machines for multiplication and division. Then we have  been doing some work on area. We found who had the biggest and smallest foot by drawing round our feet and using cubes to see how many we needed to cover our footprint, used handprints to see how many we needed to cover a table, drew animals on squared paper and used counters to find areas of leaves. So good fun and great discussion afterwards.

We have made words into plurals using ‘es’ and started to talk about adding ‘ies’. Also we have worked on a comprehension exercise and the children are getting very good at answering in sentences.

Next week we’ll be learning about the country of Japan so if anyone has anything relevant to this, I would be very grateful.

Have a lovely weekend with lots more sunshine hopefully.

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