A Fantastic First Week in P3B :)

What a great first week we’ve had in P3B.  It is lovely to see so many familiar faces and some new ones too – a very welcome addition to the class and everyone has settled in well.

We began the week reminding ourselves of Springfield School Values – Resilient, Kind, Confident, Included and Respectful.  The children remembered the actions well as you can see from the photo’s!  They worked in groups to design a poster showing one of the values.  They worked well together and I was very pleased with the final results. They now take pride of place at the entrance to our classroom.

As part of our outdoor learning topic ‘trees’, and to allow us to finish off the tree we have in our reading corner, we went outside to do a leaf identification task. We then brought the leaves inside and learned a bit more about why trees need leaves.  We looked at them very carefully through magnifying glasses to see all the parts close up.  Then we did line drawings and hung them on our tree.  Our classroom tree is now looking great 🙂 A nice quiet corner for us.

We have been enjoying our class novel ‘The BFG’.  This week we have worked on activities about ‘Appearance Vs Personality’ and adjectives.  Roald Dahl is very good with his character descriptions – we are trying to be as good or better!

We have had PE twice this week, with Mrs Reid on Wednesday and we me on Thursday.  The focus for my PE lessons this term will be handball as we will be attending a cluster P3 handball festival in a couple of months.

We also looked at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, including looking at a coupe of annimations to help us to understand them. We discussed the ones that apply to school and education,  then children voted on what they would like our display to look like – they chose superheros. We will work on making our Rights Respecting School display next week.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend – nice to see the sun back again.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Welcome Back to School!

Welcome back to school everyone for a new session!

I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed the lovely weather all summer.

What a busy week it has been and the time has flown! The staff were all in school last Monday for an INSET training day and took time to ensure classrooms and the school area were looking smart for our pupils rejoining us on Tuesday. Thank you to all of our staff for their hard work this week. All children have settled into school well, including our new Primary 1 pupils who have been brilliant. Our new Primary 7 pupils have been a credit to their parents over the past week, taking on their buddy and leadership roles with gusto! Across all stages, children have been settled, calm, well behaved and happy.

Our nursery have welcomed many new starts with lots of children joining our Springfield family.

We have been working on our school values this week and creating our Rights, Respecting Schools class charters to establish our class and school ethos for this session.

We will publish our Family Learning calendar in the next week with informative events (and some for fun!)  planned throughout the year.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie x


Welcome to P2A

Hello and welcome to our first blog post of the school year! We’ve had a fantastic week getting to know Miss Prince and exploring our new classroom. Miss Prince is very impressed with how well we have settled in. We have done lots of work on our school values and we have received lots of dojo points for displaying our values in the classroom. Here are the actions (just in case the adults need a refresher!)

We have started reading ‘The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me’ by Roald Dahl, we are especially enjoying singing the rhymes and songs in the story. Here are the words to the window cleaners song if you would like to practise at home:

We will polish your glass

Till it’s shining like brass

And it sparkles like sun on the sea

We are quick and polite 

We will come day or night

The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me!

Here are some pictures of what we’ve been up to in our new classroom:

On Monday we will get our new reading books. Please don’t hesitate to send me a dojo if you have any questions.

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

Love P2A and Miss Prince x

Primary 2B

Welcome to Primary 2B. The children have all settled really well into Primary 2 and I think have enjoyed their first week back at school. We have done lots of getting to know you activities, as well as some free play and sequencing numbers.

Most days we have been outside to do walk a mile and they have had P.E with Mrs.Reid this week. We have talked about the school values and made posters of them.

Next week the children will have their reading books and the week after we will give them homework.

A Fitting End to a Fantastic Year in P1B

Wow!  What a great year and the quickest yet, although maybe I say that every year!

P1B ended the year as they began – by working hard.  We worked right up until the last day and the children’s enthusiasm for learning never waned.  On a serious note, we have had a mini project on Internet Safety over the past couple of weeks, where we learned never to give any personal information  over the internet and if anyone is unkind to us on the internet we must tell an adult straight away.  Although they may seem a little young, and are most likely not communicating with anyone on the internet yet, it is best that they are informed so they fully understand the message when the time comes.  These lessons are a Government initiative, they are aimed at young children and are a lot of fun.  You can find out more on this website if you wish: www.thinkuknow.co.uk/5_7/hectorsworld/  We watched the first episode and looked at the Lee and Kim section.

We also did a little bit of work on our handwriting.  Sometimes we can get the letters around the wrong way – especially b and d and i and j.  We tried some activities to help us to remember the correct direction of the letters.

A, R and C sang ‘A Million Dreams’ at ‘Springfield’s Got Talent’ they did really well and got great feedback from the judges 🙂  Well done girls.

On Thursday we had a lovely Teddy Bear’s picnic with our P7 Buddies.  They really have looked after us well this year and this was a great way to spend time together and wish them well.  We had our picnic in the shade and them played games together on the pitch.

What a fun year I’ve had, I always learn so much from the children I teach and  this year has been no exception, individuals not afraid to do their own thing, their enthusiasm has been inspiring.  Have a lovely holiday everyone. Take care.

Mrs Kennedy and P1B X

Springfield’s Got Talent

What a wonderful day we had on Tuesday at Springfield’s Got Talent. All the children were confident performers and really showcased their talent. The Greatest Showman was a prominent theme with 5 versions of “A million Dreams”…. Here are some photos of some of the finalists and our winners. Many thanks to everyone who supported the event from the Pupil Council.

Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

The second last week of term has flown by with Marches Day and Gala Day now behind us for another year. Well done to all children who decorated their bikes for the Marches!

The Gala Day yesterday had such an amazing turn-out from Springfield and Bonnytoun. All children and adults looked wonderful in their costumes as did our Lion King float. The atmosphere was fantastic! Thank you to Dave Whittington and Andy Turtle for building the float  and to Gillian Wilson and her team of Mum helpers for making Springfield’s Gala efforts so successful. I was extremely proud! Well done also, to Queen Emily and Champion Charlie who represented Springfield beautifully. We hope that the pair of you had a wonderful day that you will remember for ever. 💫

We held an assembly about ‘changes’ last Friday to continue to prepare children for their move to new classes in August. We have done a lot of work with children about transition over the past few weeks and  remembering that nerves are a natural part of change, we hope that everyone is ready for the move.  Children who have received an enhanced transition will take home their transition booklets on Monday to share with their families over the summer. Please continue to let us know if any concerns or worries around transition.

Here are our pupil achievements from the past week:

– Well done to E in P3 for her drama certificate.

-Congartulations to L in P3 for further success in gymnastics.

-A brilliant engineering effort from T and D in P2 for making the Sydney Harbour Bridge out of a Lego kit! I’ve been there! 🌏💖

– Super work for O in P2 for his decorated bike!

– Well done to A in P3 for her dancing awards!

– And a brilliant effort from M in P3 for her mountain biking trophy!

– Well done to all of our lovely P7 children who had a fantastic transition week at Linlithgow Academy.

-Thank you to BW in P7 who is transitioning on to Heriots and who was an amazing help to all staff and children this week whilst he was in school. You have a job in the future at SPS Ben, if you want it! 😝

– Finally thank you to Miss Prince and our amazing choir who sang for Fiona Hyslop MSP when she visited Springfield on Friday.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone!

Miss Baillie xx🌞💖



P1 Induction Event

We held a very successful induction event for our new P1 parents and children this morning. We hope that you all enjoyed your time in school and are looking forward to being with us full-time from August.

If you have any questions or concerns before August then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me in school.

I look forward to working with you all to support your child through P1 and beyond.

Please click on the link below to access the presentation from today’s event:

P1 Induction Powerpoint

Miss Baillie x

Pupil Achievements for this Week…

Another week of Springfield successes!

-Thank you to all of our P7 pupils, Mr Logan and Mrs Reid for organising and running a brilliant Sports Day on Wednesday.

-A special mention to Anna in P5 for being a ‘sporting hero’ and to Mrs Hutton too for leading our school Boccia Club for the whole of this year.  We continue to work hard to promote fairness and equity and to include all children in sport across school. We are so proud of you A! 💫⭐️

-Well done to all children who received a sports award (including A, mentioned above) at The Sports Personality of the Year Awards which we held in school yesterday. Congratulations to Sam in P7 for being recognised for his all round sporting excellence and good sportsmanship.

— A super effort from our Springfield children has resulted in ZP in P6 gaining first prize in the Transition Linlithgow ‘Reduce the use of Plastic Straws’ poster competition.  We also have the third place winner, MMc in P6 too! In addition, a number of childen had their work  commended.  See the photo below for all children who were successful in the competition. We will have a special visitor in school next week to present Z with her prize. More news to follow…

-H in P2 came along to see me this week after further success in gymnastics. Well done H!

-H in P2 wrote a brilliant acrostic poem this week about keeping healthy which tied in nicely with Fitness Week. Great work H!

Have a super weekend everyone! Remember that we have no school next Tuesday for Marches Day.

Miss Baillie x💖


Pupil Voice Committees Assembly

We held out annual committees assembly today where our P4-7, ‘pupil voice’ groups fed back their work from this year to the wider school.

Our Pupil Council have held a variety of fundraisers to raise money to buy things for our school.

Our Rights, Respecting Schools Committee have worked to embed our Level 1 status and help us to move towards gaining Level 2 next session with a possible link with an international school being made.

Our Junior Road Safety Committee have worked hard this year to get less cars making the ‘school run’  and more children walking or cycling  to school instead.

Our Eco Committee have formed partnership links with Burgh Beautiful and the Transition Linlithgow project and have worked hard to garden, litter pick and encourage us all to reduce plastic waste.

Our Sports Commitee have helped to organise fitness week, promote sport across school and support staff to deliver P. E lessons.

Our Health and Wellbeing Committee have increased understanding of how to stay fit and active and how to promote positive mental health.

Our Digital Learning Commitee have supported the use of Education City and Sumdog across school and have recently piloted the use of ‘Scratch’ as a tool to teach coding.

We are delighted with the work that all of our children have led to improve all aspects of our school and thank our staff for supporting this.

Next session we aim to include our infants in committee groups. Watch this space for more news come next session…

Miss Baillie x💫

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