Look At Our Infant Writing!

I am always delighted by the progress of our P1 pupils in their first term of school and this year’s children are no exception. When we access progress in the the early years, we look at child development markers as well as curriculum benchmarks.  Already, our  P1 children are developing in all areas through their play experiences and small group teaching. They have learned at least five sounds so far and are beginning to make three letter words. Reading books have been given out and the Oxford Reading Tree stories much enjoyed by all.

Here are two lovely little P2 girls, who came along to show me their amazing writing this week. They had both made and  written their own books entitled ‘The Bossy Cat’ and ‘The Lost Fairy’! I was so impressed and delighted to see their progress.  Their progress is indicative of the work carried out last year when they were in P1.

Thank you to both of our P1 teachers for their superb efforts last year to get our P2 children to this stage.

Miss Baillie xx💫💖

Afterschool Netball Club!

Our afterschool netball club is in full swing again this session. Our Primary 7 boys and girls have been coming together every Wednesday afternoon to practice their netball skills with Mrs. Matos and Miss Harrison.

We have been so impressed with the enthusiasm from everyone who has been coming along. The boys and girls have demonstrated their netball skills and talents, Mrs.Matos and Miss Harrison have been so impressed.

Wednesday’s netball practice.





Pupil Achievements From This Week.

Here are some of our latest pupil achievements . Once again, we are very proud of our fantastic children.

-Well done to a group of P6 children who each took part in a recent triathalon.

-A super effort from C in P3 for her brilliant work in gymnastics!

– A massive congratulations to H in P2 who has been busy fundraising with her family to help others. Great work H!

-Well done to D and H in P3 for bringing along their ‘control panel for a rocket’ to show me.

– H and E in P5 worked together at home to make this solar system mobile. What great teamwork! We are proud of you!

Miss Baillie x💫

Our School and Nursery News From This Week…

P7A led an informative assembly about resilience this morning with all classes watching video clips of different Disney characters who show resilience.

Resilience is one of our 5 values in school and nursery and something that we continue to develop in our children.  Our nursery staff regularly assess children though observation and comment on the children’s ability to persevere on task from as young as 3 years old. Across school, staff look for a child’s ability to keep trying in the face of adversity as they undertake tasks. We always give the message that it is okay (and normal!) to make mistakes.

You all spoke so well P7. What a super effort! Thank you Mr Logan for your efforts in putting this assembly togther.

As well as speaking about resilience, this week, all classes have been working to embed the 5-point emotional scale into their daily classroom routine. We are gauging childen’s emotional well-being throughout the day and intervening where necessary.  Supporting mental health is something that is a major part of our ongoing work at Springfield and Bonnytoun. We believe that teaching children about their emotions and helping them to have healthy coping strategies for times of upset, is a vital life skill.

Please come along to our family learning event on the 5-point scale at the end of September to learn more about our current work on promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.

Next week, we will be launching our new Springfield Values ‘Hall of Fame ‘ initiative which will be a further method of encouraging and celebrating children’s wider achievements. We will email all parents in school about the Hall of Fame at the end of next week. We hope that you will support your child in this endeavour and help them to get into our Hall of Fame by the end of he session, if they can.

Have a wonderful September holiday weekend everyone! See you all back in school next Wednesday!

Miss Baillie xx 🍂 💖



P6B Maths week and Christmas cards!?!

This week was Maths week. We worked in groups to solve five tricky Maths problems based on news articles and then made up our own problems. We did some revision on decimals, rounding, fractions and place value. We also learned how to use protractors and we wrote some definitions for all the different angles.

We spent some time with our P2 pals and we helped them research one fact about a woodland creature and wrote them down or to change the font to write their names.

This week in PE we practiced our ball skills while throwing and catching basketballs with partners

We made maps of Springfield and the school and coloured them in bright colours. We also did some topic work on the rivers we had been given to research.

In reading we did comprehension and reading.

In French we learned how to say the alphabet and did a sheet on it.

In Music we listened to the song we recorded the week before and evaluated it before playing a rhythm game.

We have also designed Christmas cards and begun to design the Book Challenge display board for the library which will be used to keep track of how many books we have all read this year. The login to record books online is https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKR-Dl-1GHsVKvmaSsUcIHCtUREQ3OE1FV0NDSDBISThZOVBPRzA5T1lWOS4u

Enjoy the long weekend!

P3B Place value, Painting and Parlez-vous français?

As its ‘Maths Week Scotland’, I thought I’d share some pictures of numeracy  in P3B this week.  We are continuing to work on place value, using our knowledge of thousands, hundreds, tens and units to order numbers, find the numbers before, after and between.  The tricky part was when we crossed a barrier, e.g., ‘What is the number after 699?’ or ‘What 2 numbers are between 398 and 401?’  Through lots of practice and playing with place value on the smartboard, netbooks, our ice cream stack game and place value dominoes we’re really getting the hang of it.

On Thursday, we extended our learning on Symmetry.  We listened carefully to the demonstration on how to find all the lines of symmetry and joined in explaining to others, using the examples on the smartboard.  We used a text book for this lesson.  Maths text books are relatively new to us and we are working hard to learn how to lay out our answers, numbering them and making sure there is only one number in each box of our squared jotters.  We used mirrors again to check that our thoughts on the number of lines of symmetry  were correct.

We had a lot of fun on Wednesday learning some new French words that we can use in the classroom, some of them might be good for mums and dads too!   You could try:  ecoutez  – listen, regardez – look, asseyez-vous  sit down, levez-vous – stand up.  We also played a version of ‘Simon Says’ called ‘Jacques a dit’. Mrs Kennedy is trying to remember to tell us to line in French at break and lunch – Mettez-vous en ligne, s’il vous plait?

In literacy, we have been working on our Literature Circle skills – trying out the role of ‘Questioner.’  We wrote a question beginning with each of the words – who, what, where, when and why, about The BFG.  We then asked a partner to answer our questions and began discuss the book further.

We have begun work on a big BFG wall display for just outside our classroom, today we used water colours to paint dream jars to be used as templates for us to write our own special dreams on.  We will work on the writing next week, using our imaginations to create dreams we’d really like to have.  We will also be looking at interesting sentence openers and joining words.

We introduced ‘The Incredible 5 Point Scale’ this week.  This helps us to think about how we are feeling and to use strategies to help us to feel better.  We also know to ask for help when we need it.

What a quick four weeks since we returned from the summer break, it has been a fantastic four weeks and everyone has settled in really well, P3B are the hardest working class in the school too. (I may be a little biased)  🙂

Have a good long weekend.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

P7a Weekly Blog

Literacy and English

To tie in with our Brazil learning, this week we have been creating rainforest tankas in writing. Tankas are Japanese poems, similar to haikus, but have two additional lines. They have 5 lines split over 2 verses and always add up to a total of 31 syllables. Often tankas are written about nature, love or sadness and portray strong feelings or emotions. We discussed deforestation and the feelings that this may evoke for both the animals and indigenous tribes living there, as well as the impact that this is having on the natural environment. When reading examples, we also identified the regular use of simile, metaphor and personification within tankas and were encouraged to incorporate figurative language into our own work. Please read one or two of our efforts below:

We have also been working as groups to research the Brazilian city that our tables are named after. Firstly, we had to identify the location of our city on the Brazilian map before marking this on our class wall display. Using our notes and relevant information from our research, we started creating informative posters about each city that detailed various aspects of life in that location. Some of us chose to focus on landmarks and places of interest, whereas others opted for a focus on the natural environment or the artistic influence that can be seen there. These will be completed next week and we will share some photos of the finished articles in our next blog post.

Z and J passing on their knowledge of tanka poetry to M, J, L and F

Numeracy and Mathematics

This week we celebrated Maths Week Scotland as well as continuing to extend our knowledge of multiplication. On Monday and Tuesday, we consolidated our learning of multiplying 4 or 5-digit numbers by a single digit using a standard written method before applying specific rules to effectively multiply by 10, 100 and 1,000. To build on this further, we multiplied decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000, paying particular attention to how many places our decimal place would move to the right. Next week we will continue to strengthen our knowledge and understanding in multiplication before making the link the the inverse operation, division. As part of Maths Week Scotland, we took advantage of the good weather on Wednesday morning to team up with P7b and do some multiplication orienteering. Various multi-step word problems we positioned in 15 different locations around the school grounds where we worked with a partner to solve these using the written method taught earlier in the week. If we failed to do so, or did not include units of measurement, we were given a time penalty or asked to recalculate. Zak and Ambra were our winners, just pipping 2 other groups to the prize.

Health and Wellbeing

We have been focused on one value this week in P7a, resilience. Throughout the week we took the time to refine our class assembly and develop our confidence when presenting to an audience. We hope that you all enjoyed it and would like to thank you for coming along to support us. If you couldn’t make it along today then please feel free to have a look at our presentation by clicking the link (P7a Class Assembly). Resilience is something we are all looking to build during P7 as we prepare for our transition to S1. Next week, we are looking forward to a visit from the RNLI to speak to us about water safety as part of our Keeping Myself Safe learning with Mrs. Newton. We are hoping to further our knowledge of how to respond in an emergency situation near water.

On Wednesday, we teamed up with those in our leadership groups to finalise what our remits will be for this year. From newspaper writers to sports leaders, we’ve got a number of areas in which we will be working hard to develop across school. Each group will be allocated one hour per week to carry out their responsibilities and we’ll keep you updated with our progress over the coming weeks and months. As our new upper school display states there really is a leader in all of us, and we’re beginning to demonstrate the skills and qualities that a great leader might possess:

  • Effective communication
  • Enthusiasm
  • Boldness
  • Self-assurance
  • Intuitiveness
  • Teamwork
  • Empathy
  • Charisma

Thank you for all showing up in such numbers for both Meet the Teacher and our class assembly this week. Both the children and I appreciate it.

Have a great September holiday everyone!

P7a and Mr. Logan



Counting in tens and ones, the Daily Mile and Hedgehog Road Safety in P2A

This week we have made lots of progress  – today we all remembered to gather all our belongings and check our trays at the end of the day, Miss Prince was delighted!

Thank you for coming along to Meet the Teacher evening, it was lovely to see so many of you there.

In Maths this week we have been counting in tens and ones. We found this really tricky at first (we were great at counting the tens but kept forgetting to add the ones!) Here is a fun game we played in class that you could play at home:


In Literacy we have been focussing on using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Some of us are using joining words to make our sentences longer. Miss Prince’s Phonics group worked really hard on the ay/ai sounds this week. We know that ai usually comes in the middle of a word and ay usually comes at the end.

We love our new class novel – Hodgeheg.  Not only is it a great story, it’s also teaching us about road safety. We have thought of some great ideas to help Max the Hedgehog get across the road safely.

We’ve had some super show and tells this week. MP told us about his Taekwondo achievements and HM told us all about her fundraising for Cash for Kids – we are very proud of you both!

We are enjoying doing the Daily Mile, we try and run for longer each time. Some of us are very speedy!

We did a PE lesson with P2B this week, Mrs Burton taught us a game called Cat and Mouse and we taught P2B our yoga poses.

Some photos of our free play fun – well done to the girls who did some beautiful writing. Mr Wells was very impressed!

No homework next week, just reading books.

Have a relaxing long weekend and we’ll see you all again on Wednesday.

Love P2A and Miss Prince x

P3B Density and Dreams

This term the children are learning about Literature Circle roles to allow them to take part in discussions about text rather than just reading the words.

This week they were looking at the job of the ‘Summariser.’ This means to tell a shorter version of the story, selecting the main points.  They have summarised Goldilocks and the Three Bears, a passage from the The BFG and The Tale of Peter Rabbit.  The Tale of Peter Rabbit  writing was for Miss Baillie’s corridor display and everyone worked very hard on their summary.  Please stop and have a read when you are in school.

We also made paper flowers for the display.  It was quite tricky but good fun using card to shape the petals and stem.  They look fantastic on the wall.

In numeracy, we have continued our work on place value, continuing to partition and order numbers according to the value of their digits.

On Thursday we began some outer maths, extending our learning on symmetry this week.  We were using a mirror to find lines of symmetry and drawing mirror images.  We will continue to do some outer maths each Thursday.

In our class novel, The BFG, there has been a lot about dream catching and dream jars.  The children particularly liked the part where The BFG put a nightmare into the nose of the Fleshlumpeater and all his wriggling about started a fight with all the other giants!  The children made their own Dream Jars on Thursday as part of a lesson on density and chemical reactions.  It was really good fun and our dream jars looked really cool.  They thought about density – why the oil sank initially and then floated to the top.  They also enjoyed making their dreams fizz with the little bubbles of gas created by the Vitamin C effervescent tablets.

In PE this week we did a bit of yoga.  It wasn’t quite as quiet as a normal yoga class, as the children were excited at holding positions and wobbling about quite a lot!  They worked really hard though and the relaxation session at the end was lovely – great breathing!

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

From P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Weekly News from SPS and Bonnytoun…

Today we held a super assembly about diversity. The assembly reminded us all to treat each other with kindness and respect no matter our skin colour, belief, likes or dislikes. We looked around the room and admired our differences. We are all unique and beautiful in our own way. We celebrated the success of Sahasra in P7 who won a recent competition for designing a character who champions diversity. In her winning entry, Sahasra talks about how she used to feel different and worried about being accepted but since coming to Springfield she feels good about herself and knows that she is respected by all. We are so proud of Sahasra for having the courage to speak up about a difficult subject.  We are truly lucky to have the wonderful school that we have, where children are generally very kind to each other, but we must not rest on our laurels. We will continue to teach the message of the value and beauty in difference and we will continue to have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bullying, racism or discrimination. In our school, we lead with kindness. 💖

Here are some children who won certificates for upholding our school values this week:

We have been busy transforming our infant area once again to represent the world of books. It’s currently a work in progress but we hope that you enjoy seeing part of the transformation at our Meet the Teacher even on Tuesday 11th.

Our nursery children are pleased to report that Victor is now much better and is back with Jack in his home in the nursery. We missed you Victor!

Thank you to our nursery ladies, Mrs Welsh, Mrs Malcolm and our new recruit, Mrs Mitchell who provide excellent ‘end of day’ care for our full-day children until 6pm each evening. Mrs Malcolm has recently been working hard in our outdoor area to make hanging art work with the children.

Here are our pupil achievements for this week:

-Well done to C in P1 for gaining his Enjoy-a-ball trophy!

-Congratulations to A in P4 for making great progress in swimming.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and remember to be kind!


Miss Baillie xx💖💫



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