P6A 26.10.18

Welcome back hope you had an amazing week off

It has been a busy week back after the October holiday we have had Mrs Hogg this week.

In numeracy we did number talks, strategies like working with easier numbers, decimals and problem solving.

In Literacy we did grammar on hyphens, we also did reading with our reading groups. We also used our reading books we asked and answered who, what, where, when, why and how questions.

On Tuesday for are early task we did a spelling word search with fry’s words

On Wednesday Joan came in from JASS (junior award scheme for schools) to talk to us about the new award scheme and lots of activities that sound really fun.

In RME we have been learning about Diwali that is the festival of light it is celebrated in India celebrating good over evil. It is called the festival of light because they put lanterns, candles and lights around, so we drew lanterns and candles with chalk and pastels. Also we did drama we did movement games it was calming games. In PE: we are doing a heartbeat chart for five weeks with Mrs Reid.

On Thursday we had Mr Wells up until break we did art and in art we did a skyline using chalk.

As you know, some of us went to golf at Kingsfield golf club and the people that did not go did a STEM challenge which is whenwe get given one sheet of A4 paper and scissors, no tape, no glue no nothing and we where to build a tower as tall as we could.

Have a great weekend P6A written by Abbie and Katie.

Primary 2B

Hope that you all had a lovely half term holiday. The children have come back raring to go and we’ve settled into lots of work.

In Maths we have been identifying 3D shapes and where we see them in everyday life. We have made 3D Aliens which the children have really enjoyed constructing with my help. Next week we will be moving on to Addition.

We completed our first comprehension task this week and the children have been learning how to set their answers out. Everyone did very well.

In Phonics we have been doing some revision of previous sounds learnt and next  week move on to our 2 new sounds and 2 common words.

We have made hedgehogs out of clay which now need painting. The children collected twigs for their spines. This was part of our Outdoor Learning focus. We have also been learning how and why hedgehogs hibernate.

This term we have a block on Music with our Music teacher and in this week’s session the children were playing games and singing Halloween songs.

Have a good weekend everyone. Thinking jumpers maybe required this weekend.

Mrs.Burton and Primary2B

And now, the weather in P3A…

Welcome back to our P3A blog!

In Literacy this week we have been learning to punctuate sentences correctly. We revised using capital letters for the first word in a sentence and for names of people and we looked at when to use full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. We played a game on Education City called ‘Rapid Rounders’ where we had to correct the sentences by putting in the missing punctuation. Afterwards, we punctuated sentences correctly in our jotters. This week we have also been continuing to practise joining our handwriting.

In French we have been revising the words for parts of the body. We listened to a song about parts of the body, watched and listened to a tutorial on French Games Net, played ‘Simon Says’ using our new vocabulary and we completed a French body parts labelling activity. We have been enjoying our French Fridays!

In Numeracy and Maths we are looking at addition this term. We have been playing some addition games on our laptops such as ‘Hit the Button’ to improve our number bonds recall. Some of us have been revising our number bonds to 20 and using our addition facts to solve word problems. Some of us have been learning strategies to add 9, 19, 11 and 21 to a 2-digit number and some of us have been adding multiples of 10 to 2-digit numbers. There is lots of amazing addition happening in our class!

This week we started to look at Australian landmarks. We watched a clip from David Attenborough’s series on The Great Barrier Reef and then we discussed with our learning partners what we already knew about Australian landmarks. We divided up into groups and selected an Australian landmark that we wanted to research. We used a search engine to obtain our information and then Miss Harrison showed us how to make a PowerPoint and insert text and images. We worked really hard in our groups and next week we will finish our presentations and present them to the rest of the class.

This week we have also been continuing to compare the natural environments of Scotland and Australia. We completed our fact files on native Scottish animals and we compared the habitats of these animals to the habitats of Australian animals. This week we also learned about climates and compared the climate of Australia to the climate of Scotland. We looked at world climates and then we looked at the weather in Linlithgow and Sydney on BBC weather. Using our knowledge of Scottish and Australian weather, we created weather maps in our groups.

Finally, we presented the weather of Scotland and Australia to the rest of the class. We were fantastic weather people!

This week we also had RME with Mrs Begarnie on Wednesday and music with Mrs Bain on Thursday. This term we will also have Mrs Hogg for Drama on a Thursday afternoon.  We’ve certainly had a busy start to this term in P3A!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx


Primary 5 – w/e 26th October 2018

Welcome to Term 2.

We have started the term enthusiastically, with a busy week.

In maths we have explored 2D shapes further, taking our learning outdoors to consolidate the knowledge of this area. Have a look at the photos at the end of our blog to see our learning in action.

We have also explored symmetry, both in 2D shapes and real life too.

In Literacy we have begun to plan a recount of a story, which we will rewrite in our own words.

PE has seen us learning more team building skills through hockey and basketball.

Pupil Achievements

Another week passes with another flurry of pupil achievements. Well done to all of our boys and girls for continuing to make us proud!

Pupils who visited me this week to share their good news include:

– P in P1 who took part in a walking event. She walked so far for someone with such little legs! Good job P!

-C in P6 took part in a run during his recent trip to Spain with his family. Well done C!

-A in P2 and R in P4 who have had further success in swimming. Keep it up girls!

Miss Baillie xx😉💫

Harvest Assembly

It’s harvest time again! We would like to thank all families for their kind donations of food items, which which we will pass on to West Lothian Foodbank. The photograph below shows the plethora of goods that we have received and we are extremely grateful.

We had a lovely assembly today where we thanked farmers across the world for the food that goes onto our table.

Have a great October break everyone,

See you all back in school on Tuesday 23rd of October.

Miss Baillie x💖 🍂

Dotty in P3B

On Monday we learned that this year P3 will be in charge of the Shoebox appeal.  We will have to market the appeal, communicate it to parents and children and organise the shoe boxes as they begin to come into school as well as arrange to have them collected so they can set off on their travels to children less fortunate than ourselves.  It is quite a big task!  We began by making posters to let all children and staff know about the appeal.  Our posters were to be clear, eye-catching and have the correct information on them.  They are very good and are now ready to be distributed to classrooms around the school after the holiday.

We finished reading The BFG this week.  We have really enjoyed it and it was a fantastic exciting but happy ending!  We wrote our own blurbs and designed our own front covers – thinking about how we could entice others to pick up this book and choose to read it. Thay are all very good and thy would certainly make me want to read the book.

We were busy on Wednesday learning the very valuable skill of organising our work.  We sorted out our trays to make sure all work was neat and filed int he correct order.

We continued our Australian topic with some Indigenous artwork.  We learned about the history of very early Australian art – people told stories through pictures as they had no written language.  We tried our own dot paintings which turned out very well.

In maths, we began some data handling – we carried out a survey on our favourite Australian animals and then displayed this information in a bar chart – making sure to label the axes and give it a title.

On Friday we had a lovely Harvest assembly and our very first Committee meetings.

It was lovely to see so many of you this week, have a lovely October break.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

P7b weekly blog update!

Final week before our October break, and there was still so much learn. It’s been a busy week, but everyone has been working hard, and I am sure can not wait for a lovely relaxing week long break!

Numeracy: This week in Numeracy we have been learning how to use the Formal written method to solve division problems. We have found using this method as a quick and easy method, but again we have realised how important it is for us to learn and know our timetables. We have been practising our timetables in class and Mrs. Matos has set us the challenge to continue to practice at home. To consolidate all our learning from this term, we completed a variety of different word problems and we needed to use our skills of numeracy vocabulary to know which number operation we needed to calculate. We used the formal written method for all four number operations.

Literacy: As we draw to an end of our Brazil study and comparison, we learnt about deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest. As a writing activity we wrote an essay on deforestation and the effects it has on the Amazon Rainforest. Our essay needed to be written in paragraphs, show our understanding of deforestation and the effects it has, as well as sharing our opinion and ideas. We were so engaged in learning about deforestation , that we held a small debate. The class was divided into four groups, each group was representing a party ( Greenpeace, Large Meat company, Traditional medicine and a travel agency), each group needed to use persuasive language on why they would need a section of the rainforest. It was a very interesting outcome.

HWB: This week we learnt about food hygiene during the preparation of food. To help us to put what we had learnt into practice we made some Brazilian muffins. We made sure we cleaned our surface areas, washed our hands , wore gloves, wore hats and aprons. With only 4 ingredients it was sure something very different to what muffins usually taste like.

Home learning: Over the last few weeks, Mrs. Matos has been so impressed with the high quality of home learning that the children have been brining in. From using ‘junk’ materials to create Favela’s to filling a shoe box with items that relate to a book that they have been reading.

P7b and Mrs. Matos


P4- Have a lovely break everyone!

In Maths we have been doing symmetry in shapes, rounding , estimating and revising these.

In literacy we have been learning about verbs, adverbs and retelling our reading book.

In P.E. we have been doing badminton.

In guided reading we learnt to retell the main events of our reading book.

In R.M.E we have been looking at the creation story and been comparing them between Christianity and Judaism.

In science we have been making seed cars. Today we have been to committee By RP, SD, OM


Rights Respecting School Committee

Today our Rights Respecting School Committee came together and worked together in groups to brainstorm some ideas on how to raise awareness of Rights and Responsibilities with pupils, parents and staff. It was a very productive meeting with lots of fun and exciting ideas. We are planning for our next meeting to compile an online survey for pupils and staff to complete, we will then analyse the data and compile our action plan.

Mrs. Matos and Mr. Ritchie

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