P4 Class

Reading- we learned to  describe the main character in the story.  We looked for clues in the book which described how the character feels, behaves and/or talk.

Writing- We learnt to express our thoughts by writing our opinion about a character in the book


Numeracy- We applied our knowledge of (different methods) addition/ subtraction in problem solving tasks.

Number talks was also a big focus this week.

HWB- we had short tennis rally.  During PE we also focused on hand eye coordination activities e.g. throw and catch,  bounce and catch the ball etc


We explored  how Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world.

We have also been busy making a Christmas themed corridor display


Diary writing and glitter in P2A

In Maths this week some of us challenged ourselves to solve addition and subtraction within 100. We found that we can use the strategies we learnt with numbers to 20 to help us solve bigger sums.  Here’s a game to try at home:


In Literacy we learned how to write a diary entry. We know that we put the date at the top, start with ‘Dear Diary’ and use the word ‘I’ in our sentences.

We imagined that we were Katie Morag when she got angry and threw her Ted into the sea. We did a plan to help us to write our diary entry, thinking about the questions…

What happened? How did you feel?

We made sure we put our sentences in the correct order, using First, Next and After That. We also used a joining word to link what happened with how it made us feel. We are doing so well with our writing!

In Phonics next week we will be doing a check up to see how we are getting on with consonant blends and our common words. I will share the results of this so you know which sounds or words need revision.

Finally, you know Christmas is here when you get the glitter out! Our Christmas crafts are nearly finished and we can’t wait to show you!

We’ve enjoyed building during free play:

Have a great weekend!

Love P2A and Miss Prince x


Problem Solving, Weaving and Enterprise in P3B

What a busy week!  I suspect this may be the way of things for the next few weeks too as we begin our Christmas preparations.  We have begun production of items for our stall at the Christmas Fair.  We will be selling Reindeer lollipops and wooden christmas tree decorations.  We have also been working on our business skills – working out how much each item has cost to make and deciding on a good selling price to make a profit – but not too expensive that no one will buy them!

We have also entered Tesco ‘Design a Snowman’ competition – using the template given to us by Tesco, we have come up with some pretty funky designs.  Winners will be announced next week and even if none of us win anything I’m certain our designs will really brighten up the store – please keep an eye out for them in window.

In science with Mrs McVay we have been continuing to explore forces.  We learned about friction this week and got to use some great equipment with lots of different surfaces to see what works for fast movement and which materials will slow things down.  We have also been playing with these resources throughout the week as we learn best when we are given time to investigate and try out our own ideas and increase our understanding.

We had a go at a tricky problem solving task on Thursday.  Mr Zuckerman (Charlotte’s Web) had just been to market and he was counting his profits, he had to sort his coins into 3 bags, there were several different problems, but the one most of us looked at was:

Mr Zuckerman has 10 gold coins, he sorts them into three money bags.  The first bag has three fewer gold coins than the second bag.  The second bag has two more gold coins than the third bag.  The second bag has an odd number of coins inside.  How many coins are in each bag?  

How quickly can parents work this one out? Test them!

In addition to practising our numeracy skills, we were also looking at good ways to approach problem solving.  Usually Mrs Kennedy tells us how to solve maths problems but not this time! We used the RUDE method!  Read, Underline, Draw, Estimate.  Working on maths activities like this one was quite new to most of us and it is something we will be doing more regularly as it is important to practise the skills required then questions like these are not so scary and we know how to approach them.

As many of you will remember, Mrs Kennedy is a big fan of learning through play.  This is planned play with a specific set of learning outcomes.  It is so important to a child’s development as it is a great way to develop many of the skills that are likely to be required in the world of work that the children will go onto: creativity, complex problem solving, STEM skills, people skills and critical thinking to name a few.   This week we have been trying weaving and sewing.  Not only is it very good for fine motor development and creativity, it also requires patience, problem solving, as well as resilience and it is a bit of mindfulness too.  The children have been really engaged in this (far more than I actually thought they would be!) It hasn’t always worked first time but they have kept at it 🙂


We are looking forward to seeing you at the Christmas Fair next Friday, all profits from our stall can be spent by the class so we’re hoping for a successful day.

Have a good weekend, P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Mostly Katie Morag, Addition and Nativity in P2B.

We have completed our block on Addition and will be going onto Subtraction this week. The children did well at their addition assessments and are looking forward to the challenge of subtraction.
In Phonics we have been working on more consonant blends and did really well in our dictation on Friday.
We have been reading more Katie Morag stories and have particularly been looking at Katie Morag and The Tiresome Ted. We have being doing a plan so that this week we can write a diary extract pretending to be Katie Morag and write about her feelings. Can’t wait to read them.
We have been practising our Nativty with words and stage directions and this week we will sort costumes and start using the microphone.
We have been busy preparing items to sell at the Christmad Fair but the children should be keeping it a secret!!
Love From Mrs.Burton and P2B

SPS and Bonnytoun News

We’ve has a fairly quiet week here at Springfield and Bonnytoun which ended today with our assembly on ‘being active.’

We learned about how to stay healthy by eating a balanced diet and taking part in a range of physical activities.

All children in school are kept active each day though their P.E lessons, outdoor learning, outdoor play, The Daily Mile and after-school clubs. Our nursery children have free access to the outdoors and may spend the entire nursery session in the outdoor area should they choose to do so.

We also provide a wide-range of sporting opportunities through our cluster schools events. This week, our P3 showcased excellent behaviour and ‘sportsperson-ship’ when they took part in a Benchball festival at Linlithgow Academy.

Our Pupil Council held their ‘pyjama day’ today with a sea of children coming to school dressed for bed! It was an interesting sight this morning with a host of different pyjamas, dressing gowns, slippers and onesies on display and we also managed to raise lots of money for school funds. Thank you to you all!

Here are some pupil achievements from this week:

-Well done to K in P1 for her Enjoy-a-Ball trophy!

-A super effort from 0 and S in P4 for their gymnastics achievements. Well done girls!

-A group of our P6 girls have raised a great sum of money for Cancer Research over the last few weeks and we are delighted with their efforts!

-Finally a mention for R in P4 and also her little brother, M in P2, who were recently bridesmaid and best man at their Auntie’s wedding in Mexico. I loved seeing the pictures!

Have a great weekend! Stay active!

Miss Baillie x💖🏀🏸🏏⛸🏌🏿‍♀️

The Perfect Recipe for Friendship (P3B)

Following on from Miss Baillie’s assembly on kindness on Friday, the whole school have had an Anti-Bullying focus this week.

This has tied in very well with our book study too as we learn about the value of friendship through Charlotte and Wilber.

On Monday, we began to think about the qualities that make a good friend.  We thought about our best friends and why we like them; is it the way they behave or maybe the way they make us feel?  Is it the things we enjoy doing together that make us good friends?  Is it because we are very different but our differences complement each other?

We played a pairs game to begin our discussion.  The cards had pictures and sentences showing attributes of a good friend.  This was good fun and we had some good group discussion too.  Then we each wrote notes on the qualities that we look for in a friend.

On Tuesday, we used these notes to write ‘A Recipe for a Good Friend.’  The words we had on our list from Monday helped us to write them.  Mrs Kennedy had a lovely time reading the recipes, the children worked hard on them and each one had the perfect ingredients to make a good friendship.

We have also been celebrating our differences this week, we had a great discussion when thinking about what the world would be like if everyone was the same. We spent some time discussing what the consequences would be if everyone in the world was a fantastic builder but they couldn’t do anything else.  We would have no doctors, farmers, teachers, scientists, artists… We came to the conclusion that it just wouldn’t work, we need everyone’s different skills and qualities to make life interesting, much more fun and actually to allow us to survive!  Without talking to anyone else we wrote down what our personalities are like and our very favourite things to do.  We decorated handprints to celebrate all the things that are unique to us.   They really are very good and I can see all the children’s personalities reflected in their work.

I actually took a couple of photo’s of maths this week!  The children are continuing their addition work, improving mental maths methods of adding 2-digit numbers.  One of their favourite things to do is to be the teacher  and explain how to solve problems to the class.  It is really good for me too as I can observe how well they are picking up the skills I am teaching.

We had a great time at the benchball festival at Linlithgow Academy on Thursday.  It was good to meet children from every school in our cluster.  It was a very busy afternoon and we each played a lot of games.  The children showed excellent teamwork and put all of the skills we have been learning into practise.  Their behaviour was very good too, they showed all the Springfield values and were very good representatives of Springfield School.

I think we have earned some well-deserved rest this weekend.  Thanks for reading our post, P3B and Mrs Kennedy

So Nativity begins in P2B

We began our Nativity practises this week. The children really picked up the words of the songs quickly. Well done all of P1 and 2. Next week we go onto putting the words in and practising stage directions.

In P2 we have planned and written our letters to Katie Morag. Katie Morag stories are our Scottish focus this term. The children wrote great letters and remembered most of their success criteria.

The children enjoyed “Katie Morag and the 2 Grandmothers” and drew storyboards for this. They also wrote about the important parts of the story.

In Maths we have continued to work on addition and will progress onto subtraction this week.

One of our creations!

Hope that you’ve all had a good weekend.

From Mrs. Burton and P2 B








P7b ‘Work hard, be kind and amazing things will happen’ Conan O’Brien

It has been a very busy time in Primary 7, we apologies for the delay in posting our updates, but we will fill you in on what we have been doing over the last two weeks.

Literacy:  It was lovely last week to have some parents come along and to take part in our active spelling activities. During active spelling we play a range of spelling games, that helps us to consolidate our knowledge on spelling rules and tricky common words that we often spell incorrectly in our spelling. During active spelling we use our weekly spelling words and we play hangman games with our partners and we play scrabble to help us to extend and build on our vocabulary.  This week in active spelling we used our weekly spelling words to create a crossword puzzle, reinforcing how the words are spelt as well as testing our knowledge on the definition of the words.

A couple of weeks ago we had a lovely visit to the Poppy Factory, during literacy we consolidated our understanding of writing a recount, we used the features of recount writing and wrote about our trip to the Poppy Factory. In our recount we concentrated on our vocabulary, punctuation, the use of figurative writing, writing in past tense and first person, it was such an enjoyable visit that we all enjoyed writing about our experience and describing our emotions, sharing our opinion.

Over the last few weeks we have been reading the class novel, Holes. We are all getting really stuck into the story and with every chapter that we read we are getting more and more drawn into the story. Over the last two weeks we completed two pieces of writing which was inspired from the novel. We learnt about persuasive devices and how they can be used to persuade an audience to buy an invention that we had created. In our novel, Holes, the main character writes a letter to his mum. After discussions on different purposes and types of communication, it was very clear that letter writing was not the preferred form of communication. None the less, we stepped into the shoes of the main character, Stanley, and wrote a letter to our ‘mum’. We focused on the layout of an informal letter, the language that is used and rhetorical questions. Perhaps this will inspire more letter writing to friends and family in the future.

During guided reading we have been concentrating on punctuation. We have been identify the types of punctuation that is used in a text, why it has been used and how it can be used in our writing.

Numeracy: We have been very busy during numeracy, extending and consolidating our understanding of fractions. Over the last two weeks we have worked on identifying and simplifying fractions, we have been adding and subtracting fractions with the same and different denominator and this last week we have been multiplying fractions and calculating ratios. It has been a challenging two weeks, with a lot of different ‘rules’ and calculations that we have had to learn, but with a confident attitude and resilience we have been doing great. Please ask us to show you what we have learnt.

Enterprise: With only 3 weeks to go till the Christmas Fayre, we have been working hard on our enterprise projects. It has been challenging at times, but we have learnt the importance of patience, team work and accurate resource ordering and budgeting. Over the last two weeks, we worked with our chosen groups and decided on a product or service we would like to sell at the Christmas Fayre, we had a budget of £20 to buy all our resources. We needed to research products and their best prices, and together we needed to calculate how much we will be selling our product for, making sure that we will make a profit. We have been discussing adverting and the use of persuasive devices to help us to promote our product or service.

HWB: #hecanshecan… during health and wellbeing we have been discussing gender stereotyping and respect. We all designed a poster which will be entered into the West Lothian #hecanshecan competition. Through a lot of discussion it was clear that we all agreed that gender equality is important and that all genders require the same amount of respect, but we are also very aware that gender equality is still not happening all the time and that we need to raise awareness and show our respect to all.

PE: Over the last two weeks we have been practicing our athletics skills with Mrs. Reid. Last week Thursday these skills were put to the test at the Cluster Athletics Festival. Mrs. Matos and Mr. Logan were so proud of all the Primary 7 children that took part, it was a fantastic afternoon, where everyone who took part, showed kindness, confidence and resilience. Way to go Primary 7!!

Leadership: During leadership this week we discussed the importance of planning and organization. Mrs. Matos gave each leadership group their own folders and jotters, where we will be keeping a record of all our planning and activities that we do. It is also important that to be a great leader we need to evaluate our leadership skills and activities that we have been doing. We found this a very difficult task to do, but with support from Mrs. Matos and Mr. Logan as well as good communication with our team, we identified our strengths, things that have not gone well and things we would like to improve on.

1+2 French: French with Mrs. Gordon we learnt vocabulary to use when we want to say that something is sore. We would just like to thank Mrs. Gordon for taking the time to teach us in a fun and exciting way each week.

Last week EM took part in a 5k run with her mum. EM brought along her medal and some photos and shared her experience with us. It was her first 5k run so a massive well done to EM and mum too!!

P7b and Mrs. Matos

Springfield and Bonnytoun News

We’ve had another lovely week in school and nursery. Here is all of our news:

Our assembly this morning was held to celebrate World Kindness Day. We talked about how ‘being kind’ is our core value within school and nursery. We discussed our approach to including everyone and showing respect regardless of skin colour, gender, religion or belief. Anti-racism and anti-discrimination are crucial to our school belief system. We will always educate our children to celebrate differences and be kind to all. We then asked children to do a random act of kindness for another before the morning was finished. It was a day full of love! 💖

Our nursery staff are busy creating a new playroom which we are going to call ‘The Snug.’  This playroom will be like a family living room and will give children a quiet, calming space to play and learn. We are also going to be starting some mindfulness , meditation sessions with our little ones to help them to begin to identify and regulate their emotions. We will keep you posted of further news of The Snug with pictures to follow…

Pupil Achievements:

Lots of children took part in the Supernova fun run at the Kelpies last weekend and here are some of their pictures:

A brilliant effort from H for her Enjoy-a-Ball trophy!

A in P3 is competing in gymnastics at national level. She trains so hard every week (several times!) and we are so proud of her. I saw a video of her training on the bars this week and couldn’t believe that it was one of our children. Well done A!

Well done to R in P3 who came along to show me his lovely art work! What a talented soul!


Have a super weekend! Remember to be kind!

Miss Baillie xx💖


Primary 5 w/e 16/11/18

This week in Primary 5 we have continued to look at fractions. We have explored equivalent fractions, improper fractions and we have compared and ordered fractions too!

In problem solving we looked at ‘Magic Squares’ and learned why they are magic and how to complete the squares. Ask us how we did this!!

We began our Enterprise Topic this week. We are responsible for making up gift bags for the adults who attend Linlithgow Day Care Centre. We have written letters to ask for donations for the gift bags – have you received yours yet?

In PE we have continued to develop our team building skills, through handball. We have developed skills and played mini-games to assist with this.

In Science, we launched our rockets, with the winning rocket being created by Eilidh O, whose rocket travelled an amazing 36m. Well done Eilidh!

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr


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