This Week’s News at SPS and Bonnytoun

We have been busy continuing our Scots focus in school this week. Today, P4/5 held a great assembly about ‘New Year’ which ended with all children singing a Scots song about a centipede. Thank you to Mr Ritchie for his efforts which saw all children speaking out and performing well.

Next week, P7 will be holding a Burns’ Supper on Tuesday afternoon and P2 will also be having an afternoon of Scots poetry and activities.

Our Nursery children have been developing their ‘forest skills’ this week by roasting marshmallows on our brand new fire pit.

Tomorrow, a group of staff and P6 and P7 pupils are off to Newcastle to spend the day undertaking football related activities.

Each of our school Houses; Champleurie, Binns, Hopetoun and Ochiltree have now earned over 1000 ‘springs’ and have chosen to cash these in on a trip to Dovecot Park! This means that each class will be allowed to visit the park for a play session over the next week or so. Keep posted for more news.

Have a super weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖


Primary 5 w/e 18th January 2019

This week we enjoyed our visit to The Peel. We played games, hunted for birds, learned about migration and made bird feeders. When we came back, we wrote a report about our adventures.

We started to look at our Famous Scot- this week we researched lots of information about Alexander Graham Bell.

In maths, we looked at negative numbers and how they are used in real life.

Have a lovely weekend

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr


  • This week we started learning about John Logie Baird. My lightbulb moment this week is learning to do division with my 4 times table.  KP
  • I now know where to put an apostrophe when the noun ends with an “s”. MS
  • I learnt to tell the time using the analogue clock. NJ
  • I didn’t know that you can use the 5 times table to tell the minutes.SM
  • I now understand how to tell the time to/ past the hour. EM
  • We learnt about John Logie Baird and how the first TV was invented. AM
  • I learnt how John Logie Baird’s TV worked. CC


Developing the Young Workforce – Skills for Learning, Life and Work Programme 2019

Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) is a seven-year programme (2014-2021) that aims to better prepare children and young people aged 3–18 for the world of work. This year, we will once again be running a Skills for Learning, Life and Work programme for our P7 pupils which will culminate in a Careers Fayre in May. We aim to help our children develop and acquire skills across all areas of the curriculum that are transferable to a workplace whilst broadening their knowledge of different jobs, careers and opportunities for further academic study.
Over the last two years we have welcomed in a number of our parents and carers as well as representatives from local businesses, organisations, colleges and universities to deliver a short presentation on their career, line of work or establishment to our P7 classes. This could be anything from 15-30 minutes in length with the opportunity for the children to ask some questions at the end. The programme of visits will run between Monday 11th February and Thursday 4th April.
If this is something you would be interested in helping us with, please contact Mr. Logan via email ( to arrange a suitable date and time to come in.
Mr. Logan

2019 Begins in P2B

We’ve had a busy beginning to 2019 in P2B. We began by talking about our Christmas holidays and then writing about what we did. Lots of exciting things and lots of lovely presents. What lucky children we are! New Years Resolutions have also featured in our work this week and we have talked about our hopes for 2019 and looked at how the New Year is celebrated around the world. We have done some Phonics revision, as well as practising the spelling of the days of the week and some of our common words. Next week  and for the following few weeks we will be learning how to spell words with the magic ‘e’.

We have continued our work on subtraction and next week will move on to the recognition of coins up to 50p and adding up small amounts. So it will be Money, Money, Money in P2B!!

Our work on the school values has continued and we have particularly concentrated on Kindness and Respect. This was continued at our assembly on Friday.

We have begun our Scottish focus by making a mind map of things we already know. It seems lots already! Next week we will look at the life of Eric Liddell- a famous Scottish Olympian.

We’ve had a visitor this week who did some fitness work with us and lots of running. Red faces were in abundance when we came back to the classroom!!

Some great models have been made and F.W. Spoke well about one of his Christmas presents a ukelele.

Happy New Year Everyone.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

Term 3 at SPS and Bonnytoun Begins

Happy New Year to you all!

We have had a lovely, calm and settled start to Term 3 and to the month of January in school  and nursery.

This week all classes have been reinforcing our school values and this culminated in  a ‘values assembly’ today in school.  We talked about the ongoing need to be kind and respectful to each other. Staff are going to be looking out for positive behaviour in our dinner hall this term with the chance for one pupil to be crowned the ‘dinner hall champion’, before Easter, for showcasing good manners and behaviour.

Nursery children are going to be learning about the school value of ‘being included’ as they play games and learn to share and take turns.

Here are the achievements for this week:

-A huge congratulations to Zara in P7 for gaining Grade 1 in piano! What a brilliant achievement!

-Well dons to C in P3 who continues to perform well in Gymnastics.

Next week, our pupils are going on to begin a block of work learning about famous Scottish inventors and the contributions they have made to our lives today. This will form part of our work in Social Studies for this term.

You will receive your child’s home learning grid and Sharing the Learning sheet for the term, when they are sent home in school bags next week. We hope that you enjoy taking part in your child’s learning and helping them to practise skills learned in school.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Baillie xx💖



Happy New Year from P3B

Happy New Year!  I hope you all had a lovely break and enjoyed the celebrations.

We are well and truly back into the swing of things, we began Monday setting some personal goals and New Year’s resolutions – something new we’d like to try and something we do already that we’d like to get better at.

Before Christmas the children decided that they would like to decorate the wall outside our classroom based on Antarctica.  We began by learning about the wildlife in Antarctica – the only two land creatures to live there are seals and penguins.  We had an art lesson on pencil drawing and how to use shading to enhance our pictures, then we drew penguins and seals using our new techniques.

On Tuesday, we worked in groups to create posters on a topic relating to Antarctica, the topics were: Antarctic Geography, Scientists in Antarctica, Antarctic Explorers, Antarctic Ships, Fun Facts about Antarctica, Antarctic Wildlife and Antarctic Weather.  The children worked very hard and we all learned a lot from each other as we shared our learning.  A group of children have also been working on some other art work for the wall, including a picture of the new Royal Research Ship ‘Sir David Attenborough’ and pictures of  orcas which are often found in Antarctic waters.  We are really pleased with the finished result and think the wall looks interesting and will encourage others to stop and read our work.

We had a HIIT (high intensity interval training)  session with  a personal trainer on Tuesday, it was a very active session and we did not stop moving for 45 minutes!  We did a lot of running as well as burpees, press-ups and squats.  It was hard work and great fun.

On Thursday we began our new PE topic with Mrs Kennedy – football.  We were working on our dribbling skills this week and played different games that allowed us to practise dribbling.  We are hoping that we can get onto the grass soon.

In numeracy and maths this week, we began subtraction.  We started off with mental subtraction – practising different techniques and learning some new ones, finding out what works best for us.  On Thursday we started our new outer maths topic – grid references, we looked at where they might be used  and  learned to use them to locate and describe positions.

We also competed our book study of ‘Charlotte’s Web.’  As an assessment, we showed our understanding of the story by summarising it.  We selected the main points, ordered them correctly and then made cartoon strips showing these points.  Every child was able to show that they had understood the story well as they not only identified the main points, they also realised the ’causes and effects’ that created the events in the story and made the story flow the way it did 🙂 Soon we will  look at how to transfer this into our own writing.

We will continue to have Mrs McVay for Science this term.  On Wednesday we started to learn about materials and began by sorting objects according to the material they are made from.

It has been a busy week with  introductions to a lot of new experiences.  Please look in school bags on Monday for more information on what we will be covering this term.  We will soon begin our study on a famous Scottish person – Williamina Fleming.

Thank you for reading our blog, P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 5 w/e 11th January 2019

Happy New Year from Primary 5.

The photos show us enjoying our fitness session with Mhairi. We participated in a variety of exercise to develop our personal fitness. Everyone worked hard!

In maths we have been looking at subtraction. We have been formally recording our answers and using exchanging to help us calculate these.

One of our literacy tasks this week has been to create a storyboard about our holidays. We shared our holiday news through these boards.

We have started the new session with a focus on our School Values. We worked in small groups to create an information poster about each of our values.

We are continuing to read Sky Song and we recreated the  character, Erkenbear, from this novel.

With Ms Bain in music we learned some new terms and a rap about a conversation in the snow.

In Science we learned about mixtures and chemical reactions. Ask us to explain what we were doing!!

Have a lovely weekend.

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr


A Very Happy Christmas from P3B

Well, what a quick term!  P3B have worked extremely hard all term and continued to do so this week.

We had a ‘Kindness Advent Calendar’ in the classroom with messages behind each door to make us think about kindness, particularly in the run up to Christmas.  We began by asking someone new to play with us on Monday, then gave three compliments to someone on Tuesday.  On Wednesday, we were to carry out a random act of kindness at any point throughout the day.  On Thursday we discussed the importance of being kind to ourselves.  We wrote 5 things that we like about ourselves and discussed the importance of doing things that make us happy and being with people that make us happy.  Finally on Friday, we made a card to say thank you to someone in the class that had been kind to us.  It has been a lovely thing to do  and the children have been enthusiastic, we wrote any special acts of kindness on post-its and put them together in a tin, as the week went on it was great to see the tin filling up.

In maths we have been tiling – not as easy as it sounds!  We were using 2D shapes to explore how different shapes fit together and made repeating patterns using more than one shape. It is tricky to make a pattern using different shapes and leave no gaps! We’re getting very good at it though, anyone needing their bathroom tiled…?

You should hopefully have received a Christmas card from your child – if not please search the bottom of their bag!  we made cards using strips of paper of different lengths and worked out how to place them to make the shape of a Christmas tree.  Everyone worked carefully to do a good job.  They are very effective.

The disco on Wednesday was a big hit – here’s a photo of us just before we went along.

On Thursday we did Basic Moves in PE.  Basic Moves is designed to help children develop many different gross motor skills that can be used in many different sports.  It is also a good cardio work out.

Throughout the week we have been learning about how Christmas is celebrated in different countries around the world.  Then, in pairs, we chose a country to research and made powerpoint presentations to show our findings.  We presented these to the class.  I have been very impressed with the children’s ever-improving ICT skills as well as the content in the presentations.  We all learned a lot and this was a very interesting activity to do.  As always, our presentation skills were very good.

We also enjoyed singing at the ‘Carols Around the Tree’ service. We had been practising hard and it was good fun singing in front of a big audience.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and Happy New Year when it comes.

Merry Christmas kids on letters. Contains transparent objects. Stock Vector - 24366286

                            P3B and Mrs Kennedy xxx

Pupil Achievements

Congratulations to the following children for their successes this week:

– To C in P2 for raising a huge sum of money for charity. We are so proud of you C!

-To C in P1 for success in Ballet.

– And to E in P4 who has also had  a huge achievement in dancing.

Miss Baillie x 💖💫


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