Weekly News at SPS and Bonnytoun

It has been a short but busy week here in school and nursery.

Today, Mrs Newton and P6A led a very interesting assembly about democracy and  The Scottish Parliament. We also found out about some exciting plans for Fairtrade Fortnight which begins next week.

Our nursery children started their work on Fairtrade today by ordering some Fairtrade bananas on the Internet for snack!

There will be lots of Fairtrade activities and competitions in school over the next two weeks and we will be holding a Bake Sale on 7th March.

Last night, many families came along to the Fun Languages Evening at Linlithgow Primary School. This was a hugely successful event which saw French and Spanish languages being promoted through songs, games and other activities. Thank you to Mrs Gordon and the rest of the staff who helped to organise this. We continue to teach French from nursery to P7 and Spanish in upper stages.

Mr Wells and I have been very busy visiting lots of different classes this week to take part in writing lessons and to check that we are delivering high quality writing experiences for our children. We are delighted with the standard of writing produced by our pupils across all stages. Thank you to all staff who continue to work extremely hard and take on board guidance to continually improve.

Pupil Achievements this week:

-Well done to two of our lovely P1 pupils! Firstly to L for her gymnastics award and also to D for going on an adventure down a mine!

Have a super weekend!

Miss Baillie x💖💫




Victorians at School


This week we have been looking at the differences between school life in Victorian Times compared to nowadays. I think the children have a good understanding of what it was like and that they would prefer to be at school now rather than then. They were particularly fascinated with the Dunce’s hat and children getting the cane and the slipper! We even tried to fit 5 children onto 2 chairs, which they did in Victorian times. It was a bit of a squash! On Wednesday our classroom was set up like a Victorian one and we were in lines, all facing the front. Think we quite liked it and thought it was even funnier when Mrs.Burton called out the register just using our surnames!

We wrote a diary entry, pretending we were a Victorian child at school. We did the planning first then wrote the diary entry on what was meant to be tea stained paper! Some great results. Well done P2B.

We have continued with our magic “e” words and this week looked at the diagraph “e-e”. Another group were learning “oi” and “oy”.

In Maths we have continued with multiplication and I think everyone knows their 2 times table now. Next week we will move onto division.

We had a taster session of Spanish with Mrs.Gordon and the Language Ambassadors this week. We played games and listened to “The Gruffalo” in Spanish. We really enjoyed it. Mrs.Campbell continues to come in weekly to do French with the class and this week we were learning the French words for items in the classroom. So we’re becoming very good at languages.


Have a lovely long weekend everyone and will see you on Wednesday.

Love from

P2B and Mrs.Burton

P3B – A Force to be Reckoned With!

What a great start to the holiday weekend! – I’m sure you are extremely proud of your assembly stars today – I couldn’t have asked any more of them, they performed in such a professional way, remembered all their lines and where they should be at exactly the right times.  We have had many lovely comments from others in the school too – A massive well done to all the children 🙂

You will not believe that even after all the rehearsals and two shows today, I do not have one photograph!  Miss Baillie has uploaded one to her blog post and has written a little piece about it.

In other news – as part of ‘Scotland Loves Languages Week’ we welcomed Miss Baillie and two Springfield language ambassadors to our classroom on Tuesday for a Spanish lesson.  We listened to The Gruffalo in Spanish and learned the names of the animals in Spanish then we sang ‘Head Shoulders Knees and Toes’ – ‘Cabeza, Hombros, Rodillas y Pies.’  We then learned the numbers to five and played a game.  Thank you to Mrs Gordon for all her planning and organisation this week, and to Miss Baillie and the girls for our great lesson, we really enjoyed it.

On Wednesday we had a real treat when Prismatic Winds came to school and performed for us.  We learned all about the oboe, flute, clarinet, bassoon and tenor horn.  As well as playing some really cool tunes – including The Simpsons theme tune, because they were in Springfield – they taught us a lot about each individual instrument and how they work to produce such lovely sounds.  The children really were captivated by the music, I tried to get pictures of their faces, it was lovely to see.

Here is the weblink if you would like to know a little more about the quintet https://prismaticwinds.com/

As P3s we have special jobs in the infant part of the school.  Each Monday and Wednesday we are given the opportunity to be Play Leaders and 2 of us each time collect four P1 or P2 children from their classroom and take them for block play.  We help them to make structures and to put the blocks away again – the blocks need to be organised very well to fit back on the shelf correctly so this is not as easy as it sounds.  The interactions between the children is lovely and the creativity is excellent too. P3 are doing a great job.

In PE this week we did a little yoga, it was nice to have some quiet time in all the build up to the assembly.

On Friday, we had an extra long reward time as we had worked so hard on our assembly.  Some of us made, and then played with, play dough and some played games that Mrs Kennedy brought from home that she thought  we might enjoy – again it was so busy there are very few photos!  It was good fun though.

Have a really good long weekend everyone, it was lovely to see so many of you this morning.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Springfield and Bonnytoun News

We were looking forward to our holiday weekend today, as P3 led a superb assembly about ‘forces.’ Thank you Mrs Kennedy for putting on such an informative assembly which was a lovely way to end a busy week.

We are very proud of our children’s  knowledge and abilities in Science at Springfield, thanks to the expertise of Mrs Tulloch and Mrs Begarnie. Mrs Tulloch is busy working with P7 on their STEM project this term, which is to build a moveable buggy. Our STEM family learning event will take place in Term 4 where you will be able to take part in a STEM challenge with your child.

Achievements this week:

-Well done to D in P3 for his success with Linlithgow Rose Football Team.

-Congratulations to F in P4/5 for his efforts at Cubs and to A in P1 for the same in Beavers! Well done boys!

-Finally, we are extremely proud of a group of our P7 children who came second (by one point!) in the Linlithgow cluster schools, Inter-house Quiz!

Have a lovely long weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

Primary 5 – w/e 15th February 2019

We have had another busy week in Primary 5.

In maths our focus has been fractions. We have looked at fractions of a number and equivalent fractions. A few of us have begun to explore percentages.

Our writing focus this week was informal letter writing, when we wrote a letter to a friend, sharing information about ourselves and asking questions. Some of us chose to bring these letters home to post!

In PE we have continued to explore our physical fitness and completed circuits with a variety of activities.

In music we were looking at more graphic scores.

Our reading tasks this week looked at sequencing events in a story.

We started our Egyptian topic this week, with a KWL about Ancient Egypt. We also located Egypt and some of the key features on maps.

Have a lovely holiday weekend.

See you Wednesday

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr

A Mountain to Climb

RG in P7 recently climbed a small hill in South Ayrshire called Knockdolian. He had challenged himself to climb the equivalent height of Mount Everest over the past 12 months and has finally surpassed the 29,029 feet mark! R has scaled a variety of mountains across Scotland from the Isle of Skye to the Cairngorms in the process. We think this is a superb achievement and would like to congratulate R for his efforts! What an accomplishment! Have a look at his picture below upon completing his challenge…

Children at work in Victorian Times P2B

The children have been busy researching what their counterparts did in Victorian Times. We found out about the job of a chimney sweep and how dangerous it was. We then drew chimney sweeps and used tissue paper and other materials to create their clothes and the background. Some super work. We then found out what other jobs children did in Victorian times and how hard it was for them. The children were fascinated. Perhaps it will encourage them to help at home!

In Maths we have continued with multiplication and some of us are getting very quick at doing the calculations. However we do need to practise when it is a word problem involving multiplication. We will continue with this next week.

We have continued with the magic ‘e’ this week but using the  ‘u-e’ diagraph and some children have been working on ‘ew’. The children have been enjoying our novel ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’ so much that I thought they’d like to make up a recipe for their own medicine and what would happen if you took it. They loved describing some revolting ingredients and the affect they would have.

  Thought of this u-e word all by myself!

On Tuesday we had our reward for each house getting the target amount of Springs – a trip to Dovecot Park. The children loved it and enjoyed all the equipment with their friends.


Our P6 Pals came on Monday and played the games they had created using circuits. We really enjoyed playing the games and gave them red, amber and green,depending on how much we enjoyed them. It was mostly green!

      We’ve become Beavers! Well done.

So another busy week in P2B. Have a great weekend.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

Camera Obscura in P3B

We began the week with some grammar, learning about proper nouns.  Once we got into the swing of things we came up lots of proper nouns and learned that they ALWAYS begin with a capital letter.  Mrs Kennedy will be looking for this in our writing jotters from now on.

On Tuesday, we had our house treat – a trip to the park.  It really was a treat , we had great fun and played together really well.  We’re hoping to get out and about  again soon.

We are continuing our cameras history trail.  We learned about some of the first cameras which were pinhole cameras, these are simple cameras  with a tiny pinhole – essentially a light-proof box with a small hole in one side. Light from a scene passes through the hole and projects an upside down image on the opposite side of the box, this is known as the camera obscura effect.  To help us to understand this we made our own pinhole cameras.  This was also a good technology lesson as we had to work hard to make sure our tube did not let in any light – including securing paper over the end with no gaps.  We also had to make two tubes – one slightly smaller than the other so it could fit inside the larger one.  All the groups managed it, with a few re-starts and adjustments.  There was great excitement as we tried them out.  Great teamwork too.

At the end of our History of Cameras project we will be presenting our learning to P3A.  We have begun powerpoints to help us to do this.  We will add one or two slides per week to build up our presentations as we go rather than do it all at the end.  This is a good way of recording what we learn each week for us to look back on too.  This week we worked in pairs to design title slides and produce one slide about pinhole cameras.  We used a check list to make sure we completed the task correctly.  A great start!

In numeracy, we continued our subtraction and time topics.  We really are improving our mental subtraction skills.  We looked at quick ways of subtracting teen numbers from 2-digit numbers by subtracting the 10 then the units.  Some of us have been subtracting a single digit from a 2-digit number, with bridging.  To do this mentally we took away the number of units to reach the multiple of ten, then subtracted the remaining units (e.g., to calculate 35 – 8 mentally, we would do  35 – 5 = 30, 30 – 3 = 27).

We have a new time wall display, it has a real clock and labels to help us to read the clock throughout the day.  Some of our clocks from last week are on the wall too as well as examples of digital clocks.  We will continue to practise quarter to the hour, especially on a digital clock.  We will move onto ordering times next.

We are also continuing our ‘French Fridays.’  We are now great at numbers to 10, we can count out loud, as well as read and write the number words.  We have begun to learn numbers to 20.  Today we played a game where we rolled dice, said the numbers in French, added the numbers, said the total in French and then coloured the number on our sheet.  The person with the most numbers coloured was the winner.  This got quite competitive!  I heard great French too.

In between all of this we have been very busy rehearsing our assembly.  Thank you very much for helping the children to learn their lines and for help with props.

See you next Friday 🙂

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

A Busy Week at Springfield and Bonnytoun

All children had the chance to visit Dovecot Park this week, with their class, for our House award. Teachers reported how much fun the children had and how nicely they played together.  We are going to try to get children out to the Park more often as we further develop Outdoor Learning. Watch this space for further news!

Today in assembly, we looked at the Wellbeing Indicator ‘being nurtured.’ We talked about how we care for pets, plants and babies as we learned about what ‘nuture’ means. Children were reminded who they should approach for support should they have any worries or concerns.

We found out the exciting news last night that again, we have the main retinue in this year’s Gala Day! Well done to A, L and J in P7 who have been chosen to undertake the roles of Queen, Chief Lady and Champion. We can’t wait until the Gala Day and we are so proud of our children.

Pupil achievements:

-A in P1 was delighted to show me her Enjoy-a-Ball trophy today! Well done A!

Today our basketball team are playing in the West Lothian league, Pool A. I am standing watching them now and they have just won their first game, 12 nil! Go Team Springfield! 💚 Thank you to Mrs Kerr and Mr Logan for their hard work with this group of children.

A few parents have spoken recently about our playground and how busy it is/playground supervision. Although we always have the correct staff-child ratio, we will increase staff numbers in future weeks and continue to ensure that all children play happily. Please continue to approach us if you have any concerns at all. If we don’t know then we can’t fix it!

Have a great weekend,

Miss Baillie x💖


A farewell to P1B

What a fabulous final week I have had with my class. We have been writing with our new digraphs, had a wonderful trip to the park and finished off with a pyjama party. I am going to miss them all so much but I am excited to read the blog and follow their progress for the rest of their time in Primary 1.

I also want to  say a HUGE thank you to all of the wonderful P1B parents who have been so supportive and kind to me this year. The babies have been showered with beautiful gifts and I am completely overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity shown towards me and my family this week. Thank you all so much! I feel extremely lucky to work in such a fantastic school and to have had the opportunity to work with such an enthusiastic class. I am incredibly proud of each and every child in P1B. The progress they have made so far is phenomenal and I know they will continue to thrive with Mrs Reid.

I hope to see you all soon for a visit!

Love Mrs McAulay x

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