A Week Full of Learning at SPS and Bonnytoun!

We have come to the end of another busy   week of learning at Springfield and Bonnytoun. Our children in school had the chance to take part in a number of STEM workshops led by Generation Science.

P6-7 pupils had the chance to attend a Careers’ Fayre which was held on Wednesday night and saw a great turn out of support from our partner agencies and families. We continue to build a wider range of different partners in our local community and beyond to enhance our curriculum and help children to develop skills for learning, life and work.

The children at Bonnytoun have had a lovely couple of days this week welcoming their Grandparents into the nursery to play and learn.

Today, Miss Harrison and P3A led a highly informative assembly on endangered species. All children spoke articulately and confidently as they showcased their learning through the PowerPoint presentations  that they had made.

Pupil Achievements this week:

– Well done to F in P4 for winning a medal for running! Great effort F!

-Congratulations to B in P6 for her certificates gained through skiing and horse riding!

We are proud of you both girls!

Have a lovely holiday weekend everyone,

Miss Baillie xx💖💫



STEM Week in P3B

When I asked the children today what they would like me to include in our blog this week there was a resounding  cry for coding.  We had a session with Generation Science called ‘Bricks and Blocks’ On Wednesday. We learned about computer programming. We began by discussing robots and how they work, we learned that they are given their instructions by computers.  To help us to understand the importance of instructions a bit more, we instructed a human robot to make a jam sandwich.  If our instructions are not correct, the results can be very wrong!   We then worked in pairs to build Lego robots, learning more about  coding as we worked.   We used instruction blocks to program our robots. Our challenge was to score a goal against our robots which were programmed to be goalkeepers. A big thank you to Generation Science for an excellent session.

We also carried out a science experiment.  We discussed why science experiments are a very important part of our world today, the children mentioned medicine and looking after our planet as two big areas where science can really make a difference,  We were very professional in the way we carried out our water absorption experiment.  Our question was ‘How does the type of paper affect how far water will travel through it?’  We observed and discussed the properties of the three types of paper – kitchen towel, A4 paper and tissue paper, then we each wrote a hypothesis on how far we thought the water might travel up each paper when the end was placed in water for 30 seconds.  We planned the resources we would need made a diagram of how our experiment would look, making sure to note down anything we had to keep the same to make sure it was a fair experiment.  We then we carried out the experiment in groups.  Finally, we measured the distance the water had travelled and used our findings to write up and record the results.  We found that the kitchen towel was most absorbent and the type of material definitely has an impact.

In our writing lesson this week we used the notes we wrote before and during our experiment to write a science report.  They are detailed reports, set out with headings and sub-headings.  We used some good science vocabulary too.  We  all self assessed our writing today.

In numeracy we have begun to increase our knowledge and understanding of multiplication.  We have worked on 2, 5 and 10 times tables this week, and some children worked on 3 and 4 times tables.  We have been quite active whilst saying our tables – getting our brains and bodies working at the same time and have also played lots of games to help us to recall our tables facts.

Some children have been practising their tables in Play Based Learning time.  Excellent work girls!

We begun to look at fitness in PE.  We had one fitness session outside and one inside this week.  We did circuit training, working really hard at each station to increase our heart rate.  Each station also worked on a different skill and a different part of our body.

Have a lovely long weekend everyone, see you on Wednesday.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy



P4/5 Week commencing 29th April 2019

In Maths we started to look at the connection between multiplication and division.  We also challenged ourselves to a game of “Noggle” and used our maths knowledge to solve the maths murder mystery game.

In grammar this week we looked at root words and also practised the horizontal join in our handwriting.

This week some of us also brought in our “mummified tomatoes” so we could examine if the process had been successful.  We discovered that some of them were all dried out (mummified) and some still had moisture left in them so they would need to be left in the salt for a longer period of time.

In PE this week we played outdoor games and a game of “rounders.” It was very competitive and we all had great fun!

In Reading we continued with our Literacy Circles and had some very good discussions about the work of the different authors.  The “Word Wizard’s” selected some excellent words this week to challenge their groups.  We all enjoy taking on the different roles and responsibilities involved within the circle.

We also completed our “KWL” grid for our new topic The Union Canal and the Scottish Canal network.

In Science this week we had a visit from “Lego Mindstorm” who let us programme robots.  We had to complete different challenges by programming the robots to move around objects.  At the end the robots had a disco which was a result of us programming them to dance.

On Thursday we also received a visit from two German exchange students called Hanna and Helen.  They had a tour of the school to discover the differences between the schools in Scotland and Germany.

We also completed our HMIE questionnaire ready for them coming on the 13th May.

Mr Ritchie and the “tiggerrific” P4/5’s


Primary 1B – w/e 3rd May 2019

We have had a very busy week in P1b!

In Literacy, we have been learning two new digraphs, ‘oi’ as in coin and ‘oy’ as in boy.  We learned that ‘oi’ usually comes at the beginning or middle of a word and ‘oy’ mostly comes at the end.  We did find quite a few exceptions though which made it tricky!  Our new tricky words were ‘there’ and ‘were’.  We found that when we tried to come up with sentences using ‘there’ we were getting a little bit muddled up with ‘they’.  We kept trying though and now understand the difference between the words.

In Numeracy we were learning about the different ways that a subtraction question could be written.  For example, find the difference between, minus, take away, less than.  We have also been learning how to use subtraction within worded questions.  For example, there were 10 carrots.  5 were eaten.  How many were left?  We saw how important it was to read the question carefully before answering.

In Maths we were learning about Capacity.  In pairs, we took on two challenges to work out the capacity of a variety of vessels – a spoon challenge and a cube challenge.  We had to choose a vessel and predict the number of spoons of sand which would fit inside the vessel and then redo the experiment to see how many cubes the vessel would hold.  It was interesting to see how accurate (or not!) our predictions were.  We found that some groups got a different answer for the number of spoons of sand in the same vessel and worked out that this was because the size of spoonfuls differed from one group to the next.

In PE, we continued our Gymnastics block with Mrs Harris.  We were learning about different types of jump this week.

Mrs Laing visited us again to complete the clay modelling.  Everyone has now sculpted a model.  The models look amazing!  There were so many different ideas.  Once they are dry they will be able to come home.

We also participated in a Generation Science workshop, part of the Edinburgh International Science Festival.  The children learned about computer programming through following instructions to build a Lego robot goal keeper and programming the robot to try to save shots at goal.  They learned how important it is to give clear instructions to make sure the robot did what they wanted it to do.  They had great fun programming the ‘live’ robot to make a jam sandwich!  Mrs Reid was impressed with the Lego building skills and how confidently the computer programmes were devised.

Have a lovely holiday weekend!

Mrs Reid and Primary 1B

Hand washing, Area and Programming in P2A

A very busy week in P2A! Our Assembly practices are in full swing and we are showing lots of enthusiasm and dedication. We especially love practising the song and the dances. Please see the dojo message for information regarding costumes.

In Spelling we have been working on plurals and learning the rules for when we add –s and –es. We know that we add –es when the word ends in: sh ch ss s x z. For example, glasses, boxes

In Writing we practised writing instructions on how to wash our hands. Miss Devonshire did a fun experiment with us on Monday to show us how far germs can spread and why it is so important that we wash our hands.

In Maths we have been finding out the area of a shape using counters and by counting squares. We know that area is the space inside a shape.

In Art we finished our Gerald the Giraffe pictures, you will see them in our class assembly but here is a sneak peek:

In Health and Well-being we discussed what it means to be resilient. We talked about things we can do and things we can’t do…yet.

On Thursday we had a visit from the team at Generation Science. It was AMAZING! We learned how to program a robot – this tied in nicely with our instruction writing as you need to give the robot clear instructions in the correct order.

In the afternoon we had our first session of Futsal with Kieran. Futsal is like football but with a heavier ball. It’s great for practising our co-ordination and ball skills.

As next week is a very short week we will not be giving out homework or reading. We will resume homework and reading on Monday 13th May.

Have a lovely long weekend!

Love from Mrs Bell, Miss Devonshire and P2A x

Karting Success from a P2!

We are so delighted to share C in P2’s recent success in winning a karting race, only 18 months after he took up the hobby! He has been working so hard and we are all proud of him.


Miss Baillie

Kindness is a Superpower!

We have had a lovely week in school as we return from Easter break and move into Term 4.

Today we held our termly, ‘values assembly’ where we look closely at our values and reflect together. Did you know that kindness is a superpower? At least, at Springfield and Bonnytoun, we believe it to be so.

We talked about the power of a small act of kindness and how with repeated small acts, we can create a ‘kindness movement.’ Kindness can change the world!

Fostering positive mental health in our children, is one of our main priorities in school and nursery. Today we learned that is important that we treat ourselves with kindness and have kind ‘inner voices.’ We learned how to turn the negative things that we may think or feel about ourselves into positive comments. This is very important for our wellbeing. We will continue to work on this concept with all children, including our youngest.

Let’s be kind to ourselves and kind to others. We are all unique and we all have talents to share.

Happy weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

P3B Outdoor Fun!

We started the week finishing off our social studies history trail.  We have been learning about the development of cameras throughout different periods in history.  As part of the project we worked in pairs to create a powerpoint presentation to present to children in P3A.  Each week we added a slide showing our new learning, building up to a complete presentation. P3A have been doing a similar project although they studied computers.  On Monday we shared our work with p3A. During the presentations, Mrs Kennedy and Miss Harrison were able to listen in  and observe each group to assess their learning and understanding.  We were very impressed.  The powerpoints were very professional, the content was good and the children were great at both presenting and listening to each other’s presentations.

On Tuesday we spent most of the day outdoors.  We had an outdoor learning trip in the morning.  We walked to Linlithgow Loch where we were met by two West Lothian rangers.  They taught us about animals that are found in our local environment.  One of the rangers, Hannah, set up an animal hunt where we had to find a toy animal hidden in the trees.  Each time we found one, Hannah told us a lot of information about it.  We learned about: Squirrels, Badgers, Bats, Spiders, Rabbits, Foxes and Otters.

The other ranger was called Tracy, she played a game with us where we had had to find three cards representing food, shelter and water – all the things animals need to survive.  She then sent in ‘predators’ to catch us as we were trying to find the cards we needed.  We then did an animal footprint activity.  We were given an information sheet with a picture and some details about each animal, we had to find the footprint cards hung on trees and match the footprints to the correct animal – this was not as easy as it sounds!

We really enjoyed this outdoor session and were very lucky with the weather.  It helped us to enjoy what we have just on our doorstep.

On Tuesday afternoon we had a visit to the park as our treat for collecting ‘springs’ for our houses.  We went with P3A and everyone had a great time 🙂

On Wednesday this week we drew some spring flowers and painted them using watercolours.  We were looking closely at shape and colour, trying to make our work as accurate as possible to what we could see.  To get the correct colours we used mixing palettes.  This was a nice opportunity just to practise drawing and painting, the work wasn’t for display and we could try as many times as we liked.

We enjoyed our walk to St Michael’s this morning, again the weather was very kind to us. We took part in a lovely Easter Service. A big thank you to our parent helpers.

Well done P3 for continuing to work incredibly hard right up to the end of a very long term.  I hope everyone has a good break and I’m looking forward to all that we will do in the summer term.

Thanks for reading our blog, P3B and Mrs Kennedy

End of Term 3 at SPS and Bonnytoun

We ended term 3 today with our Easter Church service at St. Michael’s. Thank you so much to all of the children who took part in the service and to Mrs Begarnie for organising it. It was a lovely way to end the term.

Pupil achievements for this week:

– A in P5 is currently competing at national level with Scottish Gymnasticas and recently won medals. We are so proud of you A!

-N in P4/5 held a bake sale at his house to raise money for charity. What a lovely thing to do N and a great way to showcase our Springfield values!

-S in P2 has made progress in skiing and we are delighted for her!

Have a wonderful Easter break everyone!

Miss Baillie x💖💫🐣

P6b have made it

Phew this is the final day of term 3! WE’VE MADE IT! It was good to see all the parents at parents’ nights this week [and children]. Thank you for coming and all your support. On Monday we looked after baby eggs and whoever won got a chocolate egg. Ursula and Sabrina won. We have all been sharing our Industrial Revolution projects during the week. What a lot of excellent work and interesting creative ways these have been done. On Wednesday we finished our candle holders. On Thursday we had music and we got to play music related games. On Friday we went to our church for our Easter service.




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