Weekly News at SPS and Bonnytoun

What a quick and busy week we’ve had! Where does time go! We have so many pupil acheievements this week that they will feature in a separate blog post.

Today Mrs Bell, Miss Devonshire and P2A led a wonderful assembly about the book Giraffes Can’t Dance. Children sang and danced their hearts out to a variety of different types of music. It was an absolute pleasure to watch!

We hope that you have all received your list of dates via email so that you know what’s going to be happening in school for the rest of the term. We have so many events planned and we’d love you to be a part of as many as possible!

Thank you all so much for your ongoing support,

Miss Baillie x💫💖

P3B Mind Mapping, Planning and Measuring

Another busy week in P3B.  On Tuesday we were learning about how to use medicine safely.  We identified when it is ok to use medicine and the benefits that medicine can have as well as thinking about situations when taking medicine may be harmful, such as taking medicine that isn’t for you and not under the supervision of a trusted adult.  We were given lots of different scenarios that we could encounter, e.g., you find a jar of pills with the lid off, what should you do?  We were all very sensible and had lots of great advice to make sure we did the right thing.  After our discussions we wrote down at least three golden rules when it comes to medicine.

In our Social Studies Local Area topic we have decided to begin a campaign to reduce the amount of litter that is dropped in our school grounds.  We want to get the whole school involved as it the responsibility of all to look after our local environment.  On Tuesday we learned about mind maps – what they are good for and how to make them.  We worked in pairs to make mind maps outlining our ideas for the campaign.  There were lots of really good suggestions.  We have also spoken to Mrs Hutton who spends a lot of time in our outdoor areas and asked her for her opinion on the problem areas.  The pitch, trim trail and outdoor classroom seem to be the worst areas.  On Friday we went to look at these areas and write down ways to target them.

We have been learning about minibeasts with Mrs McVay over the past couple of weeks.  This week we had a ladybug ball – made masks and sang songs.

In Music with Ms Bain we have been writing a song about reduce, reuse and recycle and she even recorded us singing this week!

We completed and presented the powerpoints we have been making to convince the Simpsons to move to Linlithgow.   We were not short of ideas for things to do in and around town.  The Leisure Centre, Loch and Palace featured in quite a few.  We have been reminded how lucky we are to live in such a lovely place.

In numeracy and maths we have been multiplying 2-digit numbers by 2, 3 and 4 and some have begun dividing.  In outer maths we learned about capacity this week.  We had three stations which we each visited throughout the lesson.  We played computer games where we had to read the amount of liquid in a container using the scale on the side.  We completed capacity question sheets and practised estimating and measuring  using water, beakers, spoons and jugs.  It was a busy lesson and everyone was very engaged.

Thank you for reading our blog, have a great weekend.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 5 w/e 24th May 2019

In maths this week we have looked at formal methods of division. We used the ‘step’ method of recording our answers. We also discovered how to calculate the distance around the perimeter of a shape. We took the trundle wheels outside and measured the perimeter of the school.

We used this information to create a more detailed map (which some of us drew to scale) in our topic lessons about mapping this week.

We were due our house reward from before the holidays, so we combined our Golden Time with this and had a great time at Dovecote Park this morning.

In PE we had a taster session for indoor kurling.

In Science, we have started a new topic about sound.  We explored sound through voice and musical instruments.

Have a great week,

Kind regards

Mrs Kerr

Houses, homes and alliteration in P2B

The children have been busy this week, showing off their skills to our visitors. In Maths, we have been learning how to find out information and record it both in pictograms and bar charts. This will be ongoing next week as well. We need to think carefully about our questions, so that we get the correct information.

In Literacy we have been writing a character description. Myrtle, the character in our class novel “Fing” was chosen, as we know a lot about her.  We thought of many WOW words to describe her, both her personality and her appearance. There were some great descriptions. We are practicing writing character and setting descriptions in preparation for writing a story in the coming weeks. Our spellings have been adding “ing” and another group have been doing consonant blends of “br,cr” etc.  Reading has mostly been poetry and we’ve looked at rhyming words, WOW words and how we could write a new verse for a poem. Some fantastic results.

We also had great fun with alliteration and enjoyed saying some of the tongue twisters. Hoping to see some alliteration in the writing now.

We started Houses and Homes this week and began by looking at the different types of houses and their suitability for different people. We began to design different houses and there are some brilliant ideas so far. G.M designed a tepe – brilliant!

Hope that you are all having a good weekend and looking forward to a quieter week this week.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton

Exploring Our Local Area P3B

We have been exploring our local area in quite a few of our lessons this week.  We began by exploring Linlithgow High Street in our art lesson on Monday.  We were focussing on shape and line, looking closely at the buildings on Linlithgow high street to see what shapes and lines we could see.  Using only sugar paper and our hands – we tore the paper into the shapes we wanted to make the buildings and then added lines with black pen. We looked at the buildings really closely and made a good job of recreating the sky line and adding the lines we could see on the buildings too.

We continued to look at our local area on Tuesday when we made maps of Linlithgow and then had to programme E.A.R.L to make his way around the map.  We learned the terms algorithm and debug.  We used direction cards to make algorithms which we used to programme E.A.R.L We had to debug some of our algorithms by finding and fixing the problems.  This was great fun and E.A.R.L has become a favourite in our class, we will hopefully be programming him using Scratch soon.  After all this hard work work we finished the day with a visit to the park.

In writing this week, we were trying to persuade people to stop dropping litter.  We begun this last week with a listening and talking session where we looked at photographs showing different problems that litter can cause, we shared our opinions with our friends.  This week, using these opinions we wrote notes on our arguments for not dropping litter and then used these notes to write pieces of persuasive text.  We worked on using strong words to convince others.  Some of us were also working on sentence openers to make our points even stronger.  The finished pieces of writing are very good and we have certainly got the hang of expressing and writing our opinions!

In health we have begun to look at transitions and changes as we begin to think about moving onto P4.  We read the story ‘Silly Billy’ about a boy who worried about everything.  He found a good solution to his problem though.  We had some discussion about sharing our worries to help us to resolve them and did some group work using a Venn diagram to allow us to think about differences between P3 and P4 and all the things that will stay the same too.  We will continue to work on this over the coming weeks.

In social studies we looked again at our local community. We were set a task to make a powerpoint to persuade The Simpson family to move to Linlithgow.  We carried out research and made presentations showing all the things that there is to do in and around Linlithgow. We will complete and present these next week.

In numeracy some of us have been working on quick recall of the 3 and 4 times tables and some have begun to multiply 10s numbers by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 e.g., 30 X 5 = 150.  In outer maths we are continuing to develop our measuring skills, using cm and 1/2 cm.  We were measuring objects and lines as well as drawing accurate lines and shapes with a ruler and using construction to create structures of specific sizes.

We enjoyed outdoor PE again this week, trying different activities for our circuit training.  The weather has been lovely and we are hoping it continues into the weekend.

Have a good couple of days, everyone worked very hard this week.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy 🙂


Homes, Data Handling and similes in P2A

A lovely sunny week in P2A 🙂

Our topic this term is houses and homes. On Monday we went on a walk around Springfield to look at different types of homes. We saw detached, semi-detached, bungalows, flats, and terraced houses. Then we looked at the needs of others and designed a home out of lego for an elderly lady. We decided that a bungalow would meet her needs. Some of us even added a stair lift to our home design!

In Maths this week we have been working on data handling. On Monday we learned how to make tally marks, we even made tally marks with our bodies!

On Tuesday we each used a bag of skittles to practise organising data into a bar chart.

Then we each asked the class a question like ‘What is your favourite pet?’ and showed our findings in a bar chart.

In mental maths we have been practising counting in 5s. This helped us to count our tally marks.

In Literacy we worked on character descriptions. We wrote descriptions of Gerald the Giraffe using WOW words and some of us even challenged ourselves to use a simile. A simile is when you compare two things using the words ‘like’ or ‘as’ eg, he is as fast as a rabbit.

Here are some examples of our amazing writing:

Admin for next week:

Monday – Please send in costumes or coloured t-shirts for our assembly. Thank you 🙂

Friday – Our class assembly at 10am

Have a lovely weekend!

Love P2A, Mrs Bell and Miss Devonshire x


A Community Based on Respect

Today we focused on the Wellbeing Indicator, ‘being respected ’ in assembly. We made links between this indicator, our school values and the Rights Respecting School articles. Children learned about our climate of ‘mutual respect’ and specifically how the adults in school respect children and how we can all respect each other.

We treat each other as equals, regardless of our skin colour, gender or religious belief knowing that we are all different and beautiful in our own individual way.

We reflected together on these important words:

You are important

Your are smart

You are special

You are kind

By saying kind words to ourselves, we show respect for who we are.  Respecting ourselves on a daily basis helps to build us up so that we that we can go on to do great things.

How have you shown respect for yourself and for others today?

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫




P7a Weekly Blog

Numeracy and Mathematics

Over the past two weeks P7a have been extending their knowledge into Third Level algebra. This has included solving equations with negative numbers and fractions and solving inequations with inequality signs. We have even been beginning to expand double brackets and carry out the inverse of this by factorising expressions.We have also been trying some codebreaker strategies that were used during WWII to intercept messages and crack codes.

Today we looked at frequency analysis, an example of mono-alphabetic ciphers, where each letter in the alphabet is replaced by another. We demonstrated resilience and perseverance to decipher a message from 1943 about merchant ships. Sophie, Erin and Nicci were the first to do so! Well done girls!

Literacy and English

We have been continuing to read Goodnight Mr. Tom, with a particular focus this week on characterisation. This included an analysis of the ways in which two main characters, Mr. Tom and William, have evolved throughout the story so far. We have noted that William has become less anxious which has improved his level of happiness and had a positive impact on his learning. We gave supporting evidence from the text to argue this. Secondly, Mr. Tom has become more sociable and developed more of a nurturing side. Again we were able to give examples of where this was noticeable.

In writing we have been creating balanced arguments that introduced the topic before weighing up advantages and disadvantages of child evacuation during WWII. We wrote conclusions that offered our personal viewpoint on the topic with reasons for our particular stance.

Learning Across the Curriculum 

Other learning and achievements this week include:

  • Basketball team qualified for the West Lothian Primary Basketball League play-offs. One of their games ended in a 16-0 victory!
  • The school footballers were unbeaten in the latest league meeting and bounced back from 1-0 to win on 3 separate occasions.
  • P7 attended our SPS Careers Fayre and impressed visitors with their knowledge of subject areas and questioning.
  • We attended a Farm to Fork careers event at SRUC Oatridge where we found out about a number of different career opportunities in the food, farming and agricultural sectors.
  • Our first rugby session took place with Linlithgow Rugby Club and we are excited for our end of year festival in June.
  • The netball teams remain 1st and 4th in the league after their latest round of fixtures.

P7a and Mr. Logan

P1a’s weekly blog

Another fun packed week in P1. This week we were very fortunate to take part in a Generation Science workshop where we made our own lego goalkeepers and then did some computer programming to make the goalie move! Mrs Gordon was so impressed with how well the children managed this. It was packed with lots of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) experiences. Have a look at the photos and video below, there is also an article in this week’s gazette about this whole school project. Thanks to Mrs Tulloch for organising!

In numeracy we have been talking and learning about the language of subtraction, we discussed word problems like “take 3 from 10”, less than, difference between and “There are 5 bananas and 4 apples, how many more bananas are there?”. These are all tricky concepts but Mrs Gordon was very pleased with how well we are understanding the mathematical language.

We also did some work on volume and capacity talking about why we wouldn’t use a spoon to fill a swimming pool etc. We had fun estimating and learnt that estimate means to guess… Look at us estimating how many spoons of sand and how many cubes it will take to fill containers. We learnt that this is quite a difficult skill…

In literacy we learnt the new digraphs oi and oy and tricky words there and were. Some reading groups learnt about a blurb on a book and why it can help us to choose a book in the library.

We started our local community topic by discussing a little bit about what a community is. As part of this topic we have 4 classroom pets/toys that are going to be going home with the children each weekend. We are hoping that they toys will get to visit parts of Linlithgow with the children and maybe go along to any clubs etc they go to.

Happy long weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a


Busy Primary 2B

Sorry for the absence of a blog last week due to me being off. So this week we began with some preparation for our assembly, which now has been postponed until 14/06/19. We will continue with the same theme and the children will be given their words in due course. They know what we’re doing and we will start practising soon.

Our spellings this week have been adding the plural “es” to words and some of the children have been working on “ng” and “nk”. This term we will be working towards writing stories, so in preparation for this we have been working on writing a description of a setting. We used pictures as a stimulus and had a word bank to help us. Some very imaginative descriptions were produced. Capital letters for names and for “I” have also been worked on.

In Numeracy we have been doing some revision on sequencing numbers to 100.  This week has been our STEM week and on Thursday we had a visit from Generation Science. They gave us a very inspiring presentation where one of them was a robot. It gave the children a clear understanding of how precise we need to be with our instructions. Then the children made a model of a footballer out of Lego and it was wired up and they gave instructions using symbols to make it move. They had a fantastic time and got really excited.

Hope that you’re all having a lovely long weekend. See you on Wednesday. Photos to follow.

Love from P2B and Mrs.Burton


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