Primary 5


It was lovely to see you all at Meet the Teacher this week and to share an overview of the year. If you missed this evening, you should have received an overview of some of the activities we will be covering this term.

In Primary 5 this week, we have continued to work on teamwork games in PE, discovering how difficult it can be to complete tasks when working together.

In Literacy, we have looked at comprehension, dictionary skills and completed tasks related to our home learning reading books. We created a setting for our Aliens to have an adventure in in our story writing, thinking about sights, sounds and smells around us.

Numeracy involved looking at rounding numbers. We also took a maths challenge that involved us seeing how many ways a square could be halved. This got us thinking outside the box!!

As an enterprise task, we designed our own Christmas Cards, which will be printed for you to see soon.

Music saw us creating a song and playing instruments.

In science we learned about sundials, and discovered that we have two sundials in our school grounds.

In HWB we had a class discussion around different types of bullying and how a person who is being bullied may feel.

Have a lovely holiday weekend.


Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr


Primary 5 – w/e 7/9/18

This week Primary 5 have had another busy week.

We walked along to the leisure centre and completed our swimming assessment. The children were great and tried really hard for Adam.

In maths, we worked with numbers into millions, adding and subtracting multiples of ten. We played hit the button and other times tables activities to continue to build our speed and accuracy with these. We have set ourselves targets for the term in maths too.

We have started to look at what a refugee may be and how this can happen to people. We will begin a comparison study next week, which will integrate this and give us a basis to compare Scotland and India.

After a practise run last week, we have created hot air balloons for our Growth Mindset display.

We have established the 5 point scale as part of our HWB focus, where the children will have an opportunity to regularly reflect on how they are feeling.

Have a great weekend

Kind regards

Mrs Kerr



Primary 5 Blog – w/b 26th August

This week in Primary 5 we have been learning about the 5 point scale,  to help us understand our own and other peoples feelings.  We also completed our Class Charter, using emojis to show that we agree to keep the class rules.

In Maths  we did a carousel of activities practising our tables and subtraction.  In number talks, we looked at subtraction strategies.

In PE our focus is teamwork. We played a variety of games to help us with this.

In writing we wrote a story based on video clip called ‘Create’.

We also completed some dictionary work.

We read the Dr Seuss story – ‘The Places You’ll Go’ and discussed how having a Growth Mindset will help us in life.

In science with Mrs Tulloch, we created mnemonics – for the planets – ask us if we can remember these.

Have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr


Welcome Back Primary 5

It’s been lovely to see the children back in school this week, refreshed and keen to get started.

We’ve had a busy first week, getting to know each other through a variety of activities including bingo and creating jigsaw pieces.

In literacy, we designed our own aliens and  then used a thesaurus to find interesting words to help us describe them.

Numeracy included a treasure hunt and a task to help us identify the areas we need to develop further this session.

We’ve discussed the qualities that make an excellent pupil and teacher and shared these together. We’ve also begun to create our Class Charter, discussing rules and why we have them. We have voted on the theme for our charter, choosing emoji’s for this session.

Have a lovely weekend.

Primary 5 and Mrs Kerr



Pupil Achievements for this Week…

Another week of Springfield successes!

-Thank you to all of our P7 pupils, Mr Logan and Mrs Reid for organising and running a brilliant Sports Day on Wednesday.

-A special mention to Anna in P5 for being a ‘sporting hero’ and to Mrs Hutton too for leading our school Boccia Club for the whole of this year.  We continue to work hard to promote fairness and equity and to include all children in sport across school. We are so proud of you A! 💫⭐️

-Well done to all children who received a sports award (including A, mentioned above) at The Sports Personality of the Year Awards which we held in school yesterday. Congratulations to Sam in P7 for being recognised for his all round sporting excellence and good sportsmanship.

— A super effort from our Springfield children has resulted in ZP in P6 gaining first prize in the Transition Linlithgow ‘Reduce the use of Plastic Straws’ poster competition.  We also have the third place winner, MMc in P6 too! In addition, a number of childen had their work  commended.  See the photo below for all children who were successful in the competition. We will have a special visitor in school next week to present Z with her prize. More news to follow…

-H in P2 came along to see me this week after further success in gymnastics. Well done H!

-H in P2 wrote a brilliant acrostic poem this week about keeping healthy which tied in nicely with Fitness Week. Great work H!

Have a super weekend everyone! Remember that we have no school next Tuesday for Marches Day.

Miss Baillie x💖


Pupil Voice Committees Assembly

We held out annual committees assembly today where our P4-7, ‘pupil voice’ groups fed back their work from this year to the wider school.

Our Pupil Council have held a variety of fundraisers to raise money to buy things for our school.

Our Rights, Respecting Schools Committee have worked to embed our Level 1 status and help us to move towards gaining Level 2 next session with a possible link with an international school being made.

Our Junior Road Safety Committee have worked hard this year to get less cars making the ‘school run’  and more children walking or cycling  to school instead.

Our Eco Committee have formed partnership links with Burgh Beautiful and the Transition Linlithgow project and have worked hard to garden, litter pick and encourage us all to reduce plastic waste.

Our Sports Commitee have helped to organise fitness week, promote sport across school and support staff to deliver P. E lessons.

Our Health and Wellbeing Committee have increased understanding of how to stay fit and active and how to promote positive mental health.

Our Digital Learning Commitee have supported the use of Education City and Sumdog across school and have recently piloted the use of ‘Scratch’ as a tool to teach coding.

We are delighted with the work that all of our children have led to improve all aspects of our school and thank our staff for supporting this.

Next session we aim to include our infants in committee groups. Watch this space for more news come next session…

Miss Baillie x💫

JRSO’s Cycle Recycle and Dr Bike

Thank you to everyone in the school and nursery that supported the JRSO’s  Cycle Recycle and Dr Bike session this week.

We received seven bikes and stabilisers for the Cycle Recycle which have been taken away by West Lothian Bike Library to be repaired and then will be brought back to hire out to anyone that could use a bike. Vouchers will be given out tomorrow (Friday). Please check your child’s bag if you donated a bike for a £10 voucher from the bike library.  Please email Mrs McAlpine to arrange collection if you did not receive a voucher.


Dr Bike session was to make sure the bikes were safe to use. Twelve bikes were booked in to be checked over and have minor adjustments carried out. A card given to state what action was taken and any further recommended repairs.

If you would like more information please contact the bike library on Tel 07724667321

Kind Regards

Louise McAlpine

Grounds Clean-Up!

Thank you to OF in P5 and his Mum for helping to tidy up some of the shrubs in our school grounds last weekend.


What a great job and how thoughtful of you both!

We really appreciate it!

Miss Baillie x

P5B Tuesdays with Mrs Hogg

Tuesdays with Mrs Hogg

We have been very busy on our Tuesdays with Mrs Hogg with literacy, numeracy, physical education and French. We are looking forward to next Tuesday at the book festival and have been enthusiastic about the book ‘Ruby McCracken: Tragic without Magic’.

Numeracy and Maths

Our focus in Maths has been measure and we have been working on volume of liquids which involved estimations, converting units of measurement, fractions of different volumes and some fun experiments. We have also worked on measure in millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres. We have considered units of measurement, measuring tools and we have converted fractions and decimals of various measurements. This week we were fortunate enough with the weather to measure in the playground using chalk, timers, metre sticks and trundle wheels. We marked out areas of different measurements then calculated the speed in which we could run round these. After this we estimated how long it would take to run various longer distances.


We have been exploring the use of Oxford Big Writing Adventures; we have been studying aspects of grammar and writing techniques including alliteration, ambitious vocabulary, similes and metaphors. We created a bank of expanded noun phrases which we then used in our Superhero themed diary writing. This week we explored and compared the features of newspaper, magazine and comic articles. We look forward to finding out more so we are prepared to write our own.

In reading we are enjoying the class novel ‘Ruby McCracken: Tragic without Magic’. We are taking it in turns to read aloud to peers. We have been using our summarising skills to give recounts on each chapter. The book festival is next Tuesday, which is expected to be an interesting trip for us.  


We learned conversational French and held introductory conversations with peers. It has been interesting to find out more about numbers, colours, months and days of the week in French. We are encouraged to practise our conversational French regularly in, around and out of the classroom.

Physical Education

In P.E we have focussed on fitness activities and stations. We even had a turn of designing and delivering our own short fitness lessons, this included a warm up, stretch, main activity and cool down.

Celebrating Success

We are very lucky to have such talented pupils in P5B; pupils regularly tell us about/bring in their achievements from out of school whether that is sewing designs, dance shows, arts and crafts, brownie badges, trophies or medals.  Well done to Sam, Katie C, Isla and Cameron for your fantastic Triathlon achievement, and to Tyler for his football success. Good luck to Katie, Katie and Una in their upcoming dance show this weekend. I’d like to say a huge well done to everyone in primary five, what a skilled bunch!

Kind wishes,

Mrs Hogg


P5B – Week commencing 21st May 2018

This week we have been busy presenting our Class talks to our peers and receiving feedback. The talks have covered a wide range of subjects and have been very informative and very interesting.  We have all been learning about everyone’s fascinating hobbies and interests which have just been amazing!  It is clear that everyone has put in a lot of hard work and effort in preparing their talks and thought about the different props or equipment they could bring in to support them and engage with the audience.

In Reading we are continuing to work in our Literacy Circles and take part in the different roles to discuss our books and question each other about what we think about the story and the author.

In ICT we have been setting up our new Glow Accounts and changing our passwords so that we are able to access them. We sent test emails to one another and had a quick look at the Scratch programme that we will be using to start basic computer programming.

In Art we have entered the “Linlithgow Last Straw “competition and have been designing “eye catching” posters to promote the campaign to encourage everyone to take part.  We have also been looking at the work of Scottish Landscape artists and have completed our paintings showing some of the different features that make up the landscape of Bonnie Scotland!

To day we also took part in the “Disney Character” dress down day – the outfits and costumes were amazing!  Well done to everyone for being so creative and making it such a fun time!

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