A ‘wacky’ week in P5B

What a wacky start to our week. Things were just not how they should of been….socks on rulers, posters upside down, fake clock on the wall, even Mrs Matos was slightly wacky. Our day was inspired by the Dr Suess book, Wacky Wednesday. The children were encouraged to write a journal entry about their wacky day. This was linked to our class novel Kensuke’s Kingdom, and how Michael kept  journal entries while sailing around the world.

The children have made fantastic silhouettes of Michael  and Stella (characters from our class novel), the children put in a lot of effort and they look amazing.

Using various materials the children created their own islander for their island.

In numeracy we have been continuing with number talks. The children have enjoyed using strings to help them solve more complex problems. We have also been concentrating on how to write and say numbers up to 100 000.


It has been a busy week, who knows what next week will have in store!!


Kensuke’s Kingdom in P5A!

We have had a fun filled week!

In Literacy we have been exploring the text, Kensuke’s Kingdom. We wrote ‘Messages in a Bottle’ and considered what important information we would need to put in our very own message if we were stranded on a desert Island. Callum visualised what Kensuke looked like and created a large version of his drawing for our wall display. We learned the importance of an effective story opener and played a game to see if we recognised familiar stories by their story openers- we were fantastic at this!

In Maths, we have been learning how to write number names for large numbers. We helped each other if we found it tricky and played lots of games on the netbooks to help us understand place value. We had good fun playing a place value game at home for homework.

We considered how we could use colour effectively to create a piece of art for Kensuke’s Kingdom with a sunset in the background, these were brilliant! Mrs McCartney thinks that we have lots of budding artists in P5A!We made large versions of the main characters in the story for our wall display- our favourite is Stella, the dog!

We designed our very own Islander that would live on our Island. We used a variety of material to do this task and had to consider gender, age, appearance and the use of similes to describe our interesting character.

Mrs McCartney was very impressed with our use of persuasive language when we delivered our Powerpoint presentations, we were certainly confident individuals!

Looking forward to our work for our ‘Pack for a Purpose’ project for Africa next week.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

P5A and Mrs McCartney x







Lari Don Visit

P5-7 had a visit from children’s author Lari Don today. The children listened to her read some snippets from her new trilogy of Spellchaser novels and were able to ask lots of questions, gaining some useful hints and tips. The first question I was asked as we were leaving the hall was, “Mr. Logan, are we doing story writing now?”, which was an indication of how much the pupils enjoyed the visit! Lari Don’s website is included below if you would like to find out about some of the other books and stories she has written.


Mr. Logan

P5-7 enjoying Lari Don’s story
Lari Don's new Spellchasers trilogy
Lari Don’s new Spellchasers trilogy

Macbeth Performance

P5-7 were lucky enough to attend a performance of ‘Is this a dagger?’ by Andy Cannon from Red Bridge Arts on Wednesday. This is an adaptation of Macbeth for children, celebrating 400 years since the death of William Shakespeare, and tells a tale full of deceit, witchcraft and murder. The children thoroughly enjoyed the play and some of them even had the chance to demonstrate their skills in drama. I’m sure everyone would agree that Ross was fantastic in his role as Lady Macbeth!

Mr. Logan

Some of the children performing
Fraser approaching the three witches

Springfield Sing Their Hearts Out

We are so proud of all the boys and girls in our school choir who did Springfield proud today as they sang at the WLC Class of 2016 event at Deans Community High School. Thanks also to Mrs. Sharp for her ongoing dedication to our school choir and developing musical talent in our school. We also appreciate the help given by teaching staff and parents to get our pupils to Livingston today. Well done all!



Digital Learning Week – May 2016


It’s National Digital Learning Week and Springfield Primary are taking part in this very successfully!

This work has been happening all year and we were really excited to engage with schools in Falkirk to share good practice. Following a visit from children and teachers at St. Bernadette’s and Victoria Primary School, our children also wanted to be digital leaders. After submitting application forms for the post of digital leader, two children from each class were appointed and this news was celebrated in assembly.

This week, our digital leaders (with the help of Mrs McMahon and Mrs McCartney) are delivering a digital leader lesson to their peers. This is really exciting and going very well so far. We look forward to more digital leader work in the future!

digital 1digital 2digital 3

Parent Helpers at Springfield/ Bonnytoun Nursery

parent helpers

At Springfield Primary School and Bonnytoun Nursery we welcome parent helpers at all times and value the contributions you make to our school. As a way of thanks, we would like to invite you to a thank you coffee morning on Friday 10th June at 9.30 am in our school hall.


Thank you to our parent focus group who met last week to look at ‘Family Learning Programmes’. At this meeting, some parents have offered to draw up a useful help sheet for any parents/ carers who are helping in our school. We aim to hold a meeting in school early in the new term to explain the role of a parent helper and procedures etc. We are asking that all parent helpers complete a P.V.G. form (these can be obtained from the school office).

Our school is expanding to 14 classrooms and we are having a little move around. Currently the parent helper room is being used for several purposes and we are looking into this. Please bear with us whilst we are making these changes, moving is always tricky!

We would like to thank all parents, carers, friends and family for your support and help this year  in school. We really do value you and very much look forward to welcoming new parent helpers in the new session too.


Curriculum Rationale – Talking Heads

bonnytounschool logo

On Monday 21st March, we are hosting a Talking Heads session for parents and carers. We really value parental input and would like help to support the priorities in our School Improvement Plan 2016 – 2017.

We are looking for answers to the following questions:

  1. What makes Springfield/ Bonnytoun unique?
  2. What brings the curriculum alive for pupils?
  3. What is it we want for our children?
  4. What are we going to do to achieve it?

We are examining our current school vision, values and aims and want this to reflect the school community.

We would like our rationale to ensure the whole school community has a shared understanding of what we are trying to achieve. As our school moves forward, we recognise the importance of taking quality time to evaluate and review curriculum innovation and learn from evolving best practice.

We are really excited to host this session and look forward to lots of parents/ carers sharing their views and supporting us.

Numeracy Open Afternoon

big maths jan 16

On Tuesday 26th January, over 140 parents, friends and family members attended an open afternoon at Springfield Primary School. Miss Wallace (and several pupils) shared a numeracy presentation followed by classroom visits. Partners who supported this event included West Lothian’s Numeracy Development Officers and Linlithgow Academy.

The pupils were super at sharing their learning and explaining Big Maths strategies too! We are so proud of them.

Mrs Tulloch was able to share the work she has been doing with pupils for the Scottish Mathematical Challenge.

Parent session Jan 16 – click this link for the presentation

beat that

Link to Big Maths online: http://www.bigmaths.co.uk/

Link to Andrell website for Beat That tests and further information

BMBT Learn Its Tests

Presentation from West Lothian Numeracy Development Officer – Click here: 2016_01_26 Springfield PS Parent Session

Useful numeracy and mathematics apps for the i-pad – click here: Maths Apps

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