Hola from Primary 5A!


Another busy, busy week!

We are beginning to identify key information from a short predictable conversation and react with words or gestures in Spanish. We worked with the other Primary 5 on Tuesday morning and created a months of the year calendar in Spanish. We are learning songs and rhymes and are showing understanding and enjoyment by listening, joining in and responding in both French and Spanish.

Health and Wellbeing
We have been doing Gymnastics in P.E. Mrs McCartney was so impressed that she came into the hall to see us with Mrs Reid and took photographs. We are recognising when we experience new challenges for learning, we are encouraged and supported to demonstrate our creative ability. We are going to the P5 Handball Festival on December 14th.We are going to be preparing for this festival over the next couple of week in our P.E slots.

We are beginning to identify key information from a short predictable conversation and react with words or gestures in Spanish. We worked with the other Primary 5 on Tuesday morning and created a months of the year calendar in Spanish. We are learning songs and rhymes and are showing understanding and enjoyment by listening, joining in and responding in both French and Spanish.


We are continuing to explore the text, ‘The Amazing Story of Aldolphus Tips’. We are demonstrating our understanding of the text by answering very tricky questions about the text- even coming up with our own!!
We wrote fantastic poems about peace. We were asked to visualise what peace looks like and how we can link peace to our senses. Our poems were very emotional and brought a tear to Mrs McCartney’s eyes!


We have been looking at mental addition strategies for adding a 2 digit number to the three digit number. We were working with a partner to create a poster demonstrating our chosen strategy. Mrs McCartney told us to make sure that it made sense as we are going to share these with our peers. We are really working on having Growth Mindset in Maths. We are becoming more confident with which calculations are needed and can solve problems involving whole numbers using a range of methods. We are really enjoying sharing my approaches and solutions with others.

Book Fair

The Book Fair was a wonderful success!!! Mrs Manlove worked so, SO hard preparing for all the books for the fair and each class loved going along! Paul Manlove has been a credit to the school and helped his mum out each day! We are so proud of you, Paul! What a responsible citizen!
Christmas Hamper Appeal
Thank you to all who brought in food donations for the Christmas Hamper Appeal! Your support is very much appreciated. Both Primary 5 classes are going to prepare the Christmas bags next week to give to the Day Care Centre.

Christmas Fayre

We are looking forward to our enterprise focus next week and preparing our ‘Snowman Soup’ for the Christmas Fayre. We are very lucky to have parents coming in next week to help us with this and the Christmas Hamper Appeal.
Happy weekend everyone!


Primary 5A and McCartney x

Things to remember:
*Growth Mindset Open Afternoon 1.30-2.45pm Wednesday 30th November
*Christmas Fayre next Friday 2nd December


Primary 5A’s Scottish Book Week Focus

Another jam packed week!!

The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips

We are continuing to explore the text, ‘The Amazing Story of Adolphus Tips’. The story is both sad and funny at the same time. We have had great discussions about what life was like during the war and how hard it would have been for children.
We created ‘If you liked this book, try…’ bookmarks. We created bookmarks to leave inside books when children get books from the library. On the bookmarks, we put our book recommendations for other readers to read and hopefully help them choose the book that we recommended. Mrs Manlove kindly let us put our bookmarks into books in our school library- thank you, Mrs Manlove!!

Circuit Training

We have been doing circuit training in P.E. This is a fun way to get children involved in physical fitness and put them on the path to a lifelong enjoyment of exercise. We are going to adapt these activities and come up with our very own!

Learning Pit

We explored the Learning Pit for Health and Well being. We discovered that James Nottingham came up with the concept of the Learning Pit during his time as a teacher in Nottingham in 1999. He found it a helpful analogy to use with students to help them understand why more challenge leads to enhanced learning. This tool fits in well with the principles of Growth Mindset and is really effective tool to help us visualise our learning journey and see the purpose in what we are learning and understand why challenge and effective feedback are important. Mrs McCartney’s goal this year is to give us all ‘effective feedback.’


We have been looking at mental addition strategies for adding several numbers together. We started off with smaller numbers and then progressed onto larger numbers. We were working with a partner and shared our ideas with the rest of the class. Ewan had a ‘Eureka!’ moment when he discovered a new strategy for mental additional strategies- great work everyone!!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Primary 5A and McCartney x

Things to remember:
*St Michael’s Christmas Hamper appeal by Friday 25th November please- thank you so much to everyone who has contributed!


Remembrance Day Assembly

Remembrance Day

What a BUSY week!

Celebrating Achievement

Mrs McCartney was so proud of us today as we presented our class assembly to infants, upper school and to parents/carers. We explored the reasons why we wear poppies and what the word conflict means. We then focused on strategies to help us resolve conflict in our daily lives- we really hope that this helped!
Mrs McCartney is going to appoint ‘Peer Mediators’ in our class to help resolve conflict .Many thanks for coming along today and sharing our learning!

Resolving Conflict

We have been exploring conflict resolution in class. We are learning that when we get into arguments with people, the problem won’t be sorted until both parties feel that they have been treated fairly. First we have to try to understand – by putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes. Each person must be allowed to say how they feel – without being interrupted. In order for it to work: each person must listen carefully to what the other has to say.

Book Focus
We are really enjoying exploring the text, ‘The Amazing Story of Aldolphus Tips.’ We will be doing lots of fun activities linked across the curriculum related to this novel. It is bringing all the knowledge that we have gained about World War 2 to life and helping us to realise what life was like during that time.
Shoe Box Appeal
The Shoe Box Appeal was a massive success. Primary 5 really enjoyed the full experience. Mrs McCartney said we were like Santa’s little helpers filling the shoe boxes last Friday. They have now been collected and are going to give many people in the world a memorable Christmas!!!
Well done, Primary 5! Thank you so, so much to EVERYONE who donated a shoe box- we really appreciate your support.
St Michael’s Christmas Hamper Appeal
We are overwhelmed already by the amount of food that has arrived in school for the Christmas Hamper Appeal- thank you so much!! The children are creating a display of the food outside both Primary 5’s classes.
Things to remember:
*St Michael’s Christmas Hamper Appeal in by Friday 25th November please
*Focusing on the poem ‘Flander’s Field’ for our reading homework this week- looking forward to hearing the children’s personal responses to the poem!

Happy weekend!
P5A and Mrs McCartney x

A time to remember: P5B

It has been a week of remembrance in P5B. We have taken the time this week to remember the soldiers that had fought and lost their life in the war. To help us understand more about what it was like to have lost someone during the war, Mr Robison (Ben’s dad), took the time to come along talk to the Primary 5s about world war 1 and world war 2, he shared his stories about his granddad (Ben’s great granddad), who they sadly lost in the first world war. Mr Robison shared photographs and medals to show the Primary 5s how fallen soldiers are honoured and remembered. Thank you very much Mr Robison , you left the primary 5s with a lot  of thought and appreciation for what goes on during the war.

We have also been very busy writing thank you letters to all the guests  that came along and shared their stories about war and the part that they had during the wars. We learnt the difference of a formal and informal letter, and the importance of  having good grammar, punctuation and vocabulary when writing letters.

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We got very creative this week, making our own poppies for remembrance day,  on Friday the 11th November. We really enjoyed getting creative and making something that represents something so important to us.

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We are continuing with number talks in Math, this week our number talk focus was on addition. We are becoming more confident with number talks!



The Primary 5s have been apart of quality dinning during lunch. Quality dinning gives us the opportunity to develop our communication skills. This week we had quality dinning with Primary4s, Primary 6 and Primary 7.


A news letter has gone that Primary 5 are collecting non perishable foods for St Michael Day care centre. We are collecting food to make Christmas hampers. Please support us!

Have a great weekend!


P5A’s Assembly Excitement!


Another busy week in Primary 5A! We are so busy preparing for our Assembly. We were given our lines that we are going to say with a focus on our pace, volume and expression. Looking forward to seeing you all there next Friday!

War Veteran
Dave, a war veteran that was in the Navy came to speak to Primary 5 and Primary 7. We were so lucky to share the experience of listening to his life story and all challenges he has encountered along the way.

British Legion Documentary Filming
Thank you so, so, so much to Adam in Primary 6 and to P7’s who came to help both P5 classes film our competition entries. All of Primary 5 really took their roles very seriously, showing enthusiasm and commitment to their task. Mrs McCartney is so proud of us all. Many thanks to parents/carers who helped us with this great experience.

Linlithgow Peel
How lucky were we to have such great weather on Monday when we went to Linlithgow Peel as part of our Science outdoor learning focus. The Rangers made our visit so interesting and we have learned lots of information about birds, migration and food chains. It was such a lot of fun using binoculars.

Quality Dining Table
Primary 5 are so excited to have been asked to take on the responsibility of our Springfield ‘Quality Dining Table’ which will take place every Thursday. It was the infants turn this week and every teacher picked a child in their class who has worked so hard all week to join the table. Primary 5 are going to have a vote to decide on a name and we are going to create posters etc to decorate the area. It is upper school’s turn next week…. Wonder who it will be????

Shoe Box Appeal
We are overwhelmed!! We cannot thank everyone enough for all your kind genorisity brining in shoe boxes or items for a shoe box. You have really helped to make Christmas Day a happy occasion for children that aren’t as lucky as us- thank you!!!
Things to remember:
*Please bring in materials on Monday to make your very own poppy- we have resources in school so don’t worry if you don’t find anything at home!
*Our assembly is at 11.15am next Friday 11th November- Looking forward to seeing you all then!!
*Letters are in your child’s bag today re St Michael’s Day Care Centre Christmas Hamper Appeal- please could you donate food items by Friday 25th November.

Thank you so much for your support!

P5B – Stars in the making.

Time goes by so quickly when you having fun! Already at the end of another week, and so much was done!

With a spooky start to the week, the children were hyped up and ready for Halloween on Monday, but before any trick or treating could be done we had a lovely walk to the Peel to meet the rangers. We had a fun morning, bird watching and learning about the life cycles around the loch as well as where the birds migrate to over the winter. The children had great fun working together to bird watch and play some fun games with the rangers.peel4

In numeracy this week we looked at rounding. We discussed how we use rounding everyday to make numbers more ‘friendly’ so that they can be easier to calculate. We went on a rounding hunt around the classroom looking for numbers that round up or down to the nearest 10s. We also worked in groups to illustrate on a number line which numbers round up or down to the nearest 10.

We have been learning about war and remembrance. In literacy we learnt about the three most famous war poets. We worked on the netbooks to do some  research on one of the war poets of our choice and we then created a fact file about the war poet. We enjoyed reading some of their poems, the poems gave us more insight about what it was like during the war.

We have been very lucky this week to have two guest speakers come along to talk to us. On Wednesday Esme’s dad, who was in the RAF ,came and shared his experiences with us. It was lovely to hear his stories and he was very kind to answer all our questions. On Thursday we had a war veteran from Legion Scotland come along and talk to both the Primary 5s and Primary 7s. We have been very fortunate to have this opportunity to hear all these stories from people who  have had experience in the war.

The highlight of our week was creating and filming our two minute documentaries about the role that veterans have played when they served in the Royal Navy , Army or RAF.  We are going to be entering our short films into the ‘Film of Remembrance’ competition, we have worked very hard on these films, so fingers crossed, and watch this space!!

So what will we do next week?

P5B and Mrs Matos

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Welcome back to P5B

We all enjoyed our October holidays,  but it is good to be back. We got to share our experiences with each other this week. It was lovely to hear what everyone  had been up to. We are all now ready for Term 2,  we have had a look at  our targets that we had set in Term 1 and we have now set ourselves some new and achievable targets for Term 2 focusing on Numeracy, Literacy and one non- academic target.

In Math this week we have been continuing taking part in ‘Number Talks’ we have been doing multiplication and using strings of problems and using various strategies to help us find the answer.  We are becoming more confident in ‘Number Talks’ even when Mrs Matos gives us some challenging problems to solve.

This week we had PE with Mrs Reid, we got to play some basketball, it was plenty of fun!

The highlight of the week  for Primary 5 was the visit from Tom and Geoff, two war veterans that took the time to come and talk to all the Primary 5s about life during the war. They were very interesting and even brought along with them a war watch and some old photos. Their visit and talk will really help us  with our documentaries that we will be filming.

We have also been busy this week promoting the Shoebox Appeal to the school. Please remember that this needs to be in by the 5th November.

Some things to remember this week: Linlithgow Peel trip is on Monday and we are  filming our Remembrance documentaries on Thursday 4th November – please remember to bring anything you wish to be in your documentary.

Looking forward to another week.

P5B and Mrs Matos


A Time of Remembrance…

Eczema Outreach Scotland
Joseph and I have been working really hard last term to raise money for Eczema Outreach Scotland. We wanted to do it because a lot of people experience eczema. We decided that I would make a hamper and Joseph would hop the width of the pitch and every child in our school would get a chance to guess how many hops Joseph did. We even had a stall at Parent’s night and lots of people had a guess then. We raised £100.40!!!
Marshall from Primary 7 won the hamper- well done, Marshall! Marshall guessed 60, which was the closest to 61.
Mrs McCartney was very proud of us both!
By Sophie White

Shoe Box Appeal
If you have a shoe box to hand in, or, have any items that that could be out in a shoe box (we have ones in school), then please send in as soon as possible. Items could be toothpaste, toothbrushes, pencils, felt tips, small toys, etc. Thank you to all who have brought one in- much appreciated.

War Veterans Visit
We were so lucky to have two war veterans visit Primary 5 this week. Geoff and Tom were very interesting to listen to and gave us lots of information about life in war times. They were so brave and shared with us their experiences. We are really looking forward to filming our documentaries next Thursday afternoon.

We had a class vote and decided to explore ‘The Amazing Story of Aldophus Tips’ over the next few weeks as it links in really well with our short World War 2 focus. We can’t wait to meet the main characters in the story and find out what happens.

Things to remember:
*Shoe Box Appeal by Friday 4th November please
*Linlithgow Peel trip on Monday 31st October- waterproof clothes if required please
*Filming next Thursday 4th November- please can your child bring in anything that they wish to be in their documentary.

Have a fantastic weekend!
P5A and Mrs McCartney x

P5A are Busy Bees


Another busy week for P5A!


P5A have been inspired by the dramatic silhouettes of the Maasai. We were learning to create African patterns and we created an art piece including a single warrior or a family adding dramatic African patterns. These are going to be sent to Africa along with the items that we have collected for our ‘Pack for a Purpose Project.’ We were delighted that Mrs Crocker was able to come back into school to celebrate our success with us and she went away with lots of exciting goodies to take to Africa. Thank you all for your support!


We are all so proud of Joseph and Sophie who have raised money for Eczema Outreach Scotland. They organised their project all on their own and gave up their own time to make it such a success! Well done to both of you!

Shoe Box Appeal

Both Primary 5 classes are participating in organising the Shoe Box Appeal for our school. We began the process by planning how we were going to notify the classes. We decided to create posters to raise awareness. We are very excited about this project!

Please can all shoe boxes be handed in by Friday 4th November – many thanks in advance!

Special Person Afternoon

We were delighted that our ‘Special Person’ came along to help us create our class island which we decided to call ‘Anywhere Island.’ Mrs McCartney is very proud of us!

Things to remember:

*Shoe Box Appeal by Friday 4th November please

*Pupils return Tuesday 25th October

*Please return PE bags after the holidays

Have a lovely October holiday and a good rest!

P5A and Mrs McCartney x








P5B – Just another busy week!

Wow, another busy week in P5B! A week full of discussions and creativity!

P5A together with Mrs Crocker have been working on the ‘Pack for Purpose’ project.  P5A and  the dramatic silhouettes of Maasai  inspired us to take part. We created an art piece including a single warrior or a family and adding dramatic African patterns. Our art work will be going all the way to Africa!!!


It was great to have our ‘Special Person’ join us on Tuesday afternoon and help us to create the different parts of our Island. We have joined everything together and Mrs Matos is very proud of all our hard work.



This year the Primary 5s have taken on the shoebox appeal. The children created their own posters and went and presented  their posters and talk to the different classes.  Both Primary5 classes are very excited about this project and have put in a lot of  effort into their planning and poster making. Please can we support the Primary 5s and the project by handing in a wrapped shoebox by Friday 4th November.:

Children return Tuesday 25th October

Hope you all have a lovely holiday!


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