Chocolate fractions, Grammar and a boat trip…

How fortunate have we been this week, to have this gorgeous weather and the opportunity to take our learning outside.

The highlight of this week, was our trip on Thursday morning, down at Linlithgow canal. Before going on our boat ride, we enjoyed the good weather, playing at the park and having our snack. We then had a very entertaining boat ride, Linton McBurnie from the Canalside Ranger Lowland Canals gave a very entertaining talk  but serious talk about water safety. He demonstrated how we can help someone who is drowning by using a group!  After our talk, we joined P5A for a lovey picnic before heading back to school!

We started our class talks this week, our topic was ‘How to….’ Mrs Matos has enjoyed each and every talk. Everyone has put in so much effort and thought into their talk! Well Done everybody.


In numeracy this week, we continued with Fractions. This week we used a slab of chocolate to help us understand Factions better. While eating away at the chocolate slab a  fraction at a time , we realised that some fractions have different numbers but are equal.  We decided to have a closer look at equivalent fractions.

In Literacy this week, we looked at Synonyms and Antonyms. We learnt the definition of both the words. We worked with a partner to sort words under the two headings.  We completed our short stories that we started writing last week. We sent sometime reading each others stories, and helping to edit and give feedback to each other. We are trying to improve our editing skills, so that we can use our edited draft to improve on our writing. Mrs Matos has been very impressed with the quality and imagination of our stories.

There is always something fun and exciting happening in P5B

P5B and Mrs Matos


Confident Individuals…


Confident Individuals…

Primary 5A have certainly demonstrated their creativity and commitment to learning this week through their choice of class talk presentations. Both P5 teachers are absolutely delighted with the class talks this week and have learned so much about a variety of subjects!!
I would like to say a huge thank you, not only to the children in both classes but for all the support that was given at home to help your child prepare for their class talk. I think there will be a lot of people that will take up new hobbies after this week!!!

We have been focussing on fractions this week. We have looked at equivalent fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers. We recognised the link between fractions and the need to remember or times tables. We worked with partners to support each other to complete equivalent fraction posters, noticing the pattern when completing the sequence of fractions.

What a wonderful day we had on Thursday when we visited the Union Canal! The sun certainly shone and we thoroughly enjoyed our boat trip along the canal. Linton was very informative and shared with us the importance water safety. We now know never to jump in the canal after our pets as they will manage to swim out safely. There is 695 million gallons of water in the Union Canal and they add 400 gallons of water each day if it hasn’t rained a lot!

We have been creating Burgh Beautiful posters for a competition. The theme is anti-litter, dog fouling and recycling to encourage all to take responsibility for keeping the environment clean and Linlithgow looking beautiful.

Have a fantastic weekend and I hope the sun shines for us all!

Mrs McCartney and P5A XXX

Over the last two weeks…

We have had a very busy two weeks in P5B, although we have had a few days off in between, we have really learnt a lot.

We have been really active over the last two weeks, learning new sports and keeping up our strength and fitness through some circuit training during PE. We have been very fortunate to have Mr Newton come along and teach us the amazing sport of Quidditch! Yes can you believe that the famous Harry Potter sport is an actual sport played here in the UK! We have started to learn the basic skills needed to play and over the next few weeks we will be getting our ‘broom sticks’ too! Who said playing a sport couldn’t be magical? We have now started our 8 week block of Futsal, we are really enjoying learning new ball skills.

We have finished up with division, by playing a division game with a partner called ‘remainder wanted’ this was a game that involved working out the division sum and the remainder was our score, the person with the highest remainder wins. This game really helped us to improve our division calculations mentally as well as practicing using the formal written method. We have started to learn about fractions, we took our learning outside and drew various shapes on the playground using chalk, we needed to listen  to Mrs. Matos, as she would call out the fraction amount that needed to be shaded, we all worked well together in groups. The highlight of the week was an activity called scrumptiously simplified fractions, can you get what we used to complete this activity? Skittles! Who knew learning fractions could be so sweet. We worked in groups, sorting out the skittles in colours, we had to work out the fraction of each colour in the bag, then we learnt how to work out and write simplified fractions.

Spelling this week we learnt the rules and exceptions of words spelt with ei or ie, we learnt the saying, ‘ i comes before e, except after c and except when the words sounds like a’, this really helped us with our spelling words. In literacy we learnt about the elements of a story, we discussed how we can make our stories more interesting, engaging, exciting and how to leave our readers with something to think about. We started planning our own creative story, remembering to included all the elements. Together with our partner we have started to edit our writing, making sure to look out for spelling, capital letters, punctuation and wow words.We are going to use our editing to help us to improve on our story.

Over the last two weeks we have been focusing on internet safety, we have had a lot of discussions on privacy settings and what to and what not to share online. We are designing internet safety posters to be displayed in our classroom to help reminds us of the importance to be safe online.

We have a lot to look forward to next week. Next week we start bikeability, and we also have to look forward to our canal trip on Thursday. Could Primary 5 get any better?


Sunny Days…

“Just living is not enough… one must have sunshine, freedom , and a little flower.”
Hans Christian Anderson

Welcome back! I hope that you all had a lovely day on Monday and Thursday this week in the sunshine, it was lovely to see the sun out.
It was lovely to be able to do Quidditch outside this week with Kieran. We had to throw the ball to each other and the pair that was the furthest away was the winner. It was a lot of fun and we are learning the importance of team work.

We even managed to do Futsal outside in the sun too!! We learned 1 v 1 skills. The defender had to pass the ball to the attacker and then the attacker had to try and dribble by them. We are learning lots of skills and we can’t wait to play a match.

We have been looking at some simple rules for internet safety that will help us to make sure that it plays a healthy part of our life. We designed information posters to convey this important message. We had to consider design layout, key points and making sure we had the correct balance of positive and negative aspects to the internet.

We have been investigating money this week. We calculated amounts using notes and coins, rounding to the nearest pound and change from £20 and more. We recognise the importance of how this can help us in our daily life. We have started looking at fractions today….

Have a wonderful weekend in the sun!
Mrs McCartney and P5A xxx
Things to remember:
*Bike Ability starts Tuesday 9th May 3.15-4.15pm
*Union Canal Trip on Thursday 11th May- packed lunch required please

Marie Curie Fundraiser

Another ‘well done’ to Nicci and Lily-Rose in P5A for more fundraising! This time, these girls have been busy doing a ‘Guess the Bunny’s Birthday’ competition for Marie Curie. Well done to Kenzi Law in P5B for winning the competition! Thank you to the girls and to all those who helped to raise the money for a great cause.

Miss Baillie x

Burgh Beautiful Assembly!

Avril and Margaret from Burgh Beautiful joined us for assembly today and gave an informative presentation on the fabulous work that they do to keep the town looking attractive.  Children from some classes also shared the work that they have been doing in Outdoor Science to learn about nature and how to take care of it. Thank you to Burgh Beautiful for coming along today and we hope to get involved with some of your campaigns to keep our lovely town in bloom!

Miss Bailliex

Welcome back to P5A!


I hope that you all had a wonderful Easter holiday! We certainly had lovely weather!!

A short but busy week this week!

We are so proud of Lily and Nicci for raising money for Sick Kids, what an achievement! Well done and thank you so much to everyone who supported the cause.

It was great to see the children back and hear all their holiday news! We enjoyed sharing our news with our friends and focussing on what places we went, things we did and people we saw.

We have been focussing on division in Maths, we started with dividing 1 digit by 2 and 3 digit numbers. We are learning the traditional (long method) division.
We will move on to 4 digit numbers as the children become more confident. We have realised how important it is to know our times table. Lots of us were supporting each other if we found it tricky, we realise that this team work is so important.

We had a joint Circuit Training session with the other P5 class, it was exhausting and great fun!

We have been exploring Spring and what are signs of Spring. We had a Spring Scavenger Hunt for outdoor learning. We worked with the other P5 class and searched in the school grounds for signs of Spring. We then brought our materials into the classroom and created Spring information posters that we then presented to both classes. Mrs McCartney thought that our presentations were fantastic!

We created fantastic art pictures, which show an awareness and recognition of detail of Spring. Mrs McCartney was delighted with them!

Things to remember:
*Family Learning Afternoon for Maths at 2pm on Monday 24th April.
*Futsal sessions begin Wednesday 26th April- PE kits in class are fine to wear.

Happy weekend!
Mrs McCartney and P5A x

Welcome back!

Welcome back after a lovely Easter break. We are all well rested and ready to go on some new adventures this term.

We didn’t waste anytime  burning off all the lovely Easter Eggs we managed to eat over the Easter weekend.  We joined up with P5A for a joint circuit training during PE. It was great fun joining our friends in P5A, and we are all a little competitive at times. Our circuit training involved, hurdles, hula hoops, balancing, skipping, catching and a bit of tennis. Each activity is helping us to keep fit and build strength in all our major muscles.

We were all excited to get back after our Easter holidays and share with each other all the fun things we managed to do over the two week break. During literacy we planned and wrote about our favourite memories/time over the Easter holiday. When writing we needed to remember all the important grammar rules. Once we were finished we got to read a partners Easter holiday story. We used different colour pencils for editing. We learning that editing is an important skill in writing, as we are learning to identify any error as well as using our editing to work on our next steps.


No time was wasted in numeracy. We continued with division this week. We have started to learn the formal written method in division. We started with dividing 2 digit numbers, as we got more confident we started dividing 3 digit numbers. We learnt how to complete division using the formal method with a remainder. We have realised how important it is to know our times tables. Mrs Matos is encouraging us to practise our times tables at home as much as we can, because if we know our times tables, division will be simple. Next week we will be dividing bigger numbers.

As the weather is getting better, we are getting to enjoy some outdoor learning. We worked together with P5A to go on a Spring treasure hunt around the school. We had to look out for the different types of leaves and twigs that we could find around the school, we also had to keep our eyes open  for anything that showed the signs of spring. As we went on our Spring hunt we collected all the things we could identify with Spring. We worked in groups to create an informative Spring poster, which we then presented to the class. Mrs Matos and Mrs McCartney were very impressed with how well we worked together.

We have a lot to look forward to next week. On Monday we have our family learning event, numeracy will be the focus, please come along and see what we have been learning. We also have Mr Woodhouse coming to talk to Primary 5 about his Africa experience, and lastly we will be starting our block of Futsal. Never a dull moment in Primary 5.

P5B and Mrs Matos


Last week before the Easter break.

It sure was our last week before our Easter holidays, but what a busy week it has been.

No matter the week, we never stop learning. In Numeracy this week we finished with multiplication, and started to have a look at division. We made the connection between multiplication and division and realised how important it was that we knew our times table facts. Hopefully with the multiplication mash up song we have been singing and some extra practise during our holidays, I’m sure when we get back to school we will be able to tackle the various division strategies with ease.

In literacy this week we were learning the differences between a prefix and a suffix. We also used the books in our classroom library to go on a prefix hunt. It was interesting to see how we can break words up into, prefixes, root words and suffixes.

We had fun in PE this week, we joined up with Primary 5A and we took part in some fun dancing using  Go Noodle. It was so much fun, to join up with the our friends in the other class, the dance moves were fun, we were having so much fun we didn’t even realise we were working up a sweat.

This week has been a week of all things Easter. We enjoyed making mindfulness colouring Easter cards. We hope that our special persons enjoys their cards that we have made. We have also been practising our Easter songs with Primary 5A. We even made a funky ‘Up Town Funk’ Easter version song. We all put a lot of effort into making our Easter bonnets, which we displayed for our special guests  on Thursday. Mrs Matos and Mrs Macartney were very proud of all the Primary 5s for their  hard work on their Easter Bonnets and singing.

In 1+2 we have been learning the French colours. We created our own Easter French colour by numbers version. We then asked a partner to follow the French instructions and to colour our Easter pictures in correctly. We definitely have some budding artists in P5B.

P5B would like to say a Big Thank you to P4A who invited us along to their classroom to share their learning on Egypt with us. We had so much fun learning different facts about Egypt. We really appreciate all the effort P4A had put in to make us feel welcome, and also had some fun active activities for us to do while we were there. We made some pyramids, wrote our names in hieroglyphics and there were so much for to do. Thank you P4A and Mrs Newton.


After such a busy week, we definitely all looking forward to our Easter holidays.

P5B and Mrs Matos



Eggtastic …

Easter Fun in P5A…
What a busy week!

We had a joint PE session with the other P5 in the hall this week. We danced to Go Noodle and the people that put in the MOST effort got to pick the songs to dance to! Mrs Matos and McCartney couldn’t keep up with us!

We sadly said goodbye to Callum Crocker this week as his very last day at Springfield Primary is today. We surprised him by having a party on Thursday afternoon that his mum also came to!
We would like to wish Callum and his family all the very best in their new home and school.

Zak, Callum, Ruairidh, Rory, Finlay Bisset and Jamie all went round the classes this week raising money for charity. We had to guess the age of the bunny and the winner from this class was…Samuel!!!
What a delighted boy he was!

We were very lucky to have another visit from the British Legion this week. We learned a lot about being in the Royal Navy and how ships operated.

P4 were fantastic sharing their learning with our class this week. We learned all about Ancient Egypt. They had created lots of activities for us. We made lots, including 3D pyramids and canopic jars. Thank you very much Primary 4!!!

The Easter Church Service was lovely. It was so nice for us all to be together and sing our Easter songs. Mrs McCartney cried when the choir sang ‘When you Believe’ and we are sure she wasn’t the only one. Well done to Ruairidh and Paul who were our readers from our class, great job!!!

The Easter Bonnet Parade was so much fun!

Many thanks to all who supported us by helping to make the bonnets and coming along to the parade and the church.
We wish you all a happy, safe and relaxing Easter!
Mrs MCartney and P5A x


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