We are off on our travels….

We were learning to create our own Olympics travel journey. We had to choose how we can present our ‘Travel Journey’, sharing our travel dates, hotel, flights and travel insurance. It was very important that we shared our TOTAL cost of our Olympic Holiday with our audience. Mrs McCartney thought that our presentations were fantastic! We were clear, confident and worked as a team. Look out…we could be booking your next holiday!!!

In literacy we designed our own leaflets for the Olympics in Linlithgow. We had to include: the history of Linlithgow, places of interest in Linlithgow, places to relax, and dos and don’ts.

We were so lucky to get two extra PE sessions this week with specialists. In athletics we did a relay race and triple jump. It was a lot of fun and we used our teamwork skills to achieve.
We had a visitor from Dogs Trust called Rachel. We looked at different case studies, recognising the importance of keeping dogs happy, healthy and safe! We looked at different dogs and what their owners haven’t done to keep them happy and healthy and how to avoid it.

In maths, we made paper aeroplanes following written instructions from a book. Afterwards, we tested them out with Miss Biggs. The one that went the furthest went 12 metres!

Also in maths, we learnt how to convert different units of measure (including m, cm, mm, and km).
We are all looking forward to the Marches on Tuesday! Have a good day!

From all of P5A (Written by Joseph M, Zara, and Zak) 

‘Learning is an experience. Everything else is just information’ (Albert Einstein)

No better way to start the week, than with a trip to Linlithgow Palace. We were fortunate enough that the weather was kind and the rain stayed away. We had a very informative tour around the Palace, a big thank you must go to the Primary 7s of Linlithgow Primary for taking us on our tour, not only were they well informed but they made our tour very fun with some added humour.

Another lovely surprise was a visit from Dog’s trust. We learnt so much about how important it is to be responsible when deciding to have a dog. We had a look and discussed different case studies that Dog’s Trust have had to deal with. We had a chance to learn how best to groom a dog and the importance of micro chipping your dog. Adam had a go to find the micro chip in one of the play dogs that were brought. Ambra was very brave as she demonstrated the best and most hygienic way to pick up dog fouling.

We continued with measure this week. We used objects around the classroom to measure.  Using a ruler, we calculated quarter meters, which items are longer or shorter than a quarter meter. There were a few blocked noses as we had to take of our shoes and measure them too…thank goodness for windows!!

In Literacy this week we recapped Parts of Speech. We worked in groups to sort words into the correct Part of Speech. Each group was then given a part of speech, the group had to write a poem on the definition of their Part of Speech. After discussing the different Parts of Speech, we realised how important that theses words are used correctly in our writing, and when used correctly, they can bring our stories to life.  We looking forward to listening to the Parts of Speech next week.

We had had a lot of fun learning new skills during our Futsal lessons. Next week will be our final week, we are really looking forward to finishing the sessions with a Futsal game, really using the skills that we have learnt to the test. In PE we had a bit of fun on the space hoppers. We held a space hopper relay race, although it was fun, we learnt one important lesson. No mater how big you are for your space hopper, or how slow you bounce, keep on smiling and never give up.

Working really hard over the last couple of weeks, planning the perfect holiday to Linlithgow, we designed a Linlithgow Olympic leaflet.  Our leaflets contained all the important information about Linlithgow, places to visit, things to do, and the dos and don’ts of Linlithgow, some fantastic creative leaflets designed by the children, the work and thought the children put into their designs really shows a great appreciation and knowledge of their local community- Well done P5B!

Lastly, a big well done to Max who took part in the Edinburgh running festival a few weekends a go! Max brought his medal along to class and shared his experience with the class.

Well done to P5B for winning this weeks peg challenge – Mrs Matos is super proud of everyone!!

P5B and Mrs Matos

Flying through Primary 5!

As always another busy week in P5B. In Numeracy this week we used our prior knowledge of Decimals and money.  Together with a partner we went on a ‘lunch date’ to the Safari Restaurant.  From the menu we had to select a starter to share, a main meal each , a pudding and drink each. Once we selected from the menu we needed to calculate the cost of our meal, using our knowledge of adding decimals using the formal written method. We also had to calculate a cheaper price by removing certain choices from our menu, this helped to reinforce subtracting decimals using the formal written method. Together we worked through a variety of activities adding and subtracting decimals.


The fun in numeracy doesn’t stop there. We worked in groups and had to follow specific instructions to make our own paper planes. Once our planes were made, we had three attempts to fly them, each time we had to estimate the distance our paper plane flew, after writing down our estimations we used meter rulers to measure the distance our plans flew. Plenty of fun was had by everyone in the class. Mrs Matos was proud of all the boys and girls and every worked co-operatively in the groups.

Our guided reading session this week took us outdoors. We worked together with our reading groups to select a part in the book that we all enjoyed and would be able to turn it into a play. We worked together to discuss and write a clear description of each character. We began to talk about the setting and plot of the story. We have started to write a script which will be based on the story we are busy reading.  We all worked really hard and looking forward to acting out our scripts in the next couple of weeks.

We are really enjoying our Linlithgow Olympic theme. We have spent some time on the netbooks this week, researching  different airlines and the cost for adults and children to fly. We have researched different hotels in and around Linlithgow, we looked at pricing, facilities, star rating and customer reviews. After discussions and researching exchange rate, we are beginning to plan a budget for our travelling customers, watch this space we might be planning our next family holiday!

To top the week off we had some outdoor playtime during golden time. We have plenty tow look forward to next week, with a trip planned for Monday and Tuesday, remember to bring a packed lunch to school on both days.

P5B and Mrs Matos


P5A’s Olympic Week…


Another fun filled week!

We were researching hotels, fights and travel insurance for our ‘Linlithgow Olympics.’ We found getting a suitable price challenging and now recognise how hard our parents work when they book us a family holiday!!!
We researched our given countries for the ‘Linlithgow Olympics.’ We found out lots of interesting facts about the famous people, landmarks and currency that they use. We shared our facts about Germany, Spain, England, France and Italy with P4 confidently!

In maths we recognised number sequences and extended them. We realised how to look for patterns within the sequence and were able to predict the next number.

we began to consider appropriate measurements. We went on a ‘Measurement Hunt’ around the school and identified 5 items that we would measure in cm, mm and metres.

In PE we had lots of fun playing team building games with hoops and balls, it was great fun and we worked really well with the other P5.

We were ‘up-levelling’ the beginning or the endings to our Olympic story ‘My Moment to Shine.’ Up levelling is all about changing boring, general simple and compound sentences into interesting complex sentences that include precise detail. Higher level writing also creates a mood and can include figurative writing. We shared our ‘new’ beginnings and endings with the class and all recognised an improvement. We are going to try and ‘up-level’ all of our sentences in our writing across the curriculum. Well done, Primary 5!

Have a fantastic weekend!

We are really looking forward to our trips next week.

Mrs McCartney and P5A x

Things to remember:
*Mon 5th June- Linlithgow Palace Guides Tour
*Tuesday 6th June- Linlithgow Rugby Club Marches Book Festival
(packed lunch and snack for both please)
*Futsal on Wednesday 7th June
*Quidditch Thursday 8th June

Sunny Days…


What wonderful weather it has been this week!
We feel very lucky to have such lovely school grounds to use for learning about the outdoors and learning in the outdoors!
We worked with the other P5 class this week for our Grammar lesson outside in the playground. We worked in pairs and played against our partner, ‘up-levelling’ our sentences. Another pair then marked our work and double checked that we had calculated the correct amount. We recognised the importance of spelling words correctly and using a dictionary to check our spelling was accurate.

We observed our environment on Thursday and went into the school grounds (in the sun!) to use our senses to find something for each letter of the alphabet, this proved quite tricky for some letters!!
After we had completed our observation alphabet task, we sketched the environment we were working in. We had to include as many of the features from our lists as we could.
We then used our observation descriptions and created shape poems, giving our poem a title.

In Maths we were focusing on decimals. We were introduced to decimals creating art within a hundred square. We had to use 3 colours and then convert the amount we had coloured into fractions, decimals and percentages. Lots of us managed to find the fractions simplest form.
We then moved onto comparing, ordering and rounding decimals. Lots of us said it was just like money without the pound sign!
We were adding and subtracting decimals by the end of the week! Well done, P5a!!
Have a wonderful weekend in the sun!
We hope that the amazing weather continues!
P5A and Mrs McCartney

What a wonderful, sunny week we have had! When the weather is so good, no one wants to be indoors, so we take our learning outside!

This weeks guided reading we went in our groups outside. We read to each other and shared our thoughts about the story. We also gave each other feedback on how we read. We commented on our fluency, tone, pace and expression.  We worked together and used chalk to draw a new version of the front cover of our books!

In literacy this week we concentrated on sentence writing and ways in which we can improve our writing, by making sure, we use a variety of words, the words have been used and spelt correctly, capitals letters and punctuation are used. We joined  P5A, in pairs we went outside and using chalk we wrote  some sentences, we had to compete against each other. We got points for correct use and spelling of words, capital letters and punctuation.  It was really good fun being outside and thinking of sentences that helped reinforce what we know.

In Numeracy we have been learning about decimals. We  worked together with a partner to match decimals to fractions, convert fractions to decimal and writing decimals on a number line. We have also been learning about sorting and comparing decimals and lastly adding and subtracting decimals, so a busy week of all things decimals. But we have done fantastic and Mrs Matos is very impressed with how well we have worked together to make sure that everyone understands.

We have been very busy this week being travel agents. We have used the netbooks to research different travel agencies and have had  a closer look at their logos. We  chose three names for our travel agency and our peers got to vote for which they thought sounded the best. We also had a chance to be creative and design our own logo.

P5B really do have very special boys and girls, all who have hearts of gold.  A couple of weeks ago you  may remember Beinn, Gabriella and Andrew raised money for Callum’s Cabin. While Beinn is doing that little bit extra. Together with is family, Beinn will be packing bags at Tesco to raise some money to give to Callum’s Cabin.  Well done Beinn, we are all very proud of you and you can be very proud of yourself!

P5B and Mrs Matos


Celebrating achievements in P5B!

There is nothing better than hearing stories of children achieving. It is even better when the boys and boys are excited and enthusiastic about sharing their achievements. This week, Emily brought along some of her dance exams certificates that she received in a recent  exam. Emily took some time to share with the class what all was involved in the exam and what each certificate and medal represented. Well done Emily! Anna and Louise both attend the Linlithgow Girls Brigade. They brought along their arm bands that holds every badge they have achieved. They girls spoke enthusiastically and confidently to the class and explained what they had achieved each badge for. Thank you Anna and Louise, well done for all your efforts. Lastly, how many books have you read this week, or last month, or even over the last year? Maybe 5 books? Maybe 10? Well, can you beat Evie Melvin who took part in the First Minister’s reading challenge and has read over 80 books so far! Evie was awarded a certificate and a lovely new book for all her reading effort. Well done Evie, let’s see if you can catch up to Evie, get reading!

Sometimes we forget to always be grateful for being healthy, and we forget that some people have terminal illness. Emily Calabrese has suffered from Coeliac disease since she was a tiny little girl. As last week was Coeliac awareness week, Emily shared her story and experience of having Coeliac disease. Emily spoke confidently to the class sharing her story and experiences, she  also presented her talk with a very informative PowerPoint. To top off all her hard work and to make sure she got her message across, she had prepared some worksheets for the class to complete. The class enjoyed Emily’s talk and worksheets, they were all hanging onto every word Emily spoke and really enjoyed completing the worksheets and food table worksheets. Mrs Matos was very proud of Emily for having such great confidence, Well done Emily, you are a super star!!

In numeracy this week we have continued with Number Talks. Mrs Matos is very proud of all the boys and girls in P5B. Everyone is beginning to show so much confidence now when taking part in Number talks. The children are really beginning to use and discuss a range of strategies. We have been continuing learning about fractions, we focused this week on finding the  common denominator and we have also been ordering and comparing fractions. We have worked together in pairs to make sure that we both understand what we are doing. Sometimes learning from our peers helps to reinforce our learning. We all show good understanding and Mrs Matos thinks that next week we will be ready to tackle decimals.

In literacy our  spelling pattern was words ending in ‘ck’. We read a funny story about friendly ‘c’ and kind ‘k’, the story helped us to learn the spelling rule, which we will be able to apply in our writing. Speaking of writing, we have begun to write a short story about being chosen to be a torchbearer at the Olympics. We watched a few short clips on the history of the flame,  the clip we watched helped us to understand the feelings that the torchbearers must feel. We going to make sure that our story is going to make the reader really understand the feelings we felt when being chosen as a torchbearer. We going to extend our writing by using adjectives and synonyms, by using descriptive words we going to capture the reader and using synonyms will help us to extend our vocabulary. Watch this space, as we have authors in the making.

We have continued to play the magical game Quidditch. It was an exciting game this week as we got to use ‘broomsticks’ watch out for our photos, they should be ‘flying’ in shortly.

We have had a very successful week in P5B this week and Mrs Matos is proud of each one of us, to her we are all super stars!

P5B and Mrs Matos



Another quick week with lots packed in!

Our assembly for Mrs Malcolm was lovely. Ruairidh and Millie from our class presented Mrs Malcolm with a card and lovely words about the positive impact that she has had at Springfield. We will all miss her and wish her all the very best in her retirement.
The Provost of the Marches came to our assembly to talk to us about the significance of their role in the Marches. It was very interesting and Joseph Burgess out the hat on that the Provost would wear on Marches Day.

Languages Ambassadors
The newly appointed Languages Ambassadors created a Powerpoint presentation to deliver to the upper school in assembly about what they are going to achieve this term. Welll done to Sophie, Grace and Zara who were clear and confident when speaking to P5-7 children!
We are all looking forward to them teaching us French and Spanish words this term.

Futsal and Quidditch
Our Futsal and Quidditch lessons are lots of fun! We managed to play Futsal with real goals on Wednesday and we played Quidditch with real brooms like Harry Potter on Tuesday! We are recognising the importance of team work.

We were comparing and ordering fractions at the beginning of the week. Lots of us managed to calculate the answer but found explaining why the fractions were in that order trickier.
Mrs McCartney said that we worked really well in pairs to come up with the right answers.

We are now learning about decimals and managed to convert fractions to decimals on Thursday. Lot of us recognise the link between fractions and decimals, even the link with percentages!

We discussed a time in our life when we have been proud. We had to think about what it was that made us proud? Did we do something important or different? Had we achieved a target that you never thought you would?
We linked this to the fact that Olympians must be very proud to be taking part for their country. We had to imagine that we had been selected as a Torchbearer who will carry the torch. We had to re-tell the story of the big day. Our Story Writing piece is structured into the following sections:
1. Anticipation – setting the scene and getting ready.
2. The Flame approaches – the Torchbearer has their moment to shine in the Torch Relay.
3. After the event – talking to the press, friends and family.
We wrote the beginning of our story on Thursday, we are going to write the middle on Monday.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read our blog!

Have a fantastic weekend and we look forward to Mr Wells joining our school on Monday!
P5A and Mrs McCartney

P5 Girls Brigade News!

Congratulations to Louise Clark and Anna MacCartney in P5B who recently received new badges in Girls Brigade. Well done girls for trying your best-as always! We are all delighted for you!

Miss Baillie X

P5 Brass Day!

Thank you so much to Mrs Bisson, our brass instructor, for taking two of our talented P5 children to play at the West Lothian Schools’ Brass Day. This event was held at Strathbrock Centre in Broxburn and Millie Haokip and Joanna Begarnie in P5A both attended.  Both girls loved the experience and had a wonderful day!

Miss Baillie x

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