P3/4 Blog WE 1.6.18

In literacy this week we did comprehension on our reading books every day. we had to read reading cards. We did show and tell.

In numeracy we learned that equivalent fractions are fractions that have the same value and we can show fractions on a number line. We learned that we would find fractions easier if we knew our times tables well.

In health and wellbeing, in PE we went on the pitch and we played some games and did relay races with batons. We walked a mile every day.

In learning across the curriculum we designed a straw poster to stop people throwing rubbish in the sea which could harm sea life. We watched a play called ‘The Secret Garden’. It was really good and funny. Then one of the pupils read the book to us.

Have a good weekend!

Home Learning WB 28.5.18

Home Learning WB 28.5.18


Hope you’re managing to enjoy some sunshine.

Please see link to this weeks home learning above.

Chilling have just to learn the first 2 columns ‘er’ and ‘est’ as they are longer words and an activity.

Some children found fractions tricky so they are practising again this week. Please reinforce that the number at the bottom is the number of people they are sharing with and the number is the number of objects e.g. pizzas.

If they find the one they choose too challenging or too easy they can choose another one.

Kind Regards


P4 Blog

P4 children worked together to create play scripts which they presented to the class this week.
Children created televisions (made of recyclable materials)which included a pictures based upon the farming story they created two weeks ago.
Disney dress up was a success! can you guess which Disney characters came to P4 class?

This week we have been learning…


  • To compare and order fractions.


  • We have been doing drafts for newspaper articles.
  • We have been learning about suffixes and prefixes.


  • In IDL we have been doing plays.

Enjoy your weekend bye!

The blog club




P3/4 Blog WB 25.5.18

In literacy this week we did a reading comprehension on our story books. We answered questions in sentences in our own words to show that we understood our reading. We also did a farming comprehension. We researched the process of Farm to Fork and went onto the Tesco and Asda websites which had lots of information, videos and games.  We played a game to match up the produce with the animal or plant.

In numeracy we learned about the order of fractions and which were the biggest and smallest.  We did formal fractions in our numeracy jotters.

In health and wellbeing, in PE we played  basketball and walked a mile a day. We also had a race across the pitch and back and did relay races with batons.

In learning across the curriculum we wrote what we want to know and what we have learned so far about farming.  With Mrs Lawrie we used crayons to draw a picture of a sunflower in a pot based on a picture by Vincent Van Gogh. The P4’s went to committees and organised improvements and events for the school. The P3’s went to P2/3 and sang songs. One of the events organised was a Disney Dress down and it was fun.

Have a good weekend!


This week we have been learning…

In literacy we have been learning how to write a formal letter and play script [EC].

Mrs. Campbell came to teach us French words related to farming.  She also taught us an  animal song in French.  Thank you Mrs. Campbell for sharing your expertise with us!

In Numeracy we have been doing fractions and most of us get it completely and we’ve only been doing it for 4 days.  We loved doing our plays and  we are performing them next week.

The blog club (EC, AR and SM)

Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

This week started with a special visit for P4-7 from the Deacons Court of Linlithgow and an introduction to our new Provost. We were happy to meet our Provost and on behalf of our school, we wish him all the very best for his first Marches Day next month. Some of our children and Mr Wells even got to dress up as Baillies!

We also talked about the Decorated Bicycle competition on Marches Day  which two of our lovely pupils won last year. We’d love it if lots of our pupils could enter this year with the help of some talented Mums and Dads! 😉

Our assembly today was an important one led by the NSPCC. All children were reminded of how to keep safe and how to speak up and use their voices if something in their lives isn’t right. We also reminded ourselves of the Childline number in case we needed to speak to a safe grown up about a problem. The NSPCC will be back in school next eeek to run workshops for our P6-7 classes to follow-up on the issues mentioned in assembly. It is our job at Springfield to safeguard all children and protect children’s rights.

We have had a number of pupil achievements this week. Here are our latest successes:

-To I, E and A congratulations for taking part in the Sunny Stars show! I especially loved E playing the part of Princess Jasmine as I’d quite like to be her myself! I loved the costume too! 😊

-C in P2 ran a a fun run recently and deserves a ‘well done’ for doing very well.

– A in P5 has completed the recent Race for Life with her Mum and we are proud of her.

-F in P3 has been very busy gaining some more Girls Brigade badges. Super work F!

-E in P5 got a brilliant silver medal in a recent gymnastics competition. Well done E!

-H in P5 continues to do brilliantly in rugby. You superstar H!

Finally a very ‘Happy Birthday’ to three of our infant children including M and one of our gorgeous sets of twins!

Good luck to our school football team and our Springles cheerleaders who will perform at the George Allan match on Sunday. You will do us proud, of that we are sure!

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!


Miss Baillie xx💖🌞




P3/4 Home Learning WB 21.5.18

Home Learning WB 21.5.18

Dear All

Please see above link for Home Learning for next week.

Spelling sounds are ‘oa’, ‘ow’, ‘oi’, and ‘oy’. Most children should be able to learn all the words with these sounds. If this is too many for your child please choose 2 columns only, either the ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ or the ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ as these sounds can be confused.

Numeracy learning is fractions and division to see the link between these and use in practical situations.

Some children found fractions tricky in class if there was more than a whole. They should work out the whole first, then work out the fraction for the remainder. e.g. if there was a circle divided into 12 parts all shaded and another circle divided into 12 part with only 1 shaded some mistakenly put answer as 13/24 instead of 1 and 1/12.

They are also learning to write fraction in the simplest form e.g. 1/2 not 2/4 although they need to read the question carefully.

They have been shown in class how to use an imperfect fraction e.g. 3/2 instead of 1 and 1/2 but this is not a focus at the moment.

Have a good weekend.

Kind Regards


P3/4 Blog Week Ending 18.5.18

In literacy this week we did a reading comprehension. We learned the French for animal names. We did show and tell.  And our evaluation for NYCOS.

In numeracy we learned equivalent fractions. We learned how to set it out.

In health and wellbeing we did football in PE. We did walk a mile.

In learning across the curriculum we made our farming folders.

Have a good weekend!

Home Learning P3/4

Home Learning WB 14.5.18

Please see above link to this week’s home learning.

All children should be learning the spelling words and an activity from the spelling grid.

There are various fraction sheets. The main one is is the missing fractions sheet. Children can choose any they feel capable of attempting. We have not covered decimals yet so they should only try this at the moment, if they have previous knowledge of decimals.

This exercise is to show children how fractions make up to a whole and connections between different fractions e.g. 2/4 = 1/2. They should record answers as O or 1 (not e.g. 0/4 or 4/4).

Thanks for feedback on home learning. Please continue to get in touch if you need any further clarification.

Kind Regards


The P4s were able to ride a on a tractor.
The whole class have been researching about the different types of farms in Scotland. They are also working on creating a PowerPoint presentation about their research findings.
These children worked collaboratively in creating a play script. Each have a job to do as they are to present a play this to the class next week. The jobs are as follows; prop maker, director, actor, narrator and script writer.



Last week …

  • To divide by 2, 3, 4 and even higher with multiplication& sumdog.
  • In literacy we have been working very hard to write persuasively and it was very fun. Mr. Wells came to teach that lesson.
  • We also had a visit from a lamb and 2 chickens and a chicken went wild!

Written by: Sean, Euan and Ava


This week- 11.05.18

       P4 BLOG


  • In maths, we have been learning division with remainders.  (by S)
  • In Literacy, Miss Durano’s friend Lambchops (a farm sheep) wrote a letter to the P4s describing their dire living conditions in the farm. Lambchops asked the P4s if they could write a letter of complaint to the West Lothian Council so that the situation could change.  We have also been learning to understand the meaning of a passage by looking at context clues.
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