Pupil Achievements…

Here are our latest pupil achievements from this week:

– Well done to F in P7A for his success in rugby. Finlay was recognised for his commitment and positive attitude towards the game. We are proud of you F!

– A super effort from A in P2A who continues to do brilliantly at gymnastics. A also brought along a worksheet of sums that she had done at home using an abacus to help her. I was most impressed! Well done A!

-Well done to E in P5 for his achievements in Fencing! What a great hobby E!

-Finally, congratulations to H in P4/5 who is our first child at Springfield to get into our values, Hall of Fame, for his wider participation. What an amazing effort! We hope that you are all working on your Hall of Fame activities. Remember that you have a whole session to complete tasks.

Miss Baillie xx💖💫


We revised on symmetry in 2D shapes as well as place value.

We were learning to order and compare numbers.  We also used greater/ lesser than symbol to compare numbers.


We were learning to identify verbs in a sentence, we were making inferences (while  reading) and we learnt to create a fact file about Philippines.


We used our netbook time to research about Scotland landscape, food and climate.


We were learning about what it means to be a Christian and what Christianity means.


For PE, we had Quiditch in addition to badminton our badminton practice.

We also learnt about what friendships require in order to maintain  it.

Pupil Achievements…

Despite it being a short week, our pupils have been busy bringing along their achievements to my office. Here is this week’s selection:

-Well done to A in P1 for his Enjoy-a-Ball trophy! Great football A!

-Congratulations to K in P2 for his efforts in Taekwon-Do!

-A brilliant effort from A in P2 and E in P4 for gaining certificates for activities that they undertook at the weekend and whilst on holiday with their families.

-Lastly, we are so proud of D in P6 for winning a medal for his age group in Kick-boxing. What a superstar D!

Miss Baillie xx


We are absolutely delighted to inform our pupils, parents, carers and families of the exciting news we received today. Springfield Primary School and Bonnytoun Nursery have been awarded a sportscotland Gold School Sport Award for 2018-2021!

The Gold School Sport Award is recognition of the school and nursery’s achievements in putting sport at the heart of  our school’s planning, practice and ethos. It highlights that as a school we have shown excellent practice across the core areas of the Award and demonstrated an ongoing commitment to increase our young people’s opportunities and engagement in physical education, school sport and leadership. We aim to build upon and further improve our existing provision of sport whilst creating clear pathways for lifelong participation.

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has played their part in achieving this award, we really couldn’t have done it without you. This includes; our wonderful staff and P.E specialist who ensure that our children participate in 2 hours of high quality P.E per week, those who volunteer to give up their time every week to provide an extra-curricular club, the parents and volunteers who assist with school sport and our committed P7 Sports Leaders. Last but not least, thank you to our Sports Committee for all of their hard work towards achieving this award and to all of our pupils across both the school and nursery for their boundless enthusiasm towards all things sport at Springfield.

“It’s not always the team with the best players that win. It’s the players in the best team that win. Together, everyone, achieves, more.” 



Literacy- I liked learning more about when to use punctuation.  LM

I liked proofreading.  I liked checking the spelling and the punctuation. AL

I learnt a new word- an “archipelago” and it means a group islands.  AL.

Numeracy- SymmetryI learnt that you have to be very careful when you are drawing (repeating) the patterns. MC

ICT- I was looking for facts about Philippines.  I had to make sure that I spelt words right so I could find lots of facts. RP

RME- I learnt that in Judaism, there is candle called Menorah and it’s made out of pure gold!  They use it to put in front of the door (ark). SM

IDL- I learnt that Philippines definitely has a different landscape from Scotland.  MM

*I found out that Philippines has lots of rain and lots of sun- AS

*I learnt that there are more than 7000 islands in Philippines. EM

P4 Class

Hi everyone,

This week we did badminton for P.E. and then we learned to round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 and we picked our topic- Philippines.

For literacy were writing a setting for a story.

Written by RP

Focus for each curriculum area are as follows;

  • HWB- being resilient and having a growth mindset.  Children have been learning about the importance of “making mistakes” as part of individual person’s learning journey.
  • Literacy- spelling words with -ass, -u-e and ch.  Children also learnt to peer assess written work and up level their own text.
  • Reading- children have been learning to read between the lines/ making inference.
  • RME- we discussed what  Christianity means as a belief system.
  • ICT-  we used the world wide web as a tool to search for historical people from Linlithgow.
  • Art- Children are currently working on creating a poster for the opening of the new museum here in Linlithgow.  The P4s are going to send their entries for the “Visiting the Museum” poster making competition.
  • Numeracy- we focused on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 or 100, symmetry in shapes as well as identifying the line(s) of symmetry in various shapes.
  • Mental math focus- adding 2 digit  and 1 digit number

Hope you have lovely weekend everyone!



Weekly News from SPS and Bonnytoun…

Today we held a super assembly about diversity. The assembly reminded us all to treat each other with kindness and respect no matter our skin colour, belief, likes or dislikes. We looked around the room and admired our differences. We are all unique and beautiful in our own way. We celebrated the success of Sahasra in P7 who won a recent competition for designing a character who champions diversity. In her winning entry, Sahasra talks about how she used to feel different and worried about being accepted but since coming to Springfield she feels good about herself and knows that she is respected by all. We are so proud of Sahasra for having the courage to speak up about a difficult subject.  We are truly lucky to have the wonderful school that we have, where children are generally very kind to each other, but we must not rest on our laurels. We will continue to teach the message of the value and beauty in difference and we will continue to have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bullying, racism or discrimination. In our school, we lead with kindness. 💖

Here are some children who won certificates for upholding our school values this week:

We have been busy transforming our infant area once again to represent the world of books. It’s currently a work in progress but we hope that you enjoy seeing part of the transformation at our Meet the Teacher even on Tuesday 11th.

Our nursery children are pleased to report that Victor is now much better and is back with Jack in his home in the nursery. We missed you Victor!

Thank you to our nursery ladies, Mrs Welsh, Mrs Malcolm and our new recruit, Mrs Mitchell who provide excellent ‘end of day’ care for our full-day children until 6pm each evening. Mrs Malcolm has recently been working hard in our outdoor area to make hanging art work with the children.

Here are our pupil achievements for this week:

-Well done to C in P1 for gaining his Enjoy-a-ball trophy!

-Congratulations to A in P4 for making great progress in swimming.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and remember to be kind!


Miss Baillie xx💖💫



P4 Class

Guess who got class of the week? You guessed right, it’s our very own P4 class!  The P4 children were rewarded an extra 10 minutes of golden time.

This week the children have been busy writing character profiles and setting the scene for their story writing task.

For numeracy, the class did revision work on multiplication, understanding of place value as well as symmetry.

For ICT, the children completed an online survey relating to their health and well-being.

We started using “5 point scale” for emotional regulation.   This will hopefully promote social and  emotional literacy.



Pupil Achievements.

Here are brother and sister N and A who are in P4 and P1 respectively, with their fantastic collage to promote the reduction of plastic waste. The children made this at home and brought it in to school to show us. What environmental champions you both are!

Well done to D in P3 for receiving lovely rosettes at her pony gymkhana and to her classmates I and L for learning to ride their bikes over the summer holidays. L has also been busy winning a medal for her skills in golf! Brilliant news girls!

A in P2 came along to my office to show me her dancing award. Great effort A!

Miss Baillie x


Gymnastics Achievements!

Well done to the Gray sisters in P2 and P4 and to  U in P6 for achieving ‘Highly Commended’ in their recent gymnastics exams. We are so proud of you girls! Promoting participation in  sports and an active lifestyle is part of our Health and Wellbeing curriculum at Springfield and Bonnytoun. Please continue to keep us notified of your child’s sporting achievements.

Miss Baillie x 💖🏈⚽️ 💃 🎾 🏊‍♂️

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