Last week of Term in P4B

By Leah and Jennifer on behalf of P4B


This week in maths we have been learning to divide by three and multiply by three. We made a map of our own and learned directions of east, west, north and south.


We learned how to speak clearly, listen well and to make presentations.

Learning across the curriculum

We finished the BFG play!

This was Jennifer’s last day as she has moved house. Good luck in your new school Jennifer!

Have a lovely holiday everyone!

Giants take over!

This week more giants arrived in class and today a HUGE one appeared at our door- we think they are friendly but you never know!

This week we spent time in class preparing talks about all our learning this term. Everyone took part and they were amazing (even if we do say so ourselves). We then shared these with P4b (but we still think ours were the best!)

In maths we created treasure maps using a compass and directions. We wrote clues for people to follow and then peer assessed by solving these.

We have also been playing Powerlines in maths, it involves us using our number bond knowledge to solve problems. They can be quite tricky, however we worked as a class and have reached challenge 2, level 3.

After the October break Mrs Newton is going to introduce us to Number Detective- we are all very intriqued by what this could be.

We are looking forward to our holidays, and coming back to school on Tuesday 25th October.

What will we learn next???


P4B’s Amazing Learning Adventure!

In Primary 4B we have been learning about growth mindset. We have been challenging ourselves not to give up when we find things difficult and to ask for help.

In numeracy we have been learning the 3 and 4 times tables. We have been learning how to measure in centimetres. In Big Maths we have been challenging ourselves to beat our scores. We have been learning about maps and using a compass and we made maps of our local area. We learned how to do surveys and made a survey of Springfield’s favourite weather. We displayed the information on bar graphs.


In literacy we have been learning how to open a story, create settings and use punctuation. We have learned how to use paragraphs, use speech marks and question marks. We have used the BFG as a stimulus and have been writing stories and reading a play based on the BFG.

In French we have been learning to count to 30. We learned to say the days, months, colours and the French alphabet. We can now say French foods and we practised with fun activities with P4A including shopping and money. We also made French postcards.

In learning across the curriculum we have been learning about the BFG and Roahl Dahl stories. We have also been learning about the animals, landmarks and food in Australia and compared the weather to Scotland. We have been learning characterisation, acting and presentation skills through drama and art. In music we have been learning to play the Ukelele.

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In health and wellbeing we have been learning to be good friends. We have been walking a mile most days. In PE we have been learning movement skills through gymnastics, football, basketball and we have played games to learn to work well together as a team. We have also been learning how to meditate so we are healthy body and mind!

Week 7 in P4a

This week in P4a we have been learning how to create bar graphs from the data we collected last week, all about our favourite weather. The graphs are now on display in our classroom. We also answered questions  about the information we collected.

We looked at compass points and worked out which direction north is in our classroom (it is towards the windows!) We used an atlas to find different places in the world using the index page, coordinates and grid references. We played games using North, South, East and West but in French (please ask us what these words are).

In French we learned about colours and then used this knowledge to play corners games during PE. We also had to move in a variety of ways, using different parts of our bodies- the best one was when we all had to be French Beans 🙂

In Big Writing we wrote our imaginative stories using our planning from last week. Then we peer and self assessed these using two stars and a wish.

Finally, giants have started to appear in our classroom- not sure how that has happened as we are supposed to be a giant free zone! If you happen to work out how they are getting in please let us know.

See you all at parents night next week- assuming the giants don’t eat us all first.

P4a and Mrs Newton

Digital Learning Week – May 2016


It’s National Digital Learning Week and Springfield Primary are taking part in this very successfully!

This work has been happening all year and we were really excited to engage with schools in Falkirk to share good practice. Following a visit from children and teachers at St. Bernadette’s and Victoria Primary School, our children also wanted to be digital leaders. After submitting application forms for the post of digital leader, two children from each class were appointed and this news was celebrated in assembly.

This week, our digital leaders (with the help of Mrs McMahon and Mrs McCartney) are delivering a digital leader lesson to their peers. This is really exciting and going very well so far. We look forward to more digital leader work in the future!

digital 1digital 2digital 3

Parent Helpers at Springfield/ Bonnytoun Nursery

parent helpers

At Springfield Primary School and Bonnytoun Nursery we welcome parent helpers at all times and value the contributions you make to our school. As a way of thanks, we would like to invite you to a thank you coffee morning on Friday 10th June at 9.30 am in our school hall.


Thank you to our parent focus group who met last week to look at ‘Family Learning Programmes’. At this meeting, some parents have offered to draw up a useful help sheet for any parents/ carers who are helping in our school. We aim to hold a meeting in school early in the new term to explain the role of a parent helper and procedures etc. We are asking that all parent helpers complete a P.V.G. form (these can be obtained from the school office).

Our school is expanding to 14 classrooms and we are having a little move around. Currently the parent helper room is being used for several purposes and we are looking into this. Please bear with us whilst we are making these changes, moving is always tricky!

We would like to thank all parents, carers, friends and family for your support and help this year  in school. We really do value you and very much look forward to welcoming new parent helpers in the new session too.


Curriculum Rationale – Talking Heads

bonnytounschool logo

On Monday 21st March, we are hosting a Talking Heads session for parents and carers. We really value parental input and would like help to support the priorities in our School Improvement Plan 2016 – 2017.

We are looking for answers to the following questions:

  1. What makes Springfield/ Bonnytoun unique?
  2. What brings the curriculum alive for pupils?
  3. What is it we want for our children?
  4. What are we going to do to achieve it?

We are examining our current school vision, values and aims and want this to reflect the school community.

We would like our rationale to ensure the whole school community has a shared understanding of what we are trying to achieve. As our school moves forward, we recognise the importance of taking quality time to evaluate and review curriculum innovation and learn from evolving best practice.

We are really excited to host this session and look forward to lots of parents/ carers sharing their views and supporting us.

Numeracy Open Afternoon

big maths jan 16

On Tuesday 26th January, over 140 parents, friends and family members attended an open afternoon at Springfield Primary School. Miss Wallace (and several pupils) shared a numeracy presentation followed by classroom visits. Partners who supported this event included West Lothian’s Numeracy Development Officers and Linlithgow Academy.

The pupils were super at sharing their learning and explaining Big Maths strategies too! We are so proud of them.

Mrs Tulloch was able to share the work she has been doing with pupils for the Scottish Mathematical Challenge.

Parent session Jan 16 – click this link for the presentation

beat that

Link to Big Maths online:

Link to Andrell website for Beat That tests and further information

BMBT Learn Its Tests

Presentation from West Lothian Numeracy Development Officer – Click here: 2016_01_26 Springfield PS Parent Session

Useful numeracy and mathematics apps for the i-pad – click here: Maths Apps

Book Week

We are delighted to announce our Book Week will take place from Monday 29th February until Friday 4th March 2016. We have lots of exciting events organised for this week including:

  • The author Stuart Reid will be starting our week off with a whole school assembly, followed by writing workshops with P4 and P5
  • Linlithgow Library will be visiting hosting story telling sessions, Britannica Online and voting for the Scottish Children’s Book Trust Awards
  • 7 pupils will be visiting the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow to participate in the Scottish Chidlren’s Book Awards ceremony
  • Dressing up as a book character (Friday 4th March)
  • Scholastic Book Fair will be here selling a super range of books
  • Mrs Manlove will be hosting special library story telling sessions for all

Further details to follow!

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