Blog WB 28.11.16

Dear All

This week we had the Christmas fair. We were very busy making snowmen and reindeer bags.

In social dancing we started to learn the dance ‘Strip the Willow’. Primary 4A joined us.

In maths we learned to budget. On special persons day we tried to budget for a day out with a growth mind-set focus. We had a special lesson on budgeting with Mr Fryer (Ginny’s dad) from TSB bank. Thank you very much, we really learned a lot!

In literacy we did more Hamish Mc Haggis books including the Glasgow treasure Hunt and revised punctuation. We made posters for the Christmas post using skills learned on making words stand out.

Have a good weekend!

Typed by Gillian and Niamh

Blog WB 21.11.16

Dear All

This week we had our last time at rugby. Everybody was feeling cold. We played tag in rugby. We played in teams. Thank you to Mrs Mathieson and Kyle from the Rugby Club for helping us to walk there. We did body balance on Monday. We learned more of the Canadian barn dance and we switched partners. We learned Rhythmic gymnastics with Miss Reid.

We finished of recording our mustard plants and we got to take them home. We tested to see how they grew with no sunlight, no soil and with no water or with all conditions. The ones with no water and no soil didn’t grow. They tasted spicy. We also started making our Christmas fair goods.

In maths we added 4 diget numbers with 4 digit numbers. We have been learning different strategies to learn the 4 times table.

In literacy we have been making up a dictionary to help us with our spelling. We also learned how to show expression in our writing using bold, italics, capital letters and big writing.

Have a good weekend!

Typed by Lola, Franz and Una

P4a is awesome!

This week we started to look at money in Maths. We were working with amounts to £5, buying goods and receiving change. We practised these skills during our ICT time.

In French this week we were asking questions about our names and the names of our friends. We also revisited all our previous French skills.

Next week we have chosen to do an activity, on the mindset afternoon, linking our budgeting skills and French together. Please come visit us from 2.00pm until 2.45pm on Wednesday (1.30pm in the hall first for a presentation by Miss Baillie and Mr Logan.)

In literacy we looked at different ways to display texts. We made posters for the school fair and about the Christmas Post Office we will run in P4 this year.

We worked out our potentual profit if we sell all our crafts at the school fair and then started making these for next week- this will take us a long time- but we hope you will like them.

We did football rounders for our PE with Mrs Newton and gymnastics with Mrs Reid.

We are almost finished reading Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone- we have been reading it since August and hope that all the parents will agree we can watch the movie as our Dojo Christmas Treat (Mrs Newton has sent a Dojo message about this.)

We visited the book fair and loved seeing all the different books we could read.

A huge thank you to Abbie’s dad who has donated wood (and is going to arrange to have it cut for us) so we can attempt to make some bird boxes. More news on this will follow after the school fair.

Finally- on the back of winning class of the week last week, this week we won Mrs Malcolm’s peg challenge for the upper school. Pegs are awarded for walking quietly around the school and we managed to win 2 this week. We are hoping our good luck continues next week 🙂

Have a great weekend, stay warm.


P4B Blog WB 14.11.16

Dear All

We have been learning the Canadian barn dance for social dancing in PE. With Mrs Reid we have been doing rhythmic gymnastics. We practised passing games and tag rugby at rugby. Thank you for Mr Crawford and Kyle from the rugby club

Ursula, Niamh, Leah, Gillian, Katie, Sabrina and Piotr have been displaying all our work. Our portraits are now on the wall outside our class. We have moved our BFGs to our literacy wall.

We have made our own paper birds and they are hanging from the ceiling at our outdoor learning display. We Ewan brought in a bird poster and made a bird box Callum took photos of parks and Lola brought in a bird book. Our outdoor display is growing with lots of birds, leaves and conkers.

In literacy we finished our Hamish McHaggis stories and wrote spooky stories as well. We made our own clan characters and used Scottish words. We have read the Hamish McHaggis and the Ghost of Glams and the Clan Gathering.  We learned about verbs in the past tense.

In French we played a game called Mon Monstre. We drew a monster to practise parts of the body, colours and numbers it was fun!

In maths we have been learning the 4x table and using division .We learned to add hundreds with 2didget numbers. We did big maths and everyone improved. We learned the digital time quarter to and quarter past. We learned how to read a train time table and played time games on the computers.

We measured our plants. We have recorded what has happened to our plants.

On Friday we wore lots of spots and dressed down for children in need thank you for your chocolate and money.


Have a good weekend!

Typed by Amelie

Blogging from P4a

This week we have we made table clan banners and worked as teams to give our tables new names. We have also created a class banner and this, as well as the table banners, are now on display in the classroom. We completed our science experiments and recorded the results using scientific language. Some of us took our plants home, some of us didn’t.

In writing we wrote spooky stories which we will read to each other next week. Mrs Newton will make them up into a book for the class library.

We completed a design challenge this week. We had to use our imagination and problem solving strategies to build birdboxes out of card. They had to have sides, a top and bottom and an entrance for birds. There also had to be a mounting part so they could be put on the wall. This was quite tricky, however most of us succeeded and our next step will be to use these new skills to make bird boxes out of wood.

We continued to learn about time and finished this on Thursday with a game of Time Scoot. This was fun and we will be doing more Scoot games in the future. Although we won’t be helping to move the tables (Mrs Newton’s finger is very sore but not broken).

As a class we have had a number of chats about Pokemon cards and how these should be fun. Sometimes we have been a little sad about trading and so talked about perhaps not bringing them into school if we do not want to trade.

We had our individual and family photographs- these are in our bags today.

Finally (drum roll please!) we won the class of the week award for the second time this year- go P4A- we rock 😉

Have a great weekend. Only 4 weeks and 3 days left before we will be half way through P4- where did all the time go?


P4B Blog WB 7.11.16

Dear All

We had another good day at the rugby on Wednesday despite the weather. Can you ask your child to bring in a change of trousers, socks and shoes? The shoes can be indoor shoes. Children need a waterproof jacket with a hood and gloves. They should wear their school tops and joggers. They need a small snack and drink and a packet of hankies would be useful. Thank you to Mrs Finch and Kyle from the rugby club for helping us to walk along

In maths we’ve been learning digital and analogue clocks. We measured our stinky mustard plants and smelled them. We recorded all the information we collected.

In literacy we made our own version of the Hamish McHaggis story. We made our own characters and settings. We learned different types of verbs to make our writing more exciting e.g. speaking verbs, movement verbs and we learned opposite verbs.

In health and wellbeing, we did rhythmic gymnastics and we learned to dance the dashing white sergeant in social dancing.

In learning across the curriculum we researched birds on the internet and made bird fact files.

Have a good weekend!


Learning in P4a

This week we created spooky characters and settings. We used Hamish McHaggis and The Ghost of Glamis as a stimulus. Next week we will be writing our stories before we share them with each other.

In PE we did rhythmic gymastics with Mrs Reid and team games with Mrs Newton. We had great fun in both lessons.

We used Hamish McHaggis and the Clan Gathering as a starting point for discussing what clans are and then we started to create clan banners for our table groups. We will finish these next week and choose new table names.

In Maths we continued learning about time, our times tables and dividing. We also used our ICT time to “play” maths games which help extend our learning.

We checked on our plants to see how they are growing. Next week we will finish our investigation and record all the results.

We are off to P5a’s assembly now, enjoy the weekend.

P4a 🙂

P4B’S Amazing Week!

Dear All

We won class of the week for our great effort at the rugby on Wednesday. We had a fantastic time! Thank you to Mrs Gardner and Kyle from the rugby club for helping us to walk there and back. Thanks also to Mrs Woolsey, Mr Crawford and Mrs Matheson for offering to help.

In maths we have been learning to divide using remainders. We have also been learning how to multiply 2 digit numbers and learn to tell the time.

In literacy we have been learning to make a poem that rhymes .We have also been learning how to use commas in a list.

In Health and Well-being we started to learn social dancing. We practised the Dashing White Sergeant. We also talked about how things can seem easy and exciting at first. Then we come across a dip e.g. a problem or lack of motivation and how to overcome it.

In learning across the curriculum we have been continuing with outdoor learning and have started our new interdisciplinary learning based on the Hairy McHaggis books.

Thank you to everyone who has signed up for class dojo. Mrs McAlpine has not used it before to communicate with parents before so please be patient for responses. Messages will be put on the blog each week.

Typed by Leah and Una

Busy week in P4B

We had a Halloween disco and we dressed up. It was at the Burgh Halls. As we came in we got a bag of sweets. We also got tattoos and drinks. We made fantastic Halloween acrostic poems in class.

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We went to the Loch and we learnt about different leaves.  We raced to find the leaves to match the tree the fastest. We built animals out of sticks and leaves.






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Amelie made a pumpkin out of leaves


Ursula, Gillian and Ginny made a caterpillar


Alfie built a Fox out of sticks.


Thank you to Mrs Mathieson and Mrs Woolsey for coming along to help us and Mrs Finch for offering help.

Jennifer has gone to a different school and we are missing her. Happy birthday to her today!

Holidays are over!

This week we worked together to plan our learning from now until the next holiday, we are using the Hamish McHaggis books as a stimulus for this. Part of our learning looks at wildlife in the school grounds and we are focusing on birds and the role of the RSPB. Unfortunately the RSPB ranger is not able to visit us next week, (she is coming in January instead) however we are still going to do a nature walk around the school to see what we can find and think of ideas on how to encourage wildlife.

We started to look at food webs and chains and discovered that the sun is always the first part of the chain as it provides the energy needed for things to grow. Next week we will be planning a fair experiment around growing plants.

In literacy we wrote acrostic poems based on Halloween, these were excellent and Mrs Newton is going to make a book of them. Next week we will be looking at rhyming poems, using wildlife as a stimulus.

We have started to use our multiplication knowledge to solve dividing sums- this was a little tricky but we know that we will get there if we work hard. Next week we are going to work on time- let’s hope we can keep to time!

Mrs Newton is going to the Highland Wildlife Park on Saturday to take pictures of all the wolf cubs, If you see any wildlife at the weekend please remember to send in pictures for us 🙂

Have a good weekend,


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