P4a top of school in the SumDog Contest :)

This week in Big Writing we were learning about the differences between facts and opinions. For example we think we are the best class in the whole school (which is our opinion) but we know we came top in our school out of all the classes that played in the SumDog contest (this is a fact). Next week we will use this knowledge to write a newspaper report on Ancient Egypt.

In Numeracy we continued to use formal methods (we call them chimney sums) for adding and subtracting. We are now using hundreds, tens and units. Next week Mrs Newton has said she is going to give us even harder challenges to solve.

We learned about Tutankhamun. We took turns playing Howard Carter and asked him questions about his amazing discovery. We used different sources to learn about the discovery and why it is important that we keep this information. Next week we will be taking part in an Ancient Egypt’s Got Talent Show- all about the GODS!!!

Most of our parents came to see Mrs Newton- we think they liked what they heard 🙂

Breaking News- We will be going to the National Museum in Edinburgh on the 12th June for a visit, taking part in the Mummy workshop and visiting their new tomb. All the details will be sent home at the start of May (we will need 2 parent helpers per class).

Have great weekend- 2 weeks to go!




P4B boys and their ‘Box of Feelings…’

Some of our lovely P4 boys came to show me their ‘Box of Feelings’ that had made today. The boys decided to make this in class as a healthy way to ‘post’ their unwanted feelings. The boys plan to use it when they are feeling sad or angry to help them to feel better again. What a great idea boys! You are all little superstars!

Miss Baillie x




Daniel’s Russian Success!

A huge ‘well done’ to Daniel Kitaev in P4A who won an award for reciting a poem in Russian at the Russian Schools, Poetry Recital Competition in Edinburgh, last Sunday.  We are very proud of your success Daniel!

Miss Baillie x

Epic Arty P4a

This week our focus has been on art- creating art works for our Ancient Egyptian museum and starting Monet inspired Spring art. We have made Mummified cats, Mummy’s- life size (EEEK),  a couple of life size Sarcophagi, Canopic Jars, curses to keep the Mummy’s away (did we mention they are life size!), Scarab Beetles to protect us from those life size Mummys and necklaces. We also made a few pyramids for our door- hmmm maybe that is where the Mummys came from??

We learned how to write like an Egyptian- tricky at first but we are getting better. We also learned about the Rosetta Stone and how they used it to translate hieroglyphics into English.

In PE we did Hockey, we think we are getting better each week. In Music and in class we have been learning some Egyptian music (The Pyramid Song and Amazing Egyptians).

In numeracy we did estimating and representing using a variety of different measurements. We had a focus on reading skills on Thursday- we watched Tony Robinson talk about his book Weird and Wonderful Egyptians and we then played “Guess my book”. Some of our parents and grandparents joined us for this, we had great fun trying to guess which books we all were.

We have all been entered into the West Lothian Sum Dog contest- it runs from today for a week- we also taught P2/3 how to access and use Sum Dog- we love being teachers!

On Thursday we all shared our class talks, they were all very interesting. Daniel took part in a Russian Poetry competition at the weekend and won an award. Finlay, Hannah, Isla, Amy and Freya took part in a Gymnastic Show and did fantastic. Finlay and Orla took part in the Matt McGinn night, which involved singing. This weekend some of us are taking part in a Music Festival in Glasgow and Katie and Erin are taking part in an Acrobatic show- what a talented bunch P4a are!

PLUS 11 of our girls went to the first Gala committee meeting, more of this after Easter.

Next week is the last week of our home learning wall. All tasks should be in by Friday- although a lot of us have already completed these.

As an extra special challenge (and worth a whooping 10- yes 10- dojo points) Mrs Newton has asked us all to make simple Easter Bonnets for the school Easter Parade. Details of this will be in our home learning jotters on Monday.

Have a great weekend, 3 weeks to go 🙂



Spring has Sprung in P4B

Dear All

This week we listened to P2’s assembly on Victorian childhood.

In literacy we learned about strategies. The parents came in and we did our reading. Mrs Lee came in and helped us. We went to the library. We did an apostrophe sheet. We went to Mrs Kerr’s classroom to learn about reading strategies.

In numeracy we did two maths assessments. After that we got asked what strategy we used. We did big maths beat that.

In Health and Wellbeing we did athletics in P.E. With Mrs Reed we did zone hockey.

In Learning across the curriculum we went to music. Some people played instruments and some people sang. On Tuesday we went to N.Y.C.O.S. music. We drew Easter pictures this morning.

With Mrs Begarnie in R.M.E. we drew or wrote about an Egypt based story.

Have a good weekend!

World Book Week in P4B

Dear all

This week we celebrated world book day.  Mrs Lee came into help us decorate our book tokens. We decorated a door and we did it on the Magic Faraway Tree in the enchanted forest.

In numeracy we learned about fractions and we also got our fractions assessment back.

In Health and Wellbeing we did Go Noodle and we learned our food plate.

In Learning across the curriculum we mummified tomatoes and we researched and typed up about Ancient Egypt.

With Mrs Begarnie, in science we had powders which had letters on the cup and we discovered what the powder was with hot water. We found out how to clean sea water!

Have a good weekend!

Typed by Heather

Double Winners

A short blog this week as we are all busy artists.

We won class of the week for our work on Ancient Egypt AND our Harry Potter door won the World Book Day best door- yeah us 🙂

We are currently creating lots of art for our museum- look out for it when you visit either next Thursday or on Parents evenings, it is a work in progress- as most good museums are.

We looked amazing in our costumes- picture will be on Dojo over the weekend.

Busy week next week, we have singing with NYCOS, more art work, newspaper writing and lots more.

Have a great weekend,


Springfield’s Fairtrade Winners

Congratulations to Lucy Leamy in P1/2, Isla McFadden in P4A and Erin Pottinger in P6A for winning this year’s Fairtrade Competition for our School. These children designed wonderful shields to represent the ideas behind Fairtrade. The winning designs will be on display at Linlithgow Primary School on Friday 10th March at the Linlithgow Fairtrade Fortnight Event-which runs from 7-9pm. All are welcome at this event to help Linlithgow to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight. Great effort girls! We are proud of you!


Miss Baillie x

Even later breaking news!

In a suprise twist P4 will now have two representatives on the Pupil Council. Our second representative will be Rebecca Hammond. We know that both Katie and Rebecca will do a great job representing our views.


Outdoor Learning Committee.

These are the members of the Outdoor Learning Committee.


Today, we surveyed the playground and field areas to generate ideas of how we can improve outdoor learning opportunities. The committee members worked in groups to create a list of ideas.

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