Christmas Fun! P3B

This week I have been trying to balance Christmas fun with learning and keeping our routine.  We began the week with our normal spelling lesson although the children chose the activities that they like best to practise their words.  We also had a lesson on ‘fact and opinion.’  When answering reading comprehension questions we sometimes find it tricky to give our our opinion.  We could choose various ways of showing our understanding – worksheets with highlighters, large sheets where we could work with others and games where we sorted facts from opinions.  This is something we will continue to work on through reading comprehension activities.

We did some Christmas art on Tuesday, making spiral snowmen.  This was good fun and we even managed to discuss a little about the effects of gravity on our spirals.  These will be coming home soon.

In maths we used our addition skills to play different games – a racing track board game, snakes and ladders, bingo and smartboard games.  It was fun and quite noisy but there was lots of good maths going on!

On Wednesday we finished off our Forces topic with Mrs McVay by making kites and flying them outside.  Typically after all the windy weather we have had there was very little wind that day!  They still flew though 🙂

We had a great time at Jack and the Beanstalk Pantomime on Thursday.  It was a really good show, full of lots of laughs and we loved when Mr Wells had to go on the stage and get married to Jack’s mum!  There was lots of singing and dancing too – a very good Christmas treat!

We hear there is snow on the way this weekend – have a good one everyone!

From P3B and Mrs Kennedy


The Start of Christmas at SPS and Bonnytoun

We are feeling the festive spirit at Springfield and Bonnytoun this week with  the kick-off of our annual Christmas events.

On Tuesday and Thursday our nursery children performed brilliantly at their Xmas sing-along and enjoyed a special visit from Santa.

Thank you to all children and families who made decorations for our Christmas trees at St Michael’s. The trees have been decorated with the help of two lovely Primary 7 girls and they will appear at the ‘Festival of Christmas trees’ from today until Sunday. Please head along to the church and view our trees if you have time. They look lovely!

We held an extremely successful Christmas Fayre today with the help of the PTA. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this event happen and to all who supported it. We are extremely grateful for your contributions and all money raised will be spend in school and nursery for the benefit of our pupils.

Here is our pupil achievement for this week…

Well done to D for his karate medal!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

Christmas Cheer at the Christmas Fair (P3A)

In Numeracy and Mathematics we have been learning to add several small numbers and use our addition facts to solve problems. We played a game called ‘Top Spot’ where we had to add two next-door numbers to find the number above and race to the Top Spot. This week, some of us were also revising adding two 2-digit numbers and adding near doubles. We were also learning how to add a 3-digit number and a 2-digit number.

In Literacy we have been consolidating summarising a text. Miss Baillie read us a story called ‘Here Comes Jack Frost’ and when we were back in class, we identified the main parts of the text on our planning sheets. We used our notes to summarise the story on our own comic strips. We had to make sure that we put our main ideas in the correct order and we also illustrated our comic strips too. We worked really hard on our comic strips and we can’t wait to see them up on Miss Baillie’s infant corridor display!

This week we have also been revising answering questions about a text. Miss Harrison read us a chapter from Charlotte’s Web and we listened carefully. Afterwards, we answered different types of questions about the text. We worked hard to answer in sentences and use capital letters and full stops.

In PE, we have started Basic Moves. On Thursday we went to the hall and we took part in different activities to develop our movement skills. We looked at object control and travelling and practised dribbling, throwing and catching, skipping and striking a target.

This week we have been really busy planning and preparing for our Christmas Enterprise. We finished painting and decorating our wooden Christmas tree decorations and got them ready to sell. We also made signs, price lists and a rota for our stall using Microsoft Word.

On Friday it was the PTA Christmas Fair. We used a rota system to make sure that everyone got a turn on the stall. We sold reindeer lollipops and wooden Christmas tree decorations. We really enjoyed planning, preparing and selling our lollipops and decorations and we really enjoyed the Christmas Fair, especially the cakes and candyfloss! Thank you to everyone who supported our stall and to the PTA for organising the Christmas Fair.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have had a good week and that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Pupil Achievements

We’ve had a flurry of pupil achievements this week as follows:

-Well done to E and E, the two lovely sisters, who have been doing great things in swimming!

– Congratulations to N in P1 for his Enjoy-a-Ball trophy!

-Well done to a group of P3 children who have been busy sewing and weaving!

-N in P6 got ‘highly commended’ in her recent Highland Dancing exam. Well done N!

Miss Baillie x💖

Snowmen, Reindeer Lollipops and Christmas Tree Decorations (P3A)

In Numeracy and Mathematics, we have been learning to add a 2-digit number and a teens number. We looked at adding the tens, adding the units and then adding our answers together. We have also been learning to add two 2-digit numbers. Some of us have also been doubling 2-digit numbers, adding several numbers and adding a multiple of 10 to a 3-digit number. This week we have been using our addition strategies when looking at costs, prices and profits for our Christmas Enterprise.

In Literacy, we have been writing character profiles about Wilbur from Charlotte’s Web.  We watched a video about describing characters in a story and then we looked at some characters from different texts. With our learning partners, we discussed what the characters looked like, their personalities and what they liked and disliked. Afterwards, we worked in groups and we wrote words and sentences to describe Wilbur’s character. Finally, we worked on our own to write character profiles about Wilbur.

This week we have also been learning to answer questions about texts. We listened to a poem called ‘Market Day’. We played a game on Education City about rhyming words and then we identified the rhyming words in the poem. We answered questions about the poem and we tried to write our answers in sentences. We also used clues from the text to draw a picture of the market.

This week we took part in Tesco’s Christmas Competition. We received a letter from Tesco in Linlithgow asking us to make snowmen to be displayed in their store over the festive season. They asked for the snowmen to be bright and colourful. We used a variety of media such as glitter, paint, oil pastels, material and pens to create our snowmen. Hopefully you will see lots of our snowmen at Tesco soon!

This week we have been busy planning and preparing for our Christmas Enterprise, the Christmas Fair. We began by making reindeer lollipops. Before we started the production process, we worked out the cost of each lollipop, decided on a price for each lollipop and then worked out our profits. When we were making our lollipops, we had to work really hard to make sure that they could be sold. Some of the cutting was quite tricky but we were resilient and we now have fifty cute reindeer lollipops ready to sell!

We have also been making wooden Christmas tree decorations. Again we looked at the cost of each decoration, decided on a selling price and worked out how much profit we would make if each decoration was sold. We painted our decorations and once dry, used glitter glue to decorate them. We will continue to prepare for the Christmas Fair next week.  It really is like Santa’s workshop in P3A!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Problem Solving, Weaving and Enterprise in P3B

What a busy week!  I suspect this may be the way of things for the next few weeks too as we begin our Christmas preparations.  We have begun production of items for our stall at the Christmas Fair.  We will be selling Reindeer lollipops and wooden christmas tree decorations.  We have also been working on our business skills – working out how much each item has cost to make and deciding on a good selling price to make a profit – but not too expensive that no one will buy them!

We have also entered Tesco ‘Design a Snowman’ competition – using the template given to us by Tesco, we have come up with some pretty funky designs.  Winners will be announced next week and even if none of us win anything I’m certain our designs will really brighten up the store – please keep an eye out for them in window.

In science with Mrs McVay we have been continuing to explore forces.  We learned about friction this week and got to use some great equipment with lots of different surfaces to see what works for fast movement and which materials will slow things down.  We have also been playing with these resources throughout the week as we learn best when we are given time to investigate and try out our own ideas and increase our understanding.

We had a go at a tricky problem solving task on Thursday.  Mr Zuckerman (Charlotte’s Web) had just been to market and he was counting his profits, he had to sort his coins into 3 bags, there were several different problems, but the one most of us looked at was:

Mr Zuckerman has 10 gold coins, he sorts them into three money bags.  The first bag has three fewer gold coins than the second bag.  The second bag has two more gold coins than the third bag.  The second bag has an odd number of coins inside.  How many coins are in each bag?  

How quickly can parents work this one out? Test them!

In addition to practising our numeracy skills, we were also looking at good ways to approach problem solving.  Usually Mrs Kennedy tells us how to solve maths problems but not this time! We used the RUDE method!  Read, Underline, Draw, Estimate.  Working on maths activities like this one was quite new to most of us and it is something we will be doing more regularly as it is important to practise the skills required then questions like these are not so scary and we know how to approach them.

As many of you will remember, Mrs Kennedy is a big fan of learning through play.  This is planned play with a specific set of learning outcomes.  It is so important to a child’s development as it is a great way to develop many of the skills that are likely to be required in the world of work that the children will go onto: creativity, complex problem solving, STEM skills, people skills and critical thinking to name a few.   This week we have been trying weaving and sewing.  Not only is it very good for fine motor development and creativity, it also requires patience, problem solving, as well as resilience and it is a bit of mindfulness too.  The children have been really engaged in this (far more than I actually thought they would be!) It hasn’t always worked first time but they have kept at it 🙂


We are looking forward to seeing you at the Christmas Fair next Friday, all profits from our stall can be spent by the class so we’re hoping for a successful day.

Have a good weekend, P3B and Mrs Kennedy

The Perfect Recipe for Friendship (P3B)

Following on from Miss Baillie’s assembly on kindness on Friday, the whole school have had an Anti-Bullying focus this week.

This has tied in very well with our book study too as we learn about the value of friendship through Charlotte and Wilber.

On Monday, we began to think about the qualities that make a good friend.  We thought about our best friends and why we like them; is it the way they behave or maybe the way they make us feel?  Is it the things we enjoy doing together that make us good friends?  Is it because we are very different but our differences complement each other?

We played a pairs game to begin our discussion.  The cards had pictures and sentences showing attributes of a good friend.  This was good fun and we had some good group discussion too.  Then we each wrote notes on the qualities that we look for in a friend.

On Tuesday, we used these notes to write ‘A Recipe for a Good Friend.’  The words we had on our list from Monday helped us to write them.  Mrs Kennedy had a lovely time reading the recipes, the children worked hard on them and each one had the perfect ingredients to make a good friendship.

We have also been celebrating our differences this week, we had a great discussion when thinking about what the world would be like if everyone was the same. We spent some time discussing what the consequences would be if everyone in the world was a fantastic builder but they couldn’t do anything else.  We would have no doctors, farmers, teachers, scientists, artists… We came to the conclusion that it just wouldn’t work, we need everyone’s different skills and qualities to make life interesting, much more fun and actually to allow us to survive!  Without talking to anyone else we wrote down what our personalities are like and our very favourite things to do.  We decorated handprints to celebrate all the things that are unique to us.   They really are very good and I can see all the children’s personalities reflected in their work.

I actually took a couple of photo’s of maths this week!  The children are continuing their addition work, improving mental maths methods of adding 2-digit numbers.  One of their favourite things to do is to be the teacher  and explain how to solve problems to the class.  It is really good for me too as I can observe how well they are picking up the skills I am teaching.

We had a great time at the benchball festival at Linlithgow Academy on Thursday.  It was good to meet children from every school in our cluster.  It was a very busy afternoon and we each played a lot of games.  The children showed excellent teamwork and put all of the skills we have been learning into practise.  Their behaviour was very good too, they showed all the Springfield values and were very good representatives of Springfield School.

I think we have earned some well-deserved rest this weekend.  Thanks for reading our post, P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Anti-Bullying Week and the P3 Benchball Festival (P3A)

In Numeracy and Mathematics this week, we have been looking at adding two 2-digit numbers, using our addition facts to solve problems and finding doubles and near doubles to 100. We have also been revising how to solve missing number problems. We looked at starting with the smallest number and ‘counting on’ to the other given number to find the missing number. Missing number problems can be very tricky but we tried our best!

On Thursday we attended the P3 Benchball Festival at Linlithgow Academy. We were divided into two teams and we played games against other P3 classes in the Linlithgow Cluster. Miss Harrison was very pleased with us as we followed the rules, displayed excellent teamwork and sportsmanship and used a range of skills and techniques throughout our games. On Friday our whole class got a School Values Award for participating confidently at the festival and we also won Class of the Week.

This week was Anti-Bullying Week at Springfield and we have been really busy learning about friendship and recognising that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs.

This week we have been looking at being unique and recognising that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs. During our art lesson, we watched a Sesame Street video about what makes us special. We explored what being unique means and we took notes on our own personality and our interests. Using our notes, we thought about what makes us all unique and we created hand images to record our ideas. Every hand is unique, just like us.

We explored the theme of ‘friendship’ through Charlotte’s Web. We discussed the friendship between Charlotte and Wilbur and we listed the qualities that made both characters a good friend. We watched a clip from the film of the moment when Charlotte and Wilbur became friends and explored how to be a good friend. We played a game where we had to match qualities of a good friend and then we had an individual challenge where we had to write words and sentences to describe a good friend.

In writing this week, we learned to write recipes. We wrote recipes for a good friend. We shared our notes sheets with our learning partners and discussed what we thought made a good friend. Miss Harrison then showed us how to set out a recipe and we looked at using bullet points to make a list of ingredients, using numbers for each step, ordering our steps and using bossy verbs. We worked really hard on our recipes and if followed carefully, they would make wonderful friends!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Springfield and Bonnytoun News

We’ve had another lovely week in school and nursery. Here is all of our news:

Our assembly this morning was held to celebrate World Kindness Day. We talked about how ‘being kind’ is our core value within school and nursery. We discussed our approach to including everyone and showing respect regardless of skin colour, gender, religion or belief. Anti-racism and anti-discrimination are crucial to our school belief system. We will always educate our children to celebrate differences and be kind to all. We then asked children to do a random act of kindness for another before the morning was finished. It was a day full of love! 💖

Our nursery staff are busy creating a new playroom which we are going to call ‘The Snug.’  This playroom will be like a family living room and will give children a quiet, calming space to play and learn. We are also going to be starting some mindfulness , meditation sessions with our little ones to help them to begin to identify and regulate their emotions. We will keep you posted of further news of The Snug with pictures to follow…

Pupil Achievements:

Lots of children took part in the Supernova fun run at the Kelpies last weekend and here are some of their pictures:

A brilliant effort from H for her Enjoy-a-Ball trophy!

A in P3 is competing in gymnastics at national level. She trains so hard every week (several times!) and we are so proud of her. I saw a video of her training on the bars this week and couldn’t believe that it was one of our children. Well done A!

Well done to R in P3 who came along to show me his lovely art work! What a talented soul!


Have a super weekend! Remember to be kind!

Miss Baillie xx💖


Speech Marks, Farming and Spider’s Webs (P3B)

As we continue our study of Charlotte’s Web, we began the week looking at some vocabulary from the book.  We learned dictionary skills, using our knowledge of the alphabet.  We practised together at first then we worked on individual tasks; looking up tricky words and writing down the definition.

Also on the theme of Charlotte’s Web, we have been looking at farming, in particular the different types of farms we have in Scotland and the food and produce that comes from each.  We also investigated the foods that are made from farm produce, e.g., cereal, yoghurts, meat pies, bread, etc. Here are some pictures of our shops and farmer’s markets full of products made from farm produce.

On Tuesday, we began to learn about using speech marks when writing direct speech.  We learned the rules of how to use them, then chose which way we would like to practice using them.  There were 3 activities to choose from: 1. Write out a story changing the text in speech bubbles to direct speech, using speech marks correctly.  2. Copy sentences on a whiteboard – writing the speech marks in the correct places and ask a friend to check it before rubbing it  out and moving on to the next sentence. 3. Find sentences in your reading book which feature speech marks, copy the sentences onto the graffiti wall.

For a first attempt we all did very well, we were enthusiastic and all managed to use speech marks in some format.  There was a lot to remember.  We are good at spotting where the speech marks should go, we need to remember the other rules of punctuation and continue to use full stops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly – inside the speech marks. We also need to remember to take a new line every time a new person speaks.  We will continue to practise this over the next few weeks.

On Thursday Wilber met Charlotte in Chapter 4 of our novel.  After lunch when we arrived back in to our classroom, our Charlotte had spun ‘Salutations’ into our classroom web.  We are looking forward to hearing how Charlotte and Wilbur’s friendship develops next week.  We then made our own spiders webs.  We practised using different types of lines – straight and curved to make the shapes we needed.  Some children chose to colour using a paint wash and some chose to make colourful webs using oil pastels.  Drawing the lines was tricky to begin with and we had to be quite resilient and keep trying to draw the outside of the web.  The results are very good and I’m looking forward to putting them up in the classroom.

Next week, we are looking forward to the benchball festival and will be reading more of Charlotte’s Web, thinking about the friendship between Charlotte and Wilber and how we can be good friends to each other.

Have a nice weekend, P3B and Mrs Kennedy 🙂





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