Life’s Peach in P3A

P3A are really enjoying our class novel – James and the Giant Peach.  We answered some comprehension questions about the story on Monday, to show our understanding of the characters and the storyline.

On Tuesday, we had an adjectives lesson all about peaches.  We listened to Roald Dahl’s excellent description of the peach and worked in pairs to highlight all the adjectives he used.  We tasted peaches and peach juice and  then worked in groups, using our senses to think of words to describe the peach – what is looks, smells, tastes and feels like.  This gave us some great adjectives. Working on our own, we wrote interesting sentences about peaches using some of the adjectives we had come up with. We were trying to write even better than Roald Dahl.

As part of our Hawaiian topic, we had an art lesson on Green Turtles.  We used oil pastels to draw turtles and create fantastic patterns on the shells.  We then used paint for the sea.  They look amazing!  I can’t wait to get them up on the wall.

The response to our request for Aldi stickers has been amazing we now only need about 20 to reach the total of 300.  P3A have worked hard emptying our post box each day and sticking them on the huge poster in the correct spaces.  We’ll keep you updated on the sports kit that we receive and we’ll let you know if we win the £20,000!

There was great excitement this week as we started using maths jotters with squared paper pages.  Going from a workbook where there are spaces to write the answer to using a text book where you have to write out the sum and the answer is quite a big step.  We practised how to lay out the page first and we are now really getting the hang of it.  We have begun addition and we are writing our sums and answers clearly.  We finished our Symmetry topic by drawing our own symmetrical pictures or patterns on squared paper, this allowed Mrs Kennedy to see how well we have understood the topic.  We all did a super job 🙂

In French we have been learning greetings and how to order our lunch.  We had a really good Languages Assembly on Friday led by the school’s Language Ambassadors, we were singing in French, Spanish and German.

Have a good weekend 🙂  P3A and Mrs Kennedy

Hawaii Here We Come! P3A

We began the week getting our new homework and working on our spelling skills at active stations.  We also got new reading books and have enjoyed reading them throughout the week.  We have begun to have some discussion about what we have read.  As a group,  we can chose to be either Word Wizards, Punctuation People, Character Cruzaders or Setting Soldiers – this gives our reading session a focus for discussion.  Most of the groups chose to be Setting Soldiers this week.

In Numeracy we have continued our work on place value, working with larger numbers.  We had active stations and completed many activities to allow us to practise.  We really like the place value basket ball game that is on the topmarks website – it’s free and easily accessible if anyone wants to play it at home:

In outer maths we learned more about symmetry.  We were deciding whether objects or pictures were symmetrical and explaining the reasons for our answers.  We also worked on identifying lines of symmetry.  We enjoyed a symmetry hunt outside too.

We have also been working on capital letters and full stops as Mrs Kennedy had noticed that some of us are forgetting them as we write – some very long sentences 😉  We are now getting better at remembering capital letters in the correct places but it is tricky to decide when to use a full stop and begin a new sentence.  We will continue to work on this.

In PE we continued to develop our skills for benchball – different types of throw this week.  We have begun to think about what kind of throw to use depending on where our teammates are on the court.

We got together with P3B for a lesson on Islands on Tuesday.  We suggested quite few islands that would be good for our geography topic.  After a vote it was decided that Hawaii will be the island that we learn more about and compare to Scotland.  If anyone has anything Hawaiin please let us know, if you’ve been maybe you could tell us about it?

Our assembly this Friday was a little different as we all attended a House Assembly for our own houses.  The P7s who would like to be House Captains spoke to us then we voted for them.  Lots of voting this week!

Enjoy the weekend, P3A and Mrs Kennedy

P3B Week commencing 2nd Seotember 2019

In PE this week we continued to learn how to play Bench Ball.  We have been learning how to catch and pass the ball to the other players in our team.  We held a mini game to see how good we were at moving and passing the ball.

This week we formed our new spelling groups and have started working on our new spelling patterns.  To help us to learn our new spelling patters we have been learning to play different activities at our spelling stations to reinforce our learning.

In Maths we have been working on our place value and playing games to reinforce our learning.  We have also started work on symmetry with Mr Vilanova.

We continued working on our space themed class charter and this week we decided what articles we would choose from the UNICEF Rights of the Child.  The display work has almost been finished so we hope to have the display completed by next week.  We have also made space rockets to display the articles on.

This week we received our new reading books and had a discussion about them in our groups before starting to read the new stories.  We have to have our reading homework ready for Thursday 12th September so we can start our group discussions and activities.

In writing we have been revising the use of capital letters and full stops in our sentences.  Some of us have forgotten when they need to be used so we will continue to work on this writing skill.

Mr Ritchie and the tiggerrific P3B’s







P3B Week commencing 26th August 2019

In PE this week we have started to learn how to play Bench Ball.  We have been learning how to catch and pass the ball to the other players in our team.   We will be taking part in a Bench Ball tournament later on in the year against local schools.

In Art we were learning to create pictures using lines and shapes.  We looked at the Queensferry Crossing which has lots of lines and shapes.  To make our bridge pictures we used art straws and had to measure the length of them accurately so we could get the correct shapes to form the bridge sections.

We also looked at different flower shapes as if we were an insect and used paint to draw a picture of the flower as if we were looking through the eyes of the insect.  Our pictures have made a very interesting and attractive display in our classroom.

We also had a visit from the RSPCA who brought along two “mechanical rabbits”.  We read a story and then discussed all the things a rabbit would need so that we could look after it correctly.  We also learned how to handle and carry a rabbit safely.

On Wednesday we met Mr Vilanova who will be taking the class on a Wednesday.  We played lots of interesting games to get to know one another and also played a game of rounders outside.

This week we also read a lovely story called “Have you filled a bucket today?”   In the story we looked at how we can become “bucket fillers” or “bucket dippers”.  We learned that if we are kind to everyone, play nicely, share things and are helpful we make people happy and become “bucket fillers”.   We all agreed that we want to be “bucket fillers” and made buckets filled with lots of happy and helpful thoughts for the classroom.

We have also started work on our Class Charter and have been looking at the “Rights of the Child” from UNICEF.  We have decided on a space theme for our charter which we will complete next week.

We have all had a great second week in P3B.

Mr Ritchie and the Tiggerrific P3B’s







Amazing Artists in P3A

We’ve had a very good first full week in P3A.  Our routines are becoming more established and those with classroom jobs are doing really well, helping our classroom to run smoothly.

We began the week learning about the Queensferry Crossing.  As we have had a lot of building work done in the school recently and the builders are still here, we thought our corridor could be turned into a building site.  As the Queensferry Crossing is an important construction in our local area we learned a bit more about it and made our own bridges using paper straws.  We looked closely at the lines and shapes on the bridge and worked hard measuring, cutting and sticking the straws to create our pictures.  The finished results are fantastic and they make a great wall display.  We learned some cool facts about the bridge too, our favourites are: the height of the bridge is the same as 48 London buses stacked on top of each other and all the cabling used on the bridge would almost reach around the equator – 24,874 miles!

In PE we have begun to learn some skills used in the game Benchball.  We are going to a P3 Benchball tournament at Linlithgow Academy in November so we will be focussing on these skills and learning how to play the game so we are really ready for the tournament.  We also did a yoga session with Mrs Kennedy on Thursday – it is a great way to start the day and we were all very good at it.

We read the story ‘Have You Filled Your Bucket Today.’  This is a story about how being kind to others helps them and you to be happy.

Image result for have you filled a bucket today

We worked in groups, reading statements and deciding if they were ‘bucket filling’ or ‘bucket dipping’ actions.  We then wrote some of the things we could do be kind to ourselves and others.

Mr Wells asked each class for some artwork for the corridor so we set to work painting a bugs-eye view of a flower.  We looked closely at part of a flower and painted only some of it.  We also learned a little about the artist Georgia O’Keefe who painted flowers in this way.  They look very effective and we have some of them up in our classroom too.

Our first Play Leaders took some P1s for corridor play on Thursday.  This is a job that every P3 will be doing as we will have several sessions throughout the week where small groups of P3s will take some P1 or P2 children to play with them, they will help the younger children to play nicely and tidy up well!  Fantastic work guys!

We have been enjoying ‘James and the Giant Peach.’  We looked at describing words this week as we listened carefully to Roald Dahl’s descriptions of Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker.  We drew pictures of what we think they may look like and wrote lots of great describing words.

We have been learning more about place value in numeracy – partitioning the numbers and identifying how many tens and units make up the whole number, some of us were working with hundreds, tens and units.

On Friday we learned some colours in French – Mrs Kennedy was very impressed by how quickly we picked up the names of the colours and even how they were spelled as we played French hangman 🙂  Maybe you could ask us what these words mean – rouge, marron, bleu, blanc, jaune, vert, rose, gris, noir, violet and orange.

We hope you all have a great weekend.

P3A and Mrs Kennedy




Welcome to P3A

A warm welcome to all children and parents of the new P3A 🙂

What a great first few days we’ve had.  A few of us had some butterflies in our tummies on Wednesday, a mixture of excitement and a few nerves.  We spoke about how everything felt new and it can take a little while for it to feel familiar.  By Friday we were amazed at how we were getting used to our classroom and our new routines.

We have been working on our school values. – we are resilient, respectful, kind, included and confident.  We worked in teams to make posters and posed in our teams doing the actions for each value.  These are on our wall and we will use them to remind ourselves throughout the year.

We have also been revising our maths skills.  We had to solve the Mystery of the Missing Moji (with no e!) Using different maths techniques we solved  problems and gained clues to help us to solve the mystery.  It was good fun as well as some good revision.

Today we worked together to make our own guidelines on what makes a good pupil.  Next week we will be doing the same to tell Mrs Kennedy what makes a good teacher 😉

Have a wonderful weekend.

P3A and Mrs Kennedy

P3B Week commenncing 19th August 2019

Hello Everyone,

P3B have had a “tiggerrific” week and everyone has settled nicely into the class and had lots of fun.

We have been discussing our school values and have created posters to demonstrate our understanding of what they all mean.  We have also looked at what makes a good P3 pupil.

In Maths we used our knowledge of number, shape and time to solve the mystery of the Missing Moji.

We also discussed all the different “helper roles” within the classroom and everyone has now been given a responsible role to help with the classroom organisation.

In Art we designed postcards to show all the exciting and interesting places we all went to during the summer holidays.  This has made a lovely display for our classroom.

Best wishes from

Mr Ritchie and the tiggerrific P3B’s

Our last two weeks in P3A

We have had a busy last couple of weeks in P3A!

In Numeracy and Mathematics we finished our work on division and we learned to find halves and quarters of shapes and numbers. We also learned how to find three quarters of a set. To help us with finding fractions of numbers, we used our division facts.  For example, if we were finding one quarter of 32, then we divided 32 by 4, using our knowledge of the 4 times-table. Some of us were also learning to find thirds, fifths and tenths of a set and we also learned to find equivalent fractions. We have worked so hard with our Numeracy and Mathematics this year and we have all made good progress.

In Literacy, we looked at writing an ending for our imaginative stories. We watched a video about writing interesting endings and then we looked at using a happy ending, a cliff-hanger ending and a twist ending. On our notes page, we created three different endings for our own stories. On Tuesday this week, we used our notes pages and selected which ending we were going to pick for our stories; a happy ending, a cliff-hanger ending or a twist ending. We had to ensure that our endings made sense and that we brought our events to a conclusion.

In Art and Design, we explored Pop Art. We looked at the use of bright colours and repeated patterns and then we created our own images in a similar style. After discussing our highlights of Primary Three, we used the outline of an image to represent one of our highlights. Then we used bright colours and repeated patterns to add detail and effects to our images.

On Wednesday this week we had an Inflatable Fun Day! We played different fairground games, went on several bouncy castles and inflatables and had snacks and drinks. We really enjoyed our afternoon of fun in the sunshine!

On Thursday morning, we attended the end of term awards assembly. One of the awards presented at the assembly was the Phair Medal. This award is in recognition of our school’s first secretary, Mrs Phair. It is awarded for a hard-working pupil who displays an excellent attitude towards learning and is a positive role model. A huge well done to OH who was awarded the Phair Medal!

On Thursday afternoon this week we had a class party! Miss Harrison wanted to throw us a party to celebrate all of our hard work, learning and achievements this year. We had lots of party food, played party games and enjoyed spending time with our friends.

Thank you for reading all of our blog posts this year. We have loved sharing our learning. We hope that you have a healthy, happy and fun summer!

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Book Festival and Sports Day (P3A)

We have had a busy and varied week in P3A! Here we are all set for Sports Day…

On Monday we went to the Linlithgow Book Festival. We met an author called Colin Drysdale who has written a book called ‘Scotland’s Castles’. He told us some facts about castles and then we went outside the marquee to fire water balloons from a trebuchet!

In Numeracy this week we have been revising dividing by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10. Some of us were also solving division problems and some of us were dividing with remainders. Next week we will finish division and complete our work with fractions.

In Literacy we have been learning to write the middle part of a story. We listened to ‘The Ice Robbery’ and we identified the problem and the solution in the story. We looked at our own story beginnings and reminded ourselves of our characters and setting. Afterwards, we created a problem for our characters and decided how it would be fixed and made notes on our middle part of our stories. On Thursday, we used our notes to continue our own stories. We had to ensure that we continued our stories in a way that made sense.

This week we explored what a healthy diet looks like. We looked at the importance of drinking water, exercise, sleep and keeping a happy and positive attitude. We also revised the main food groups on The Eatwell Guide. Afterwards we worked in groups to create PowerPoints on healthy living.

On Wednesday this week we had our Sports Day. In the morning we went round different potted sports activities such as bean bag throw, egg and spoon race, tennis, rugby ball passing, running, javelin throw, cheerleading and space hoppers.  In the afternoon we had different races. We really enjoyed it and it was lots of fun!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Division, Mapping and Budding Authors (P3A)

This week we have been learning to divide by 4 and 5. We have played lots of division games to improve our recall of our division facts and we have learned how to solve missing number sums such as ? ÷ 5 = 6. Some of us have been learning to divide with remainders. We have been using concrete materials to help us with our dividing. We have also been linking our multiplication and division facts and revising dividing whole numbers by 2-10.

In Mathematics, we learned to use Venn diagrams. We played an exciting game called ‘The Great Escape’ on Education City and then we sorted numbers into the correct parts on the Venn diagram. We then created our own Venn diagrams using a list of numbers.

This week we have turned into amazing authors! Over the next few weeks, we are going to be learning to write an imaginative story. On Tuesday we started to look at writing a story beginning.  We looked at interesting story openers and then we looked at different techniques that writers can use to begin a story such as a character description, setting description, dialogue, question or statement. Afterwards we created our own interesting first sentences and made notes on our characters and setting. On Wednesday we used our notes to write the beginning of our own imaginative stories.

In Literacy this week we also learned how to use a thesaurus. We watched a cartoon about using a thesaurus and then we learned how to use a thesaurus to find words correctly. Afterwards we played a synonyms board game, sorted cards into groups with similar meanings, used an online thesaurus to find interesting words and used a thesaurus to find four synonyms for different words. When writing our own stories, we were able to use a thesaurus to vary our use of vocabulary.

In French, we revised days of the week. We listened to a song about days of the week in French, watched an episode on High Five French and then we looked for the words for days of the week in French on a word search. We have asked Miss Harrison if we can learn words and phrases for animals so this will be our next French lesson!

As part of our Local Area study, we learned to use symbols on maps. We looked at a map of Legoland and discussed how we could use the map to find out information and looked at the different symbols. Afterwards we explored how to use a key and symbols on a map. Then we worked in groups to create a key and then used our symbols to annotate a map of our school.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

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