Summarising and Symmetry (P3A)

We have had another fantastic week in P3A and we were delighted to find out today that we were the winners of the Peg Challenge once again!

In Numeracy and Mathematics this week, we have been continuing to look at place value. We explored how to put numbers into a place value chart and we used our knowledge of place value to order whole numbers. This week we also started learning about symmetry. We revised what we already knew about symmetry by looking at symmetrical pictures. Then we looked at lines of symmetry and using a mirror to find lines of symmetry. We looked at different shapes and used our mirrors to check whether or not they had lines of symmetry and we then drew the lines of symmetry on a variety of shapes and pictures. We also played some symmetry games on our Promethean board.

On Monday we looked at words with different spelling patterns. We practised our spelling words by completing lots of different active tasks such as rainbow words, spelling flowers, using letter magnets and creating a wordsearch using our spelling words. On Wednesday we revised our spelling words and we beat Miss Harrison at the spelling game ‘Word Workout’.

This week we continued to work on our punctuation. We played ‘Penguins on Ice’ and investigated whether each sentence needed a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark. We looked at when we use exclamation marks and then we corrected sentences by adding capital letters and exclamation marks.

This week we have been learning to summarise. On Monday, we looked at the role of a summariser and we found out that they write a short version of a story and that they only include the main points. In groups, we looked at an extract from Goldilocks and the Three Bears and we found the who, what, where, when and why for the text. Afterwards, Miss Harrison read us a chapter from James and the Giant Peach and we were able to use what we learned about summarising to write a short summary about the chapter.

We also used our summarising skills this week to write a summary about the tale of Peter Rabbit for Miss Baillie’s display in the infant area. We worked really hard with our writing and our presentation. In Art & Design this week, we looked at the visual elements; colour, shape, line and texture. We created Peter Rabbit drawings for Miss Baillie’s display. We looked at the shapes of different flowers and used oil pastels to create a colourful background. Then we used line to create a fur-like texture on our Peter Rabbits and cut them out and glued them onto our background. It created a really nice contrast and we think that our drawings look fantastic on the display!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

Pupil Achievements.

Here are brother and sister N and A who are in P4 and P1 respectively, with their fantastic collage to promote the reduction of plastic waste. The children made this at home and brought it in to school to show us. What environmental champions you both are!

Well done to D in P3 for receiving lovely rosettes at her pony gymkhana and to her classmates I and L for learning to ride their bikes over the summer holidays. L has also been busy winning a medal for her skills in golf! Brilliant news girls!

A in P2 came along to my office to show me her dancing award. Great effort A!

Miss Baillie x


P3B – Superheros!

Hello, another packed week in P3B.

In literacy, the children had reading on Monday, they began to read the books they were taking home, we have been reading these together throughout the week too.  The children also wrote descriptions of themselves using fantastic adjectives, making word banks first to allow them to think carefully about the words they could use. The descriptions are very good.  They  also did some work on punctuation; how to use question marks correctly.

In numeracy, we have been learning about place value and partitioning numbers.  We have played different games to help our understanding and have started to use our new maths jotters with squared paper – learning how to lay out our number work correctly.  They are looking great!

On Thursday the children got the chance to be ‘Play Leaders.’  In small groups, they visited the P1 classrooms, assisting them with their activities and modelling good play.  The P3 children helped with turn taking and sharing, gave them ideas and helped them to really engage in the play.  They showed all 5 of our school values and really enjoyed themselves too!

We have been looking a little more at trees – the trunk and branches this week.  In art we looked at the shapes and forms of the branches and used bright colours to create eye catching pictures.  The colouring was quite restful too, a good bit of mindfulness 🙂

Our Superhero Class Charter is really coming on, just needing a title now!

At Assembly on Friday we were presented with ‘Peggy Bear.’  She will stay with us in P3 for the week.  We won her for walking quietly and sensibly through the school.  We have been working hard at being good role models for the younger children and it is being noticed!  Great work P3B 🙂

Have a great weekend.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy


Punctuation, Place Value and Play Leaders (P3A)

In Literacy this week we continued to consolidate our use of adjectives. On Monday, we looked at the characters, Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker, from James and the Giant Peach and we worked with our learning partners to come up with adjectives to describe these characters. We used our adjectives to write a descriptive paragraph about Aunt Sponge. Afterwards, we made our own character for the story and we had to use adjectives to describe our new characters.

This week we have also looked at varying our use of punctuation by using question marks. We played ‘Amazing Punctuation’ on Education City and then we looked at how to use question marks in sentences.  In our new jotters, we corrected sentences by adding capital letters and question marks and then we created our own questions, punctuating them accurately. We have been working really hard to keep our jotter work neat.

On Monday we got our first reading book in P3. Miss Harrison was very impressed with our fluency and use of expression when reading aloud. Next week we will start our spelling and spelling homework.

In Numeracy and Mathematics this week, we have been learning about place value. We have been learning to find the value of each digit in whole numbers and we have been learning to partition numbers. We have played different place value games, we have recorded whole numbers on place value charts and we have completed a variety of place value activities. On Tuesday, we used our new Numeracy and Maths jotters to record our number partitioning. Miss Harrison was very proud of our work and the presentation was excellent. We got 3 dojo points for neat jotter work!

Since we are such sensible and responsible P3 pupils, this year we are going to become P3 Play Leaders. This will involve supporting the P1 pupils with their play. This week we went to P1 and became leaders in different play areas. We encouraged the P1’s to play nicely together, share and take turns. Miss Harrison gave us different scenarios and we discussed how we could help in each case. Mrs McAulay and Mrs Gordon commented on how fantastic and responsible we were on our first day as play leaders.

In P3 our Outdoor Learning focus is ‘Trees’. Throughout the year, we will be taking part in different outdoor learning activities and observing the changes in trees over the seasons. This week we looked at the two types of trees and we were able to work out with our learning partners what makes a tree an evergreen. We looked at the different characteristics of deciduous and evergreen trees and then we went out to our outdoor area and we went on a tree hunt. We used a tree identification sheet and looked carefully at the different leaves that we found.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P3A and Miss Harrison xxx

A Fantastic First Week in P3B :)

What a great first week we’ve had in P3B.  It is lovely to see so many familiar faces and some new ones too – a very welcome addition to the class and everyone has settled in well.

We began the week reminding ourselves of Springfield School Values – Resilient, Kind, Confident, Included and Respectful.  The children remembered the actions well as you can see from the photo’s!  They worked in groups to design a poster showing one of the values.  They worked well together and I was very pleased with the final results. They now take pride of place at the entrance to our classroom.

As part of our outdoor learning topic ‘trees’, and to allow us to finish off the tree we have in our reading corner, we went outside to do a leaf identification task. We then brought the leaves inside and learned a bit more about why trees need leaves.  We looked at them very carefully through magnifying glasses to see all the parts close up.  Then we did line drawings and hung them on our tree.  Our classroom tree is now looking great 🙂 A nice quiet corner for us.

We have been enjoying our class novel ‘The BFG’.  This week we have worked on activities about ‘Appearance Vs Personality’ and adjectives.  Roald Dahl is very good with his character descriptions – we are trying to be as good or better!

We have had PE twice this week, with Mrs Reid on Wednesday and we me on Thursday.  The focus for my PE lessons this term will be handball as we will be attending a cluster P3 handball festival in a couple of months.

We also looked at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, including looking at a coupe of annimations to help us to understand them. We discussed the ones that apply to school and education,  then children voted on what they would like our display to look like – they chose superheros. We will work on making our Rights Respecting School display next week.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend – nice to see the sun back again.

P3B and Mrs Kennedy

Our first week in P3A!

Welcome to our first blog post in P3A! We have had a busy week back at school and have worked very hard and settled in well. This year we are the eldest children in the infant area and we have been trying really hard to be good role models. Miss Harrison has been extremely impressed with us and we won the Peg Challenge on Friday for our excellent behaviour in the corridor.

On Tuesday we looked at our school values. We played a game similar to ‘Simon Says’ where Miss Harrison called out the different values and we had to perform the actions. We were very confident with our values and Miss Harrison couldn’t get us out! We discussed how we could display each value in school and then we worked in groups to make posters about each value. They look fantastic up on our school values wall. We made sure that they were attractive to our readers by making them eye-catching, clear and neat.

This week we also discussed what makes a good P3 pupil and teacher. We worked in groups to write down some ideas and then we shared these ideas with our whole class. Miss Harrison typed them up and displayed them beside our behaviour traffic lights. We would like Miss Harrison to be intelligent, fun, kind, helpful and buy some Star Wars books for our classroom!

This week we started our new class novel for this term, ‘James and the Giant Peach’. On Tuesday afternoon we decided to give our reading area a ‘James and the Giant Peach’ theme so we worked in groups to draw the outlines of the main characters and then we used different media to add colour. Later in the week, Miss Harrison read us some more chapters and we discussed with our learning partners what we thought might happen next to the main characters. We used our visualising skills to draw our predictions. We included lots of detail and used information from the text to help with our drawings of the main characters. On Friday we revised what we already know about adjectives. We used our knowledge of adjectives to identify words that Roald Dahl used to describe the insects in James and the Giant Peach. We highlighted the adjectives in the chapter and we discussed why authors use adjectives in texts.

On Wednesday we had Mrs Tulloch for Science/STEM and then Mrs Reid for PE. This will be the same each week. This term we are learning about sun and moon changes with Mrs Tulloch. As well as having Mrs Reid on a Wednesday, we also have PE with Miss Harrison on a Thursday afternoon. Miss Harrison will be taking us for benchball as we have a P3 Benchball competition in November. On Thursday we practised our throwing, catching and passing skills and set ourselves time challenges to see how many passes we could make with our partner in the time set. We looked at making three passes before you could score and then we played some benchball games.

On Thursday we revised our addition, subtraction and multiplication skills. We played a game on Education City where we had to select the correct operation for each sum. We then played a game called ‘Inverse Machines’ and made our own inverse machines for our Numeracy display.

On Thursday, we looked at children’s rights. We watched a video about children’s rights and discussed which rights we have at school. In our groups, we looked at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and highlighted which rights were applicable to school. We shared our ideas with our whole class and we have displayed these rights on our Class Charter.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend!

P3A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

The second last week of term has flown by with Marches Day and Gala Day now behind us for another year. Well done to all children who decorated their bikes for the Marches!

The Gala Day yesterday had such an amazing turn-out from Springfield and Bonnytoun. All children and adults looked wonderful in their costumes as did our Lion King float. The atmosphere was fantastic! Thank you to Dave Whittington and Andy Turtle for building the float  and to Gillian Wilson and her team of Mum helpers for making Springfield’s Gala efforts so successful. I was extremely proud! Well done also, to Queen Emily and Champion Charlie who represented Springfield beautifully. We hope that the pair of you had a wonderful day that you will remember for ever. 💫

We held an assembly about ‘changes’ last Friday to continue to prepare children for their move to new classes in August. We have done a lot of work with children about transition over the past few weeks and  remembering that nerves are a natural part of change, we hope that everyone is ready for the move.  Children who have received an enhanced transition will take home their transition booklets on Monday to share with their families over the summer. Please continue to let us know if any concerns or worries around transition.

Here are our pupil achievements from the past week:

– Well done to E in P3 for her drama certificate.

-Congartulations to L in P3 for further success in gymnastics.

-A brilliant engineering effort from T and D in P2 for making the Sydney Harbour Bridge out of a Lego kit! I’ve been there! 🌏💖

– Super work for O in P2 for his decorated bike!

– Well done to A in P3 for her dancing awards!

– And a brilliant effort from M in P3 for her mountain biking trophy!

– Well done to all of our lovely P7 children who had a fantastic transition week at Linlithgow Academy.

-Thank you to BW in P7 who is transitioning on to Heriots and who was an amazing help to all staff and children this week whilst he was in school. You have a job in the future at SPS Ben, if you want it! 😝

– Finally thank you to Miss Prince and our amazing choir who sang for Fiona Hyslop MSP when she visited Springfield on Friday.

Have a lovely Sunday everyone!

Miss Baillie xx🌞💖



Blog week ending 22.6.18


In literacy this week we had discussions about the Marches .We were reading non-fiction books and playing reading games.

In numeracy we played a game using problem solving skills to find the long lost trophy.

In health and wellbeing, we played games including duck, duck, goose, tig, man hunt and jungle on fire. We played relay races and hurdles with Mrs Reid.

In learning across the curriculum we got to find out about our new teacher and class for next year. We completed our end of year booklet and made thank you letters to Mrs McAlpine.

Have a good weekend!

P3/4 Blog WE 15.6.18

In literacy this week we learned more interesting words to use than, for example, nice, good and went.

In numeracy we have been learning about probability. We rolled a dice and kept a score of how many times it landed on each number. We worked out what the probability was for different groups in the class, for example, who had dark hair and blue eyes.

In health and wellbeing, we played potted sports including cheer leading, badminton, gymnastics, tennis, space hoppers, rugby, javelin, hurdles, egg and spoon, obstacle course, running, boules, cricket, threw bean bags and had races including the on Sports day. We played handball, golf, football, Gaelic football and had relay races. We had an active start every morning and practised yoga and mindfulness. We also made healthy smoothies.

In learning across the curriculum we learned more about farming from Springtime on the Farm.

Have a good weekend!

JRSO’s Cycle Recycle and Dr Bike

Thank you to everyone in the school and nursery that supported the JRSO’s  Cycle Recycle and Dr Bike session this week.

We received seven bikes and stabilisers for the Cycle Recycle which have been taken away by West Lothian Bike Library to be repaired and then will be brought back to hire out to anyone that could use a bike. Vouchers will be given out tomorrow (Friday). Please check your child’s bag if you donated a bike for a £10 voucher from the bike library.  Please email Mrs McAlpine to arrange collection if you did not receive a voucher.


Dr Bike session was to make sure the bikes were safe to use. Twelve bikes were booked in to be checked over and have minor adjustments carried out. A card given to state what action was taken and any further recommended repairs.

If you would like more information please contact the bike library on Tel 07724667321

Kind Regards

Louise McAlpine

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