Train Mad P1B!

This week we have been learning our first 2 digraphs – ‘sh’ and ‘ch’.  We already knew lots of words with these sounds in as we are very good at hearing sounds in words.  We are now working on using these digraphs as we write.

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Imogen and Lucas made shampoo and shapes for the ‘sh’ sound.

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In maths we have been learning odd and even numbers.  We made Even Characters, drawing them using only even numbers – 2 heads, 4 legs, 6 arms, etc.040 041 042

Next week we will make Odd Houses for them to live in.

On Wednesday we had a visit from Greig of Google Expeditions.  The photographs don’t do it justice but we had a really interesting session, using the handheld devices to have a 3D trip under the sea and then into space.  We really enjoyed it.



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In outer maths this week we continued to look at patterns.  We read ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ and then designed our own underpants.  We all made fab designs and we think the aliens would love them!

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More pattern through play:

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We have been extremely busy turning our home corner into a train station.  We planned together, deciding on the furniture, equipment and signs we would need.  We then set to work to make it and have had a lot of fun playing in it already.  020 021 019024  027 028 029 025 031 034

We have also been thinking about train journeys.  We read the story ‘The Train Ride’ and sequenced it together.  We will be thinking more about train journeys next week – one’s we’ve actually been on and magical ones that we would love to go on.

We have also been trying some yoga at the end of the day for the past couple of weeks.  The children are far more flexible then Mrs Kennedy!  We’re finding it is a nice relaxing end to a busy day.

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A few more of my favourite pictures from this week:

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Have a good weekend, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Primary 1/2

In Literacy we have been learning all about the alphabet. We used Lego bricks, alphabet stones, clothes pegs and flashcards to practise putting the alphabet in the correct order. We were using our fine motor skills to shape foil into letters. We used our magnetic boards to order the alphabet and even had to dig in the sand to find our letters and sort them all out!

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The Red group have also started learning their digraphs, looking at sh and ch this week. The Blue group have been sorting words with different spellings. We have all enjoyed writing silly sentences using our new sounds. We have started to give each other feedback and identify next steps.

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In Maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers. We created stories about Odd Todd and Even Steven. We had to work in groups and listen to each other’s ideas.  It was hard to make decisions as a group so we talked about how we could prevent arguments. We then went on to design houses for our characters. Odd Todd only liked things that were 1,3,5,7 and 9. Some of us put 3 doors, 5 chimneys and 7 flowers. Even Steven only had items that were 0,2,4,6 and 8. We used number sponges to order even numbers and used the story of Noah’s ark to look at the animals going in their pairs onto the ark.

We have also been learning about patterns. We used the story ‘Aliens love underpants’ to look at different patterns then design our own underpants.

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In IDL we were learning about our famous Scot-  James Watt. We were very brave and stood up in front of the school and shared all of our learning. We were comparing trains from the past and present. We looked at the similarities and differences between our lives today and the lives of people in the past.

We have been designing and making junk model trains. This was a very tricky task as we had to think about the different shapes we were using and work out how to attach them together. A big thank you to Mrs Miller for helping us for the afternoon.

We have been studying the story of ‘The Train Ride’. We are now writing our own books based on this story. We have created our own train journeys and thought about the different things we would see on our journey.

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Miss Mudd’s friends the MacDougall family have donated more toys and dressing up costumes to our class. We had some very unusual visitors to our train station including a princess, some superheroes and an elephant!

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The most exciting thing to happen this week had to be our visit from Google. We went on a google expedition under the sea and we loved it!! We felt like we were actually there. What a cool experience.

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What a busy 2 weeks!! Thank you to everyone for helping bring in bits and bobs for our junk model trains. They were fabulous! We hope everyone has a lovely weekend.

Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd


Expeditions and Underpants! (P1A)

Our week in pictures…

On Monday, we went to gym with Miss Harrison and worked on our balancing, throwing and dribbling skills. We had a lot of fun!


This week we have been learning the sounds ‘sh’ and ‘ch’. We made our own ‘sh’ ships, drew ‘sh’ pictures and we even made our own ‘sh’ sentences!


Have you heard about Mr Odd and Mr Even?! This week, we have been learning about odd and even numbers. We looked for odd and even numbers on our number lines, counted up in even numbers to complete dot to dot puzzles and found odd and even numbers in our work. Using our odd and even numbers we made our own characters, Mr/Mrs Odd and Mr/Mrs Even.


This week we finished learning about patterns using shapes and colours. Miss Harrison read us a story called ‘Dinosaurs love Underpants’ and we created our own patterned underpants! During active play time, some of us have been using our shapes to build castles. Daniel made Hogwarts from Harry Potter. Miss Harrison loves Harry Potter and she was so impressed!


One of the highlights of our week was our Google Expedition workshop. We really enjoyed learning about Under the Sea and looking at the different animals in the ocean. We also got to explore our Solar System! Eva liked seeing all of the different planets and Sammy liked seeing the whale sharks.


Thank you for reading our blog. Have a lovely weekend,

P1A 🙂

Surprise visitors to Miss Baillie!

What a lovely surprise I got earlier this week when these four little P1/2 beauties came along to visit me in their princess gowns! I was very jealous of some of the outfits and wished that they came in my size! Our children truly are fabulous and certainly love school!

Miss Baillie x


P1B Alphabet, Engines and Scots!

Hello, an eclectic mix this week!  In literacy we have been focusing on alphabetical order and handwriting.  We are getting very good at alphabetical order, singing the alphabet song really helps.  We’ve tried lots of different activities as we practise.

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We have also been working on our handwriting, concentrating on forming each letter correctly – no lazy letters!  Again, we tried lots of different methods to perfect our skills.

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In maths, we have been working on some vocabulary – smaller, larger, smallest and largest when comparing quantities and numbers.  We have also been looking at patterns – P1B are very good at making patterns.  We made some patterns with people – see if you can guess the patterns we were making in these pictures:




We also worked in teams to make repeating patterns with coloured card. We worked well together, discussing with each other how to lay it out to make a pattern.  We also made more complicated patterns with shapes and will continue to work on this next week.  We’ll also be looking at odd and even numbers.

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We have been looking at steam trains this week and make train pictures, printing using shapes.

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At assembly in Friday, P6 put on an amazing performance of Scots songs and poems, we really liked the funny one called ‘If You will Marry Me’, they had some very funny actions too.034

Each class then told the assembly a little of what they have been working on in class, we showed some of our paintings and sang a song.  it was very exciting performing in front of a big audience – we loved it!

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What a super end to the week!  Looking forward to what next week brings.

Have a lovely weekend, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Trains, patterns and alphabetical order! (P1A)

Did you know that we have now covered all of our initial sounds? 🙂 Last week, we looked at the sounds ‘x’ and ‘qu’. We enjoyed playing snap with different CVC words, making a rainbow ‘x’ and ‘qu’, creating our own treasure maps and writing our own sentences using our common words and new sounds.


In our literacy time this week, we have been learning about alphabetical order. Abhinav and Euan were able to arrange the letter pegs in alphabetical order.


We have also been looking at all of the letter names for our initial sounds and practising our letter formation. Using squiggle pads and squiggle sticks, we revised how to write all of our initial sounds. Miss Harrison was very impressed with our neat handwriting!


Last week, we finished learning about 3D shapes. We looked at cubes, cuboids, pyramids, cylinders, spheres and cones. Miss Harrison gave us lots of 3D shapes and we made castles, buildings and trains.


In our numeracy time this week, we have been looking at 2D shapes and have been continuing and creating our own repeated patterns. We enjoyed matching patterns, using shapes to create our own patterns and continuing patterns that Miss Harrison gave us.


This week, we have continued our work on numbers to 20. We can find larger and smaller numbers in a pair, the largest or smallest number in a set and we can order numbers to 20. Next week we will be learning about odd and even numbers.

As we have now finished our Outdoor Learning focus on winter, we started our new Scottish focus on Famous Scots. We are looking at James Watt who helped to make the steam engine. Ruaridh and Charlie told the P1-3 classes at assembly what we know about James Watt. Did you know that he was from Greenock and he was born almost 300 years ago?

Finally, we used the 2D shapes we learned in maths to print and create our own steam trains.


Today, we went to the Scots Assembly. We shared what we have been learning in class with P1-3 and listened to P6 singing different Scots songs and reciting poetry. They were fantastic! As always, we were a great audience!


We hope that everyone has a happy weekend,

P1A 🙂

WB 16.1.17

What a busy week in Primary 1/2! We have finally finished our role play area and it looks fantastic. We have really enjoyed playing in our train station and our cafe. We have practised writing lists, menus and taking orders. We have also been using our maths skills to sell train tickets using the cash till.

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In PE this week Miss Mudd was teaching us some new team games. We used the giant ball to practise dribbling and had to use our listening skills to identify the different instructions. We learnt how to support our team mates and how to motivate and encourage them.

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In Maths we have been learning about our numbers to 20. Miss Mudd put out some new activities to help us practise ordering, sequencing and comparing. We were learning how to count bigger numbers with accuracy. Miss Mudd set us a tricky challenge to practise our fine motor skills. We had to turn a number card over and carefully count that amount of cheerios onto the stick. It helped us with our precision and co-ordination.

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Some of us were learning about subtraction. We got to play skittles and had to write subtraction sums to show how many had been knocked down. We also played ‘subtraction smash’ with the playdough and got to squish the balls as we subtracted them.

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In Literacy we were learning the ‘qu’ and ‘x’ sounds. We used our bodies to make a giant X, as well as treasure maps with our X to mark the spot. We made crowns and pretended to be queens for the day for our ‘qu’ digraph.

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We also played common word splat. We used a spatula and had to splat the common word that Miss Mudd shouted out. It was a race! We loved it.

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We were busy doing some Winter art work. We looked at mixing colours and thoroughly enjoyed creating all of these wonderful new and interesting colours.

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After our visit from the RSPB we were inspired to try and help the birds this winter. We used lard and bird seed to make our own bird feeders that can be put in our gardens.

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We also conducted some science experiments to look at how animals keep warm in the winter waters. We learnt that they have a layer of fat under their skin to help insulate them. We tested this out using bags of lard and oil and discovered that these fats did help keep our hands warm in the icy water.

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Wow! We are tired out just telling you all about our week.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

From Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd

P1B Outdoor fun!

We began the week with a very active PE lesson, working on spacial awareness and dodging around objects.  We also played a few team games.  It was really good fun and got our hearts pumping!

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On Tuesday, Laura and Sarah from RSPB came in to do a Bioblitz session with us.  We were learning about wildlife in our immediate environment and thinking about birds and all the things they need in the environment to survive.  We watched a powerpoint and had a discussion in the classroom at the beginning of the session, then went outside to take a closer look in our school grounds.

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We have been learning the sounds y and z this week, making yellow submarines and zebras, we really like the Yellow Submarine song and have had it as our tidy up music all week.  We also tried lots of other activities as we learn the sounds and how they work with other sounds to make words.

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In maths, as well as working on numbers to 20, we have also been looking at 3D shapes. We had a shopping bag with lots of things you find around the house and we were looking at their properties – do they roll? how many edges? how many corners?  How many faces? What shapes are are the faces?  We also experimented with 3D shapes to build models, working out how the shapes best fit together.

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There was great excitement on Thursday as we waited to see if it would snow – with great hopes of building a snowman!  When it came there wasn’t quite enough for that but we still had a lot of fun playing outside, making mini snowmen and snowballs and making patterns in the snow.

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Next week we will be learning the only sounds of the alphabet we haven’t covered so far – qu and x, we will be working on numbers to 20, trying quick recall of numbers before, after and in-between and continuing our work on 3D shapes.  The whole school are beginning a focus on famous Scots, we will be looking at James Watt.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Kennedy and P1B

Snowflakes, sounds and shapes in P1A!

Happy New Year to you all!

We have been working very hard since coming back to school after the Christmas holidays.

This week, we learned two new sounds, ‘y’ and ‘z’. We were able to make CVC words containing these sounds and we even managed to make  the word ‘zebra’ on our magnetic boards! Miss Harrison was very impressed! We are also getting really good at writing sentences and we can use finger spaces and full stops. When we were reading, we were trying to look for our common words in our books.

In numeracy, we have been learning about numbers to 20 and 3D shapes. We can count from zero to twenty and twenty to zero and can find numbers after. On Thursday, we started to look at 3D shapes. Miss Harrison brought in a big bag of everyday objects and we sorted them into groups. The shapes we were learning about were cylinders, spheres, cones, cuboids and cubes. Here are some photos of us enjoying our 3D shape learning activities:

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On Tuesday, we had a visit from the RSPB. Laura and Sarah were very impressed with our general knowledge! We went outside to discover wildlife in our school grounds. In groups, we went into our outdoor classroom and looked for different wildlife or evidence that certain animals or insects had been in our playground.

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Continuing our outdoor learning theme, we also looked at signs of winter. Miss Harrison wanted to take down our Fairyland castle and put up a winter display but we came up with the idea of changing our Fairyland castle into a Winter castle (Miss Harrison agreed that this was an excellent idea)! We worked in pairs to make icicles and snowflakes and we are currently working on a snowman. On Friday, we made fantastic snowflake pictures using oil pastels and paint. Our classroom display is looking amazing!

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Thank you very much for reading our blog post.

P1A 🙂

Welcome back!

In P1/2 we have been learning about new year and have a little song to wish you all a very happy 2017!

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In Maths we have been learning about the months of the year. We have used songs and actions to help us remember the order. Here we are doing a little sequencing activity. We also made some wonderful collages for our homework. Miss Mudd has put them up in the classroom to show off our artistic skills.

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We have also been learning about 3D shapes. We went on a shape hunt around the school and were using the different shapes to construct bridges, trains and rockets.

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We even went outside to make spheres out of snow!

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We have continued working on our numbers to 20 and our addition this week.

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In Literacy we have been learning our new sounds. The Red group made some fantastic yellow submarines and zebras. The Blue group have been doing lots of sentence sorting. We looked for the full stops and capital letters to help up get our sentences back in the right order.


We have used our new sounds to write some tricky sentences too!


We had a lovely visit from the RSPB this week which got us out and about in our local environment. We really enjoyed hunting for beasties and looking for signs of wildlife. A big thank you to the RSPB for coming and delivering such a wonderful workshop.

Our classroom is looking a little bit different these days. We have been helping Miss Mudd make a train station and cafe in our classroom. Here are a few pictures to show you what has been happening.

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We still have some work to do but we love our new role play area!! You can watch the transformation throughout this term. It may give you a little clue as to what we might be learning about.

It is great to be back at school and seeing everyone so enthusiastic about their learning.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd


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