P5 Fantastic Fundraisers…

Some of our lovely P5 children have been busy raising funds for the charity Callum’s Cabin. Callum’s Cabin provides much needed holiday ‘cabins’ for children suffering from cancer and their families to enjoy.  Well done to Beinn, Gabriella and Andrew from P5B and Mack from P5A for their hard work. We are proud of the kindness that these children have shown. Well done also to Samuel Burgess in P1B for winning the fundraising competition that the children set.

Miss Baillie X

WB 6.3.17

This week in Literacy we have been very busy learning our new digraphs. We had lots of different activities set out to help us practise our sounds and common words. Here are some of the activities we were doing:

  • We made pasta words
  • We used sound cubes to build words
  • played digraph board games
  • used number fans to identify the number of sounds in a word
  • bottle top common words – pick one and read it.
  • throw a bean bag onto your common word and spell it out
  • reading silly questions and deciding whether the answer is yes or no

and the best bit is………they are all things we can do at home too!

We also did a story study this week based on the book ‘Oi! Get off our train’. We worked around the different stations using some of our thinking reader skills.  The story is about a boy who takes endangered animals onto his train to save them and keep them safe. We compared it to Noah’s Ark as we thought there were many similarities. We wrote summaries, sequenced key events, visualised different parts of the story and picked out tricky vocabulary. As a little brain break, we decided to do a parade around the classroom pretending we were one of the animals from the story. Can you guess which animals we are?

We have started learning how to write instructions. We evaluated different examples and talked about when we would need/use instructions. We practised using bossy words (we are wagging our fingers to be bossy here!) and gave each other oral instructions.

In Maths we have continued our work on subtraction. We have been linking addition and subtraction through our learning on number fact families. We used rainbows to help us remember our number bonds and used these to help us write subtraction stories.


In topic we were looking at the history of cars. We thought the old cars looked very funny as they only had 3 wheels and they didn’t have a roof or any windows. In the class some of us became car mechanics and had to learn how to fill out forms and we also designed our own number plates. We used cars to experiment with different tyre patterns and we enjoyed getting very messy!


We were so excited to get outside in the sunshine and do our ‘walk a mile’. It is a great way to have a little brain break and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. We have also enjoyed sharing our achievements out of school with some of the girls taking part in a gymnastics show. We are very proud of you, well done.


Wishing everyone a fabulous weekend.

Miss Mudd and P1/2




P1B Fun with Paper Planes and Books

We began the week combing our transport topic with numeracy when we made paper aeroplanes then raced them in the hall.  We worked on our ordinal numbers as we gave them their position in the race. We also practiced flying our planes around the hall, thinking about how they fly. Back in the classroom we learned more about the parts of a plane and how it works – acting out running very fast to take off, using our wings, engine and tail to keep our plane in the air and to change direction, slowing down to land on our wheels.

In literacy we are doing well with digraphs – ee and ea this week.  Our favourite activity was reading a story and marking all the ee and ae words – the best bit was using a highlighter to mark the words!

We love it when  P7s pop in to help us with our learning.  Neve came to help with literacy and was a great at helping us to decide if the words we were reading were real words or nonsense words.

Our fairtrade shop is up and running.  Thank you for all the packaging donations – keep them coming.  We have been very busy making signs, pricing the products and playing in the shop.  Mrs Kennedy is very impressed with the signs – we even have one saying ‘Park your bike or scooter here’ and ‘free fruit’ while we browse.


On Wednesday we did ‘Walk a Mile’ with P1A.  It was a beautiful day and we all managed five laps round the pitch.

Thursday was World Book Day.  We had ERIC time – Everybody Reads In Class.  We read our own books, then shared them with our friends.  We made bookmarks too.  In the afternoon we took part in a whole school challenge to decorate our door in a book theme (or wall space in our case as we don’t have a door).  We decorated ours with Biff, Chip Kipper and Floppy.  There was a lovely buzz throughout the school as each class busied themselves in making their entry the best they could before Mrs Manlove and some of the Libary Committee came to judge them.  We didn’t win but we are very proud of our efforts.

There was great excitement on Friday – coming to school dressed up is great fun!  Thank you to all the parents for their help.  We each showed our costume and told the class about our character then we had a parade at assembly.  A super end to the week.

Have a lovely weekend.  From Mrs Kennedy and P1B

Hairy Maclary in P1A!

Happy World Book Day! Don’t our costumes look fantastic? We have been celebrating books and reading over the last couple of days. With Mrs Hogg and Mrs Begarnie, we decorated our classroom door. We voted for Hairy Maclary and made a giant tree, painted Hairy Maclary and created our own cat and dog designs. At Friday’s assembly, we found out that we won the decorated door competition! Thank you to Mrs Hogg and Mrs Begarnie for helping us to make such a wonderful entrance to our classroom.

This week, we also read lots of books and shared books that we brought in from home with our partners. Some of us also told the class about our books too! We took part in different reading competitions, made book marks and we went to Miss Mudd’s classroom to hear a story there!

Over the last two weeks, we have learned the ‘ai’, ‘ay’, ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ sounds. Today, we impressed Miss Harrison by teaching her about the ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ sounds and we told her how to spell different words containing these sounds!


In numeracy, we have been learning about ordinal numbers, number names to 20 and money. We have been learning to add coins to make different totals and have been comparing prices. When learning about ordinal numbers, we made paper aeroplanes and raced them in groups to award first, second and third.


We have been continuing to learn about old and new transport. Last Monday, Daniel’s mummy brought in a toy steam car to show us.


We continued to look at the different ways that humans have tried to fly throughout history and explored early flight attempts. Using different materials, we made our own hot air balloons. Thomas made a fantastic rocket at home and brought it in to show the class.


Last Wednesday, we arrived at school to find that Mr Fluff had been on ANOTHER adventure! This time he had been in a car. We helped him to learn about how cars have changed since they were invented and for writing, we made our own cars and described what they would look like! Some of our cars had wings, could go under water and even smelt of cream cakes and chocolate! We have enjoyed being car mechanics and playing in our Transport Museum.



In gym, we have been playing different parachute games. Miss Harrison even took part but got stuck under the parachute! Silly Miss Harrison!

Last Friday we had a special visitor in P1A, Sonic the hedgehog. We had to be very quiet as Ruaridh reminded us that hedgehogs are nocturnal so Sonic wasn’t used to being out during the day.


This week we won Class of the Week. Miss Baillie told us that we had won because we had been little stars when Miss Harrison was off sick. Miss Harrison was proud of us, as always.

We hope that you all have a lovely weekend. Miss Harrison is going to rest her voice!

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

World Book Day!

In Maths this week we were learning about ordinal numbers. We made some fabulous paper aeroplanes and raced them in the hall to see who came 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th. Miss Mudd had a bit of a disaster as her aeroplane would only fly backwards! We had lots of fun and giggles.

We have also started doing a daily ‘Number Talks’ activity. We focus on different mental maths strategies and work with a partner to talk about how we got that answer. We share our ideas and learn about different ways to tackle tricky sums.

We also continued learning about money and adding coins together. We used tap counting to help us find different totals.

In Literacy we have been learning the ee/ea digraph. We worked together to be digraph detectives and find all of the missing sounds. We played lots of interactive spelling games and looked at the different shapes of our words.

The Blue group were learning about the -y ending that also makes an ee sound. They have been doing some common word work this week to make sure they can read and write all of those tricky words.

We want to thank Miss Prince for coming down and helping us learn some songs for our assembly. We are trying to be super organised and start learning our words and songs now so we have plenty of time to practise.

We can’t finish our blog without talking about World Book Day. There has been an amazing buzz in the school this week and it has been so nice seeing so many people getting into the spirit of WBD. We decorated our door to look like the front cover of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Daniel Goddard volunteered to be our little Jack so we drew around him and worked together to paint him. Here is a snap shot of some of the other amazing book cover doors.

We did lots of World Book Day activities in the class and even swapped teachers for story time.

A big well done to all of the parents/carers out there who put so much effort into all of the wonderful costumes. We had so much fun sharing our stories and books.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Mudd and P1/2

Catch up with P1B

P1B have really enjoyed their train topic.  We have created our own train station and have played in it lot.  We also enjoyed learning about trains old and new as well as writing about a magical train journey.  We have a teddy called Tess who has been in our class all year, sitting quietly on the shelf.  She was really enjoying our train topic too and has been writing us letters and postcards and leaving books for us to read.  We are helping her to learn more. She has has us to learn about different forms of transport now.


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We have now moved onto learning about aeroplanes (at Tess’ request) We really liked the history of aeroplanes – especially the funny film clips about all the people who tried to build flying machines but they didn’t quite work.  We have been learning about the Wright Brothers and how they invented the first aeroplane.  Daniel and Noah have been playing at being the Wright Brothers and they made a fantastic plane too! 016 046

We have also been learning a bit about Fairtrade.  We have entered a competition organised by the Linlithgow Fairtrade group where we had to design our own faritrade crest, drawing pictures to show what fairtrade is about.  To learn a little bit more about what fairtrade is we have been thinking about where our food comes from before it gets to the shops and supermarkets.  We read a book called ‘The World Came to My Place Today’ which explained it really well and told us lots about where the things in our shopping trolleys come from.  We played with a big map, putting pictures of food in the right countries.  We also had a think about how the food might travel to reach Scotland.


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We played a game to help us to understand what ‘fairtrade’ means. Daniel was the owner of a banana farm, we were his workers and Mrs Kennedy worked for a supermarket.  We had to collect lots of bananas very quickly and then we wanted Daniel to pay us for all our hard work.  Mrs Kennedy hadn’t given him much money at all so he had hardly any money to pay us.  Then the supermarket gave Daniel a little bit more money – enough to pay all of his workers.  The workers were much happier then.

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Here are some more pictures to show you a little more of what we have been up to.  We have been so busy – even fitting in a visit from a real hedgehog on Friday!

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Finally, we were class of the week again last week as Miss Baillie was very impressed by our magical train journey stories (although I think we’re class of the week every week!)   Have a lovely weekend.


Outdoor Learning Committee.

These are the members of the Outdoor Learning Committee.


Today, we surveyed the playground and field areas to generate ideas of how we can improve outdoor learning opportunities. The committee members worked in groups to create a list of ideas.

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This week we have been doing a book study on a story called ‘Dogs Don’t Do Ballet’. We did many lessons linked to the story and covered concepts such as; gender stereotypes, our dreams for the future and feelings/emotions. The dog in the story was very sad that everyone kept telling him he was not allowed to follow his dream of being a ballerina. Biff arrived in our class looking very upset so we decided to write him a letter giving him advice on his problem. We really caught the letter writing bug, so ended up writing lots of different letters to Paddington, our friends and Miss Mudd. We also worked in groups to write stories about other things that dogs can’t do eg. dogs can’t fly aeroplanes!………..or can they?!

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In our phonics this week we have been looking at the ai/ay digraph. We learnt how to use the spelling rule to help us identify which one to use. The Blue group have been revising some of our key digraphs from this block and used them to write some very tricky sentences.

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We have been supporting each other with our reading this week. We were given reading buddies and were encouraged to help each other sound out and blend. We talked about the stories we were reading and shared our ideas and opinions.

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In Numeracy we were learning how to read and write number names. We have also been learning about ordinal numbers and participated in the snail Olympics. We have continued to work on different subtraction strategies, this week focusing on bridging ten and chunking up numbers to help us subtract quickly. We used our number tiles to help us do some jumping subtraction. We jumped back to help us count back when taking away. For our ‘Outer Maths’ we continued with our learning about money. We have been tap counting to help us add the value of coins together.

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In PE we played lots of parachute games.

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In IDL this week we went back in history to look at the types of transport that the Vikings used. We looked at the features of Longships and have started creating our own Viking Longships with very scary heads to scare away our enemies.


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What a wonderful week in P1/2!

Have a fantastic weekend.

Miss Mudd and P1/2 x

Mr Fluff’s Adventures (P1A)

Even though the last two weeks have been shorter, we have been busy in P1A!

Last week, we started looking at old and new transport and how transport has changed over time. Thomas suggested that we change our role play area into a transport museum and we all thought that was a wonderful idea. We have a ticket office, a cafe, a book shop and photographs of old modes of transport. Charlie and Daniel brought in photographs for our museum. Charlie’s great great grandfather was an inspector on the trams for over 30 years and a drummer in the Glasgow Corporation Transport Pipe Band. Daniel’s uncle built a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang car which is displayed in the Glasgow Transport Museum. We have had lots of fun playing in our transport museum.

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When we came to school last Wednesday, we got a big surprise! Mr Fluff (our class mascot) was in our transport museum with a photograph! He had been to the transport museum in Glasgow and was in a horse and cart.

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We decided to help Mr Fluff and that morning, we started to learn about how transport has changed. The first car looked very different and only had enough space for two people. We were able to sort pictures of transport onto a timeline and put them in order from oldest to newest.

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Mr Fluff was on another adventure this week! When we came into school on Thursday, we found him in the transport museum with a photograph of him on an aeroplane! We learned about the different ways that humans have tried to fly throughout history.

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Last week, we learned two new sounds by combining letters together. We looked at the ‘th’ and ‘wh’ sounds. This week we have been revising the ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘th’ and ‘wh’ sounds. We have been continuing to look at all of our common words to help us with our reading and writing.


In numeracy and maths, we have been learning how to write numbers to 10 in words. Next week, we will be looking at number words to 20. We have also been learning about money. Last week, we looked at coin recognition and we are now learning to add money amounts to 10p.

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Today we won the peg challenge again! We always walk quietly in the corridors and we had 18 pegs altogether. Miss Harrison is always very proud of us.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope you have a lovely weekend!

P1A 🙂

A new arrival in P1/2

It may only be a short week but it has been packed full of fun activities in Primary 1/2 this week. A strange parcel arrived in our classroom on Monday. It had a big sticker on it saying ‘Fragile’ and ‘Heavy’. Miss Mudd peered inside and found the one and only Paddington Bear staring back at her!

The Brown family were moving house so he needed someone to look after him. He had heard all about our wonderful class so came to stay with us. He brought a letter with him asking us to help him find a way to get back to Peru. Luckily, we are learning all about transport so we can help him with this.

He is going to set up weekly challenges for us to help with our learning. This week we had to help him pack his suitcase and write lists of things he would need to take. We then had to see if we could fit it all in! It was quite tricky.

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We have also started learning about money. We used the story ‘The Great Pet Sale’ to help us understand how money is used. We have been identifying coins and using these to make a different totals. We made posters advertising our own pets to sell. We used describing words and a new traffic light system to try and push ourselves with our writing. We had to ‘go for green’ to try and improve our sentences. We also wrote labels for our toy pets and set up our very own pet sale.

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We hope everyone has a wonderful few days off! Enjoy the break.

Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd

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