P1B Superstars!

Thank you so much to Mrs Kennedy and her lovely P1B children for their beautiful Assembly about ‘growing’ yesterday. The butterfly song was my favourite part as well as the recount of the Hungry Caterpillar story. Well done especially to Noah! What a great caterpillar you were!

We have so much enjoyed welcoming Mr Wells this week and we are so excited to be working with you! Go Team Springfield!


I hope that you have all been enjoying the sunny weather! Have a fabulous weekend!

Miss Baillie xx


P1B – Assembly Superstars!

Thank you again to those who came to our assembly.  We are lucky to have such supportive parents. The children are, quite rightly, very pleased with themselves for putting on two fantastic shows this morning. I am very proud of them too, they have indeed grown a huge amount this year, in every sense of the word 🙂

We have had three more very good talks about what Tess has been up to on her adventures.  All the children have been very confident and have spoken well.  I’m afraid to say, the snoring is persisting.  We’re looking forward to hearing what she gets up to next week.

We have been seeking shade the past couple of days, yesterday we went into the outdoor classroom to get some fresh air.

Our caterpillars are all in their cocoons and I think the warm weather may speed up their hatching.  They have now been transferred to the butterfly net with leaves and oranges in case they hatch over the weekend.

Have a lovely weekend.  From P1B and Mrs Kennedy


Happy Towns and Problem Solving! (P1A)

This week we have been using our addition and subtraction facts to 10 to solve problems. We have been using our knowledge of number bonds to find different ways to make numbers to 10 and we have been creating our own number sentences. This week we also started to look at missing number equations (we are very clever)! We looked at subtraction sums such as 7 – ? = 3 and we used different strategies to work out the missing number. Next week we will continue to work on missing number equations.

As part of our measurement focus, this week we learned to use non-standard units (cubes, cups, spoons, containers) to measure capacity. We also learned to compare and describe capacity by looking at which containers could hold more/less liquid. We enjoyed using the water to compare how much liquid each container could hold (our classroom is still drying out) and using the cubes to estimate and then measure the capacity of different containers.

This week we learned the ‘aw’ sound and three new common words, ‘said’, ‘big’ and ‘could’. We practised writing our new sound and words, drew ‘aw’ pictures, played games containing the ‘aw’ sound and common words on the smartboard and computer, unscrambled sentences and found the missing ‘aw’ words in sentences. We managed to find some of our common words in our reading books this week.

As part of our Local Community focus, we worked with a partner to draw/write about what we like and/or would change about Linlithgow. Some of the things that we like about Linlithgow are Kelly’s, Tesco, the parks, our school, our houses, the flowers, the wildlife, the museum and B&M! Some of us felt that Linlithgow could be a bit cleaner and some of us wanted to change the weather! We used Google Maps to locate some places in our local area. We enjoyed looking at the street views!

This week, we also designed our own Happy Towns. We had roads and paths made of chocolate, ice cream shops, big parks, lots of flowers, swimming pools and rainbow houses!

We hope that everyone has a lovely weekend. Hopefully the sunshine will continue! Thank you for reading our blog post,

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂


Hello sunshine!

This week we were playing team games in PE and developing our reaction times and listening skills. We had to be quick off the mark to win points for our team. We warmed up by moving around the hall like different animals. Have a look at our best giraffe and elephant impressions.

Our caterpillars have grown so much and when we came in on Monday they had started to form a chrysalis. Miss Mudd is going to move them into their butterfly nets this weekend.


In Literacy we were all having an upper case letters week. We had lots of activities to work around to practise forming our capital letters. We have also started writing our imaginative stories. Over the last few weeks we have created a setting for our stories. We have also created a character and used adjectives to describe them. This week we started to plan out our ideas. We used the structure of a story mountain to draw out our beginning, middle and end. We used talking partners to help us talk through our ideas. We looked at the structure of other stories we had read and put them on our story mountain to see how it worked. Next week we will use our plans to start writing our stories. Miss Mudd is so excited to read them as we had some wonderful ideas! Our stories were full of fairies, dragons, goblins and trolls. There are lots of budding authors in P1/2!


In Maths we have been learning about multiplication. We practised grouping items and used arrays to show different multiplication sums. We used the grids of circles for some little multiplication problem solving tasks. We have been looking at the 2 times table this week so have done lots of activities linked to that. We have also been learning about tens and units and looking at numbers to 100.


In IDL we have continued with our learning about Linlithgow. We used Google Maps to explore our local area and zoomed in to look at all of our houses. We talked about where we live and identified some street names. We worked in groups to locate key landmarks around our town. We used the maps to find a school, church, supermarket and a park. We discussed the symbols that are used on a map. We then looked at pictures of Linlithgow and created a poster to show others what we love about our town! P1/2 decided they wanted to learn more about Linlithgow Palace so we did some research together. We watched a video, used the internet and looked at books to learn some facts. We discussed the difference between a fact and an opinion then we used our knowledge to create a fact file about the Palace. We also learnt how to draw our own simple maps. We pretended we were birds looking down on our school and tried to map out some of the key areas. We labelled the different areas of our school.



Some of the boys in the class used their choose time to build boats and bridges for our canal. The rest of the class then decided to make lots of different types of fish to go in the canal. They used the craft area to experiment with different materials.

We hope everyone enjoys the sunshine this weekend.

Primary 1/2 and Miss Mudd

Little Linlithgow arrives in P1/2

This week we have been busy setting up our new role play area. This term we are learning about our local area. We read the book ‘The Chimpanzees of Happytown’ and started to think about what a town needs for the people that live in it. We talked about the different modes of transport and different facilities. We then had a vote on what we would like to have in our own little Linlithgow. We have made our reading corner into Linlithgow Palace and created a Union Canal going through our classroom. We worked hard to create a doctors surgery in our role play corner.

In the story the chimpanzees are all sad because their town is called ‘Drabsville’ and it is a very glum place. Chutney the Chimp made lots of changes for the community and turned it into Happytown. In P1/2 we designed our own ‘dream’ towns. Some towns had chocolate roads, beds for cars, space hoppers, magical fairy houses. We used our imagination and enjoyed sharing our ideas with each other. Last week we had a visit from ‘Burgh Beautiful’ and we thought about how they try to make our town beautiful and happy. We designed posters to remind people to pick up their litter and to help keep our local area clean and pretty.

In Maths we have been telling the time. We have looked at o’clock and half past times and linked these times to our daily routines. We have also converted times from analogue to digital. Some children have been consolidating their understanding of multiplication. They used the Numicon to set out multiplication sums. We have revised a lot of our number fact families to help us link addition and subtraction.


We have some new members of the class – our caterpillars! They have grown so much since we got them and we have enjoyed watching them wriggle about in their pot. We are looking after them well so hopefully they will turn into beautiful butterflies soon.

We have been practising our digraphs this week by reading alien words. Miss Mudd made up some crazy words to check we could sound out and blend our sounds together. We have used our digraphs in sentences.


Paddington left us some new challenges in our challenge area this week. He wants to get healthy so we are helping him learn about our bodies. We had to use tape measures to measure different parts of our bodies. Liam even has a bigger head than Miss Mudd! He also set us a ‘balance challenge’ where we had to hold a balance and use a stopwatch to time how long we could do it. We have used pedometers to count our steps and see how active we are. We have been printing with skeletons and trying to name some of our body parts.

Daniel G used his choose time to make a thermometer for our surgery. He thought about hot and cold colours and used these in his model.

Wishing you all a very lovely weekend.


Miss Mudd and P1/2


Caterpillars and Capital Letters in P1B

Hello, this week we have been watching closely as our caterpillars grow, right before our eyes it seems! They are very active and are certainly getting very big, I won’t be surprised if they are in their cocoons when we return on Monday.


We have been looking at capital letters this week, learning to recognise and write capital letters and when to use them.  We had a lot of fun as we explored their different shapes, we have been painting, drawing in sand,  writing capital letter graffiti, playing snap and pairs, magnetic letters, driving cars around capital letter race tracks, using lego bricks and pegs as we match the capital letter to the lowercase letter,  and lots more.


We have also been looking at different genres of writing, trying instructions and persuasive writing this week.  We wrote instructions on how to wash your hands and we made anti-litters posters for a competition run by Burgh Beautiful.  This tied in well with our Local Community focus as we discussed all the nice places in Linlithgow and what happens when people leave litter. The winning entries will be displayed on the High Street. The children really thought about their designs and followed the instructions to keep them simple and bright with a clear message.  These are just a very small sample (due to photo no. restrictions) but they were all very good 🙂

In maths, we have been using subtraction to work out ‘how many more?’ when comparing amounts.  At the end of the week we did some weighing, using balance scales. We weighed objects around the classroom, including Noah’s shoe, and counted to see how many cubes it would take to balance the scales.  The shoe took 75 cubes!  We have also been looking at kitchen scales, practising how to weigh by reading the dial and seeing how many grams they weigh.  We were so busy I forgot to take any pictures, sorry.

Tess, our traveling ted has visited Imogen and Lauren’s houses this week, she had had a great time, however, we have discovered that she snores!  The girls did a super job of telling us what she has been up to.

We are continuing to look after the tubs outside, making sure they get lots of water in this warm weather.

We have also been busy with our assembly preparations, continuing to make props and practise our words and songs.  We’re all really looking forward to seeing you next Friday.  Have a good weekend.

Primary 1B and Mrs Kennedy x

Capital letters, weighing and police stations! (P1A)

This week we have been learning to identify, say and write capital letters. We also looked at when we need to use a capital letter. Some of our learning activities included painting capital letters, tracing capital letters, rainbow writing, writing capital letters on our whiteboards, playing games on the smartboard and computer and matching uppercase and lowercase letters with the magnetic boards.

For writing this week, we looked at writing instructions. We made our own instructions for washing our hands. We were able to use short sentences in our instructions and organise and order our ideas.

In numeracy and maths this week, we were learning subtraction facts to 10 and finding ‘how many more’ by subtracting. We also continued to link our addition and subtraction facts. On Thursday, we were learning to compare and describe weights. We sorted objects depending on whether they were heavy or light and compared them according to their weight. We also used cubes to weigh different objects. Ruaridh’s shoe weighed 71 cubes!

This week we started our new learning focus ‘Our Local Community’. We listened to a story called ‘The Chimpanzees of Happy Town’ and discussed features of a town. We had lots of super ideas such as doctors, schools, parks, vets, police/fire stations, houses, hotels, churches, paths and roads, banks, universities, cafes, shops, cinemas and swimming pools! ‘People Who Help Us’ will be part of our local study so we decided to turn our transport museum into a police station! It has already been very popular and we have enjoyed taking on different roles! As part of our new learning focus, Mr Fluff has been leaving school to go on some adventures. This week he has had lots of fun with Chloe and Abhinav. We will all get a turn to take Mr Fluff home with us over the next few weeks.

Thank you very much for reading our blog post. We hope that you all have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Amazing Arrays

Firstly Miss Mudd would like to say a huge thank you to all of the staff at Springfield for looking after her class whilst she was poorly. They were in very good hands and were doing some fantastic learning.

This week we have been learning all about grouping items and linking this to multiplication. We practised grouping items and used lots of different objects around the classroom eg. bottle tops, cubes, pencils, toys and even children! We were then introduced to the different types of language that we can use such as: sets of, groups of, times, multiply.

We were then introduced to arrays. We looked at pictures of arrays in our everyday lives and talked about how it can help us count quickly. We used sponge painting to make our own arrays and described them using the language we had been taught.


We even went outside and used the cones and giant dots to work in groups and create different arrays.


Maths can be so much fun!!

We enjoyed some free play outside in the sunshine this week. We played with the construction materials, danced with the ribbons, practised our ball skills and even did some group reading outside. We used the ribbons to write our digraphs in the sky!

We also wanted to say a big well done to Miss Harrison and her class for their wonderful assembly. It was so nice to see the progress that our P1 children have made and it meant a lot to look back on the special memories we have all made together.

Miss Mudd and Primary 1/2

P1A Assembly!

We had happy tears in our eyes today as Primary 1A and Miss Harrison shared their memories and achievements of the past year. Well done to all children who spoke so confidently and sang songs in front of an audience. Thanks to all family and friends who came along to support the children.

Have a super weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie x

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