Patterns and Owl Babies (P1A)

This week we have been learning to copy, continue and create patterns. We looked at the patterned elephants in the story ‘Elmer’ and then we made our own patterns using colours, 2D shapes, counters and Lego bricks. We also played pattern games on the smartboard and made our own patterned Elmers.


Now that we have finished learning how to write our numbers to 10, we have been using our knowledge of numbers to count out a given number of objects and record the results. We have enjoyed playing different counting games and practising making and writing all of our numbers from 0 to 10.



Miss Baillie held an ‘Owl Babies’ story-telling session and then challenged us to make our own owl babies for her Literacy competition. We used lots of materials such as cotton wool, crepe paper and tissue paper to make our own owl babies. We worked very hard with our owls. Don’t they look fantastic!

This week our new sounds were ‘m’ and ‘r’. We used play dough to make our sounds and practised writing our sounds with rainbow writing, in salt, on the whiteboards and in our workbooks. We drew ‘m’ and ‘r’ pictures and we played bingo! Using our new sounds, we were able to build and write words such as ‘mat’, ‘map’, ‘rat’ and ‘rip’.


Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Owl Babies and Pattern in P1B

Hello,  We have been learning the sounds ‘m’ and ‘r’ this week, ask your child to show you the action for each of these.  We have been using our magnetic boards a few times this week and we are getting good at working together to sound out and word build some CVC words.  Our letter formation is really coming on too and Mrs Kennedy can see a big difference in our writing books.

A couple of weeks ago Miss Baillie took an ‘Owl Babies’ assembly where she set us the challenge of decorating an owl baby to be entered into a competition. She will choose the best three from P1 to P3 to receive a prize. All of ours are excellent 🙂  We chose from a variety of art materials – paint, cotton wool, tissue paper, crepe paper, crayons and pens and decorated them in the way we wanted.  Our pictures are very good, they will come home soon for you to see.

In maths we have now covered all the numbers to 10, we have practised formation and counting objects accurately.  We will be moving onto ordering forwards and backwards and missing numbers.  In outer maths this week we have been exploring pattern.  We have created our own patterns, continued patterns already started and identified patterns.  We have been listening for patterns too as we use our voices, e.g., “red, yellow, green, red, yellow, green…” hearing the pattern as we say the words.  We will continue to look at more complex patterns next week.

Have a good weekend, if you are out and about and see any signs of Autumn, conkers, leaves, berries, etc, feel free to send them in to school.  We have an ‘investigation area’ in the corridor with magnifying glasses and a drawing area and any interesting objects are very welcome. Thank you.


Fruit fun in Primary 1B

We have been getting stuck into our Handa’s Surprise topic this week.  Thank you very much for all the fruit on Tuesday, we made our bar chart and apples were the clear favourite, followed closely by strawberries.  We all helped to make the chart by drawing our favourite fruit and sticking it on.  We then had a good look at what the chart told us and learned to read it.

We enjoyed eating our fruit together while we had our milk or water and listened to a story.  We also tasted some of the fruit from Handa’s Surprise, the mango and papaya were popular.

We have had lots of other fruit activities this week, we investigated floating and sinking with real fruit in the water tray, playing with fruit in the role play area, making fruit from play dough and looking at books about fruit and healthy eating in the library.


On Tuesday we went outside for PE, we are focusing on ‘Better Movers and Thinkers’ at the moment.  This week we were concentrating on moving our bodies well, controlling it and using and sharing space.  We also practised some throwing and catching ball skills, whilst standing still and moving.

On Thursday we were outside again, writing number 8.  We used chalk and stones to write with and skipping ropes to practise the formation of an 8 – which can be quite tricky!

Then we gathered leaves and took them back inside to make 8s using them.  There was super counting going on whilst we were collecting the leaves too 🙂

We worked hard to make our 8s and there was good discussion and thinking about the shape of an 8 and how it is formed when writing.

We also won the peg challenge again!  Extra breaktime on Friday was good fun! Have a good weekend everyone.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Amazing African Animals (P1A)

This week we learned two new sounds, ‘i’ and ‘s’. We used our magnetic boards to build words, made our sounds with play dough, wrote our sounds in salt, played games on the smartboard, made our sounds with stones and drew and wrote our sounds on a graffiti wall. On Thursday afternoon, we went outside with some chalk to practise our letter and number formation in the playground.



We have been continuing to work hard with our number formation. This week we looked at the numbers ‘7’ and ‘8’. We used spaghetti, jewels and cubes to make the number 7 and we used ropes and cars to make the number 8. We practised writing our numbers in our workbooks and on the whiteboards.



On Tuesday we went outside for PE to develop our ball skills. We played a game called Aeroplanes and Helicopters and then we began to perform movement skills in a sequence. We used the balls to learn how to throw and catch in different ways.



This week we have been continuing to look at the differences between Kenya and Scotland. Mrs King, Mr Campbell and Mr & Mrs Foster sent us photographs of different African animals which we enjoyed looking at. We have been working well in pairs and in small groups to make African animals for our African Surprise display. We wanted the monkey to swing from the trees so we worked in pairs to create the leaves for the tree tops. We have been using a variety of materials to make our display and we are very proud of it.


Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

P1B begin to learn about Handa.

On Wednesday Abbie, Matthew, Neve and Euan made some new dough for us with our lovely parent helper, Mrs Woolsey.

On Thursday our tough tray had something different in it – it was set up like a scene from the book ‘Handa’s Surprise’.  We have played really well with the objects in the tray and are very good at putting it back to how it shoudl be when we are finished!  We have made up lots of different stories and games using the sheds, animals and pond.  We will be taking a closer look at this story over the next few weeks.

Thomas and Finlay enjoyed looking at one of the books next to the tray, it was all about African animals.

We have been making the number six it lots of different ways.

As it was a short week we have had a revision of the sounds we have looked at over the last couple of weeks, practising our word building skills.

Gregor won the Enjoy-a-ball trophy and brought it in to show us.  Well done Gregor! 🙂

We’ve fitted in quite a lot in 2 and half days!  Happy weekend.  From P1B and Mrs Kennedy

African Surprise for P1A!

After learning about 2D and 3D shapes, this week were learning about symmetry. We looked at symmetrical pictures with one line of symmetry. We used mirrors to find pictures with one line of symmetry, made symmetrical monster pictures, designed our own symmetrical butterflies and played symmetry games on the smartboard.


This week we also learned how to write the number 6 and revised writing the numbers 0-5. We made the number 6 with tin foil, painted the number 6 with our fingers and practised writing our numbers in different ways. Using dice, we revised writing the numbers 0-5.


This week we revised the sounds that we have learned so far and used these sounds to build words. We made our sounds with play dough, made words in hula hoops, built words on the magnetic boards, played a pairs game with word pictures and sounds and used cut out letters to make words.

When we came back to school after the long weekend, there was an African Surprise in our tuff tray. There was a giraffe, an elephant, a zebra, a gazelle and a monkey playing in the sand! Miss Harrison read us a story called ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We looked at the different animals in the story and we realised that the same animals were in our tuff tray! We made a list of animals that we would find in Scotland and compared it to the animals in our story. Over the next few weeks, we are going to be comparing aspects of Scotland with those in Kenya. Look out for our African Surprise display which we have just started working on this week!

We hope that you have a lovely weekend. Thank you for reading our blog post.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

P.S. We won the Peg Challenge again this week!

Sports Dress Down Day

A HUGE well done and thank you to all of our children and wonderful staff who took part in our Sport Dress Down Day yesterday. We saw many different sport stars, from footballers to gymnasts, rugby players to cyclists. Thanks to everyone’s efforts and generous donations we managed to raise a grand total of £264.70! This money will all go towards brand new sports equipment to enhance both the delivery of P.E and our after school programme activities.

Well done to P7b for confidently delivering their class assembly on Health and Wellbeing at Springfield. It was great to hear about all of the exciting things we can look forward to throughout the year. Improving our children’s health and wellbeing is a key priority this session as we look to promote successful learning through developing social, emotional, emotional and physical wellbeing. Our school is a nurturing and caring learning environment where we promote confidence and positive relationships through kindness and mutual respect. We want all of our pupils to have knowledge that will allow them to make healthy lifestyle choices now and in the future.

It was great to see both P7 classes encouraging their buddies to exercise and get active with some Zumba after P7b’s assembly. They enjoyed taking part in some guided dance to improve their coordination, gross motor skills and body awareness. Other classes across school participated in Joe Wick’s (The Body Coach) Schools Fitness Week by tuning in for a live workout each day.

Phew! Think we all need our long weekend now. Have a safe and restful one and we’ll see you all next Wednesday.

Mr. Logan

P1B – Shapes, Sounds and Winning the Peg Challenge!

In literacy this week we have been learning the letters ‘p’ and ‘n’.  On Monday we began by sorting items in a ‘feely’ bag – does the item begin with ‘p’?  We had a ‘yes’ hoop and a ‘no’ hoop, listening to initial sounds as well as developing some data handling skills.  We did it together as a class just to see how to do it, then had a go in small groups.

Here we are practising the sounds ‘p’ and ‘n’:

The ‘n’ song and action are about an aeroplane, we have enjoyed flying around the room.

In numeracy we have been working with numbers 4 and 5.  We have been singing number songs, counting objects and working on number formation.  5 is quite tricky so we had two days of lots of different activities out to allow us to practise.


We have been reading some stories about being kind to each other and how we can help each other.  We looked at lots of pictures of different behaviours and decided if behaving in a particular way is a ‘green’ choice or a ‘red’ choice.  We were very good at deciding where each picture should go and we worked really well together to make these posters for our classroom.

On Thursday we were learning about 2D shape.  We were remembering the names of the shapes we already knew as well as learning some new ones – pentagon, hexagon and octagon.  We have been describing the shapes using their properties, discussing how many sides and corners they have, we also used lots of good maths describing words like, curved, straight, edge, point.  We played with the shapes to create pictures in many different ways, looking at the shapes and working out hpw they can be put together.

We were delighted on Friday when we were told that we were the winners of the ‘peg challenge’ – ask your child to tell you all about it!  Mrs Kennedy is very proud of us and we got to go outside to play early for break time today and we had the playground to ourselves for a while.

As we had our sports clothes on already we went to the hall for some Zumba with our buddies.  We have also done some yogo in the classroom this week, using the ‘Going on a Bear Hunt’ story and doing some yoga poses to go along with it.  Mrs Kennedy did it too so she wasn’t able to take pictures!

Have a lovely relaxing long weekend.  Love P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Rockets and robots in P1A!

As part of Scottish Maths week, we have been learning about 2D shapes. We used circles, triangles, squares and rectangles to make robot pictures, used 2D shapes to make our own pictures and patterns, played 2D shape games on the smartboard and used 2D shapes to create rockets!



This week we have continued to practise our number formation and learned how to write the numbers 4 and 5. We used spaghetti, play dough, pipe cleaners and cubes to make our numbers and practised writing our numbers on the whiteboards and with Miss Harrison.



Our two new sounds this week were ‘p’ and ‘n’. We used our new sounds to make words such as ‘pat’, ‘nap’, ‘ant’ and ‘pan’. We practised writing the ‘p’ sound on post-it notes and in the squidgy paint bags and used our magnetic boards to build words. When learning our ‘n’ sound, we used play dough to make our sound and drew ‘n’ pictures and wrote ‘n’ words on a graffiti wall. We also looked for words with our new sounds in our reading books and played ‘n’ words snap!


On Friday we went to the gym hall with our P7 buddies to take part in some Zumba for Fitness Week! Thankfully we have the long weekend to recover!


We hope that everyone enjoys the long weekend. Thank you for reading our blog post.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

New Sounds, Library and PE

On Monday morning some of us made new play dough.  We followed the recipe, using cups and a table spoons to measure the ingredients. We put lavender from Mrs Kennedy’s garden in it to make it smell nice and it worked! We have had lovely squashy, nice smelling dough all week.  I wonder what other smells we could try?

We began the week learning the ‘a’ sound.  We are very good at the ‘Ants on my Arm’ song and action.  I’m sure we could sing it if you ask us.  We practised writing ‘a’ in lots of different multi-sensory ways.

On Wednesday we introduced the ‘t’ sound and started using magnetic letters to help us to build and read words.  We made ‘at’ by listening for the sounds, counting how many sounds we needed and then finding the right letters.  We also practised reading the word, sounding out and then blending the sounds together.

On Tuesday we had PE in the hall.  We have been learning how to move around the hall safely, sharing the space and making sure our ‘bubbles’ don’t pop if we go too close to another person.  We traveled in lots of different ways – walking, running, hopping, skipping and galloping.  We also practised  basic moves too – throwing bean bags and balls, balancing on a beam and jumping over hurdles.

We have been working with number 3 this week, singing number songs to begin to think about counting  up and down and one more, one less. 3 is quite a tricky number to write so we have been practising in lots of different ways and went outside to write 3s all over the playground with chalk.

On Friday we had our first visit to the library.  Mrs Manlove gave us a very warm welcome and we enjoyed choosing and reading our books.  We are looking forward to visiting each week.

As always we have been busing playing this week. Here are a selection of pictures of what we have been up to:


Enjoy your weekend.

From Mrs Kennedy and P1B x

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