Non-stop, Non-fiction! (P1A)

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been learning to find numbers after, before and between with numbers to 20. We found numbers after and before on number lines, played ‘Eggs to Order’ on the computer, highlighted the numbers after on challenge cards and used our knowledge of after, before and between to sequence numbers. This week we have also been learning about pictograms. We played ‘Summer Fair’ on Education City and had to answer questions using pictograms. We also made our own pictograms.

This week our new sounds were ‘th’ and ‘wh’ and our new common words were ‘be’ and ‘she’. We played a memory game with ‘th’ words, made ‘th’ with loose parts, practised writing ‘th’ words and sentences and played ‘The Three Paths’ on Education City. When learning ‘wh’, we made ‘wh’ with play dough, drew ‘wh’ pictures and played a game to practise reading ‘wh’ words. We have also been writing some of our common words on our whiteboards.

This week we have been looking at non-fiction texts and talking about their features. We looked at the contents page, the labels and the photographs. For writing this week, we used our knowledge of cars to write our own car facts. We were able to use a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces. We knew lots of facts as we looked at photographs of cars from the past and we talked about how cars have changed through the years. Did you know that the first car only had space for two people? We also looked at how cars work and watched a video on how car engines work! On Friday we watched ‘Reach Out Reporter’ and listened to facts about hammerhead sharks and volcanoes. We have enjoyed learning through non-fiction texts and we will continue to look at different types of texts every week.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂


This year’s P6 and P7 school show, The Lion King, takes place on Tuesday 6th March and Wednesday 7th March at Linlithgow Academy from 7.30-9pm. Tickets will be on sale next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday outside P7b’s classroom from 3.15-3.30pm for ALL parents, carers and families of Springfield.

Please come along if you would like to purchase tickets, they are priced at £5 for adults and £3 for children. You’ll need to get them fast though as they’re selling out quickly!

Thank you

P6 and P7 x

All Aboard with P1B!

P1B have had a busy couple of weeks!  Our transport topic is well underway, we started by investigating trains.  All of the children have really been enjoying it.  We have made a train and created a train station and cafe in our classroom.  We have also got a train set in the class  which has proved to be very popular too.

Some excellent writing on our train information board.

Some bridge building as part of our trains topic.  We also worked in pairs to make bridges using junk, plastic cups, lollypop sticks, glue and selotape.  The children had to plan with their partner and they worked well together. Almost all of the bridges met the criteria – a train must be able to go along the top and a boat must fit underneath.  It was so busy that I didn’t get a chance to take one photo!

Here are some bridges built during play using wooden blocks.

Train oil pastel pictures.


When I asked the children what they would like to learn about trains, many of them said they want to know more about how they move, we began looking into this by looking at forces, rolling and friction to investigate wheels and the best surfaces for a train to run on.  We tried our train on different surfaces and found that a smooth flat one was best and that tracks were even better.

We also investigated rolling and tried to roll different shapes and sizes of objects.


We have also looked at the history of trains and will be looking more closely at steam engines next week.

In maths we have begun to look at numbers to 20 and beyond.  We have been counting objects up to 20, ordering the numbers forwards and backwards and filling in the missing numbers.



We used Numicon to learn about place value – using the parts to see that ‘teen’ numbers are 10 plus some units.

In outer maths we have been data handling.  this week we were sorting objects, making up our own criteria to get them into categories.  This was a big hit and the children have sorted lots of things around the classroom!  They did a great job.

Finally, some lovely photos of the children playing in the snow last week 🙂 It was great fun!


F won the ‘Golden Boot’ for his excellent football skills – Well done!

Enjoy your weekend, P1B and Mrs Kennedy

If I Built a Car (P1A)

This week we were learning to use our sounds to write words and sentences. We read the story ‘If I Built a Car’ and we talked about what our cars would be like if we could build a car. We wrote sentences to describe our cars using a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces. We had lots of good ideas!

This week we were finding out about different ways in which transport has changed from past to present. We looked at pictures of transport from the past and sorted different types of transport correctly in order onto a timeline. We played with our train set and made tickets, used our cars and car repair sheets to be mechanics and played in our transport museum.

This week our new sounds were ‘sh’ and ‘ch’ and our new common words were ‘go’ and ‘we’. We made ‘sh’ with shells and play dough, used our Ipad to help us write ‘sh’ words, played Roll & Read to practise reading ‘sh’ words and wrote ‘sh’ words and sentences. When learning ‘ch’, we drew ‘ch’ pictures, labelled ‘ch’ pictures, played ‘Cheeping Chicks’ on Education City and wrote ‘ch’ words and sentences.

This week we have been learning to sequence numbers forwards and backwards to 20. We have been finding missing numbers on a number line, ordering our number pebbles from 20 to 0, playing sequencing and ordering games on the smartboard and making numbers to 20 using tens and units.

In numeracy and maths, we have also been learning to sort objects & pictures in different ways. We sorted information on a Carroll Diagram in our workbooks. We also sorted shells, loose parts and toys according to their size, colour or shape and we were able to explain to Miss Harrison how we had sorted the items.

This week we also won ‘Class of the Week’.  Thank you very much for reading our blog post and we hope that everyone has a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Transport and Transport Museums (P1A)

This week we finished learning our number bonds to 10 and completed our work on how to solve missing number equations. We have started to look at numbers to 20. We began with counting to 20 and sequencing the numbers to 20. We put our number pebbles in the correct sequence, found missing numbers on a number line, played a sequencing game on the smartboard and completed dot to dot patterns to 20.

This week our new sounds were ‘y’ and ‘z’. We were very excited as we have now learned all of our initial sounds! We made ‘y’ with play dough and rainbow writing, practised writing uppercase and lowercase letters, made our own yellow submarines and played ‘Yellow Yo-Yo’ on Education City. When learning about ‘z’, we made ‘z’ with shells and wooden blocks, practised writing ‘z’ with colourful pens, wrote ‘z’ and ‘z’ words on our whiteboards and made our own buzzing bees!

This week we started to talk about what we already know about transport. We knew that there are lots of different types of vehicles, that transport takes you anywhere you want to go, that tractors have lots of engine parts and that some cars run on oil or electricity. We then told Miss Harrison what we would like to learn about transport. In pairs, we worked together to make houses and different types of transport for our classroom display. We used our cutting skills to cut out different shapes and used a variety of materials to make our display. Doesn’t it look great! We have also started to turn our role play area into a transport museum. We have a ticket office, an area to learn about transport and we even have a café!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Happy New Year from P1B

Happy New Year everyone!  We’re back from our holidays raring to go.

We have a fantastic new board at the entrance to the school showing Springfield School Vision and Values.  We have been learning about our key values – we are ‘resilient, respectful, kind, confident and included.’  To help us to understand what these words mean we have been learning songs and actions.  Here we are doing the actions:

We are resilient

We are respectful

We are kind

We are confident

We are included

In phonics we learned the sounds ‘qu’ and ‘x’  These sound a lot like other sounds (s and c) and are tricky to hear in words but we were trying really hard to tell the differnce.  We liked making treasure maps with ‘x’ marks the spot and drawing x-rays.


In maths we were so busy Mrs Kennedy forgot to take any photos!  We have been doing really hard maths, as hard as P7, as we tried equations.  We sometimes call them ‘missing number sums’ as this is easier to say.  We had to recall our addition facts for 3, 4, and 5 to fill in the missing numbers.  Next week we will look at missing number sums for addition to 6, 7, and 8.

Mrs Kennedy brought in lots of empty boxes she has collected over the holidays (mainly chocolate boxes!) and we have been very using them in our creative area, some great designs and excellent teamwork.

M, R and C built a fantastic castle together.

Have a good weekend everyone.

From P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Values and Missing Number Equations! (P1A)

Happy New Year and welcome back to our P1A blog! We have had a busy first week back at school.

This week our two new sounds were ‘qu’ and ‘x’ and our common words were ‘want’, ‘saw’ and ‘no’. We drew ‘qu’ pictures and made ‘qu’ words on graffiti walls, practised writing ‘qu’ words on our whiteboards, made ‘qu’ with play dough and played ‘Queen’s Quiz’ on Education City. When we were learning the ‘x’ sound, we practised writing ‘x’ with rainbow writing, played ‘Roll and Read’ and drew our own ‘x’ pictures. We also wrote ‘qu’ and ‘x’ words and sentences in our jotters. To learn our common words, we also played a pairs game on the smartboard, practised writing our common words on our whiteboards and played ‘Beat The Teacher’.

When Miss Baillie and Mr Wells came into our classroom this week they couldn’t believe that we were learning to solve missing number equations in maths and numeracy! We have been working really hard to find the missing number in our addition sums. We played Hexabonds on the smartboard, found the missing numbers on challenge cards and revised our number bonds for 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

This term our gym day will be on a Thursday. On Thursday afternoon, we went to the Community Wing hall to practise our motor skills. We were jumping, hopping, skipping, balancing, kicking, throwing and catching. We had to listen carefully to instructions, use the equipment correctly, share with others and take turns.

This week we have been talking about our school values. We decided to make a Values display in our classroom and took photographs of us doing the action for each value. Our school values are resilient, respectful, kind, confident and included. Can you guess which is which?

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Merry Christmas from P1B

A very short final blog of the year.

Here are a couple of pictures from today.  Our buddies surprised us with story books that they wrote and illustrated.  They read us the stories and gave them to us as a Christmas gift.  We love them!  Thank you very much P7 🙂

We are saying “Merry Christmas” (very loudly!) in this photo, taken just before our Christmas party.

Enjoy the festivities, have a happy and peaceful time.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Catch up with P1B

A quick recap of the past two weeks – we have fitted in quite a lot!

Last week we performed our nativity.  The children were very proud of themselves and I’m certain you were proud of them too.  Here we are before the Thursday night performance – it was great fun coming to school at night!

On Friday we had our stall at the Christmas Fair.  For our enterprise task we made salt dough Christmas tree decorations and reindeer lollipops.  We sold out very quickly and raised around £50 which we have to spend on our class.

This week we have been very busy making snowmen for our corridor display.  We tried out lots of different ways to create our pictures.  Some were quite tricky but we kept trying and didn’t give up, showing a lot of resilience.  It was worth it – the artwork is fantastic, well done everyone for helping to make our winter corridor look so good.

For our first snowmen, we were only allowed to rip  paper and glue it down to make a picture.  It was difficult to make the different shapes we needed and we had to use our hands carefully and tear slowly.


For our second snowmen, we drew around round objects and stuck cotton wool and felt on to decorate them, cutting the felt into the shapes we wanted.


For our last snowmen we used potatoes and white paint to print the bodies and then painted faces, arms and clothing.

N and A helped to make the big snowman.  They painted him, filled his body with polystyrene and designed his clothes from off-cuts of material.


Here is the finished result, we love it!  Please have a closer look the next time you are in.

We had some visitors on Wednesday for our ‘Learning Showcase’ afternoon.  The children certainly showed off their learning at the different activities, all relating to what we have been covering over the past few weeks.  We had a full classroom and all the children were eager to show their skills, they were very much on task too.  Thank you for visiting and well done P1B for being so enthusiastic.


We have been continuing our phonics and numeracy work.  Sounds ‘j’ and ‘v’ this week and number bonds for 8 and 9.

I can’t believe it’s one week until the holidays!  Next week we will have Santa’s workshop in our home corner, with toy designing and a wrapping station.  We will be enjoying lots of other Christmas activities too, including our party on Thursday and our family church service on Tuesday evening.

Primary 1B and Mrs Kennedy

Festive fun in P1A!

What a busy fortnight we have had in P1A!

Last week our sounds were ‘k’ and ‘ck’ and our common words were ‘he’, ‘me’ and ‘is’. We played ‘Kit Kite’ on Education City, drew ‘k’ pictures, played ‘Roll & Read’ for ‘ck’ words, practised writing words and sentences on the whiteboards and wrote ‘k’ and ‘ck’ words in our jotters.

This week our sounds were ‘j’ and ‘v’ and our common words were ‘his’, ‘put’ and ‘was’. We made our own jellyfish, made ‘j’ with play dough and jewels, made a ‘v’ graffiti wall and practised writing ‘v’ with rainbow writing. We have been working very hard at writing words and sentences in our jotters and we have been practising writing our common words. We even looked for our common words which were hidden underneath paint!

Last week we learned addition facts for 7 and 8 and this week we learned addition facts for 9 and 10. We have been playing different number bonds games on the smartboard, looking for number facts on the dominoes, finding ways to make numbers with the play dough and using our number facts to play Christmas Dice Addition.

Last week, we finished learning about analogue and digital o’clock times. We played o’clock bingo, matched analogue and digital times, played o’clock games on the smartboard and finished our time workbooks. We have also been learning about the days of the week and the months of the year. For revision, this week we looked at patterns and symmetry but with a Christmas theme! We completed Christmas pictures to give them one line of symmetry, continued Christmas patterns and made our own patterns on Christmas lights!

Last week we performed our nativity ‘A Little Nativity’ to our families and the rest of the school. Miss Harrison was very proud of us as we remembered all of our words, we sang beautifully and we sang with lots of enthusiasm! We enjoyed performing our nativity. Here are some pictures of us ready to perform on Thursday night!

Last week we also had the PTA Christmas Fair. We made salt dough Christmas trees and reindeer lollipops to sell. We worked very hard on our salt dough Christmas trees and had to use a variety of materials. We also had to use our cutting skills and drawing skills to make our reindeer lollipops. We made about £42 on the day which was fantastic! We really enjoyed going round the fair and visiting Santa. Thank you to everyone for supporting us at our Nativity and at the Christmas Fair.

This week we worked really hard to make our winter display for the corridor. We made our own snowflakes by cutting out different shapes and we made penguins using black sugar paper, cotton wool and paint. We also used cotton wool for the snow on our display. Doesn’t it look brilliant!

Finally, we have been enjoying playing with our friends and using our new toys. We got some dinosaur fossils, dinosaur bones and magnifying glasses so we have set up an exploring area in our tuff tray. We also got some natural resources which we have been using for lots of different things. Miss Harrison also set up Santa’s Workshop in our role-play area so we have been busy writing letters, wrapping presents and designing and building toys!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂




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