Fairtrade in P1A

This week we learned the ‘igh’ sound.  We made ‘igh’ words with sounds on lightbulbs, practised writing ‘igh’ with rainbow writing, played ‘Fright in the Night’ on Education City, drew ‘igh’ pictures and practised writing ‘igh’ in our handwriting booklets. We also revised all the vowel digraphs that we have learned so far. We played Vowel Snakes and Ladders, played Bingo with ‘ee’ words, made ‘ai’ with play dough and wrote ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ words on our whiteboards. Using our sounds, we have been reading words in our reading books and writing words and sentences in our literacy jotters.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been learning to find two more and two less than with numbers to 20. We have also been revising comparing numbers to 20 and ordering numbers to 20. This week we have also been using ten frames to help us to talk about how we ‘see’ numbers. We have been making different numbers on our ten frames and we have been revising our number bonds on our ten frames too. Next term we will be looking at subtracting so we will be using our ten frames to help us with our subtraction facts to 10.

This week we have been learning about Fairtrade. We watched a video called ‘Pablo the Super Banana’ about how bananas are grown and how they end up in our shops. It also told us that when we see the Fairtrade mark on food, it means that the farmers that grew them got the fair amount of money for the work they did. We also played ‘Fairtrade Bingo’ to learn about different Fairtrade products. Afterwards we designed our own Fairtrade footballs for the Linlithgow Fairtrade Partnership Competition. On Thursday afternoon we went to a Fairtrade assembly and some of us were awarded a certificate for our outstanding Fairtrade football designs.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Flying inventions in P1A!

This week we have been learning the ‘ea’ sound and our new common words are ‘some’ and ‘come’. We wrote ‘ea’ words on leaves, practised reading ‘ea’ words playing Roll & Read and playing an ‘ea’ words memory game, wrote ‘ea’ words on our whiteboards, played ‘A Day by the Sea’ on Education City and wrote ‘ea’ words and sentences in our literacy jotters.

For writing this week we made posters for our own flying inventions! We looked at features of a poster and made sure that our posters included a title, a picture and a short sentence. We also tried to make our posters colourful.

In Numeracy & Maths we have been learning to order numbers to 20 and find numbers one more/one less with numbers to 20. We played ordering games on the laptops and smartboard, ordered our number pebbles from largest to smallest, played larger/smaller number games with dominoes, found numbers one more/one less than and worked with a partner to cut out numbers to 20 and put them in the correct order. Next we will be looking at finding two more/two less  than with numbers to 20.

We hope that everyone is enjoying the snow and keeping safe and warm.

P1A and Miss Harrison xxx


Here are some suggested activities for the children to do if the weather continues:

• Practise reading, saying & writing the ‘ea’ sound. Have a go at writing ‘ea’ words such as ‘read’, ‘seat’, ‘mean’ and ‘cheap’.

• Although we haven’t started learning the ‘igh’ sound in class, practise reading, saying & writing the ‘igh’ sound. Have a go at writing ‘igh’ words such as ‘light’, ‘night’ and ‘fright’.

• Practise reading common words in the sounds/words tubs. Have a go at writing the common words.

• Read your reading book. Draw a comic strip of the beginning, middle and end of your story.

• Practise ordering numbers to 20 and beyond. If you google ‘Topmarks’ and then type in ‘Caterpillar Ordering’ then you will find an online ordering game.

• Practise finding numbers one more/one less than with numbers to 20. You could use a number line for support. Although we haven’t started this in class, you could find numbers two more/two less than with numbers to 20.

• We will be learning about money after Easter so you could practise identifying coins to £2.

• Make a poster about a method of transport and try to include a title, picture and short sentence. Can you make your poster colourful?

• With adult help, use the internet to research about a method of transport. Put in key words to find information. You could also look for images of transport from the past


Visitors, Yoga and a Bike Shop!

We had a great start to the week when Cs Granda brought his friend Robert to P1B.  There is not much Robert doesn’t know about trains and he gave a fantastic talk.  He brought lots of examples of train parts with him and we really enjoyed seeing them.  He even brought us a whole jar of coal so we could see what is used in the fire on a steam train.  We each got to take a piece of coal home and Robert has left us lots of other things to play with and a fantastic train book.  In writing this week we all wrote thank you cards.  We worked especially hard to make them really good to say a big thank you for coming to see us.

In numeracy we are continuing with numbers to 20, learning about he words ‘larger’, ‘smaller’, ‘largest’ and ‘smallest’ as we discuss and identify the numbers.  In outer maths on Thursday we were learning about positional language – on top, underneath, beside, in front, in between, above, below, and many more!

For PE this week we did some yoga in the classroom.  We did a whole class lesson where everyone followed the pose that Mrs Kennedy showed them then we moved around the room looking at different cards and copied the pose on the card.  We had to try to hold the positions and think about breathing deeply as we did them.  It was good fun and much harder than we thought it would be!

Our bike shop is up and running!  Thank you very much for the donations of spare parts, the children are loving it!

On Friday morning we had some quiet reading time, some of us wanted to read on our own and some with a partner.  It was nice to choose any book we liked and take time to look at it.

On a recent trip, F visited Chinatown in Liverpool.  He was very lucky to see a Chinese New Year parade.  He brought in lots of photographs and his very own Chinese dragon to show us.  Thank you!

A was on a skiing holiday recently and she got a certificate and medal for her fantastic skiing.  We thought she’d maybe been in the Winter Olympics!

Have a lovely weekend.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Thomas renamed in P1A!

This week we have been revising all sounds learned so far. We have been practising our handwriting and writing words containing our sounds, we have been making our digraphs (sh, ch, th, wh, ai & ay) with play dough, we have been sorting words according to their sounds and we have been matching words to pictures. On Tuesday we went out into the playground and wrote our digraphs on the ground with chalk.

This week we also learned the ‘ee’ sound. We wrote ‘ee’ words in a tree, wrote ‘ee’ sentences on our whiteboards, looked for ‘ee’ words using magnifying glasses, played Roll and Read and wrote ‘ee’ words and sentences in our literacy jotters. We also played ‘Meet the Sheep’ on Education City.

This week we invented our own characters! Miss Harrison read ‘The Snowy Surprise’ and we looked at the different characters in Thomas & Friends. We listened to the theme tune and identified some of the adjectives to describe the characters. Afterwards, we matched pictures of the characters to different adjectives. Then we drew pictures of our own engines and wrote sentences to describe our characters. There was even an engine called Miss Harrison! We were able to use adjectives and capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

In Numeracy & Maths this week, we were finding the larger and smaller number and then the largest and smallest number with numbers to 20. We also looked at ordering numbers to 20. We played ‘Eggs to Order’ on the smartboard, sorted our number pebbles into ‘smaller than 10’ and ‘larger than 10’, played a game with dominoes where the person with the larger number got to keep the dominoes and we also ordered our number pebbles.

This week we were also learning to describe the position of items using everyday words. We played position and movement games on Education City, played bingo and a memory game using words such as on, under, behind, between, beside and next to and we also played a directions game.

This week we also learned about the history of flight. We watched a video called ‘Man’s Early Flight Attempts’ and looked at the different inventions and ways that people tried to fly. We also looked at the invention of the hot air balloon and discussed the similarities & difference between the Wright Flyer & a modern day plane. Afterwards, we made our own hot air balloons using a variety of materials such as feathers, oil pastels, material, crepe paper, shiny paper and pens.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Fizzy Fingers and Jumping Jims

Here are some photos of our Fizzy Fingers group taking part in lots of activities to support their fine motor skills.

We also have a Junping Jims club for children who continue to be supported as they further develop their gross motor skills. Our kids love this club and always have lots of fun!


Thank you so much to Mrs Scott and Mrs Doran who continue to help our children in this way. Thank you also to Mrs Manlove for her contribution to Fizzy Fingers in terms 1 and 2. We continue to offer a wide variety of groups and clubs to support all learners in different ways.

Miss Baillie x


School And Nursery News…

I hope that you are all enjoying the holiday weekend and are making the most of a couple of days off work and school. Here is our news from last week…

We held a lovely assembly last Friday when Anita, Jayden and Lucas took centre stage to share with us how they celebrate Chinese New Year. We watched a video of The Dragon Dance and learned about different Chinese customs that are traditional to this time of year.

Next week, all children will make or write something in classes to do with Chinese New Year and we will make a whole-school display of our work. We really enjoy learning about different cultures and broadening our understanding of global citizenship.

Here are some of our certificate winners for this week:

Our birthday children are pictured below, including two of our little nursery pupils who also celebrated a birthday last week. Happy Birthday to you all!

Finally, an achievement for last week. Here is G in P1B with his Enjoy-A-Ball trophy. Well done G, we are very proud of you!

The nursery children had a visit from Zoo Lab last week and really enjoyed learning about different animals associated with Chinese New Year. Did you know that 2018 is the year of the dog?

See you all back in school and nursery on Wednesday for a nice, short week.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖💓💖



Counting and Cars in P1B

Our classroom has been a little louder than usual during maths time this week as we have been counting objects, the best way to do this is to count out loud – we are very good at it!

On Thursday we carried on with our data handling topic.  This week we made our own bar charts in our maths books and practised during play time too.

We have been working on ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ as well as continuing to learn our common words.  Recognising and spelling these words really helps us as we read our reading books and write in sentences.

We are continuing our transport topic and have begun to look at cars.  We started by thinking about what each of us already know about cars – we drew pictures and shared our knowledge with each other, It’s amazing what you can learn from chatting with a friend 🙂

We also read the story ‘If I built a Car.’ In it the little boy imagines all the things he would add to his family car to make it much better.  We designed and wrote about our cars.

On Thursday, we had a go at labeling the parts of a car – sounding out the words and writing down any sounds that we could hear.  It didn’t matter if the words weren’t perfect, but we all had a good go.  We also really like watching video clips of cars being made.

O is M’s big brother, Mrs Kennedy used to be his teacher at nursery and she knew how much he liked cars.  She asked him if he would like to talk to the class and he came in on Wednesday and did an excellent job!  We learned a lot and he put in a few quizzes to keep us on our toes!  We had to listen carefully.

In preparation for Chinese New Year, the assembly on Friday was all about the story of Chinese New Yea. We were very lucky to have a visit from A and L who taught us some Chinese words.  They were very confident and their talk was very interesting.  Well done!

Have a lovely long weekend everyone.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Magic Train Ride (P1A)

As part of our Transport focus, this week we compared trains today and trains in the past. We looked at steam trains and we looked at trains in other countries such as the ‘Bullet’ train in Japan. We listened to a story called ‘Magic Train Ride’ and we discussed where we would go if we could go anywhere on a magic train ride (real or imaginary). In our literacy jotters, we wrote about our own magical train rides. We have been working hard to use our sounds to spell words and use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. We also made our own ‘Magic Train’ pictures using oil pastels and by drawing different 2D shapes. Don’t they look great!

This week our new sounds were ‘ai’ and ‘ay’. We played a pairs game with ‘ai’ words, made an ‘ai’ graffiti wall, made ‘ai’ with play dough and practised writing ‘ai’ in a spelling activity. When learning the ‘ay’ sound, we practised writing ‘ay’ words on our whiteboards, made ‘ay’ with loose parts, wrote ‘ay’ sentences and looked for ‘ay’ words using a magnifying glass.

This week our common words were ‘are’ and ‘they’. On Friday, we revised some of the common words that we have learned over the past few weeks. We made common words graffiti walls, practised writing our common words on our whiteboards, made sentences by cutting out words, played a common words Snakes & Ladders game and played ‘Ready or Not’ on Education City.

On Thursday afternoon we went to the Community Wing hall to continue to practise and develop our motor skills. We were jumping, kicking, dribbling, running, throwing, catching and balancing.

In Numeracy and Maths we have continued to learn about pictograms. We made our own pictograms on Thursday and we answered questions about different pictograms. This week we have also been counting objects to 20 and beyond using one-to-one correspondence. We had to make sure that we didn’t miss out any objects or count any twice! We completed a transport counting activity, worked with a partner to give them different amounts to count out, counted out different amounts using loose parts and played different counting games on the smartboard.


We hope that everyone has a lovely long weekend. Thank you for reading our blog post.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

This Week’s News…💫

Thank you so much to Mrs McAlpine and P3/4 for their insightful assembly about Growth Mindset. We all really enjoyed it and learned lots of new things.

Here are our nursery angels who came to join us at assembly showing us our ‘resilience’ value. Look at those big muscles!!

Mrs Parlett and the boys and girls have been making ‘slime’ in the nursery this week which particularly fascinated our P7B boys when we went down for a visit last Tuesday morning. Mrs Fraser has also been busy making the Aurora Borealis at pupils’ request, above the ice palace in the Expressive Arts room. Imagine being able to see the Northern Lights in our nursery! How amazing!

Here is D in P5A with his chess achievement  for this week. D took part in a big competition with lots of other children and won! We are so proud of you D!  We are also very grateful to D’s Dad, Mr Kitaev, who comes into school each Monday lunchtime to run a Maths Club for our children. If you have a skill to share and would be interested in running a lunchtime or after-school club for our kids then please get in touch with me at school-we’d love to have you as part of our team!

We are delighted to reveal that we have this year’s Gala Queen once again, with the lovely Emilie Cunningham due to take up reign in June from our previous Queen, Ruby. This is a huge accolade for Springfield and for Emilie and her family. We can’t wait to support Emilie over the coming months as she prepares for her big day!

Keep an eye out for the next edition of our school and nursery newsletters which should be mailed out to you all next week.

At the request of one of our P1 girls, we are planning to rearrange the ‘Big Bedtime Story’ for nursery to P3 children which we had to cancel last month due to the snowy weather.  We are so sorry that we had to cancel. Watch this space for a new date!

Finally, a very Happy Birthday to AL in P3 who got her birthday sticker in Assembly last Friday. We all hope that you had a lovely day!

Speak to you all next week,

Love Miss Baillie xxx💖💖🌟





P1B find out how a steam engine works

P1B wanted to know how a steam engine works, with the help of a very good Thomas the Tank Engine clip, we learned about all the parts of a steam engine and how they work together.  We acted out how a steam engine works, then coloured our diagrams and explained to a partner how a steam engine works to power a train.

In literacy this week we have been learning the sounds ‘th’ and ‘wh’ and reading and writing sentences – looking more closely at sentence structure.  We have been looking out for capital letters, finger spaces and full stops as we read and then making sure we put these in as we write sentences.

In numeracy we are becoming very familiar with numbers to 20 and beyond.  We have been using the language ‘before, after and in-between’ as we discuss the numbers.

We have had a ‘Kindness Bucket’ in the class for a few weeks.  We begin each week with an empty bucket and Mrs Kennedy puts ‘kindness’ in it when we do something kind – being kind to each other, looking after toys and resources nicely and being kind to Mrs Kennedy and our friends by listening well and not interrupting.  We filled the bucket this week and got an extra long Golden time on Friday – outside!

Have a lovely weekend everyone, it’s so nice to see the sun shining!

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

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