Number names and life cycles (P1A)

This week we were learning the number names to 20. We played number names bingo, matched the number names to the numerals, practised writing the number words, made a number names graffiti wall and made the number names with our play dough. We also played ‘Teddy Numbers’ on our new Promethean board and matched number names to numerals in our workbooks.


This week we started to learn about money. We looked at all the coins up to £2. We played ‘Dino Day Out’ on Education City, sorted coins into the correct money amounts, played coin bingo and cut out coins and matched them to the correct amount.

This week our new sound was ‘ew’. We made ‘ew’ words on our magnetic boards, made ‘ew’ words with play dough, practised writing ‘ew’ words on our whiteboards, wrote ‘oo’ and ‘ew’ sentences in our literacy jotters and played ‘Matthew’s Stew’ on Education City.

On Thursday we took part in our whole school litter pick. We worked in teams to look for any litter in our school grounds and we used litter picks and bags to collect the litter. We made sure that we washed our hands afterwards and Miss Harrison even made us use hand gel!

This week we have been learning about life cycles as part of our P1 Health and Wellbeing ‘Relationships’ trail. We looked at the life cycle of a frog. We cut out pictures to make our own frog life cycle diagrams and we wrote a sentence about the life cycle underneath. We also played ‘Roll, Say, Colour’ using the frog life cycle, coloured and labelled a diagram and played a frog life cycle game on the Promethean board. On Thursday, we looked at the human life cycle. We drew pictures of what we look like now then we drew pictures of what we think we will look like as an adult and as an elderly person! We also talked about the basic needs of a baby.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A , Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

Welcome back to P1A!

Welcome back to the final term of P1A. We have had a busy first week back at school!

This week we learned the ‘oo’ sound. We drew ‘oo’ pictures, made ‘oo’ looking glasses, made ‘oo’ words with Cheerios and play dough, looked for ‘oo’ words with magnifying glasses and played ‘Big Cook Book’ on Education City. We also practised writing our common words.


On Tuesday we went on our first school trip to Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway (Please see our separate blog post about our trip). On Wednesday and Thursday we looked at the photographs from our trip and we wrote a report using words such as ‘first’, ‘then’, ‘next’ and ‘finally’. We were able to write the events in order and use capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and joining words. We worked very hard with our writing and we included lots of detail.

In Numeracy and Maths, we looked at ordinal numbers. We stood in a line and worked out who was first, second, third, fourth and fifth. Then we ordered ordinal number cards, raced cars and awarded them with medals, played ‘Tractor Race’ on Education City, completed an ordinal numbers transport cut and stick activity and coloured in animals according to their ordinal number.

This week we also looked at the story ‘The Snail and the Whale’. We looked at the rhyming words in the text and we also talked about the characters, events and ideas in the story. The snail and the whale were good friends and helped each other. On Monday afternoon we completed different activities relating to the story. Some of us wrote letters to the snail or the whale to thank them for being helpful, some of us used paint and paper plates to make snails, some of us used glitter paint and practised our common words using glitter trails and some of us made spirals with play dough and loose parts.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

P1B’s First Class Trip!

What a fantastic day we had yesterday on our trip to Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway.  It was great fun going on a train ride on the steam train.  We loved the old fashioned carriages and bouncy seats!  We ate our lunch on the train on the way to Manuel Station.

We each had a special ticket that we had to keep safe to show the ticket inspector when he came round to check them.  He punched our tickets with a special machine.  He let us help him use the machine.

When we arrived at Manuel station we all got off the train to watch the steam engine as it uncoupled and moved along the tracks to allow it to attach to the other end of the train so it could pull the carriages home again.

We really enjoyed the museum too, there was so much to see, lots of trains and exhibitions.  We got to go inside some of the trains and pretend to drive quite a few too.

To mark the 100 year anniversary of the end of the First World War the museum are asking those who want to to help,  make poppies dedicated to the railwaymen who lost their lives in the war.  We were only too happy to help and our poppies can be seen on display in the museum.

It was an excellent day out and we had a lot of new experiences, we all loved going on the bus with our friends too.  We were all very well behaved and Mrs Kennedy was very proud of us.  We will write a report on our day out this week in class.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy


P1A’s trip to Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway

Today we went on our first school trip to Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway.  We travelled there by bus and when we arrived, we got our tickets from the ticket office. We waited patiently for the steam train to arrive and then we hopped on board!

Once we were on the steam train we sat down at the tables and chairs in our carriage. We went on a return trip from Bo’ness to Manuel and during our journey we went through a dark tunnel which we really enjoyed!

When we were on the steam train the ticket conductor came along to check our tickets. We got to stamp our own train tickets! Afterwards we had our lunch on the steam train.

When we arrived at Manuel, we got off the steam train to watch the steam locomotive. It looked a little bit like Percy from Thomas the Tank Engine!

After our journey on the steam train, we went to the Museum of Scottish Railways. We looked at lots of different types of trains. One of our favourite trains was the Royal Mail train as we got to sort the post!

We got to explore lots of different trains in the museum and we even climbed on board a vintage Glasgow subway car!

After we had looked round the museum, we were asked to do a very special job. The Museum of Scottish Railways are creating a memorial wall to honour the Scottish soldiers who worked for the railways and we got to make poppies for the museum.

We had a fantastic day at Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway and we would like to thank our parent helpers who came along to help today.

Thank you for reading our blog post,

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

Happy Easter from P1B


We continued our odd and even numbers in numeracy this week.  We’ve been taking a little time over this, playing with the numbers in lots of different ways to make sure we are confident at counting in 2s and can tell an even from an odd number.  We are getting very good at it and really like looking at really big numbers to see if they are odd or even.

In PE, we continued with tennis.  We didn’t use the rackets this week, instead we concentrated on our hand-eye co-ordination as we bounced a ball around hall. We then practised some of the movements we need around the court to get to the tennis ball, in particular, moving sideways.  We also did some running and stopping quickly, getting into the ready position.  It was good fun as always and the children are very enthusiastic, many showing good resilience as they try to do things that, at first, may not be easy.

Each class in the infant section of the school has been working on a new text this week.  P1 chose ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ It’s a lovely bright book, with great illustrations and lots of rhyming words. Our literacy focus has been rhyming and adjectives.  We did lots of listening, talking and matching up words that rhyme.  We also wrote some sentences describing the shark in the book.  The children had great suggestions of words to describe him – powerful, fierce, enormous and beautiful were just a few.

We have also begun to create an underwater wall display in the corridor.  We’ve been using lots of different art techniques as we make underwater creatures for the display.  We watched some ‘Blue Planet’ and saw the lovely bright colours that there are under the sea.  We are making our display bright too. Have a peak the next time you are in or pop in at the end of the day.

On Thursday, we went outside into the outdoor classroom where there were lots of eggs hidden!  It was good fun finding them and we counted them afterwards, there were almost 50 eggs!

We have been very busy playing this week too.  Planning, co-operating, socialising, and using our imaginations too.

Have a lovely Easter, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Commotion in the Ocean (P1A)

In Literacy this week we have been looking at rhyming words and describing words. Miss Harrison read us ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ and we listened for rhyming words. We played ‘Cat Cosy’ on Education City, matched rhyming words on Easter eggs and matched bees and flowers that rhymed, with Miss Hardie. On Tuesday we looked at describing words for different sea animals. We looked at the shark in ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ and thought about words to describe it. We were able to describe the shark using describing words such as ‘long’, ‘fierce’ and ‘dangerous’. Afterwards we used our own adjectives to write sentences about the shark using describing words.

In Numeracy this week we continued to look at odd and even numbers. We ordered our odd and even number pebbles, wrote odd and even number sequences on our whiteboards, played ‘Crazy Golf’ on Education City and sorted our dominoes into odd and even. We also made our own ‘Odd House’ pictures and we had to make sure that our house had odd features such as one chimney or five windows.

This week we looked at creating drawings through observing and recording. As part of The Round Table Marches Magazine competition, we looked at ‘What makes Linlithgow Beautiful?’ We looked at photographs on the Burgh Beautiful website of flowers and plants in Linlithgow. We drew pictures of what we thought makes Linlithgow beautiful. Our drawings were absolutely fantastic and Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie were very pleased with how hard we worked.

We also developed our observing and recording skills this week by creating our own sea animals from Commotion in the Ocean. We drew the outlines of our favourite sea animals and then Miss Harrison enlarged our drawings. In groups, we used different materials to create our sea animals for our Commotion in the Ocean display. We will finish our display during the first week back after the holidays.

On Thursday afternoon we went into the outdoor classroom and we had an Easter egg hunt. It was a lot of fun! This week we have also been practising our Easter songs and on Friday, we went to St. Michael’s Church for our Easter Service. Miss Harrison was so proud of our behaviour, both walking to the church and during the Easter Service. We would like to wish everyone a happy Easter and we hope that you have a lovely, happy and safe holiday.

Thank you for reading our blog post,

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Our Week in P1B

Another busy week in P1B!  We have been learning the spelling patterns ‘oa’ and ‘ow’.  We have been practising these sounds inside and outside  – even though the weather wasn’t very kind to us we didn’t mind and we are remembering the sounds really well as we remember the activities we did outside.  The different environment meant  that different senses were heightened than those we use inside and this helps us to learn.

We have been counting in 2s a lot!  Not just at numeracy time but also at lots of different times during the day to help us to become very familiar with counting in this way.  We made ‘even number aliens’ every part of their bodies had to be an even number, drawing these made us think carefully about even numbers and we counted in 2s as we drew.  Here are some of our creations:

Mrs Kennedy read us a funny story called ‘The Badly Behaved Bus’ he was very naughty – he went through puddles and splashed people, didn’t stop at the bus stop and drove straight over roundabouts.  We made Wanted posters to let everyone else know about him.  We wrote very good sentences and some of us were using ‘and’ as a joining word to allow us to write even longer sentences.

In PE, we continued to pracitse our tennis skills.  We were trying hard with our hand-eye coordination, throwing the ball at first and then hitting it with a racket.  We know that good tennis players are in control of the ball so we were careful to hit it gently and accurately rather than really hard.  We’re getting really quite good.

Have a good weekend.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy


Counting in 2s and the Badly Behaved Bus (P1A)

This week we have been learning the ‘-y’, ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ sounds.  We matched ‘oa’ words and pictures, highlighted ‘oa’ words in the story ‘Oakley the Toad’, played ‘Goat Load’ on Education City and practised writing ‘oa’ words and sentences on our whiteboards and in our literacy jotters. When we were learning the ‘ow’ sound we played ‘ow’ bingo, wrote ‘ow’ words with rainbow chalk, made ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ words with sounds in hoops and played an ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ Snakes and Ladders game.

On Monday afternoon Miss Harrison read us a story called ‘The Badly Behaved Bus’. We spoke to our chatty partners about all the things that the bus did that were naughty. We made Wanted posters to try and catch the badly behaved bus. We used a title, included a picture of the badly behaved bus and wrote a sentence about what he was wanted for. Can you believe that he drove over roundabouts and ruined the flowers and soaked people with puddles! We were able to use a joining word in our sentences and we worked really hard on our posters.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have been learning to count in 2s. We looked at counting in 2s and using even numbers. We painted the even numbers on our Splat Square, ordered even number pebbles, found the missing even numbers, played ‘Deep Discoveries’ on Education City and we made our own Mr Even characters! We have started to look at odd numbers but we will continue to practise counting on in 2s and finding odd and even numbers next week.

On Thursday we went to the Community Wing to continue to practise our movement skills. We were able to share with others and take turns and we worked really well together in our teams. Well done to our fantastic gymnasts who took part in the ‘Linlithgow School of Gymnastics’ show last weekend.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A and Miss Harrison 🙂

Another Week at SPS and Bonnytoun…

We managed to all get back to school safely last Monday after our three ‘snow days.’

Our Lion King production has now been postponed until the end of April when the weather will hopefully be a lot more settled. Children in P6-7 are going to have a short break from rehearsing and focus on other curricular areas for a short period.

We have had two assemblies this week due to missing one last week when we were off. Mrs Matos and I held a Fairtrade assembly last Thursday where we looked at the importance of paying farmer’s in  less economically developed countries, a fair price for their produce. On Friday we dressed down in something ‘wacky’ to raise money for the Fairtrade Foundation. Well done to Joseph, Alisa, Ben W and Issac who worked extremely hard to make a Fairtrade board game as part of a challenge that I set them. Morven, Lauren C and Olivia M were the proud winners of our Fairtrade competition which was to design a Fairtrade football. Well done to you all!

P4 and Miss Durano led a professionally delivered assembly last Friday on the Vikings and the day before two ‘real’ Vikings visited Springfield for the day bringing their longboat along with them. This was a great experience for our children.

The nursery have had a particularly exciting week as we have welcomed our new pets to Bonnytoun! Our pet committee are going to be busy looking after two more fish (we have four now!) and Jack and Victor, our new baby Guinea Pigs! Mrs T and I are in love and are going to be very busy over the next few weekends nursing the little piggies at home so that they are calm and ready for the boys and girls to stroke them. They are real cuties so please pop by to have a look if you are passing. We are passionate about animal welfare in the nursery and will ensure that they are extremely well looked after. They are already enjoying a wonderful diet of kale, parsley, broccoli, brussel sprouts and the occasional apple! There are researched benefits to having animals around children and we hope that our pets will enhance your child’s early years experience. Please let me know your thoughts and feedback on this.

Here are some photographs of our certificate winners and ‘birthday’ children from this week:

Well done also to the Demick girls for their dancing achievements and also to M in P1 for his achievement.

Have a very happy Mother’s Day everyone and we will see you all next week for parents’ night.

Kind wishes,

Miss Baillie 💖 🐹 xxx

P1B Go Bananas


P1B have been learning about Fairtrade this week.  We played a game called ‘Go Bananas!’  On Tuesday afternoon our classroom was covered in bananas.  Our job was to be banana pickers, we had to collect the bananas as quickly as we could and put them in the basket for Farmer Euan.  We worked very hard but were disappointed when Farmer Euan did not get enough money for the bananas to pay us.  We thought about all the problems we would have if we didn’t have enough money – no food, clothes and maybe even no house!  We had worked very hard, it just wasn’t fair!  Luckily, he managed to negotiate a better price for all our lovely bananas – one that was fair – then he was able to pay us.

We also took part in the Linlithgow ‘Design a Fairtrade Football’ competition.  There were 3 top entries selected from each class, K, A and E were our winners.  They each worked very hard and spent a lot of time to make their designs the best they could.

To help us think about where the food we eat comes from before it is in the shops, Mrs Kennedy read us a book called ‘The World Came to my Place Today.’  It is about a boy called George who receives a supermarket delivery and his Grandad helps him to learn about where all the things in the shopping bags came from.  At the beginning of the lesson we were discussing were our food comes from, lots of us knew that food can come from a factory but this helped us to think about where is comes from before that.

Image result for the world came to my place today

We also have a farm set up in our corridor play area, this has been helping us think about our food too.  We have been enjoying playing with it and re-arranging it as we like.  We have also been colouring fairtrade pictures and painting our own fairtrade signs.

In numeracy this week, we started ‘Number Talks’  these are daily, short exercises to help us improve our number sense.  We share our thinking with our friends, helping us to develop our problem solving and mental maths skills. It is good to talk about numbers and to see the different ways others work things out.  

To begin with we have been looking at ‘ten frames’ and discussing how to work out how many spots there are without counting them (subitising).  There has been lots of great discussion, for example, “I see five spots and three spots so I know there are eight, ” “Well, I see six spots and then two spots so that’s how I know there are eight.” This is also a great way to revise number bonds.

Blank Ten Frame Free Template

We tried lots of ten frame and subitising activities in the classroom too.

In literacy we learned the sound ‘igh’ as well as practising all the sounds we have been learning over the past few weeks.  We’re getting very good at them. We really like spotting these sounds in words and using highlighter pens to highlight them.

M got an award from his Masterbuilders Lego club this week.  He built two boats, one small one and one ginormous one!

During Golden time on Friday, K, G and M made a treasure map, I overheard them discussing some of the places on it, they mentioned the Star and Garter and Tesco as well as lots of other places in Linlithgow.  They took it along to Mr Wells to out up in his office.  A great map boys!

Have a good weekend everyone, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

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