Mapping It Out in P1A

This week we have been revising some of our digraphs. We revised the ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘th’ and ‘wh’ digraphs. We made ‘ch’ with play dough, used shells to make ‘sh’, played Roll and Read for ‘th’ and made ‘wh’ with play dough. We also unscrambled sentences and wrote our own sentences containing these digraphs. Finally, we played games on Education City to revise these sounds.

For writing this week, we wrote ‘thank you’ letters to Doctor Steve. We revised the features of a letter and wrote letters to convey a message. We were able to include an address, the date, a greeting and a closing farewell. We told Doctor Steve what we liked about his visit and he really enjoyed reading our letters.

In Numeracy and Maths this week, we have been learning how to use a number line to help us to solve our subtraction facts. We were confident with using this strategy to accurately solve subtraction sums to 5. This week we also used our subtraction skills to take away with coins and give change from values to 10p. Next week we will begin to look at linking our addition and subtraction facts.

This week we have been continuing with our People Who Help Us and Local Area learning focus. We have been using our observing and recording skills to draw and create different people who help us for our classroom display. We worked really well in our groups and we were able to take turns, build on each other’s strengths and share resources. On Thursday, we looked at mapping. We spoke about who might use a map and why we use maps with our learning partner. We then worked with a partner to make a map of our classroom. We were able to include all of the main features of our classroom on our maps. We will be continuing to look at mapping next week.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely, sunny weekend!

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

Round Table Marches Magazine Winners

We are so proud that for another year, our Springfield children have again won the Marches Magazine drawing and writing competiton.

Our winners for this year are A in P5, L in P6 and K in P1.  Unfortunately our little P1 winner is on holiday so is not in the picture below, but all of the children’s work is featured here and also in the magazine. You can buy a copy of the magazine at various local shops and business up until Marches Day. K drew a wonderful picture of the Burgh Halls, A wrote a story called ‘The Hedgehog who Loved’ and L wrote a poem about Linlithgow. Thank you to you all for your hard work!

We really do have the most amazing children!

Miss Baillie x💫⭐💫⭐

Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

This week started with a special visit for P4-7 from the Deacons Court of Linlithgow and an introduction to our new Provost. We were happy to meet our Provost and on behalf of our school, we wish him all the very best for his first Marches Day next month. Some of our children and Mr Wells even got to dress up as Baillies!

We also talked about the Decorated Bicycle competition on Marches Day  which two of our lovely pupils won last year. We’d love it if lots of our pupils could enter this year with the help of some talented Mums and Dads! 😉

Our assembly today was an important one led by the NSPCC. All children were reminded of how to keep safe and how to speak up and use their voices if something in their lives isn’t right. We also reminded ourselves of the Childline number in case we needed to speak to a safe grown up about a problem. The NSPCC will be back in school next eeek to run workshops for our P6-7 classes to follow-up on the issues mentioned in assembly. It is our job at Springfield to safeguard all children and protect children’s rights.

We have had a number of pupil achievements this week. Here are our latest successes:

-To I, E and A congratulations for taking part in the Sunny Stars show! I especially loved E playing the part of Princess Jasmine as I’d quite like to be her myself! I loved the costume too! 😊

-C in P2 ran a a fun run recently and deserves a ‘well done’ for doing very well.

– A in P5 has completed the recent Race for Life with her Mum and we are proud of her.

-F in P3 has been very busy gaining some more Girls Brigade badges. Super work F!

-E in P5 got a brilliant silver medal in a recent gymnastics competition. Well done E!

-H in P5 continues to do brilliantly in rugby. You superstar H!

Finally a very ‘Happy Birthday’ to three of our infant children including M and one of our gorgeous sets of twins!

Good luck to our school football team and our Springles cheerleaders who will perform at the George Allan match on Sunday. You will do us proud, of that we are sure!

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!


Miss Baillie xx💖🌞




Butterflies and People Who Help Us (P1A)

What a busy week and a half we have had in P1A!

Last week we looked at uppercase letters. We learned the sounds and names of uppercase letters and we talked about when we use capital letters. We matched lowercase and uppercase letters, played ‘Going Spare’ and ‘Hatching Eggs’ on Education City, traced capital letters, wrote uppercase letters beside lowercase letters on a car track, used stencils to make uppercase letters and used loose parts to make capital letters.

This week our new sounds were ‘au’ and ‘aw’. When learning the ‘au’ sound, we made ‘au’ with shaving foam, made ‘au’ with play dough, played ‘au’ Roll and Read, practised writing ‘au’ words on our whiteboards and practised reading ‘au’ words in our pairs game. When learning the ‘aw’ sound we made ‘aw’ words in the hoops, played an ‘aw’ words pairs game, played ‘White Paw’ on Education City and wrote ‘aw’ sentences in our literacy jotters.

Over the last week and a half we have been continuing to learn our subtraction facts to 10. We looked at subtraction facts for 4 and 5 and we also learned to solve subtraction word problems. We played Subtraction Smash and Subtraction Bowling, practised our subtraction facts for 4 and 5 on our whiteboards, completed a flower subtraction activity, played Subtraction Snakes & Ladders and played a subtraction game on our Promethean board.

In Numeracy and Maths, we have also been continuing to learn to use 1p, 2p and 5p coins to make money totals. We counted up coins in money jars, ordered coins according to their value, played money bingo and played ‘Pick and Mix’ on the Promethean board.

This week we released our butterflies! We looked at the life cycle of a butterfly and we made our own butterfly life cycle diagrams. We also designed our own butterflies, completed a butterfly life cycle cut and stick activity and played Roll, Say, Colour Life Cycle of a Butterfly. We enjoyed releasing our butterflies on Thursday afternoon although we were a little sad to see them go since we have had them from caterpillars!

Last week we started our new learning focus on our Local Area and People Who Help Us in our Community. We talked about places that we had been in our local area, looked at them on Google maps and we drew pictures of them in our Talking Floor book. We also talked about people who help us and ways that these people help in the community. We set up our role play area as a police station and a doctor’s surgery and we have been enjoying taking on different roles during our imaginative play.

On Friday last week we learned what the police do to help us. For writing this week, we wrote letters to Miss Harrison’s brother who is a policeman to find out more about his job. We looked at the features of a letter and we made sure that we included our school address, the date, a greeting and a closing farewell in our letters. Our letters are currently in the post and we will be getting a reply soon.

On Wednesday this week we had a very special visitor. Mr Foster came in to talk to us about his job as a paediatrician. He told us all about how he helps people and we asked him questions. He showed us some of the equipment that he uses in his job and we looked at x-rays. We really enjoyed listening to Mr Foster and we would like to thank him very much for coming in to visit us.

Over the last week and a half we have also had a couple of visits from children from the nursery. They have been coming up to experience the Primary 1 environment, learn and have fun! We have been very welcoming and caring to the nursery children and we have done a fantastic job of showing them what it is like in Primary 1.

Thank you very much for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

P1B Create a Garden Centre and Work Hard to be Global Citizens

This week we continued our life cycle topic.  As we have caterpillars in the classroom we looked at the lifecycle of a butterfly.  The children were very good at showing their understanding on their whiteboards, they also talked to a ‘chatty partner’ about the stages of the life cycle that they had drawn.  Then we made paper chain caterpillars like the one in ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ story.

We have also been thinking about being ‘Global Citizens’ this week.  We decided that it is up to all of us to do our bit to look after our lovely planet.  Mrs Kennedy put lots of different objects into a recycling bag and we used it as a ‘Talking Bag’ this is when we use the objects to help our discussion, we touch, explore and look at them to help us to begin our conversations and get some ideas.  We also had the story ‘George Saves the World by Lunchtime.’  In the book George helps his Grandad to save the world using the 4 R’s – reduce, reuse, recycle and repair.  We then wrote down our own messages to others on how they can help to look after the environment.

On Friday, we began to turn our role play area into a garden centre.  There were six committees and they all worked hard doing different jobs. You can see the committees below. There was a Sign Making Committee too but there doesn’t seem to be a photograph of them, they did an excellent job and Mrs Kennedy is about to set it up using all the work that the children produced.

We have had quite a few children with successes outside of school this week.  G got a certificate from Crazy Golf, K was in a rugby tournament and F won the Golden Boot at his football training.  C was also awarded this large trophy in her Judo class.  Well done to all of you!

Have a lovely long weekend, see you all on Wednesday, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

P1A’s Class Assembly Week

This week our new sounds were ‘ou’ and ‘ow’. When learning the ‘ou’ sound, we wrote ‘ou’ words in clouds, made ‘ou’ words with play dough, played ‘Mouse in the House’ on Education City and completed an ‘ou’ spelling activity. We also wrote ‘ou’ sentences in our literacy jotters. When learning the ‘ow’ sound, we made ‘ow’ words in hoops, wrote ‘ow’ words in cows, practised writing ‘ow’ words and sentences on our whiteboards, played an ‘ow’ words pairs game and played Roll and Read.

In Numeracy and Maths this week we have been continuing to learn our subtraction facts to 10. We looked at subtracting 1 and 2 from a number and we learned subtraction facts involving 0. We completed subtraction sums on trains, used our subtraction facts to colour a fish, practised subtraction sums on our whiteboards, completed subtraction to 10 sums on subtraction cards, played ‘Rabbit Takeaway’ and worked on our subtraction workbooks.

On Thursday, we continued to look at using 1p, 2p and 5p coins to buy items. We ordered coins according to their value, used coins to buy items in a shop, played ‘Ice Cream’ on Education City, sorted coins and completed a coin addition activity in our money workbooks.

This week we looked at the story ‘George Saves The World By Lunchtime’ as part of our Global Citizenship focus. Miss Hardie read us the story and we discussed ways that George saved the world such as recycling, travelling by bike, saving electricity and re-using materials. We looked at different objects in our talking tub and talked about how these different objects helped to save the world. Finally, we looked at writing to convey ideas and messages and we wrote statements about how we could save the world.

On Friday we had our class assembly. It was on transport and journeys. We told our audience all about transport from the past, our trip to Bo’ness and Kinneil Railway and we reflected on our P1 journey so far. Everyone was incredibly proud of us. We spoke clearly to the audience, our behaviour was fantastic and we sang our song beautifully. Thank you to everyone who came to support us today.

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely long weekend!

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

Spring, Subtraction and Seeds in P1B

We have been finding out more about seasons this week.  We went on a ‘Signs of Spring’ walk around the school grounds and found lots of signs – buds, catkins, bees, and blossom to name a few.  We brought some inside with us to have a closer look with magnifying glasses.  Ms Banach has been helping us to plant beans.  We have each planted 2 different types of bean and we will look after them in the coming weeks and monitor their growth.  We then went outside and played ‘The Bean game’, we know it’s healthy to be active and we all really enjoyed it.  We also have caterpillars in our class.  We are going to look after them too and watch carefully as they begin metamorphosis.

We also began to investigate how to subtract – we sometimes call it ‘take away’ or ‘minus.’  We have been practising in lots of different ways, especially how to use objects to help us find the correct answers for our sums.  We will continue with subtraction for the next few weeks.  We have  been continuing our work on coin recognition, we’re getting very good and Mrs Kennedy was very impressed when we were working in small groups with her, she can see we’re really getting it now 🙂

We have been learning the digraphs ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ and have been writing words with these sounds in them, as well as trying to spot them in words as we read.  We liked the story on the Oxford Owl website called ‘Silver Foil Rocket’ and we spotted lots of our new digraphs in words.  You can sign up to this website at home, let me know if you’d like to know more about it.  In writing we were writing special invitations to you (Spoiler!)  You will get more information on this in the next couple of days.  We are working hard to write sentences independently – starting with a capital letter, sounding out words, remembering how to write our common words, leaving finger spaces and putting a full stop at the end.  Some of us are using ‘joining words’ to make our sentences longer and more interesting too.

We enjoy music sessions in the classroom most weeks, using the National Youth Choir of Scotland (NYCoS) resources.  Recently we have been learning rhythm, pitch and tempo.  We sing songs, play games and use our voices and instruments.  It is really good fun and busy so there is usually very little time to take photos, here is one from this week.

Thank you for reading our blog, P1B and Mrs Kennedy


Subtracting in P1A!

This week our new sounds were ‘oi’ and ‘oy’. When learning ‘oi’, we wrote ‘oi’ words with chalk, made ‘oi’ words with loose parts and play dough, built ‘oi’ words in hoops and looked for ‘oi’ words in the books in our class library. When learning the ‘oy’ sound, we wrote ‘oy’ words in toys, used magnifying glasses to find ‘oy’ words and highlighted ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ words in a story called ‘The Lost Toy’. We also wrote ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ sentences in our literacy jotters.

This week we started to learn our subtraction facts to 10. We started to look at subtraction by using objects and pictures and ‘taking away’. We played Subtraction Bowling and Subtraction Smash and we practised our subtraction facts on our whiteboards. We also played ‘Hop Off’ on Education City and started our new subtraction workbook.

On Thursday we looked at using 1p, 2p and 5p coins. We used our adding to add coins up to 10p. We played money bingo, used coins to buy items in a toy shop, played a game called ‘Money Match’ on our Promethean board and added coins up to 10p in our money workbooks.

In writing this week, we were looking at invitations. We looked at party invitations and spoke about the different features. In our invitations, we needed to include a picture, give information and make our invitations colourful. Our parents will find out why we were making invitations soon!

This week we have also been practising for our class assembly. Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie have been so impressed with how well we already know our speaking parts. We are a little nervous about next Friday but our teachers think that we will be great!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

Hello from Springfield and Bonnytoun…

Another week has flown by in school and nursery. Our P6 and P7 children have been putting the final touches to their Lion King performance which will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week. We are so looking forward to the show!

Yesterday, P3 held a super assembly about Scottish Inventors. We learned lots and enjoyed watching the children perform-what confidence they all showed!

Here are some birthday children from this week:

We have also had a number of pupil achievements…

A in P5 came to show me a picture of her as a flower-girl. A duty that she performed recently at a family wedding. How exciting for you A!

Some little P2/3 girls came along to let me listen to a song that they have created and recorded! Who says that we don’t teach music and digital literacy well at Springfield! Thank you to Miss Prince for her amazing talents in this area! How creative of you all too!

The lovely G in P5 shared her Girls Brigade success with me. I am so proud of you G! You always try your very best in all that you do!

U who is also in P5 was very excited about her recent dancing achievement. Congratulations to you U!

Finally, M in P1 came along to my office to show me his Roman ladder that he made during free play. I was most impressed!

We work really hard in school and nursery to allow every child to shine. I’ve been speaking to the children a lot this week about the fact that we all of our own strengths and how it is good to be unique and different. This is something that we should celebrate. We are all one of a kind!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine today,

Love Miss Baillie xxx💖🌞

P1B Life Cycles and Guess the Baby!

We began the week learning the ‘ew’ sound.  We wrote the words on plastic pockets and made words on our magnet boards, working in small groups to do these tasks.

We have begun to read number names up to twenty.  This was tricky to start with, but we have practised every day and we are getting pretty good.  We will keep going with this next week too.  In outer maths on Thursday we started to work on coin recognition.  There are some really good computer games for this and we played coin bingo and worked in small groups with Mrs Kennedy to complete our worksheets.  We have been putting on shows in our role play corner this week, we also have a ticket office with money so we can practise using the coins to pay for things and give change.

We began our mini topic on life cycles.  We learned about the life cycle of a frog and then human life cycles.  The baby photos were great – thank you! It was lots of fun trying to guess who each baby was.  We also had great discussions about what we couldn’t do as a baby but we can do now.  We really enjoyed thinking about what we will be like as teenagers and what we’d like to do when we are adults.

We have now completed our ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ wall display, with the addition of our ‘Rainbow Fish.’  We used celery and rainbow coloured paints to print colourful scales on our fish.  It’s looking really good and we have tried lots of different art techniques as we built up the display.

A last the weather has cottoned on to the fact that it is Spring!  We had a great time playing outside with P1A on Thursday.

Let’s hope the weather stays for the weekend and we can all get outside and enjoy it.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

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