P1 Induction Event

We held a very successful induction event for our new P1 parents and children this morning. We hope that you all enjoyed your time in school and are looking forward to being with us full-time from August.

If you have any questions or concerns before August then please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me in school.

I look forward to working with you all to support your child through P1 and beyond.

Please click on the link below to access the presentation from today’s event:

P1 Induction Powerpoint

Miss Baillie x

Pupil Achievements for this Week…

Another week of Springfield successes!

-Thank you to all of our P7 pupils, Mr Logan and Mrs Reid for organising and running a brilliant Sports Day on Wednesday.

-A special mention to Anna in P5 for being a ‘sporting hero’ and to Mrs Hutton too for leading our school Boccia Club for the whole of this year.  We continue to work hard to promote fairness and equity and to include all children in sport across school. We are so proud of you A! 💫⭐️

-Well done to all children who received a sports award (including A, mentioned above) at The Sports Personality of the Year Awards which we held in school yesterday. Congratulations to Sam in P7 for being recognised for his all round sporting excellence and good sportsmanship.

— A super effort from our Springfield children has resulted in ZP in P6 gaining first prize in the Transition Linlithgow ‘Reduce the use of Plastic Straws’ poster competition.  We also have the third place winner, MMc in P6 too! In addition, a number of childen had their work  commended.  See the photo below for all children who were successful in the competition. We will have a special visitor in school next week to present Z with her prize. More news to follow…

-H in P2 came along to see me this week after further success in gymnastics. Well done H!

-H in P2 wrote a brilliant acrostic poem this week about keeping healthy which tied in nicely with Fitness Week. Great work H!

Have a super weekend everyone! Remember that we have no school next Tuesday for Marches Day.

Miss Baillie x💖


Fitness Week in P1A

What a busy Fitness Week we have had in P1A!

On Monday morning we had a golf session from The Stephen Gallacher Foundation. We learned how to hold the golf club correctly and practised swinging the club to hit the ball. We worked well together in our teams to get the ball into the target. On Tuesday morning we had a football session from Jordan. We played different games to practise our dribbling skills and then we had turns at trying to kick the ball into the net. We really enjoyed our golf and football sessions!

This week we were revising the digraphs ‘oi’ and ‘oy’. We looked for ‘oy’ words with magnifying glasses, made ‘oi’ words with play dough, wrote ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ sentences on our whiteboards, played games to revise our digraphs on Education City and practised writing ‘oi’ and ‘oy’ words to match pictures.

For writing this week we looked at writing instructions. Since it was Fitness Week, we focused on Food and Health and we wrote instructions on how to wash our hands. We watched a video about hand washing and we washed our own hands and discussed the main steps. Miss Harrison showed us how to use numbers to order our steps. Our instructions were very clear and easy to follow.

In Numeracy and Mathematics this week we learned subtraction facts for the number 6. We played Subtraction Smash and Subtraction Bowling, made our own subtraction facts for 6 on our whiteboards and played Subtraction Snakes and Ladders. We also completed an activity in our workbooks on subtraction facts for 6.

This week we also started to learn about fractions. We looked at sharing a pizza into halves and quarters and we talked about how the smaller parts had to be equal. We made pizzas with different toppings on each half, used our play dough to make the last half or quarter of cakes, found and coloured different fractions of shapes and played ‘Half Your Cake and Eat It’ on Education City.

As part of Fitness Week, we looked at the main food groups. We learned that the main food groups are Fruit and Vegetables, Carbohydrates, Protein, Milk and Dairy Products and Fats and Sugars. We looked at photographs of each food group and identified foods that belonged in each group. We played ‘Make a balanced plate’ where you had to put the food in the right food group, made our own healthy eating plates and drew pictures of our favourite food in each food group.

On Thursday this week we made smoothies. We had lots of ingredients to pick from such as pineapple, mango, blueberries, bananas, oranges, apples, raspberries and apple and orange juice. We picked the ingredients we wanted in our smoothies and then Miss Harrison blended them together. We got to try our smoothies and we thought that they were delicious!

The highlight of our week was Sports Day. We took part in Potted Sports in the morning and completed activities such as hurdles, javelin throw, space hoppers, football, running, cheerleading and an obstacle course. Then we had class races in the afternoon.  We showed excellent teamwork and we were also kind, resilient and respectful.

Thank you very much for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

JRSO’s Cycle Recycle and Dr Bike

Thank you to everyone in the school and nursery that supported the JRSO’s  Cycle Recycle and Dr Bike session this week.

We received seven bikes and stabilisers for the Cycle Recycle which have been taken away by West Lothian Bike Library to be repaired and then will be brought back to hire out to anyone that could use a bike. Vouchers will be given out tomorrow (Friday). Please check your child’s bag if you donated a bike for a £10 voucher from the bike library.  Please email Mrs McAlpine to arrange collection if you did not receive a voucher. louise.mcalpine@westlothian.org.uk


Dr Bike session was to make sure the bikes were safe to use. Twelve bikes were booked in to be checked over and have minor adjustments carried out. A card given to state what action was taken and any further recommended repairs.

If you would like more information please contact the bike library on www.wlbikelibrary.co.uk Tel 07724667321

Kind Regards

Louise McAlpine

Mapping Mad in P1B!

We began a topic on Our Local Community this week.  We started by looking at Springfield School and where it is in our community.  We learned about mapping and drew our own maps of the classroom.  We had to pretend that we were birds flying around the ceiling, looking down, to allow us to get an aerial view. Our maps were really detailed and we spent a long time looking around the room to make sure we put everything in the right place.  We shared our maps with a learning partner too, discussing what we had done.  We really enjoyed being Cartographers, although it is a tricky word for us to remember!

Later in the week, Mrs Kennedy used her map of the classroom to plan a treasure hunt for us so we could practise reading maps too.  Each team had different coloured tokens to find using their map.  We then swapped our tokens for a reward.

Following on from this, lots of children have been choosing to draw their own maps during free play.  The detail and discussion has been excellent and Mrs Kennedy is very impressed.

We have had three incredible helpers in P1B this week – A, A and A!  They are  P7s and they have been so helpful to all of the children and Mrs Kennedy.  They even planned and carried out 2 lessons – PE and Maths.  They did everything on their own, they were given learning outcomes to cover and then they researched and planned activities and wrote up detailed plans.  They had thought of everything including organisation of resources and behaviour management.   The children loved the lessons and I can’t believe how professional they were = A+ from me!  You can come back anytime.

We had more achievements this week.  C did really well in his Bambino race last weekend and came away with a medal and a trophy – fantastic driving C!

G got the Enjoy-a-ball trophy for trying very hard when playing tennis, he told he didn’t give up because he wanted to be resilient.

Another very successful week, we are looking forward to health week next week.

Have a good weekend, from P1B and Mrs Kennedy

Creating our own stories in P1A!

This week we have been revising the digraphs ‘igh’, ‘-y’, ‘oa’ and ‘ow’. We used our sounds to write words to match pictures, created ‘igh’ and ‘-y’ words using light bulbs, used magnifying glasses to spot ‘igh’ and ‘-y’ words, played Roll and Read, played ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ bingo and played ‘oa’ and ‘ow’ Snakes and Ladders. We also played games to revise our digraphs on our Promethean board and wrote sentences containing our sounds in our literacy jotters. This week we have continued to revise our common words. We used our magnetic letters to make common words, played a common words Snakes and Ladders and played a common words game on our IPad.

For writing this week we created our own stories which included our meerkats, Sergei or Bogdan and Mr Fluff. Miss Harrison read us ‘Castle Adventure’ and we discussed the adventure Gran took in the story. Then we looked at photographs of Sergei’s adventures in our local area. He went to Linlithgow Palace, Igloo, Tesco, the Union Canal, Linlithgow Leisure Centre and Taste! With our learning partner, we talked about what adventures Sergei might have in each setting. We invented our own story and took our chosen character on an adventure in our local area. We worked really hard on our stories and Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie loved reading all the stories!

In Maths and Numeracy this week we were learning ‘one less than’ and ‘two less than’, as well as revising subtracting all or none to 10. We played ‘Two Less Than’ on our Promethean board, worked out ‘one less than’ or ‘two less than’ on whiteboards, completed a space themed subtraction activity sheet and completed a subtraction page in our subtraction workbook.

On Thursday we also finished our money topic. We revised coin recognition and looked at using our coins to buy items and work out what change we would get. We played coin throw with hoops to practise our addition and subtraction skills, we used coins to buy items in a shop and get change, played ‘Coin Game’ on our Promethean board and completed a coin addition and subtraction activity in our money workbooks.

This week we have been learning about people who help us at school. We looked at who the different people that help us at school are and talked about some of their roles and responsibilities. We learned about teachers, pupil support workers, cooks, playground supervisors, office people, lollipop people, janitors and cleaners. With our learning partners, we selected someone who helps us at school and we used actions, gestures and movement to act out their responsibilities. The rest of the class had to guess who we were acting out!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend!

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 😊

A Hugely Successful Week All Round!

What a week we have had here at Springfield and Bonnytoun! Our nursery has recently been visited by the Care Inspectorate and we have had extremely positive feedback. The report and more information will follow shortly but we are delighted with our feedback and really excited to share our news when it comes!  In school we have had a quality improvement visit this week from  fellow headteachers and our Education Officer and they were delighted with the progress that the school has made in all areas. We are so grateful for the hard work of all staff and the  support of all parents, carers and friends who make up the whole Springfield community. We couldn’t have achieved what we have without you all! Thank you!

Mrs Kennedy and P1B held a lovely assembly today about keeping healthy. The children all spoke confidently and looked so sweet as they sang and danced in their sports clothes.

Here are the achievements for this week:

-Well done to Mrs McAlpine and the Junior Road Safety Commitee for helping Springfield to achieve the ‘cycle friendly school’ award. Great news!

– Congratulations to a number of our infants for success in swimming! Here they are below with their certificates…

-Well done to I and A in P1 for continuing to make progress in gymnastics! Great effort girls!

– Finally, congratulations to R in P2 for her work at Girls Brigade! Super news R!


Another great week at Springfield and Bonnytoun!

Enjoy the weekend!

Miss Baillie xx⭐️💖





Plastic pollution posters, money and mapping (P1A)

This week we have been revising the digraphs ‘ee’, ‘ea’, ‘ai’ and ‘ay’. We highlighted ‘ee’ words in a comic strip, read and drew ‘ee’ captions and used magnifying glasses to spot ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ words. When revising ‘ai’ and ‘ay’, we made ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ words with play dough and used our sounds to write words to match pictures. We also played games to revise our digraphs on our Promethean board and wrote sentences containing our sounds in our literacy jotters. This week we have also been revising our common words. We used our magnetic letters to make common words, played a common words Snakes and Ladders game and played a common words game on our IPad.

For writing this week we made posters for the Transition Linlithgow competition. Transition Linlithgow are running a campaign to remove plastic straws from Linlithgow. We watched a clip from Blue Planet II on plastic pollution in the oceans and talked about how the plastic could have ended up in the water. We learned that the plastic was dangerous for animals that live in the ocean. We revised features of a poster and made sure that our posters included a title and a picture and that our posters were eye-catching. We worked really hard on our posters and were able to convey the message of the importance of not using straws in our posters too.

In Maths and Numeracy this week we were learning to link our addition and subtraction facts to 5. We used our addition and subtraction facts to colour a Space picture, we played ‘Mummy Sheep’ on Education City, created our own addition and subtraction sums on our whiteboards and completed an addition and subtraction cut and stick activity. We also completed some pages in our subtraction workbooks on linking addition and subtraction facts.

We also used our addition skills this week to add money amounts. We matched money amounts to coins, counted up coins and money totals in piggy banks, played a ‘Pick and Mix’ money game on our Promethean board and used our money fans to make different amounts.

This week we have continued to develop our mapping skills. We used our maps of our classroom that we made last week to find hidden objects in the classroom. We were able to read our maps and locate the objects.  Next we looked at our playground and worked with a partner to make a map of our playground. We included all of the main features and even included more detail than Miss Harrison’s playground map!

Thank you for reading our blog post. We hope that you have a lovely weekend.

P1A, Miss Harrison and Miss Hardie 🙂

Springfield and Bonnytoun News…

We held a highly successful STEM curriculum evening this week which Mrs Tulloch expertly ran. Thank you to all families who came out to learn about our approach to STEM at Springfield and Bonnytoun. The marble challenge proved a big hit with families competing against each other to make the fastest run!


Did you know that STEM starts in our nursery through our block play and use of loose parts? We are proud of our approach to block play and this week worked with the authority to hold a successfully training session on the benefits of this type of play in early childhood development. We had early years practitioners attending from both council run and private nurseries.

Here are some of our nursery children engaging in block play and drawing their designs.

P2A and Miss Mudd worked hard to deliver a lovely Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed assembly this morning. We loved seeing the children all dressed up and performing their lines with confidence!


Here are the achievements for this week:

Well done to M and G in P1 for coming along with the products of their free play. M made a knight’s outfit and G made a super model. Free play and allowing children to express themselves in early years is part of our Play Strategy which Mrs Kennedy has helped to lead all year. Thank you Mrs Kennedy for your efforts.

Have a happy weekend!

Love Miss Baillie x💫

Practise makes perfect! P1B

We have been busy preparing and practising for our assembly this week, this included each of us being filmed – we love watching the video of ourselves! We are really looking forward to performing next week and are going to try hard to have big, loud voices, and to speak clearly.  Please keep practising words at home.

In maths we have been working on subtraction word problems, we played with skittles as they are a fun way of talking about subtraction.  ” There were 10 skittles to start with, I knocked down 6 and there are 4 skittles still standing.”  It is also a good way to see the link between addition and subtraction.

We have been writing about what makes us happy.  We have been discussing how we look and feel when we are happy and how it makes others around us feel too.  We also learned that when we feel sad it is good to know the things that make us happy so we can try some to cheer ourselves up.

We have continued to ‘walk a mile’ on quite a few days.  A mile is five times around our school pitch.  The fresh air is good and as well as getting  exercise it also helps us to concentrate better when we get back to class.

As always, Mrs Kennedy has seen lots of learning through play in P1B.  We have been architects and engineers, artists and designers too.

The nursery children continue to visit us each week as part of their transition into p1.  We are very good at showing them around, playing with them and setting a good example of how to listen and tidy up!  Mrs Kennedy is delighted at how the P1 children have looked after the nursery children and they are passing on a lot of their learning too, well done!

Have a lovely sunny weekend.

P1B and Mrs Kennedy

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