Pupil Achievements

Another week passes with another flurry of pupil achievements. Well done to all of our boys and girls for continuing to make us proud!

Pupils who visited me this week to share their good news include:

– P in P1 who took part in a walking event. She walked so far for someone with such little legs! Good job P!

-C in P6 took part in a run during his recent trip to Spain with his family. Well done C!

-A in P2 and R in P4 who have had further success in swimming. Keep it up girls!

Miss Baillie xx😉💫

P1a weekly news


This week we learnt 2 new sounds “o” and “d”. We had a lot of fun making dinosaurs, octopuses and owls. We did some more dictation and used our magnetic boards to make words. Some children even wrote a sentence, they had to think about capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.


Our focus was on mathematical language. We talked about more, less, before and after and then used them to solve problems. We found that one more and the number before was quite tricky. We used lots of concrete materials to count and make dice patterns, this helped us to visualise. We also did more work on 3D shape by looking at whether shapes could slide, stack or roll and why….We then built some objects with our shapes. Have a look below.


We learnt 3 new colours today vert (green), jaune (yellow) and orange. Camembear got us to play “passe le cadeau” (pass the parcel), when the music stopped we picked an object from the box and had to say the colour.


Today we talked about what makes us special, and thought about things we were good at. We are learning to celebrate our achievements and successes by sharing them with the class.

Happy October holidays. Mrs Gordon and P1a.


Yoga, shapes and colours P1a


This week we were revising our sounds, can you believe we already know s,a,t,p,i,n,e,h,r and m…..We were playing lots of games where we had to use these sounds to make words like sat, pat, tin etc. We know that when we blend these sounds together they can make words. We also had to try and hear the start sound, middle sound and end sound of the 3 letter words (cvc words).


As we had grasped our numbers to 10 so well we decided to learn about numbers to 20. We did lots of backwards and forwards counting and played fun games like bingo to help recognise these new numbers. Today we even put them in order on a numberline. In shape we introduced 3D shape and talked about the difference between 2D and 3D shape. We were able to sort objects and name them.


This week we looked at maps and talked about a birds eye view. We each made a map of our playground and our next step will be to make our Fairyland maps now that we know what we want in them. We also had some help from Mrs Philpott to start painting our castle…..we voted for a yellow castle.


Today we learned about the French flag, the “Tricolor”, and les couleurs bleu, blanc et rouge. Camembear played a game where we had to pick an item from his box and say the colour.


We talked about hitting today, and about why we must not use our hands for unkind things. We then drew round our hands and inside drew 3 kind things we could do with our hands.


On Monday we did Hungry Caterpillar yoga with Mrs Gordon. Look at us below, we were pro’s….

Happy weekend from Mrs Gordon and P1a

The 3 little pigs park in Primary 1

This week we had a revision week! We were practising all of the sounds we have learnt so far and doing lots of word building with these sounds. We played an initial sound game and had a box full of different items. When the music stopped, we had to pull out an object and identify the initial sound. We worked in pairs to play with the phonics dice and jigsaws. We played a memory game to match up our sounds and did lots of sensory activities to practise forming out letters. We had a graffiti wall this week and loved using all of the pens to try some writing. We also played teachers and had to use the phonics fans to test our friend. Some of the children have started to learn how to write short phrases. We learnt how to use finger spaces between our words and how to sit our letters on the line.

In Numeracy we were developing lots of different skills with our numbers to 10 and then 20. We were counting backwards, sequencing and ordering.  We played lots of games to recognise our numbers to 20. We had to deliver the letters to the correct doors and played number bingo. On Wednesday we had an introduction to 3D shape and started to learn some of the names of the different shapes. We learnt the difference between 2D and 3D shapes and did lots of sorting activities.

In PE this week we decided to have some time to relax as we are all feeling very tired! We did some cosmic yoga to the story of the hungry caterpillar. We talked about how important it is to stretch our muscles and how we can use this to keep calm.

In HWB we read a story called ‘Hands are not for Hitting’. We talked about the message in the story and linked this to our school values. Mrs McAulay gave us lots of different scenarios and we had to come up with ideas of what we could do instead of using unkind hands. We then drew around our hands and came up with lots of ideas of how our hands can help us in a positive way!

Our tuff tray this week was the story of the 3 little pigs. We had some puppets and story stones to retell the story. We also had a challenge to build a house for the pigs. We had some straw, bricks and sticks. We talked about how the bricks are stronger and more sturdy.

Thank you to Mrs Philpot for helping us paint our Fairyland castle. We are hoping to have this up for the dragon next week.

Hoping you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McAulay and P1b x

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1…blast off. P1a can count backwards


We have been very focused on becoming confident with our numbers from 0-10. We have practised forming them, writing them, saying them and counting them in many different ways. This week we also practised counting backwards which we were very good at. We loved singing “Ten in the bed” and pretending to be rockets blasting off into space. Next week we will move on to some bigger numbers.


Another fantastic week with our reading books. Everyone is enjoying reading all about the adventures of Kipper and his family and discussing what we see in the books. We have now learnt m, r, e and h and the rhymes to go along with these. This week Mrs Gordon dictated some words like sat, tin and pat and quite a few of us managed to write those words, this is very impressive…


Camembear visited us today to teach us “S’il te plait” and “Merci”, we had to say please and thank you when we wanted to share objects like “la balle” or “le nounours”(the teddy). We also have been learning “tete, epaules, genoux, pieds” for our European Day of Languages assembly tomorrow.


Mrs McAulay was doing some HWB with us this week. We were introduced to Jigsaw Jennie who helps us talk about our feelings We did some circle time activities to share our ideas about what makes us happy and sad, we then drew 3 things that made us happy. Lots of us chose chocolate, which Mrs Gordon agreed with!


In Fairyland last wee we talked about the features of castles and had a go at building some. This week we talked about the features of a town. To do this we thought about what we needed in Linlithgow. We had lots of ideas like shops, houses, soft play, restaurants and castles. Next week we need to decide what we will need in Fairyland and make a map of it.

Bon weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a.


Careful Counting in P1B

This week we were learning the ‘e’ and ‘h’ sounds. We also learnt the ‘r’ and ‘m’ sounds last week. Here we are doing some activities related to our sounds. We used the magnetic boards to build and write CVC words. We have been using our phoneme fingers to sound out words and identify all of the sounds. We then blend them together with our rainbow wand. This helps us read and write words. We have been working very hard on our reading at home too. We are enjoying getting to know all of the characters in our Oxford Reading Tree books.

In Numeracy we were practising accurate counting and making sure we were putting our finger on each object as we counted it. We even made up some counting rules to teach other people how to count carefully. We also practised ordering our numbers to 10, starting at different points. On Wednesday we did our Outer Maths lesson on 2D shape. We made pictures out of 2D shapes and completed a colouring challenge.

In IDL we were learning all about our local area. We talked about what a town needs to help the people that live in it. We drew pictures in our Floorbook to evidence our learning. Here are some services we need in a town: shops, houses, doctor surgery, fire station, police station, park, supermarket. We then looked at lots of photos of Linlithgow and talked about our favourite places. Igloo seemed to be a very popular one!

Mrs Gordon was teaching us some French this week and we learning how to say please and thank you. Mrs McAulay was doing some HWB with us. We were introduced to Jigsaw Jennie who helps us talk about our feelings We did some circle time activities to share our ideas about what makes us happy and sad. In PE this week we took a trip to the zoo and had to use our bodies to move like different animals. We were developing our balance and some of the movements were quite tricky! We also played a great beanbag game and we had to try and move in different ways, keeping our beanbag on our heads.

We had a secret task to complete this week too! Our wonderful chef Jessie is retiring on Friday and we wanted to make something special for her. We drew pictures of Jessie and of our favourite school lunches. We are so grateful for all she has done for us. It will all be made into a special book to present to her in our assembly on Friday.


We hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

P1B and Mrs McAulay x

Pupil Achievements…

Despite it being a short week, our pupils have been busy bringing along their achievements to my office. Here is this week’s selection:

-Well done to A in P1 for his Enjoy-a-Ball trophy! Great football A!

-Congratulations to K in P2 for his efforts in Taekwon-Do!

-A brilliant effort from A in P2 and E in P4 for gaining certificates for activities that they undertook at the weekend and whilst on holiday with their families.

-Lastly, we are so proud of D in P6 for winning a medal for his age group in Kick-boxing. What a superstar D!

Miss Baillie xx


We are absolutely delighted to inform our pupils, parents, carers and families of the exciting news we received today. Springfield Primary School and Bonnytoun Nursery have been awarded a sportscotland Gold School Sport Award for 2018-2021!

The Gold School Sport Award is recognition of the school and nursery’s achievements in putting sport at the heart of  our school’s planning, practice and ethos. It highlights that as a school we have shown excellent practice across the core areas of the Award and demonstrated an ongoing commitment to increase our young people’s opportunities and engagement in physical education, school sport and leadership. We aim to build upon and further improve our existing provision of sport whilst creating clear pathways for lifelong participation.

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has played their part in achieving this award, we really couldn’t have done it without you. This includes; our wonderful staff and P.E specialist who ensure that our children participate in 2 hours of high quality P.E per week, those who volunteer to give up their time every week to provide an extra-curricular club, the parents and volunteers who assist with school sport and our committed P7 Sports Leaders. Last but not least, thank you to our Sports Committee for all of their hard work towards achieving this award and to all of our pupils across both the school and nursery for their boundless enthusiasm towards all things sport at Springfield.

“It’s not always the team with the best players that win. It’s the players in the best team that win. Together, everyone, achieves, more.” 


P1a Weekly News


This week we learnt another 2 new sounds “i” and “s” we had lots of fun making an igloo out of sugar cubes and playing swat the sound where we try to work out which letter a word starts with. We were very excited to get our first ever homework and reading book this week. We met Kipper, Biff, Chip and Floppy and Mrs Gordon could not believe how well we were reading by the end of the week.


This week was maths week and we continued our progress in numbers to 10 by looking at 6,7 and 8. We really enjoyed making the numbers with the number blocks and using cars to form the numbers. Number 7 let us practice our days of the week as we sang “there are 7 days in a week”. Number 8 was very tricky to write, but we realised if we made an S first and joined it together it made a number 8.

IDL/Fairy land

We almost forgot to write back to our dragon after his letter last week. Everyone drew a lovely picture of how they imagined the dragon to look and then did some writing about their dragon. We can’t wait to see if he writes back to us next week…..

Have a lovely long weekend, Mrs Gordon and P1a

Look At Our Infant Writing!

I am always delighted by the progress of our P1 pupils in their first term of school and this year’s children are no exception. When we access progress in the the early years, we look at child development markers as well as curriculum benchmarks.  Already, our  P1 children are developing in all areas through their play experiences and small group teaching. They have learned at least five sounds so far and are beginning to make three letter words. Reading books have been given out and the Oxford Reading Tree stories much enjoyed by all.

Here are two lovely little P2 girls, who came along to show me their amazing writing this week. They had both made and  written their own books entitled ‘The Bossy Cat’ and ‘The Lost Fairy’! I was so impressed and delighted to see their progress.  Their progress is indicative of the work carried out last year when they were in P1.

Thank you to both of our P1 teachers for their superb efforts last year to get our P2 children to this stage.

Miss Baillie xx💫💖

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