Springfield and Bonnytoun News

We held an assembly today to celebrate World Book Day. We talked about the pleasure that can be found in reading and how much we can learn from books. Did you know that reading can be thought of as ‘exercise for the brain?’ It helps us to make links with what we know and these links help form neural pathways in our brain.

Children shared their favourite books and authors. What a diverse range of texts we enjoy!

Our nursery children had great fun yesterday, dressing up as characters from their favourite books. All staff were dressed up too!

Achievements for this week:

– Well done to Z in P3 for gaining a trophy for Irish dancing! What a brilliant hobby Z!

Have a lovely weekend everyone! Read lots!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫📚



School and Nursery News from this Week

Today we held our next ‘Wellbeing Indicator’ assembly focused on ‘we are achieving.’   As you all know, we track each pupil’s health and wellbeing on a daily and termly basis at Springfield and Bonnytoun. We have noticed from the data that we gather, that some children  have the false perception that they are not achieving in school or are worried about how well they are doing. This is something that we are seeking to rectify by the messages that we give our learners and we’d ask for your support with this at home. Everyone is doing well and all children in school and nursery are making progress.

 We talked today in assembly about ‘achievement’ being about progress. We also learned that achievement can be realised when you believe in yourself, practise a skill until it is mastered and never give up! It was also explained to children that we need to be comfortable with our own strengths and weeknesses and see the beauty in our uniqueness.

We also had a ‘sneaky peek’ at the Glee performance which some of our P6 and P7 pupils will showcase at Howden Park Centre in the next few weeks. The children look and sound amazing and we can’t wait to see them perform on the night. Thank you to Mrs Bell for her support with this.

Pupil achievements for this week:

– Well done to A and K in P1 for their achievements in gymnastics and Enjoy-a-ball.

-A brilliant effort from L in P3 for making progress in swimming.

-Well done to S and O in P4 for gymnastics success.

-Finally to A in P3 and R in P4 also for making progress in swimming.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫




Weekly News at SPS and Bonnytoun

It has been a short but busy week here in school and nursery.

Today, Mrs Newton and P6A led a very interesting assembly about democracy and  The Scottish Parliament. We also found out about some exciting plans for Fairtrade Fortnight which begins next week.

Our nursery children started their work on Fairtrade today by ordering some Fairtrade bananas on the Internet for snack!

There will be lots of Fairtrade activities and competitions in school over the next two weeks and we will be holding a Bake Sale on 7th March.

Last night, many families came along to the Fun Languages Evening at Linlithgow Primary School. This was a hugely successful event which saw French and Spanish languages being promoted through songs, games and other activities. Thank you to Mrs Gordon and the rest of the staff who helped to organise this. We continue to teach French from nursery to P7 and Spanish in upper stages.

Mr Wells and I have been very busy visiting lots of different classes this week to take part in writing lessons and to check that we are delivering high quality writing experiences for our children. We are delighted with the standard of writing produced by our pupils across all stages. Thank you to all staff who continue to work extremely hard and take on board guidance to continually improve.

Pupil Achievements this week:

-Well done to two of our lovely P1 pupils! Firstly to L for her gymnastics award and also to D for going on an adventure down a mine!

Have a super weekend!

Miss Baillie x💖💫




A Scottish Week at SPS and Bonnytoun

Our annual Scots focus ended today with children from each class presenting their learning at assembly. We listened to information  about lots of famous Scots who have changed life for us today because of their inventions or actions.

Primary 7  helped us to celebrate Burns Night earlier on this week by organising a fantastic Burns Supper for their friends and families. Well done to all children who recited poems, danced or presented information to the audience.

Next week, all classes will be moving on in their learning to investigate an aspect of history that is of interest to them and that meets our curricular objectives.

On a Tuesday and Wednesday each class will get the chance to visit Dovecot Park for a short play session, for reaching the ‘1000 springs’ House target.

In the coming weeks, we are going to be looking at the quality of our children’s writing across school and working as a staff team to ensure that all children are being given the best support to fulfil their potential in this area.

We hope that you have enjoyed reading our school and nursery newsletters which were emailed to you all this week.

As always, if you have any comments, suggestions or feedback on the work that we do then please drop in to see us or send us an email via the school mailbox.

Your support is very much appreciated. We always try to listen to and act on your views to make Springfield and Bonnytoun the very best that they can be for our children and families.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Baillie x💖💫



This Week’s News at SPS and Bonnytoun

We have been busy continuing our Scots focus in school this week. Today, P4/5 held a great assembly about ‘New Year’ which ended with all children singing a Scots song about a centipede. Thank you to Mr Ritchie for his efforts which saw all children speaking out and performing well.

Next week, P7 will be holding a Burns’ Supper on Tuesday afternoon and P2 will also be having an afternoon of Scots poetry and activities.

Our Nursery children have been developing their ‘forest skills’ this week by roasting marshmallows on our brand new fire pit.

Tomorrow, a group of staff and P6 and P7 pupils are off to Newcastle to spend the day undertaking football related activities.

Each of our school Houses; Champleurie, Binns, Hopetoun and Ochiltree have now earned over 1000 ‘springs’ and have chosen to cash these in on a trip to Dovecot Park! This means that each class will be allowed to visit the park for a play session over the next week or so. Keep posted for more news.

Have a super weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖


Term 3 at SPS and Bonnytoun Begins

Happy New Year to you all!

We have had a lovely, calm and settled start to Term 3 and to the month of January in school  and nursery.

This week all classes have been reinforcing our school values and this culminated in  a ‘values assembly’ today in school.  We talked about the ongoing need to be kind and respectful to each other. Staff are going to be looking out for positive behaviour in our dinner hall this term with the chance for one pupil to be crowned the ‘dinner hall champion’, before Easter, for showcasing good manners and behaviour.

Nursery children are going to be learning about the school value of ‘being included’ as they play games and learn to share and take turns.

Here are the achievements for this week:

-A huge congratulations to Zara in P7 for gaining Grade 1 in piano! What a brilliant achievement!

-Well dons to C in P3 who continues to perform well in Gymnastics.

Next week, our pupils are going on to begin a block of work learning about famous Scottish inventors and the contributions they have made to our lives today. This will form part of our work in Social Studies for this term.

You will receive your child’s home learning grid and Sharing the Learning sheet for the term, when they are sent home in school bags next week. We hope that you enjoy taking part in your child’s learning and helping them to practise skills learned in school.

Have a great weekend,

Miss Baillie xx💖



Christmas Happenings at SPS and Bonnytoun

This week we held three successful performances of the ‘Wriggly Nativity’ led by our P1-2 children.

On Monday our friends from Linlithgow Day Care Centre watched the dress-rehearsal performance and thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the children perform. We are really proud of the link that we have with the Day Care Centre. There are published studies about the benefits of old and young learning together and this is something that we will continue to take forward in school and nursery.

Thank you to all of our P1-2 pupils and the infant staff for their hard work in making our Nativity performances a huge success.

All children in school went to Howden Park Centre to watch the Jack and the Beanstalk Panto yesterday. They all had a wonderful time!

Next week we will be holding our nursery and P1-7 Xmas parties and our family church service at St Michael’s.

Please also note that our P3-7 children will be singing ‘carols around the tree’ next Friday morning at the following times:

9. 15am-P3-5 with parents invited.

10am-P6-7 with parents invited.

In the last newsletter, we shared our ‘wish list’ of some of the items that we hope to buy with money raised by the PTA. I am absolutely delighted to say that we have now purchased and built a fantastic ‘block play’ resource for our infant corridor. Our P3 ‘play leaders’ will begin to lead other children in block play.

Thank you all for allowing us to buy such a fanstastic resource! Block play is known to enable learning across all curriculum areas  as well as promoting creativity and problem-solving skills. I can’t wait to see what the children build!

Our infant department is looking amazing and it provides a smooth transition from nursery , across the early level and into P2 and P3. Many of the  learning and teaching approaches that we use in nursery can be seen in our infant department , allowing us to have a shared understanding about what high quality experiences look like in early years. Our children are able to make progress and add depth to their learning as they grow.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx 🎄 💖💖





The Start of Christmas at SPS and Bonnytoun

We are feeling the festive spirit at Springfield and Bonnytoun this week with  the kick-off of our annual Christmas events.

On Tuesday and Thursday our nursery children performed brilliantly at their Xmas sing-along and enjoyed a special visit from Santa.

Thank you to all children and families who made decorations for our Christmas trees at St Michael’s. The trees have been decorated with the help of two lovely Primary 7 girls and they will appear at the ‘Festival of Christmas trees’ from today until Sunday. Please head along to the church and view our trees if you have time. They look lovely!

We held an extremely successful Christmas Fayre today with the help of the PTA. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this event happen and to all who supported it. We are extremely grateful for your contributions and all money raised will be spend in school and nursery for the benefit of our pupils.

Here is our pupil achievement for this week…

Well done to D for his karate medal!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Miss Baillie xx💖💫

Springfield and Bonnytoun News

We have taken a number of classes out of school this week into the local community and surrounding area, to learn across the wider curriculum.

P7 had a wonderful time skiing at Hillend on a Tuesday of this week with all children making good progress after their first lesson.

Our P1 children had a visit to Tesco to sample a range of different fruits as part of their learning about Africa and the book ‘Handa’s Surprise.’

P5 visited Cross House to take part in an RME experience associated with Christmas.

Today, P6B led a super assembly  about the benefits of reading and our contribution to the First Minister’s Reading Challenge. Did you know that we now have a group of children who run a lunchtime ‘book club’ in school as well as an infant ‘reading committee’ which is led by Mrs Kennedy? We all love reading at Springfield and sharing our experiences of different texts.

Thank you to all children and families who have made and handed in a Santa or Snowman decoration for our two Xmas trees which will be at the Festival or Christmas Trees at St Michael’s Church next weekend. We hope that you will go along to the church to see our trees if you have time.

Next week our Christmas festivities start with our nursery sing-along with a visit from Santa. We also have our pupil and staff Xmas lunch on Thursday 6th.

Our latest newsletter will come out next week with more of our news and events for the new year.

Have a great weekend!

Miss Baillie xx💖



SPS and Bonnytoun News

We’ve has a fairly quiet week here at Springfield and Bonnytoun which ended today with our assembly on ‘being active.’

We learned about how to stay healthy by eating a balanced diet and taking part in a range of physical activities.

All children in school are kept active each day though their P.E lessons, outdoor learning, outdoor play, The Daily Mile and after-school clubs. Our nursery children have free access to the outdoors and may spend the entire nursery session in the outdoor area should they choose to do so.

We also provide a wide-range of sporting opportunities through our cluster schools events. This week, our P3 showcased excellent behaviour and ‘sportsperson-ship’ when they took part in a Benchball festival at Linlithgow Academy.

Our Pupil Council held their ‘pyjama day’ today with a sea of children coming to school dressed for bed! It was an interesting sight this morning with a host of different pyjamas, dressing gowns, slippers and onesies on display and we also managed to raise lots of money for school funds. Thank you to you all!

Here are some pupil achievements from this week:

-Well done to K in P1 for her Enjoy-a-Ball trophy!

-A super effort from 0 and S in P4 for their gymnastics achievements. Well done girls!

-A group of our P6 girls have raised a great sum of money for Cancer Research over the last few weeks and we are delighted with their efforts!

-Finally a mention for R in P4 and also her little brother, M in P2, who were recently bridesmaid and best man at their Auntie’s wedding in Mexico. I loved seeing the pictures!

Have a great weekend! Stay active!

Miss Baillie x💖🏀🏸🏏⛸🏌🏿‍♀️

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