P7a weekly news

P7 had a very busy week and are looking forward to a rest before we head to camp on Monday.

On Monday we had the first of 3 sessions on drug education with a focus on smoking. The children have all brought home a smoke free home pledge and were asked to try to give something up for a week to see how it may feel to have to give up something .


In Numeracy we focused on volume and capapcity this week. Our main aims were conversions from ml and litres, estimating, measuring and calculating volume of a solid using the formula volume=length x breadth x height. The children enjoyed making mocktails where they had to use exact measurements.

In Social studies we looked at what a city needs and then did research and presentations on whether Glasgow and Edinburgh meet the needs of their citizens, and how they do this.

In literacy we finished reading “The boy in the striped pyjamas” which was very emotional, Mrs Gordon did cry at the end as she thought she might. We will watch the film when we return from camp, and do a comparison of the 2.

In French this week we visited our nursery to teach a little bit of french to some of the children. I think they enjoyed our visit !

Have a lovely weekend and see you when we are back from camp.

Mrs Gordon and P7a

P7a Digital Learning Week

To celebrate digital learning week P7a were very busy with ICT.

Mrs Gordon create a survey in “forms” within glow and uploaded it to yammer where most of the children answered it. The survey was about the use of Number Talks in class. For her Practitioner Enquiry Mrs Gordon is investigating whether the use of Number Talks 3 times a week can increase confidence an ability in mental maths.

Mrs Gordon was immediately able to view and download the results of her survey and was delighted to see that  90% of the class think that the use of Number Talks has increased both their confidence and ability in mental maths.

The children posted comments such as “I always used to write my answer down, but now because of all the strategies that I have learnt it makes it easier for me to count in my head”, “because my classmates have showed me different strategies” and “I am able to multiply with numbers above 12”.
Mrs Gordon arranged for a skype call with P7b in Linlithgow Primary School this week. We had a few technical issues, and once we got over the excitement of seeing each other we asked some questions about transition, to let us get to know each other better.

P7a weekly news


This week we have been focusing on weight within maths. We used lots of different skills such as estimation, calculating, converting from mg, g,kg and tonnes and solving weight word problems. We also imagined we were selling items on ebay and had to find out the cost of our post and packaging, giving us a skill for life, learning and work !

Health and Wellbeing

This week we had a workshop on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. It was delivered by Lyndsay from the Just Enough charity. The children learnt a great deal about both issues and were shocked by some of the statistics that were shared. Lyndsay delivered the workshop in a fun way using drama, but the message was indeed a very serious one. The children can now more confidently identify the signs that somebody may be being trafficked or held as a slave. Thank you to Lyndsay and the Just Enough team for this excellent learning opportunity.


We had our last rugby session this week. As you can see from the photos the children were all fully involved and enjoyed playing games against each other.

Class Talks

A huge thanks to all parents and carers who supported the children in creating, presenting and providing props for their class talks. I was blown away by the quality of the talks. Every single child should be proud of themselves. We all learnt a lot this week from a variety of unique class talk topics from WW2 Then and Now to War in Nazi Germany.

Outdoor Science and more…

We have been outdoors lots this week and the weather was very kind to us. As part of our outdoor science over the past few weeks we have been looking at habitat and characteristics of a species.

In groups we created a new species, with specific habitat and characteristics. We then made maps of the playground, models of our species and a fact file. We then hid the creatures and had to go on an expedition to find another teams species using only the map and fact file.

It was a very interesting task, as we found that our results were dependent on the quality of the maps and the information provided !

Meet our 5 new species below !

In numeracy our focus has been on data handling. We have investigated mean, median and mode of data sets and have a lovely song about that ! We then moved on to look at all types of chart including pie, bar, line and histogram. We used data to make frequency charts and histograms. We also started to look at the manipulation of data using excel and spreadsheets. using the sort and filter functionality the children learnt how to deal with large amounts of data and find answers to questions. Our next steps will be to create some graphs using that data.

In literacy most of us have finished our creative writing, our goal was to up-level our writing and challenge ourselves with our vocabulary and openers.

French this week was all about pets, “Tu-as un animal a la maison?”. The children learnt how to ask and answer the questions and we also focused on writing these phrases and vocabulary.

Mrs Gordon handed back the WW2 personal projects with feedback (written and verbal), she was blown away by the quality of these projects, and learnt a lot. She cannot wait to hear the class talks about these exciting topics next week…

Bon weekend

P7a and Mrs Gordon


Outdoor Learning in P7

Within outdoor learning this week Mrs Law told us about the art work of Andrew Goldsworthy. We then worked in groups across P7 a and P7b to show our interpretation of his work using natural materials only. Here are some examples.

Weekly news P7a

It was lovely to catch up with everyone and chat about our Easter holidays. The children settled in quickly and we discussed the busy last term that lay ahead.

In numeracy we did a self assessment and a second level assessment to allow us to see what areas we still needed to work on. This will help Mrs Gordon plan for this term.

In literacy we wrote Easter holiday diary entries focusing on making our writing more engaging for the reader.

We learnt about WWII in French by using “true/false” “vrai/faux” sentences about Axis and Ally leaders. The children also had to translate sentences into English, and surprised themselves that by using prior knowledge, context and familiar words they could do this.

On Thursday afternoon Louisa Burgess and Hector Woodhouse came to judge the buggies the children had designed and made as part of their technologies/STEM focus last term. We had a few last minute hiccups as the children had to make alterations to some of the buggies. Here are a few photos of some of the groups.

A huge thank you to Mrs Tulloch who was responsible for all the teaching and learning behind this project. It really is a fabulous opportunity for the children to learn all these techniques within primary school. It also taught a valuable lesson in growth mindset, as the children had to keep focused and fix issues when they came up.

Mrs Gordon and P7a

P7a weekly blog

Another hectic week in P7a. We continued our research into World War II with a fabulous visit from Maureen Liddell from West Lothian Museum Service. Maureen told the children about WWII through anecdotes and stories of her own mother as an evacuee during WWII. They were able to handle various artefacts and ask questions as we went along.

Here you can see Jack ready for war with his kit-bag and shaving set. Lily has bought her stunning floral dress with her ration coupons.


Below you can see Tom (a submariner), and Frank (worked on aircraft carriers). They came in on Tuesday to talk to us about their experiences of war. It was fascinating to see a video about life on an aircraft carrier and the processes they followed.

In numeracy we worked hard on long multiplication and long division. Lucy came up with a new slogan to help us remember the zero in the units column when multiplying with 2 digits “Be a hero, don’t forget the zero!”.

In literacy we write diary entries imagining we were there during the first air raid of WWII or on the Bismarck or HMS Hood when they were sunk. We also wrote thank you letters to our visitors from last week.

Mrs Gordon is very excited to read all the personal projects she has received, and to receive the others on our first day back !

Happy holidays !

Mrs Gordon and P7a


Red Nose Day – Total funds raised £716.86

Well done to all involved, we raised a total of £716.86 for Comic Relief. This was £65.82 from Nursery, £307.06 from Mad Hair Dress down and £343.98 from the Bake Sale. Special mention to Lucy Roy and the whole Pupil Council Committee, they worked tirelessly all day.

P7a weekly blog

This week we have been very creative. We worked on spring art by drawing daffodils. We had to consider shape, proportion, shade, colour etc. We also made creations for “La fete des meres” in French.

We were also very lucky to have 2 visitors this week to talk to us about WWII. My Auntie Linda came in on Tuesday to tell us about the first air raid in WWII which my grandfather was involved in, being on the HMS Southampton in the Firth of Forth when it took place.

On Thursday Andrew’s dad Mr Boiling came to tell us all about the war at sea, in particular the sinking of HMS Hood and the Bismarck. The children were thoroughly engaged with both talks, and both visitors commented on the level of engagement and questioning and response from the children.

Red Nose Day – Mad Hair Dress Down and Bake Sale

A huge thank you to all parents, carers, children, teachers and pupil support workers, who helped bake and prepare for our first fundraiser – Red Nose Day.

We have not counted all the money yet, but it looks to have been a huge success…watch this space for the total.

Here are some photos of the happy shoppers… 


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