Our Short Week at SPS and Bonnytoun

Our short week has flown by in school and nursery. We ended the week with a ‘teacher swap’ in school which was organised by our Pupil Council. Pupils enjoyed working with a different teacher for part of the morning and fun was had by all.

Here are some achievements from this week…

Well done to F in P3 for further success in football. Did you know that F also plays for Heart’s boys team?

A number of children in school received skiing certificates this week for taking part in after-school skiing at Polmont Ski School.  Congratulations to you all!

Well done to N in P2 for taking part in a charity run.

E in P2 made a super model of an aeroplane which she brought along to show me today. Great effort E!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Love Miss Baillie xx💖

Football Superstar!

We are delighted to announce that one of our lovely P7 pupils, RW has been granted a place at Broughton Football Academy in Edinburgh for the duration of his secondary school education. R would like to be a professional footballer when he grows up and this school is an idea starting ground to give him the best chance of fulfilling his dreams.

We are so proud of you R and look forward to hearing about your progress. Score some goals for us!


Miss Baillie x

Our Week at Springfield and Bonnytoun.

This week we held our very successful upper-school careers’ fayre. A host of professions and businesses were represented to inspire our young people towards different career options. Thank you to all businesses and individuals who took time to come along and make this possible. We’ve worked ready hard on our Skills for Learning, Life and Work programme over the past two sessions and this event showcased the culmination of our efforts. Thank you to Mr Logan for his help with this.

Primary 1A and Miss Harrison held a great assembly about the history of transport yesterday. We saw lots of images of old fashioned methods of transport including the Penny Farthing bicycle. Well done to our little primary one children who all spoke, sang and danced so confidently.

Here are some achievements from this week:

Well done to EC in Primary 2 for bringing along her wonderful model of Charlie and the Chocolate factory with the help of her classmate E. Great work! I liked the sweeties! 😉

Also, well done to C in P5 for his swimming award!

Here is N who is representing her class to hold Peggy Bear. P3 got the most pegs this week for walking around school quietly and hence, received Peggy.

Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend everyone in the lovely sunshine. See you all next week for a short week in school and nursery!

Take care.

Miss Baillie xx🌞💖




News from this week…

Our week has been taken up showcasing our learning in Expressive Arts. From our Lion King performances to the little P2/3 children who sang and danced their way through a superb assembly, our pupils continue to amaze us with their talents.

Miss Prince and her P2/3 class held their wonderful assembly yesterday which taught us all about how to save our oceans and seas from plastic contamination. We are going to be working with  volunteers from the Linlithgow Transition project in the following weeks to try to use less plastic and packaging in our food products in school. Let’s all think about out plastic usage and how this impacts on our environment!


We have now purchased two new teddy bears, Peg and Peggy who will be awarded to classes who collect the most pegs each week. We hand out pegs for walking quietly in the corridors around school. Our nursery children have been busy working hard to keep the nursery floor tidy and have been earning ‘pegs’ as a result. They were delighted to be the first group of children to receive Peggy this week as were P7B who received Peg. This is a great incentive for positive behaviour and is motivating our children to continue to be responsible.

Pictured below are the ‘birthday’ children in our infant department this week,  plus Peggy the teddy, who R in P1A is proudly holding. Well done to P1A for winning Peggy this week!

Keep an eye out for our monthly nursery and school newsletters which will be coming out in the next week or so. This is such a busy term for us with lots of exciting things happening. We are now in full swing with our enhanced transition programme as well as our P7-S1 transition and nursery-P1 transition.

Look out for our P6-7 Career’s Fayre which we are holding next week (1st May) for our upper school children. This is a new initiative for us and builds on our skills for learning, life and work programme that we established last session.

As always, we welcome your feedback and you can do this by dropping into school, emailing our mail box or giving Mr Wells and I a call.

Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend!

Miss Baillie x💖

Outstanding Lion King Performances…

We are immensely proud of every single one of our P6-7 children and all staff involved for the outstanding Lion King performances which were held this week. Well done and  thank you to each and every one of you! What a team!

Every single child was a credit to their parents whether singing, dancing and acting their hearts out on stage or part of our technical and backstage teams.  What stars you all are! ⭐

The production was professionally executed from start to finish and a huge ‘thank you’ must go to all of the parents for their help in making the fabulous costumes, supporting staff backstage and running the front of house stalls.  We could not have done it without you!

Enjoy the pictures below as we now reminisce on an amazing show…

Miss Baillie xx

Hello from Springfield and Bonnytoun…

Another week has flown by in school and nursery. Our P6 and P7 children have been putting the final touches to their Lion King performance which will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of next week. We are so looking forward to the show!

Yesterday, P3 held a super assembly about Scottish Inventors. We learned lots and enjoyed watching the children perform-what confidence they all showed!

Here are some birthday children from this week:

We have also had a number of pupil achievements…

A in P5 came to show me a picture of her as a flower-girl. A duty that she performed recently at a family wedding. How exciting for you A!

Some little P2/3 girls came along to let me listen to a song that they have created and recorded! Who says that we don’t teach music and digital literacy well at Springfield! Thank you to Miss Prince for her amazing talents in this area! How creative of you all too!

The lovely G in P5 shared her Girls Brigade success with me. I am so proud of you G! You always try your very best in all that you do!

U who is also in P5 was very excited about her recent dancing achievement. Congratulations to you U!

Finally, M in P1 came along to my office to show me his Roman ladder that he made during free play. I was most impressed!

We work really hard in school and nursery to allow every child to shine. I’ve been speaking to the children a lot this week about the fact that we all of our own strengths and how it is good to be unique and different. This is something that we should celebrate. We are all one of a kind!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine today,

Love Miss Baillie xxx💖🌞

Badminton Success!

Congratulations to four Primary 7 boys who achieved success at the West Lothian Badminton competition yesterday. Well done in particular to C who was the singles winner for his age group.  We are very proud of you all boys! Another sporting achievement for Springfield! Hooray! What superstars our pupils are!

Miss Baillie xx

Back to school at Springfield and Bonnytoun…

We are all back to school and nursery refreshed after our Easter holiday.

We started off the week with an exciting addition to our school playground. One of our parents has kindly donated a lantern from the Edinburgh Zoo Chinese Lantern Festival which took place over the winter. We are now the proud owner of an amazing piece of art work made out of pure silk. The lantern takes the form of a flower and is brightening up our back playground whilst providing a stilumus for play.  Please take a look if your are passing. Thank you so much to Mrs Biggar and her helpers for getting the lantern to Springfield.  We are very grateful.

We held a further ‘wellbeing’assembly yesterday where we looked at what it means to be respected. We learned that to get respect from others then you need to give it. We understand the importance of being respectful at home, in school and around our community. We also learned how adults show respect for children around school. Did you know that both Springfield and Bonnytoun are UNICEF, Rights, Respecting Schools? We take children’s rights seriously and work hard to uphold these at all times.

We are currently undertaking some Health and Wellbeing self-evaluation work as a staff in both school and nursery.  As part of this, you will have been emailed a link to a parental survey which we’d love you to compete if you have time please. The children in school and nursery are also completing surveys around the Wellbeing Indicators. We want to know how healthy our children feel that they are and what we can do to improve this.

We will use all findings to make improvements to what we currently do in Health and Wellbeing and across our whole curriculum.

We have had a number of children in our infant department and nursery who have celebrated a birthday over the holidays. They are pictured below wearing their birthday stickers…

Here are our latest pupil achievements…

Well done to C in P3/4 for his success in Enjoy-a-Ball and also to the Stapleton siblings for their hard work in swimming!

Please see the end of this post for photographs.

Have a lovely weekend in the slightly, milder weather folks!


Miss Baillie xx🌷



Happy Easter from Springfield and Bonnytoun!

Today marks the end of term 3 and what a busy one it has been! We hope that you have enjoyed working with us and sharing in your child’s learning and will continue to support us as we hard towards our summer term.

Thank you to all of you who continue to attend our family learning events, including our highly successful Internet Safety Evening which we held earlier this week, and for your continued feedback. Your views are extremely important to us and they help us to make changes and improvements to enable us to give your child the very best education and care.

A few acheievements from this week…

Thank you and ‘well done’ to our P6 children for their efforts at Euro Quiz this week and to Mrs Matos for supporting them. You did us proud!

Well done also to Sophia in P3/4 who has been doing brilliantly in piano. Great stuff Sophia! I loved seeing your certificates this week and sharing in your success!

We hope that you enjoy our church service this morning and we look forward to seeing you all back in school on Monday 9th April ready for our last term of the session.

Mr Wells and I would like to say a massive thank you to our amazing staff across school and nursery. Without our fantastic team, our school and nursery wouldn’t be the lovely places that they are to learn and work.

Happy Easter from all of us!


Miss Baillie xx💖 🐣 🌷



P2B’s Victorian Assembly and History Teaching at SPS…

Thank you so much to Mrs Burton and P2B for their wonderful assembly about Victorians. We all really enjoyed seeing the children and Mrs Burton dressed up, singing songs and performing role-plays as they taught us about life in Victorian Britain.

I also enjoyed reading some of the children’s imaginative writing this week which described life as a Victorian child.

Across school (apart from in our upper stages), children are now coming to the end of their history learning for this session. Did you know that we have a whole-school teaching and learning progression for history? This allows all children to develop progressive skills in history and apply these as the learn about different contexts.

Our upper school children will complete their history learning next term, once they have held their two Lion King performances.

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend, despite the freezing weather. Spring is surely on its way! 🌷

Jack and Victor,  our nursery Guinea Pigs,  have spent a cosy weekend with me getting spoiled!

Love Miss Baillie xx❄️💖 🐹

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